
Conquest Quotes

There are 1361 quotes

"In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."
"He who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
"To conquer humanity, you must take what's strong, not what shines."
"Raise armies to conquer thy neighbors or build up to become a culturally convincing powerhouse."
"The actual story...the Yellow Emperor Huangdi conquered these eight tribes and incorporated them into his own."
"It's kind of like the Giga Chad way to conquer the world: don't have a homeland or any reason to steal supplies, get you and all of your boys on some boats, destroy every rising empire in the world, refuse to elaborate, and leave."
"By capturing at least seven territories in the kingdom, we can create our own legacy."
"An army conquers, but an administration rules."
"And the voice shouted, 'Come and see.' And I saw when the lamb broke one of the seven seals, behold a white horse. And he went out to conquer."
"This was the time of kings, an era of Scandinavian supremacy over the Atlantic sea waves, a time of conquest and of the great northern sea Empire, the age of the dragon boats."
"The frontier spirit says the wild land is yours to tame."
"Sometimes, the best strategy is to adapt, survive, and conquer."
"Denmark also has a brand new mission tree... focusing on conquest and getting the Kalmar Union junior partners in order along with fighting Sweden and these Baltic nations."
"Walking in the spirit living in the light of Christ's presence is to be a conqueror."
"Keeping the wisdom, preserving the records, great grew the sons of Kim, conquering the people around them, growing slowly upwards in soul force."
"I seized control of this entire country. I conquered everything."
"And they would once again take their rightful place as the rulers of the galaxy."
"Don't make a covenant with that which the Lord has anointed you to conquer."
"Just like that, all of the Mamluks are ours, they inherited all of their subjects."
"You don't get what you deserve you get what you conquer."
"Let's conquer those people by the end of this stream."
"We kicked them off their planet with the snap of fingers. I love it."
"Well, you came at the right time, but we already made an entire galactic species extinct. Took their homeworld for our own for the sake of profit."
"He decides that he will take immortality through Conquest."
"The looting shall be gentle because I plan on very gently taking Akkad into my bosom."
"Congratulations, we've done it! Lombardy is now ours."
"The Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires reshaped the Americas."
"The Kremlin is not besieged but the myth that Russia has the right to conquer could be moscow's undoing."
"In order to conquer not just the fringes of sedentary states, the Mongols required the manpower and knowledge of those sedentary societies."
"We conquered the [expletive] out of this place!"
"When winter comes in Britannia fools starve many great conquerors have been defeated by no more than their own belly."
"Berlin is mine again. How long for capitulation?"
"You and your followers, and once you are dead, all timelines will be mine."
"Before too long, this Linear B was found on tablets all across the mainland – implying that, one way or another, Crete had been destroyed, and the Mycenaean Greeks were gleefully benefitting from it."
"The Ottomans declared on Byzantium twice and beat them twice."
"You were born to conquer and experience all the blessings of Psalm 70 in your life."
"Once you've full annexed Mantua and taken one or two provinces from Genoa."
"Once you wrap up your second war with Naples...continue your conquest."
"You want to absolutely conquer everything the light touches, that's what you want to do."
"What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of the women."
"Leil, Uhabach's most devout Soldier, paves the way for the Total Takeover and collapse of the Royal Palace."
"The Mongol conquests were the most successful in history."
"Those sorts of civilizations, with a couple of billion years head start, if they wanted to take over, they could probably do it in an instant."
"Thanos moved from planet to planet systematically and methodically wiping out half the population of each of them."
"Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered).
"It's day 100, the last day of my journey. A capital city has fallen, and I have become the new king of Norway."
"He wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."
"It's the nice thing about domination sometimes is when you do a lot of pillaging a lot of conquering."
"Whoever can hold the Divine Essence will gain the right to dominate The Divine Kings Mainland."
"The finest conquest is the conquest of right and not might."
"We have taken all of Ireland under our control."
"Perhaps Khan's most enduring contribution, his conquests brought about peace and stability."
"You are a Joshua that's stepping into the promised land to possess the land and take what God had promised you."
"What's the point of taking all of these Realms and domains if you don't have an interesting story along the way?"
"We've established the New Republic, knocked out powers, taken Mandalore."
"If your planet's weak enough to be conquered by seagrass, maybe that's just natural selection."
"Congratulations, Your Majesty. The kingdom is ours."
"It's Lord of the Rings if everything was already conquered"
"I came, I saw, I conquered. It's very simple, very simple, my friends."
"In a world where no one is safe, where your country is conquered, where all is lost."
"What is interesting to note is that Luffy is seemingly the only one on a list who has no interest in conquering others."
"My God, yeah, we may have earned 73 infamy, but we just conquered the entirety of Luxembourg and the Netherlands instantly."
"There's just so much of this like kind of you know like man can conquer nature type of stuff going on."
"Our goal is to core Constantinople, Antioch, and Jerusalem."
"You can have all of this territory that you've taken but if your army disappears while doing it and there's no one left to defend it then guess what."
"If the alien civilization is rich, the conquerors are more likely to have the spaceships."
"Egypt has grown, we have taken over a load of territory."
"So these things seem to I mean especially the fact that the conquest started in 632 that seems to be borne out by the historical evidence."
"The Bible does not explicitly condemn invasion and conquest...took people a while to see it."
"The Romans took over most of the known world; victory brought problems as well as glory."
"Other than enslaving their enemies, Mordor acquired a vast amount of slaves and goods from their tributary allies."
"I don't just want to survive, I want to conquer."
"After centuries in the sun, Athens was eventually conquered by outside powers, but the example they set and their contribution to western political thought continues to be one of the most important things that any state has ever produced."
"I have to conquer the very thing which I wish to destroy."
"In life there are conquerors and the conquered. I most prefer to be among the first."
"But I will be pushing into the Ottomans even more, taking out the smaller guys like Chandra, Caramen, Ramazan, Delkadir, Trebezant, Georgia, Akuyunlu before facing the Mamluks."
"I like the slow grind I'm about forty turns into here and I've only really conquered three new settlements and only have two armies so I like the slow pace of the game."
"First goal: conquer the entirety of the Japan region. Done. Second goal: conquer Beijing. It was a little harder since we didn't have to fight just Ming, even though we made them blow up."
"We are Joshua generation, we come to conquer, we come to take over the land."
"Boom the conquest Alexandria purge 33% of the population that's what we think of you Alexander I am the new great."
"The fleet found much more success plundering and burning the cities of Cadiz and Algeria."
"I conquered history like I conquered realms."
"The conquest of Gaul should have been the apex of Julius Caesar's career."
"Victory was not enough to conquer. One had not only to defeat one's enemies but to hold the fruits of their victory."
"Ramses II led foreign conquests that brought a flood of riches into Egypt."
"Let's begin the invasion of the second world. We now hold their capital."
"The rider on the white horse goes about conquering and to conquer. How is he going to do that? Laws and regulations and rules and mandates and oppression."
"Ah we have risen from the small chieftain of vestfold duchy of icon the king of Norway holding Iceland under our control and now we have obliterated Essex their holdings belong to us and York still remains a strong Viking faction within England."
"We have reconquered Omore and Mazadon. What a great beginning."
"This is Alexander weeping for there were no more worlds to conquer."
"I can be your king, but watch the queen conquer."
"We'll go and we will conquer the enemy in the name of the Lord our God."
"This is the number of Nephilim kings in the Kingdom that was set up there in the Levant when Joshua went in and dethroned 33 of them."
"I fear nothing, I conquer everything, I won't stop for anything."
"They're gonna go forth and they're gonna slay everything."
"Scientific progress attained... we have now taken full control of their lands."
"I'm Peter the Great, I'm a historical conqueror, I'm writing my name into history. We're gonna take what's ours."
"Snowhold has already taken the northern fortress."
"He defeated 300 tribes, destroyed 800 cities. Good for you, Caesar, you're the man."
"I like the idea that America started with the idea of more than conqueror in other words we conquered we kicked the brits out but it wasn't so we could just you know take more land and so we could provide freedom."
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."
"Aegon's Conquest had begun, and it would be a conquest of both fire and blood."
"Take small bites; often the best solution is to take small bites, swallow little territories."
"Following the crushing defeat at the battle of Yarmouk in 636 AD, the victorious Arab armies had swept aside any opposition with ease."
"This is the story of William the Conqueror."
"The aliens explain that their race has conquered every aspect of the physical world."
"They plant the cross, signaling the claim to rule of their prince and financial sponsor."
"There's more to conquest than conquest by sword; there's conquest by book, by word, and by culture."
"They plundered lands from Central Asia to North America and defeated the armies of the greatest empires."
"The Vikings had plundered the vast plains of central Europe for centuries before they pushed up the river systems to the Black Sea and attacked Constantinople."
"See the future as a Prophet, or conquer the world... and all of the realms as a Warlord."
"Rita Repulsa, an evil sorceress daughter of a feared conqueror of worlds."
"By force of arms, they had conquered nearly an entire subcontinent."
"I want you to help me take over the world."
"No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy, but faith alone can overturn the universe."
"Rome's conquest of the Mediterranean is well documented, but the Romans who reached out far beyond the limits of their empire are rarely covered."
"I have toppled nations; I have slain kings; I have murdered legends."
"Armed with an iron dagger from the gods and proclaiming his power from a chariot decorated with golden images of his international supremacy, Tutankhamun set out to dominate the ancient world."
"As Alexander considered his first victory from a newly dedicated shrine of Zeus at the Sardis acropolis, looking out onto the great continent beyond, he had to have known that the real challenge was about to begin."
"So, rather than attempting to oppose Achaemenid naval hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean by vainly headbutting it with ships of his own, Alexander instead devised a plan to ‘conquer the ships from the land.’"
"Realising what had just happened, Arsames fled to rendezvous with the king and Alexander entered Tarsus on September 3rd 333."
"Alexander’s ambitions were greater than Philip, Parmenion or Darius could fathom: he was aiming for the entirety of the Persian Empire and in order to achieve that, he was willing to gamble everything."
"In the course of just over 10 years, he conquered the largest Empire the world had yet seen."
"It is time to hoist our sails and go forth into the world with fire and sword."
"A ruthless conqueror with an unquenchable thirst for power, Megatron will sacrifice whatever it takes in order to win the war against the autobots and secure himself as the ruler of the entire universe."
"He became the first Targaryen to conquer Dorne and successfully unite all seven kingdoms."
"America was conquered by pilgrims and pioneers and hard-scrabble immigrants."
"No stone was left unturned in the Empire's quest for a quick and decisive victory."
"Genghis Khan's rise to power was marked by his ability to unite several nomadic tribes under his leadership."
"One of Genghis Khan's most significant achievements was his military conquests."
"The Land Cruiser conquered Fujisan."
"You were born to conquer, and nothing and no one can take away the presence of God in your life."
"This morning I came, I saw, and I was conquered, as everyone would be."
"This is the sign in which you will conquer."
"He was going to conquer a land that no one dared tread on."
"The Romans rushed to secure the vessel to haul it away and study its Secrets."
"Divide and conquer is the Europeans' rule, right? Divide and conquer is the Neanderthal times' like main rule."
"Alexander will destroy everything that could be a potential source of resistance and opposition to him."
"One thing I do know, they won't want the brutal reality of conquest and slavery."
"One day I'll return to my kingdoms with an army, take back my throne, and repay all traitors with the only coin my family knows: fire and blood."
"When Godzilla saw the fall of New York, he wept, for there were no more cities left to conquer."
"Strength lies not in conquest but in cooperation."
"Rome surrenders. Their territories are reduced. We recover our lost islands. And Carthage dominates the Mediterranean once again."
"It's not about the mountains we conquer, but ourselves."
"History goes to those who plant flags."
"He has been conquered by the king of the jungle, Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Judah."
"Malekith organizes an army of pretty much every Thor villain and almost takes over the nine realms."
"As humans, we've conquered the most towering mountains and explored the deepest oceans."
"There was a duke that hight Theseus of Athens; he was lord and governor, and in his time such a conqueror that greater was there none under the sun."
"This was precisely what Alexander had wanted."
"Now, he stood on the coast of the Indian Ocean with all the lands between him and his homeland, conquered. He was only 31 years old."
"Genghis laid the foundations for the greatest empire in world history."
"In November 1568, Nobunaga triumphantly entered Kyoto, expelled the Miyoshi clan that had up to that point controlled the Shogunate, and installed Yoshiaki as the 15th Ashikaga shogun."
"The only obstacle that stood between Nobunaga and Kyoto was the Rokkaku clan which was defeated after the lord of Owari launched a rapid attack against their castles."
4 months later the Fool of Owari would earn himself another title, that of the "Demon King", when he besieged and completely burned the monastery of Enryaku-ji on Mt.Hiei, killing mercilessly the monks, women, and children who were unable to escape.
"After capturing a few more towns loyal to the dauphin, Henry spent Christmas in Paris before going back to England and crowning Catherine his queen."
"Conquerors do not surrender their weapons."
"Many would prefer him to just be a strong dude who conquered the world."
"The story itself is absurdly ironic: the future goes to the past to conquer it, but in turn, the past goes into the future and overwhelms it."
"During which time the military commander Napoleon Bonaparte took the title 'Emperor of the French' and managed to conquer most of Europe."
"Time to show the 21st Century how I earn the title of conqueror."
"Aegon Targaryen sailed west to the Seven Kingdoms, his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys at his side, to keep the bloodlines pure."
"The dragon was vanquished and the Seven Kingdoms would thereafter belong to the stag and the lion."
"Twice the Targaryens tried to conquer Dorne with soldiers, twice they failed."
"There was no gold ground, Lopez de Estrada soldiers bore only their arms and they fought their way through hostile country."
"Cortez was a very clever strategic thinking Soldier."
"...God himself who conquers evil on the cross."
"It fell into American hands partly because of the skill and bravery of someone like John C Fremont but partly because of pure Good Fortune because it was there for the taking."
"The speed of horses has allowed mankind to conquer the world throughout more than 5,000 years of history."
"Their mission is to conquer you because Aries is all about war, Aries is rules Mars, rules Aries, Mars is a planet of war and passion, so like their mission is like seeing somebody they want and going after it and like winning and conquering."
"The conquest was not made by the Spaniards, the conquest was made by the Mexicans."
"He controlled several territories overseas and marched deep into Russia."
"Europe had not been unified under one ruler since the Roman Empire, and Napoleon bonapart was the first conqueror to succeed in creating an empire in Europe and abroad."
"Now we have them, now they're finished."
"They could easily conquer the earth, but have not tried so far because they have not needed to."
"Especially since it was carried out by such an inferior nation at that time."
"Robert Baratheon: 'Bobby did what his little brother and basically everyone else in the game is still struggling to pull off now and actually won the throne through conquest."
"The battle of the Black Gate would be fought and won."
"David's victory over the Jebusites, he grabs onto the [non-english]."
"Caesar's famous words: 'Veni, vidi, vici.' I came, I saw, I conquered."
"Religion became a significant justification for the conquest of the Americas."
"Vene viid vichi. I came, I saw, I conquered."
"They didn’t just conquer; they annihilated."
"We shall sweep over the green lands with fire and sword, root out the seven gods of the septons and the white trees of the Northmen."
"Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros with dragons, and so shall we."
"I'd say that when Genghis Khan was alive, he would claim that he had conquered the world."
"I have just captured the Aztec empire. They have so much gold, it's unbelievable how much gold they have."
"Remember you were born to conquer and experience all the blessings of Psalm 70 in your life the Peace of the Lord Jesus and may God bless us more and more."
"Baldwin immediately jumped on the opportunity and established an iron grip over the city, which would become the base of the future county of Edessa, the first crusader state, carved out with just a hundred men and questionable morality."
"Alp Arslan had big shoes to fill, so he immediately set out on a campaign against Armenia and Georgia, sacking the great city of Ani after a 25-day siege."
"In the morning, Bohemond rounded up the city’s aristocracy in one spot and stripped them of their possessions, while the brutal sack was in full swing."
"With their hands still laden with gold and covered in blood, the Latins rejoiced at the sight of the Holy Sepulchre, singing songs and thanking their Lord for his protection."
"Beroy captures Fort Ticonderoga, Lake Champlain is now under British control."
"Mainland Japan had yet to be conquered or subdued."
"They spread revolutionary ideas, claiming to liberate the lands they invaded."
"Islam came to conquer the world through the hearts."
"Regardless, these Giants encountered in Canaan were conquered by the Israelites."
"To prevent other planets from suffering Titan's fate, Thanos embarked on a crusade, conquering worlds and imposing his ideology of universal balance."
"Lesnar on the cover! Three! Lesnar has done it! Lesnar has conquered the beast!"
"I will hunt down every greater dragon and consume them."