
Striving Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"Happiness is the joy that we feel striving for our potential."
"For the strong man, success lies in striving towards a noble pursuit, which is the only thing we can control."
"I didn't achieve anything... but I kept striving."
"This isn't real, not yet. I don't have everything yet."
"Equality must be strived at, and that was our tradition also."
"Utopia may be unattainable, but we must reach for it."
"The average person never really pushes themselves. They have no idea what it's like to strive for excellence every day."
"Balance is for people who are satisfied with being average."
"One day you'll be great, until then I'm just striving for it."
"I'm sure you're trying to get the game, yeah man, every day we're one day closer."
"But most of all, just because we don't always get the ideal outcome, that doesn't mean we should abandon that ideal."
"He's not perfect, he's just trying his best."
"The simple laws of nature are not permanent restrictions. If you're willing to strive, you can go beyond that."
"We're all trying to do the best that we can."
"Maybe everybody's just trying to do the best they can."
"You can't really have everything in life, and if you want to pursue being the best, you have to constantly try to push yourself towards new limits."
"Even the blank meaninglessness strives towards meaning."
"Just keep stacking good days on top of good days. It always gonna be perfect as long as you're striving for perfection."
"Your decision is whether you want to strive for it."
"Let it come to you. When you find yourself overly aggressive, overly attached, overly striding, needing and scratching and clawing for something, back off."
"The act of striving for more is in itself meaningful."
"There is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause."
"Humans should serve... some sort of essence and that's what you're going to strive for."
"Every moment of victory is like chasing that dragon."
"You're not just justified, you are obligated to do everything you can to try to make that trip [to the next level]."
"You know the hunger in you that's the difference when you're first coming in the game and you [ __ ] starving that [ __ ] hunger is."
"Success does not lie in achievement, but in striving."
"Not about being perfect, but being as good as you can be."
"Neutrality is an ideal we can strive for, even without perfection being there."
"I might fail. I'm not gonna let anybody tell me I can't fight for it."
"You have to be basically a great person and also try to give everything you got."
"Jihad doesn't really mean fighting. It doesn't really mean war, but it means striving in the path of God."
"Realize that nothing is perfect, but strive for the ideal."
"What man needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal."
"The more you strive, the more you wear your mind out."
"It's not about being perfect, but it's about striving to want to be better."
"Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable."
"I believe there are things in this world that are beautiful, that are important, that are worth striving for."
"Perfection is impossible, you know, it's unrealistic, but it doesn't mean that you can't strive for it."
"This peace is what all true warriors strive for."
"Faith is always the result of surrender, not striving."
"Great faith comes from surrender, not striving."
"Shia's way was to strive for perfection."
"We can strive to honor, love, and respect all relationships we have. We can strive. Is it going to be perfect? No. But we can strive and we can try. That's essentially the most important aspect of why we're here."
"Are you doing your best? It's not about being perfect, it's about trying."
"We're not striving for perfection here, we're striving for obedience."
"Our best can be tragic. Our best can be terrible. But our best is what we're doing."
"You’re happiest when you're striving to be the best you can be."
"Strive to be perfect, even when you fall short you at least try hard enough to be a good person."
"There's one fact about perfectionists: if you're a perfectionist, you never reach perfection, and you're always striving to do more and more."
"No one is perfect, but we strive for Perfection to achieve Excellence."
"We want to be among those whom Allah loves, striving for the best of both worlds."
"I just tried to do the very best I can."
"Let's work hard at being the best versions of ourselves today."
"What are you going to do? I'm going to do the best I can. Don't we all? Don't we all do the best that we can?"
"We only can strive for Perfection we never really can actually achieve it."
"Perfection will never be achieved, but there's always introspection."
"They accept themselves as imperfect and understand that striving for perfection only leads to frustration and unhappiness."
"To try your best requires you to be vulnerable."
"Nothing in this world is perfect but you try to get every element perfect"
"We're all just doing our best over here."
"The individual who tries to be right comes nearer to happiness."
"What's at stake for not striving after perfection? Eternal salvation."
"The best is all you can do when you can't do any better."
"If the thing itself that you're striving for is good for you, then don't stop striving for something good, especially if it's something Allah made obligatory for you."
"Allah has written excellence for everything. You gotta strive for excellence in everything."
"I've always just been striving to be a better version of myself every single day."
"You can always strive for things to be better and you can always strive for things to be more interesting."
"You've got to strive, you've got to suffer for the supernatural natural benefits. Because the mortality rate remains 100%. None of us are going to get out of here alive, and none of us are going to be able to take these sleek bodies into the next life."
"It's the striving aspect where it's like, 'Yo, even if you fall below, maybe you hit 85, 90 somewhere, whatever, it's like, as long as you're striving for this.'"
"He who strives with a man makes himself that man's rival."
"Let's keep striving for progress over perfection."
"Know ye that night is an aspect of thy life yet forever strive to be in the light."
"Competition really means to come together and to strive together."
"...I think for many years I was searching and I was striving, I just didn't really know the right path."
"I'm a victim, I'm a young black man that's striving just like you just like anybody else."
"We're not striving for perfection we're striving for the clarity of choice."
"At any age, we still have to strive for excellence. Whatever age you're at, you still have to be striving for excellence."
"Allah rewards an ummah that strives, not an ummah that does it. He rewards an ummah that strives."
"We're not perfect but we're striving, we're seeking."
"Competing being next to the best, you know?"
"I'm just trying to be alive and be as good as I possibly can."
"There is no rest in movements like that... you're always striving for something else. The pastor in me sees that and that's what burdens me the most."
"The race is on to get out of the bottom"
"We must strive with all the power that God has given us to be among the 144,000."
"I am perfected in salvation in Jesus Christ but I'm still trying to perfect myself in my daily works, in my daily living for Him."
"There was this constant striving to become the best."
"We're all trying to get just a little bit better."
"...it's a relatable movie about ambition and striving and trying to get what you want"
"Because we're all just trying our best out here."
"Faith is a result of surrender, not striving."
"We're kind of imprisoned by our desires, by this striving, this will which we're kind of at the mercy of."
"Schopenhauer suggests that the essence of everything is will, and I think probably the nearest we can get to this is the idea that everything is in some way striving or trying or tending in a direction."
"I mean, this is a competition pushing so hard to keep up with the pack."
"There's no perfect routine, there's no perfect children, there's no perfect homeschool Mama, there is just all of us trying to do our best."
"Doing my best over here, that's all I can say."
"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." - Vincent van Gogh
"The essential impulse in my heart is, look I'm not a super genius, I work my, I do my best, I'm striving for truth."
"We're all doing the best that we can or at least we should be trying to do the best we can."
"Striving to have this perfect life, this perfect balance is never going to happen."
"You see, they were so tired of trying to be holy."
"The person with the microphone is not perfect but we are striving for this."
"You will never find that work-life balance, you know, it's impossible, but you can try."
"Grace or the free gift of God of the Lord's atoning power must be preceded by personal striving."
"Obedience isn't perfection, obedience is trying."
"We all have deficits and should just be okay with it and try to do the best you can that's all."
"Humans should strive to be like that if they want to be more perfect."
"He tried to be the best person he could be."
"Keep training, keep fighting, keep working and striving and grinding."
"For the first time in life she understood why the great Lord strove and even died for the chance to gain in honor."
"Believe in yourselves and never stop striving, never stop pushing, never stop growing for it is through the struggle that we truly become who we are meant to be."
"We're all out here trying to fucking make something of ourselves, you know what I mean?"
"Our lives are the dream, and by living, we strive towards it."
"you should always strive to be beautiful"
"Those who strive and struggle for our sake, Allah will guide them."
"...the second mark of a Catholic man, he's going to strive to be competent."
"Strive for excellence and not Perfection."
"We seek perfection, don't get that twisted."
"There's only us, a human being doing the best she can, searching for the home for which we all long."
"You might possess this childlike spirit that wants to strive and it's very giddy and wants to do its best."
"Strive to be better, strive to be the best."
"I tried, I did everything in my possible."
"Striving is when you become the superhero of your own story."
"You've got to do more. You have to become culinary perfection."
"Faith is the result of surrender, not striving."
"We are in a race to become like Christ, but I always want to be at rest. I don't want to lose a single minute in this game."
"It's a mountain climb, right? Like you want to be able to say that you have accomplished all these things, tried all these things, and see improvement."
"Striving, not perfect, because perfect doesn't exist. Striving, yes."
"Striving, not perfect, as perfect doesn't exist."
"Seek ye earnestly the best gifts."
"We are all just people doing our best and trying to live the life that we deserve to live."
"He strives on every mission to perform better than he did on the last, always pushing harder and harder."
"Not equal are those who sit at home from the believers and those who strive in the way of Allah."
"Allah does not expect you to know everything and to do everything from day one. Just do your best and strive to do better, and that is all that Allah requires you to do."
"I'm just out here trying to make it happen."
"You ain't literally get like a golden star until you try."
"We are trying our best, we are trying our best."
"What are we all doing? We're just trying to get it right."
"Striving for the highest standard."
"It's expensive stuff and if you're going to buy it if you're going to do something let's just try and be as best as we can be."
"All life form strives to the max of its potential except human beings."
"Even if Perfection isn't possible it doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for it."
"Cease and forsake all your striving."
"At the end of the day we're all just trying our best exactly you know we're all just trying our best."
"I think that's the interesting thing about our sport and probably why we keep striving for more is because there is no such thing as perfection."
"It's all about just doing the best you can."
"We're all just the same people trying to strive."
"Love becomes a metaphysical phenomenon that one should strive for."
"We should keep striving for the pleasure of Allah because what is with him will completely satisfy us."
"Striving, our striving should be more."
"I strive to be an example of what it is to be a hermano, and so I strive to do that, and I think I was pretty good at it."
"Those breakthroughs are the things that you strive for."
"Perfection is not possible. But it don't mean we can't try to get there."
"Being non-resistant to the good and striving to work with it."
"We all strive in our lives to find that place when it does all line up. It is in balance."
"We should all strive toward freedom, even freedom from what we deem necessary evils."
"In the riveting saga of the Kennedys, one can observe an evolving blend of new and old, a constant striving for higher realms, a steadfast adherence to their heritage, all underlined by an indomitable spirit to carve their place in history."
"She always went for the best that she could go for, the highest level."
"The recipe for conscious striving is an equal amount of striving for better with an equal part of appreciating what you currently have."
"Just keep striving no matter what you're doing out there. Just keep striving for what you want."
"You're striving for something that a lot of people are afraid to do, which I think is happiness."
"We don't have it all together but we're striving to be righteous because you've called us to be a righteous people in an ungodly world."
"Whoever strives for my sake, Allah said I will guide him to my paths."
"Every individual who strives upward in the optimal and socially beneficial manner deserves the benefits attendant upon that striving."
"You're really just trying to get that balance point in the middle."
"All striving comes from lack, from a dissatisfaction with one's condition, and is thus suffering as long as it is not satisfied."
"It's something that we should all be striving for."
"We don't have a perfect life, but we are trying our best."
"...we artists, the mathematicians and physicists, all strive for something complete, for something absolute..."
"Every creature... is trying to be a full-fledged life."
"Everybody's always striving for bigger and better."
"They have to work for it, much like the case would be in nature, and that's what you really want to strive for."
"We're all striving to connect, do you know what I mean?"
"We're striving to present every man complete in Christ, mature in Christ."
"Purpose is what they're really searching for, and even the men who discover their purpose still must strive for mastery of it."
"We're always striving to find the most amazing photos and include as many varieties of photos as we can."
"In this, let whoever wants this strive diligently."
"If Allah has already told you do your best and excel, and when you fall short, Allah is the most merciful, perfectly merciful, and perfectly wise."
"I do daily strive to please God and to live by the rules that He has lined out for us."
"The beauty of life is in striving."
"Climbing for him tended to be a spiritual exercise, man striving and reaching for a deeper meaning."
"If we enter into a world where people are still striving, still looking for value, still creative, then I don't think we enter into that scenario."
"I go for mine while these kids settle, I'm about to push way past the fifth level."
"Jannah is our destination, so the one who strives and struggles the most will make it to the highest level of Jannah."
"I'm always striving; there's something else there that I'm still striving for."
"The body is always striving for perfect health, it's always working towards it."
"If a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully."
"If you experience a rebirth, naturally your most important work will be to ensure that the entire world knows that if they are willing to strive, they can cross all the limitations created by themselves, created by their genetics, created even imposed by nature."
"Isn't it excellent to strive for strengthened independence?"
"The fact that you're striving to do something outside of your curriculum shows that you have a passion for what you're doing."
"You and I strive for the same justice."
"I'm not satisfied, and I don't think I'll ever be satisfied because I'm always striving for more."
"Holiness is not perfect, but it's pressing toward the mark of perfection."
"You always strive for that much more."
"Nobody's perfect, but they can be. We may never reach that, but it's better to strive for it than not."
"I don't claim to be perfect, but I try."
"Honor is what an ancient person strived to obtain, and it was more of a group value."
"It's such a blessing to really know your passion and really strive in that."
"Life is part of striving towards things that you don't at first see."
"We really strive for authenticity in the world of ideology."