
Ordinary Quotes

There are 336 quotes

"There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?"
"The majority of sane, normal people in Britain believe they've had telepathic experiences. In that sense, it's not extraordinary, it's ordinary. Most people had it. You're making the claim that most people are deluded about their own experience. Where's your extraordinary evidence for that?"
"Discovering unexpected value in ordinary items reminds us that not all treasures are made of gold."
"Special families are ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"An unlikely hero, an ordinary man who simply took a stand."
"Ron Weasley is like a regular guy amongst these wizards... I can relate."
"Serial killers are banal and ordinary, serial killers are never spectacular, they're always too human."
"I am simply an ordinary man pursuing extraordinary knowledge."
"The ordinary and the extraordinary collide in the world of mysteries."
"We're going to make the ordinary extraordinary."
"Welcome to regular car reviews. This is our regular car."
"It's not the extraordinary use of one's body like with organ donation... it is the ordinary use of the body ordered towards sustaining a human being."
"Not all heroes wear capes, my friends."
"It was her duty to help Ordinary People."
"Why are we unable to be satisfied with a relatively ordinary middle-class existence?"
"Special ability? It's something that ordinary people can't do."
"The majority of Soviet soldiers were ordinary individuals just like you and me."
"Ordinary people can go see and do extraordinary things."
"The majority of believers have always been unremarkable. They have always been unimpressive to the world, especially to the world of elite minds who treat us with contempt."
"the focus did I think just as good a job as it was possible of being a nice decent ordinary car for the people"
"I just love that contrast between what is ordinary and extraordinary."
"The most ordinary people can hope for extraordinary lives."
"The worth of a hero is the strength of an ordinary person to stand up and fight for what's right, use their power, resources, and vigor to make the world just a bit safer."
"I've come to really appreciate the ordinary and ordinary people."
"An ordinary good person who did everything in her power."
"God utilizes ordinary people to accomplish remarkable feats."
"It was just the most natural thing to see."
"Normal people get normal results, exceptional people get exceptional results."
"No he's not a James Bond villain, the man with the golden arm is actually your average everyday human with a very good heart."
"there's nothing so extraordinary in all the world as an ordinary man his ordinary wife and their ordinary children"
"The Bible's not about extraordinary people, but God doing extraordinary things through Ordinary People."
"It's nothing special to be in love. It's nothing special. It's very ordinary."
"As they say in Zen Buddhism, nothing special, it was nothing out of the ordinary, it was just the way of things."
"How could such power come from an ordinary girl?"
"To all intents and purposes, it's a normal still life... but it's different somehow."
"He wasn't a politician and he wasn't a soldier he was just a man who had a fascination with chemistry."
"Describes an ordinary person in great detail."
"It's going to be genuine. It's going to be ordinary people, just like you."
"The need to not be ordinary is such a deep thread that goes all the way archetypally to the belief that if you're extraordinary, the ordinary can't happen to you."
"He was an ordinary human being but he took his stand."
"Finding the magic in the ordinary is a paradox."
"God is looking for ordinary people who will trust an extraordinary God."
"The fact is I'm just an ordinary person who experienced something extraordinary."
"God has only ever used ordinary people to do extraordinary things."
"If you're feeling like maybe your faith has become a little bit ordinary."
"God's plan is to take ordinary people with ordinary talents, put them in ordinary places, and then get extraordinary glory to Himself."
"It's so ordinary, it's so regular, it's so just... is."
"Batman is just regular, he's the top tier regular."
"When it comes to vehicles, avoid doing things that would make them look out of the ordinary."
"I'm a regular guy with a regular job, building this over an extended period of time."
"I'm very ordinary, but some very strange things have happened to me."
"Spider-Man should be anyone. Anyone can wear the mask. You don't need to be a super genius or rich or royalty. Spider-Man is just a kid who gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a superhero. His averageness is what makes him interesting."
"Most of the stories in the world are about the fact that an ordinary person is oppressed."
"Ordinary means fitting in, becoming a good citizen, filling out forms, paying taxes, having children, providing for them, and more."
"Ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"It's actually amazing to me how love is tense sequences out of the most mundane and everyday kind of scenarios they find themselves in."
"Sir, you're just an ordinary man without a cape."
"The most extraordinary thing is an ordinary man."
"The miracle of the mundane is the most vulnerable place to be."
"The miracle of the mundane is true enlightenment."
"There is an ordinariness to the Harry and Megan story that they're trying to present."
"To be happy, you have to do a lot of beautiful but ordinary things."
"An ordinary girl emerges as the most compelling character in the entire saga."
"The rightful monarch is actually a rather ordinary guy living in Australia."
"Even the most ordinary pebbles could have priceless meaning to someone."
"All our Salvation begins on the level of common and natural and ordinary things."
"Mike offers him Fred's box of sticky plasters, thinking it to be an ordinary bandage."
"Ordinary human had such potential."
"He's the guy that's hiding out with special skills that you don't know about, that you thought was just an ordinary dude or your neighbor."
"God is not looking for extraordinary people; He's looking for ordinary people who will trust an extraordinary God."
"He was a miner, he worked in the coal mines which many of that generation and age did. He had little learning or schooling and in the eyes of many, they wouldn't have given him a second look. But God takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things in them and through them."
"'God wants to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things through ordinary people.'"
"I think that the ordinary is enough, that the ordinary is okay, that we can find a lot to celebrate in just the ordinary."
"Theirs is a tribute to ordinary people doing an extraordinary feat."
"There's just what's happening. This isn't about becoming special. It's about ordinariness, simpleness, simplicity. Simplicity in the sense of singularity. Simplicity in the sense that it's unimaginable, unknown. So simple, it's radical."
"Life's ordinary joys and sorrows get eliminated as unnecessary to being the hero."
"He does ordinary things in an extraordinary way."
"Ordinary people being extraordinary."
"God often chooses ordinary people to do His extraordinary work."
"She couldn't cast spells, make potions, or turn anyone into a frog. Instead, she would be faced with the same challenges and struggles every other ordinary person faces, with no easy way out."
"A reminder that even in the most ordinary of circumstances, the extraordinary can and does occur."
"God comes to us disguised as our ordinary life."
"To just be do the ordinary stuff extraordinarily well and you'll be successful."
"The prince assured his younger brother that she is an ordinary child."
"I hope my story inspires people, not for the remarkableness of it but the ordinariness of who I was before."
"One of the privileges of my previous job when I was working as a bishop was to work with a lot of very ordinary parishes that really were doing extraordinary things and never got into the newspapers."
"Another example of Romancing the ordinary."
"Unfortunately, I am an ordinary person," she continued, "and therefore I cannot understand the mind of a wizard."
"Philip was just an ordinary guy that God could get a hold of."
"It's about just taking the ordinary and bringing the joy into an ordinary situation."
"They were only ordinary people, yet they did something extraordinary."
"The power of God is found in the ordinary...We are the body of Jesus Christ."
"He was an ordinary human being, milking his sheep and doing his own chores."
"The Lord uses normal, ordinary people to do extraordinary things."
"I've learned to appreciate the unexplainable, the magic in the mundane."
"The ordinary can be harmful if not approached with caution."
"They honor ordinary people who do extraordinary things."
"Here's where you have your most fun. Here's where the extraordinary becomes ordinary."
"Vermeer's elevation of the ordinary everyday human to center stage in what is undoubtedly fine art is the most significant aspect of his work."
"There's too many ordinary things in life for your love life to not be extraordinary."
"I think that is exactly what it was all about because it was three ordinary blokes who were not pinups in any way."
"It was a show for the ordinary men and women at home presented by people who were relatable."
"An ordinary farmer not a Chosen One."
"Heroes was at its best when it was about ordinary people with extraordinary abilities."
"God works in marvelous fashion, often in ordinary ways."
"Just because it's ordinary doesn't mean we should overlook it."
"As you do ordinary simple things with love, your knowledge of God increases without you realizing it."
"...transcending this massive notion that things are ordinary."
"Forget the Jedi, forget the Sith. Here is an ordinary person with no connection to the force yet he's able to break free of his chains."
"It's not too difficult to work on these cars, I've done a couple projects on this car and it's nothing out of the ordinary."
"Just an ordinary pine wood, a very ordinary pine wood."
"In vomit, what is a ordinary vomit and a special vomit?"
"I want to live very much in the broad middle of ordinary human beings being able to work and being able to love and being able to play."
"The ordinary everyday World in which we live is in fact supercharged Supernatural world."
"That was just kind of a little snippet of what my life looks like every day."
"An ordinary man was able to do something extraordinary."
"I was a free man. I was amongst ordinary people."
"All we are are just ordinary guys who know how to use Google."
"Best looks like ordinary becoming extraordinary."
"In every generation, ordinary people become extraordinary."
"If you're not willing to risk the usual, you'll have to settle for the ordinary."
"...even the ordinary becomes extraordinary."
"When ordinary people do extraordinary work."
"If there's any special, anything special in this room, it's the one that knows, that's the special. When there's no one that knows, there's just ordinary, simplicity."
"These are normal people doing an extraordinary thing."
"That's the thing about the hood, it's full of ordinary people making ordinary decisions based on extraordinary circumstances."
"The ordinary becomes extraordinary."
"God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary work."
"Faith is a heart that believes God in ordinary circumstances."
"You're not special because you're a normal person. You're not special because you're a good person and you do the right thing."
"Sometimes the most ordinary days can turn to the most terrifying experiences of your life."
"The ordinary is often the extraordinary."
"What's often pretty simple, I would say, the ordinary, is often the extraordinary."
"Who knew that something as ordinary as a penny could hold such extraordinary worth?"
"Ordinary things can take on a really unusual aspect if they're seen with an artistic eye."
"George Durst was a normal citizen of his time, a man completely average in all respects, respects but one."
"In the realm of dreams, even the mundane becomes a vessel for terror, as nightmares weave their dark tapestries."
"It's really all about finding ordinary things and seeing them as something more."
"You're going to find beauty in the ordinary."
"It's ordinary people choosing to do extraordinary things."
"She wore a burgundy polo and her hair was blonde... Her nose wasn't big or small, and neither were her lips. She was remarkably unremarkable."
"Nothing seemed out of the ordinary that night and the parking lot was actually quite empty."
"Living a life ordinary as we escape"
"On the surface all cars look ordinary."
"It's nothing special. It's just common ordinary moment. It's as if you're just appreciative of the fullness of the moment but you're not... The form doesn't have to be special anymore."
"Donna was really the epitome of ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"The ordinary things can really be extraordinary."
"Discovering the extraordinary in the everyday at Jungle Gems."
"He reduced himself down and he came as an ordinary humble man."
"Saitama represents the regular guy to a lot of these people."
"Not all heroes wear capes. Right? So you don't have to have super powers to be super powerful. Right?"
"I think you can find magic in the ordinary all the time, and you just have to look hard enough."
"The ordinary suffused with the divine."
"Thank him for that ordinary day, and live it and enjoy it as much as you can."
"This is Idaho Sagebrush country, very ordinary to the eye, yet a land of exotic names."
"The ordinary is extremely extraordinary."
"It's very much about that, about paying homage to ordinary people, regular guys who don't really get seen by the world but have a lot going on."
"At first glance, Arnie seemed like an average donut, round and cakey with a hole in the middle."
"The resurrection of the ordinary."
"We can find God's presence, God's meaning, in the most ordinary of things."
"Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary."
"In those ordinary moments when you put them together over time, God does extraordinary things."
"Everything looks as ordinary as possible, just another day on Stoke Newington High Street in London."
"Transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary."
"They're ordinary objects and they seem to sprout like weeds and nobody can predict where the next one will be."
"It's not the big things that add up in the end; it's hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary."
"The first part is called the pledge; the magician shows you something ordinary."
"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place."
"Embrace the ordinary with enchantments."
"Deku is born without powers. He is just a regular guy in a world where everyone has abilities."
"We're ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"He makes the everyday things extraordinary and he makes extraordinary things seem mundane."
"History is replete with stories which introduce us to ordinary people who, when called upon, performed in an extraordinary manner."
"All seems ordinary, normal. Yet all is extraordinary, astonishing."
"The channel will be the place where the ordinary and the extraordinary meet."
"You gotta be adventurous for the ordinary adventures."
"Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people."
"A very ordinary person can do extraordinary things."
"She was an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams."
"We're finding new ways to make the ordinary extraordinary."
"If you're an ordinary human being that gets involved with crystal gems, your life becomes anything but ordinary."
"We take the simple, we take the ordinary, and we turn it into the extraordinary."
"They're just ordinary people who have taken the extraordinary steps of putting on costumes and fighting crime."
"I want you to accept that religion is a perfectly ordinary part of life."
"It's a massive love story between two somewhat ordinary people."
"The key to the show's success is derived from its ability to make heroes of ordinary people."
"But those are just highlights, 80% of life, I think, is quite ordinary, it's quite relatable, it's quite not exciting, but the 20% can get really fun."
"Day to day I live a pretty ordinary life, and I think we all want to do something extraordinary."
"They made things that felt very straightforward, very predictable, they made them feel a lot more special."
"The quantum mechanics of black holes is very strange in some ways, and in some ways it's extremely ordinary."
"When we bring awareness or mindfulness to anything that's ordinary, it then becomes extraordinary."
"Captures the ordinary and annihilates it with beauty."
"The pedestrian miscellany of their lives."
"The transcendence and miraculous are not the only things to which human beings aspire; they pursue the everyday, the ordinary, to a far greater extent than I would have ever imagined."
"One thing that I really love about Ghibli movies is that they take something ordinary and they make you think about it in a different way."
"Miraculous are not the only things to which human beings aspire; they pursue the everyday, the ordinary to a far greater extent than I would have ever imagined."
"The sight of an ordinary object placed in an unfamiliar and lonely setting... suddenly begins to disturb us."
"Helen beckoned me forward to join her, then both of us stood on the sea as though it were as natural and ordinary as breathing."
"The whole world is a series of miracles, but we're so used to them we call them ordinary things." - Hans Christian Andersen
"There's always been something captivating about watching ordinary people answer trivia questions or display a unique skill."