
Export Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Our main export, besides McDonald's and reality television, has been that peculiar thing called The American Dream."
"Improving it then comes the exports, but you know this whole process maybe 15 minutes to watch."
"Russia has become self-sufficient in food and is now a food exporter."
"We were a export powerhouse... and eventually we shifted towards a more consumer-oriented market."
"We export democracy by standing up for its values at home."
"Oil-exporting countries, like Russia and Saudi Arabia, will suffer."
"Chairman Lal Satya Export Limited has been involved in export operations since 1982 and was recognized as an export house by the ministry of commerce in 1989."
"...if you like the way that it looks and you want to put this into say a report or put it on a website or something like that, and you want a static image, you can export it as an image or a PDF."
"Australia could actually export power to Asia. There's so much land there that you could actually power a significant chunk of Asia."
"The T-62M wasn't that widely exported either."
"...plantain flour is also export-friendly."
"The last step to any project is you're exporting and getting all your export settings dialed in."
"America has the best health services in the world, but exports very little of it."
"...every year Vietnam exports 1.5 billion of these low-cost, colorless, and odorless fillets."
"We recommend the administration work with the various stakeholders, including DHS, customs and border protection, the USTR, USDA, treasury and the Department of commerce, to reinvigorate the creation of a single window to create a seamless export process."
"The japanese government would take notice of this kaiju aiga boom and decided in 1967 to offer loans to studios that would make these types of movies for export."
"It just raises shrimp and shrimp is the second largest export today in Bangladesh."
"Gold was the second leading export of North Carolina for decades."
"Denmark is the fifth largest food exporter in the world."
"Our theater's exports reach a global audience."
"I think that is our great export comedy I think British comedy is really very very good indeed much better than British football actually."
"Export clean codes so you can take your code with you."
"Farmers have proven that the Philippines is the best exporter of bananas in the world with outstanding taste and aesthetic appearance."
"When small- and medium-sized businesses can cut through the red tape and understand how to export, actually they can compete pretty well."
"Port LNG gets approval to restart more of its export plan in Texas."
"Maybe you want to export all of your artboards, only some of your artboards, just some of your assets if you want to."
"If you were tied to the treasury export business, you've done very, very well on a real basis."
"But it has been clouded by the bifurcation of supply chains and the export curbs from the United States and essentially the geopolitical struggles."
"We can have a conversation on this whiteboard, and don't forget, this can all be exported as well."
"Now we can start thinking about exporting this model to Godot."
"The best things are that you actually have control over the export colors and contrast."
"However, apart from that, you're just basically going to go and Export this."
"Sanala's vanilla beans end up with American-based food processor Archer Daniels Midland. Exporters like Sanala earn the biggest bucks."
"Finally, let's export that class so we can use it outside."
"When exporting, you're going to see huge difference between the Zenbook Pro there with the I9 still the same but just thermal limits and the thermals, they make a huge difference."
"So, our surface is now exported as a Land XML surface."
"One of the main purposes of exporting cattle is to develop the livestock industry and supply meat to the international market."
"The order of frames in the frames panel determines the order they will appear in your PDF file."
"One percent of the labor force produces every one in 10 exports."
"I always export everything as 24 bit 48k WAV files."
"It's got a full-blown world editor, entities built-in, and it exports out in JSON format."
"The slideshow looking exactly the way we would like it to, it's ready to be exported."
"It was briefly Britain's most popular export car, which may have been in part due to the fact it looks so deliciously American."
"Kazakhstan is the greatest exporter of uranium, leading to a stable growing economy."
"It was brewed so strong and super hoppy because it was an export beer designed for a long voyage."
"You can export it and have a really lovely high-quality PDF."
"We're going to export a function called Shapes."
"Every day ships will be leaving through this little Gateway, laden with hundreds of barrels of locally brewed beer."
"From the peaceful Chesapeake Bay with its blue crabs to the colossal snow crabs 1300 ft deep under the Bering Sea, today we're heading to the US to learn how billions of crabs are harvested, processed, and exported."
"Our products are shipped all over the world."
"To grow, it had to encourage its imports to be traded further inland and enable Britain's manufactured goods to be exported through its port."
"The Race For Speed on Rails has helped to develop a know-how that is unique and is exported all over the world."
"These polders have turned a small nation into the second largest food exporter in the world."
"Australia has made itself very wealthy by digging up dirt to sell overseas."
"Vietnam is the second biggest country in the world in exporting rice, only after India."
"Once you finish creating your trailer, it will be ready for export."
"And if we offer an incentive for those businesses to move here and then export their services out of Puerto Rico, we will see a large investment back into our economy."
"We want more health in the UK so that we have a surplus of health that we can then export."
"Healthcare is one of the few export industries we have as a country."
"Ammonia Australia's next big export could be as significant as coal is today."
"The continued rapid growth of China, which is by far the world's largest exporter."
"The Netherlands account for 80% of the world's tulip exports."
"It's a matter of cultural exports... if you export a certain specific cultural product, people then fall in love with the product."
"Kenya is one of the largest exporters of coffee."
"Refining commercial mass-produced bonsai that are exported by the million from China and Japan."
"Israel became an exporter of technology and knowledge to the farthest corners of the earth."
"I want to be able to basically export it into a runnable game."
"Canada is known for exporting a lot of celebrities."
"We shipped a tremendous number to Australia."
"Ideally, we also want to have export/import events functionality."
"You can export information at any time from your review project."
"Once you've completed your project, you can export everything that you've worked on back out to be able to start your review of the literature."
"One of the great things about Keycloak is that you can just export it into a JSON file and then you can import it from this JSON file later."
"What you can do with Power BI is you can click on this kind of table, you can choose 'Export Data', and then you can choose 'Summarize Data' for a live connection."
"To export, you just have to click on the wrench icon menu here at the top."
"Australia's farmers feed half the world; food is one of its biggest exports."
"He's easily one of America's greatest exports."
"It's been exported as an aromatic compound for perfumery since the 12th century."
"Now we are ready to export our static outfit."
"The Netherlands is the second biggest exporter of agricultural products in the world."
"Western Australia has set the standard in the quality of live export yabbies."
"The biggest grower of coffee is Brazil, which exports it and Vietnam is at the second place."
"Thousands of Ferguson's made, very popular tractor exported all over the world."
"They produced a handful of manufactured goods, especially clothing and electronics, and sold them so that other countries would buy them."
"This facility is EU qualified, which means it's health qualified to be exported to any country around the world."
"Figma supports exporting in SVG, which stands for Scalable Vector Graphic."
"Once we've got this all ungrouped and we've made it into a vector graphic, we then can go to file and export as an SVG."
"The potentially very successful exporting article was copied all across the world."
"They're the second-largest exporter of seafood behind China."
"The quality of the product delivered by the fishermen for export is amongst the best."
"We are one of the best coffee exporters."
"Kenyan tea has been the leading major foreign exchange earner for the country."
"Over 95 percent of tea from Kenya is exported to the rest of the world."
"The return keyword is how we can export a value, how we can ship something out of a function and to capture it somewhere else."
"Canada is the largest exporter of a sweet little fruit."
"Canada is the largest exporter of a sweet little fruit, which is blueberries."
"So we're working on Houdini volumes, but at the end, we can always just convert and export if we need to."
"The further we ship our tea, the more money we make."
"From all the machines made in this factory, Ivarmia exports 90% of them to other countries around the world."
"Universal scene description improvements can now export armatures and shape keys as USD skeletons and blend shapes."
"We are the number one export of cinnamon around the world."
"Yema became the leading exporter of French watches with more than 500,000 watches sold every year across 50 countries."
"How to convert to 4K, how to export your final animation, and lastly, I'm going to go over some troubleshooting tips."
"Now to export this out, we have to use the Unity recorder."
"Visio diagrams can be exported to Excel, PowerPoint, Word for presentation, compliance reports, process manuals, and audit reports."
"We produce way more calories than we can consume here at home, and so export markets around the world are very important."
"With Auto Pro plan you get advanced export."
"Once you have a shape or something that looks interesting, export those elements... and adjust those blending modes once you're into your editing software of choice."
"You can export to PDF so you have a nice little countertop layout you send this right to your countertop guys for bids."
"That's why when you're exporting, it's always important to have a good distributor in that foreign market, so you can learn from them and they're sharing information with you."
"The best thing to do would be to grow the economy through manufacture and export."
"The biggest Swedish export since Ikea."
"You'll be able to export higher resolution images of the wheels."
"You can export the issue to the BCF format, BIM collaboration format that works with a variety of collaboration BIM collaboration platforms such as Bim track and others."
"Our fishing industry is important. These men are putting fish on the table for us to eat and export."
"Its fertile soils and mild climates sent fruit, wine, and wheat back to Eastern markets and around the world."
"It's helping a lot that the Israelis are exporting fresh water to their neighbors; California should be doing the same thing."
"My export workflow ensures that they're getting that highest quality JPEG for both archivability and also print purposes."
"Once the timber from this country was used mostly for railway sleepers, not only here in Australia but in India, Pakistan, and America."
"When you're exporting for Web, there's three main formats: JPEG, PNG, and SVG."
"The Philippines is the world's largest exporter of coconuts and tropical fruits such as papaya and mangosteen."
"Our older industries have revived too; our farmers, always more innovative than their continental rivals, are exporting all over the world."
"There is an EV export wave building in China."
"Instead of exporting American jobs, we're creating American jobs and exporting American products."
"The only export you have is culture, that's real though."
"We're creating American jobs and exporting American products instead of the other way around."
"Once you get your hands on cheap energy cost and input cost, and you can manufacture good quality stuff, you can export it to countries around the world, your economy is looking pretty good."