
Separation Of Powers Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The founders realized that needed to be severed. They didn't want it anywhere near the levers of power."
"Former president Trump's stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the president beyond the reach of all three branches."
"I think it's generally good to have some kind of separation of powers where you're architecting the governance."
"Each branch must stay in its lane and avoid overstepping the line and invading the space of the other branches."
"There's probably no more important protection of liberty than the separation of powers."
"When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or body, there can be no Liberty."
"The biggest threat to this new government under the Constitution would be one branch of government overpowering all the others."
"It's not the job of judges to do those things which the people's representatives have decided not to do."
"The president's asserting executive privilege... is rooted in constitutional separation of powers."
"We don't have to wait for the laws to be dictated by the court, we have another branch of government, the Congress, they are called lawmakers."
"Separation of church and state, yep, I believe that."
"The separation of church and state is a really important part of that because it tells the state and the nation not to mess with one another."
"Keep church and state separate to protect the religious and the non-religious."
"There is a wall of separation between church and state that protects your religious expression."
"Resolved: the separation of powers is a dangerous extra constitutional Maxim."
"Most of the separation of powers doctrines serve to ensure that important decisions are being made by people who are ultimately accountable to the people."
"Separated power: more risk but a lot more freedom."
"Separating money from state... that's what makes it a revolution."
"Separating money from the state: a revolution in the making."
"In reality, the Supreme Court and other federal courts have to depend on the executive branch to enforce their orders."
"It constitutes a core violation of the separation of powers."
"We want to protect the integrity of all future elections and the very concept of separation of powers."
"Congress passes laws, the executive branch enforces those laws, and courts interpret them."
"The whole idea of separate branches of government... we've abandoned it for the last year."
"Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they're mixed together."
"And the constitution sets forth separation of powers, and separation of power says that folks like me go out and get folks like you to vote for them to make the law."
"Keep the church and the state out of our bodies in our lives and not go backward."
"This is like basic constitutional separation of powers 101."
"The separation of powers prevents us from writing every wrong but it does so that we do not lose liberty."
"Congress sacrificing power to the executive branch fuels a swollen presidency."
"This Court has channeled the decision about whether a state's law should take a backseat to federal law to the political branches."
"Each branch of government has specific ways to keep the other two branches in check."
"Our job is always to think about our place and the separation of powers, but to police the line between the executive and Congress."
"You can't have meaningful separations of power if a branch of government can just throw the other branch in jail."
"Magna Carta had very little role to play but in fact you need to look at Magna Carta in a more nuanced way. We think of it as a laundry list of rights but it is also a reflection of the notion of a separation of powers."
"The three branches working together under the process of checks and balances have lasted from the Constitution's ratification right up to today."
"No branch of the federal government can dictate how another should govern itself."
"the Congress as in the lochner Congress as in the Dred Scott Congress has the authority and the responsibility to act on behalf of the citizens who elected them and not have that impeded by a supreme court"
"The idea behind having three branches of government is to divide power, rather than concentrating it in one person or entity."
"Jefferson welcomed the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government."
"Congress cannot simply transfer that core legislative function to the executive branch."
"The separation of powers between the branches of government is not always enough to safeguard our liberty."
"If you have the church and state as one, the state will corrupt the church."
"The whole point of the major questions Doctrine is to preserve the separation of powers."
"We have to be true to certain principles in how we engage, so I believe in church and state separation."
"The Constitution embraced two principles: separation of powers and federalism."
"The separation of powers is a fundamental and immutable element of what makes us proud to be British."
"This double security where not only are we going to have a separation of powers between the three branches of government but we're also going to have a double security within the branches themselves."
"Keep power separated because at the heart of the matter is the idea that really power rests with people."
"By separating different responsibilities, separating out different powers, that would be the best way to secure liberty."
"The separation of powers... means that each of the three major organs of the state is expected to respect the specific functions of the other."
"The framers created three co-equal branches: the legislature to enact laws, the executive to enforce them, and a judicial branch to settle disputes about the meaning of those laws and the Constitution."
"Judges must leave lawmaking to the Congress, the elected representatives of the people."
"The church really needs to set itself apart from the state since the state is something which is not immortal."
"I'm a big believer in the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment, and the separation between church and state."
"The three branches of government: the judicial, the legislative, and the executive."
"This is why the principle of separation of church and state was evolved."
"The whole premise of checks and balances is the different forms of government: the judicial, the executive, and the legislative."
"They instead create a new constitutional system that deliberately separates power and also limits power."
"We need a wall separation between money and State."
"The United States and democracy... makes the separation of powers work."
"The president can't declare war; that power belongs to Congress."
"The separation of powers is breaking up the powers of the government into three branches."
"The Scotland Act 2012... helped to increase the separation of powers between the legislature and the executive."
"The separation of powers can be justified in terms that sound in the common good."
"The court is being asked to intervene in order to uphold the separation of powers."
"The constitution gives certain powers to Congress and certain powers to the president; they also share powers."
"Legislative power vested generally in the Congress, executive power vested generally in a president, and judicial power vested in courts."
"The constitution separates the various powers of government into three distinct branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial."
"Government can wage war, government can write parking tickets, but government cannot save souls."
"Our government of separated powers isn't centralized in one person or one branch of government."
"The legislature writes the laws, the executive executes the laws of the legislature, and the judiciary interprets those laws."
"The system is based on these ideas of checks and balances and the separation of the powers of these three elements of government so power is not concentrated in the hands of one institution or one individual but is spread across the three."
"Believe strongly in the separation of powers and in just the decentralization impulses of our founders to divide power both vertically and horizontally."
"He advocates separation of powers and government, different branches of government."
"Separation of powers is a strength as it stops any one person or branch from dominating."
"The basic principle of democracy is separation of powers."
"Our government wasn't set up for one group to have all three branches of government."
"This makes it all the more reason for there be a separation of mosque, church, and state."
"We have a judicial branch, we have an executive branch, we have a military branch."
"The separation of governmental power is essential to our Constitution."