
Historical Insight Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The founders realized that needed to be severed. They didn't want it anywhere near the levers of power."
"I had no idea Frederick the Great once said, 'A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in.' I never truly understood this quote before today."
"If there's anything that we've ever learned from history, it's follow the money."
"America always gets it right, but only after they've tried everything else." - Winston Churchill
"Newton retreats from Cambridge University, goes to his family's home in the safety of the countryside there, and in solitude, through really the amazing power of his mental faculties and creative ways of thinking about how the world works, he comes up with this law, universal law of gravity."
"The past, in a lot of cases, is not pretty but it can be learned from."
"The sons of Issachar... had an understanding of the time, they knew what Israel ought to do."
"The golden city will help researchers better understand life during ancient Egypt's golden age."
"He's also into the idea that these ancient folks understood the procession of the equinoxes."
"Civilization is a process, a creation which outlasts us."
"It's amazing to me that you can see where the middle part of the stone section of the ship has just collapsed down now to almost ground level."
"If history will show you, Emma, this is silly logic. The majority opinion isn't always right."
"The founders certainly understood the power of a corporation that was in bed with the government."
"By 2019 it was pretty obvious that it was adopted by the industry."
"Anning's discoveries, her skills, and her anatomical expertise helped usher in an entirely new understanding of the world."
"It's really worth reading if you're interested in Holocaust remembrance and the best way for us to remember the Holocaust."
"Slavery is bad, forget the moral argument, it's money!"
"You can't have no real insight about the present without the past."
"It's this information that brings the people back to life, that allows us to reconstruct their lives."
"Japan's view of this war and the world and the rest of the people in it were entirely unique at this time."
"Speaking of Pompeii, experts excavating an old building in the Italian city of Verona have discovered what they described as a miniature Pompeii."
"George R.R. Martin said we'll learn everything about the Roberts rebellion—what caused it, why, how, and all the important stuff."
"All of the plotlines of the modern world deserve a good understanding, but I hope that this video has helped show that nothing in history operates in a vacuum, and even the end of something as monumental as WWII is never the end of the story."
"He appreciated the value of secret information and he went on getting secret information from all sorts of sources throughout the 1930s."
"A lot of people say, 'Well, it's just a tent.' And it's not just a tent. This is possibly technology that is thousands and thousands of years old and it hasn't been advanced on. It doesn't need to be. It's perfect the way it is."
"The discovery shows that the people who lived there were devoted to maintaining a traditional religious lifestyle and staying pure," explained IAA archaeologist Dr. Abdelgani Ibrahim and Dr. Walid Atrash.
"Believe it or not, it was exactly this kind of chaos that James Madison was trying to avoid."
"A real public appetite to get some sense of what life was like for our soldiers."
"If you want to understand Caesar, you need to think like him. One, anything is possible. Two, do what the enemy least expects."
"If they had the technology that we have today we would have so many more answers."
"Not all archaeological discoveries are equal, even the most trivial of finds can shed new light on our ancestors and the way they lived."
"Archaeological finds can give us information about the fascinating past of the planet."
"It gives amazing insight into what life was like for humans and mammoths."
"The biggest danger we faced... would not come from abroad; it would spring up from within." - Young Lincoln
"Archaeology became a means of turning things around."
"Perhaps a lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of non-violence better than we do."
"Stoic humans were far more clever than we have previously given them credit for."
"The entire founding generation... were suspicious of government power."
"Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
"Not only reveal who they actually were but explain their religious beliefs their technical prowess and indeed how they built them but most importantly for what purpose."
"That is how Civil War infantry will wake up in the mornings usually at 5am."
"Our telescopes, our microscopes, the technology that we use to examine the world and the universe are in a lot of ways a kind of time machine. They give us a window into where it all came from."
"It's incredibly useful to go back into history and see who these people were and what they were actually trying to accomplish."
"Discoveries like this remind us that while some archaeological discoveries turn our understanding of the past completely on its head, others offer us an equally fascinating glimpse into the day-to-day lives of past generations."
"This is the first known biography of a medieval Knight and this remarkable Legacy provides a unique insight into the period and into one of the most remarkable men of the era."
"History offers valuable lessons that shape our understanding of the present and guide our future decisions."
"There's so much information so much history to learn."
"The recently discovered 57-ton bath offers new insight into Jewish life in Roman-ruled Palestine during the Second Temple period."
"For all of our capacity to do good, the urge to do evil has plagued human history."
"Adam Smith realized there was more though, the advent of steam power and the popularization of industrial processes that was taking place during the inception of the Industrial Revolution."
"The people who led us were geniuses in these things."
"Even these scientifically illiterate Bible people did more to advocate the wearing of face masks than the majority of today's Republican Party."
"Support each other, especially in tough times."
"Three thousand years after her death, Azru's mummy has opened a new window on a distant past."
"Experts plan to study the artifacts found at the site in hopes of gaining some insight into the daily lives of the people who lived here."
"It's hard to believe we have these blips in the development of knowledge of mankind."
"Islamic civilization is the only civilization that has allowed Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others to live side by side in harmony with justice and security for all."
"Offering insight into the past and the chance to create parallels to our world today."
"Minorities throughout history have been right about things."
"The first skeleton of a young child among the ruins of Pompeii."
"It's amazing how those dudes who started this country hundreds of years ago they figured out some just key patterns of behavior that human beings follow into and they decided to try to protect them."
"As time went by, I learned more and more about what actually happened and realized that it was not an accident as we would call an accident. It was totally avoidable."
"These skeletons are more than a grizzly reminder of death and disaster. Like so much else in Herculaneum, they give us a vivid and sharply focused picture of people's lives."
"Each one contains in its fragile form a glimpse into a lost past, the distant world its owner once inhabited."
"The discovery of a ceremonial banquet hall offered a glimpse into the Moche culture."
"It startled me to realize that this is not simply a study in Old Testament ancient history."
"Every discovery like this gets us a little closer to understanding who they were and what they believed."
"We won't know for a long time historically, but the thing to remember is that large conflicts begin with smaller conflicts." - John Meacham
"The fact that an Egyptian pharaoh who lived more than 2,000 years ago even had a personal eye doctor is a reminder of how advanced the Egyptians were when it came to medicine."
"People say, 'Well, how do we end this?' We have a pedigree in that."
"The city will provide us a unique look into the lives of the ancient Egyptians at the empire's heyday."
"Such fragments from the past allow us to get closer to the real car Merri."
"It’s pretty cool to get these glimpses of the past with Rhaegar and Elia and Aerys."
"Kepler was one of the first to look at the universe and see not chaos, but an ordered system waiting to be understood."
"Founding fathers themselves wrote about how if there weren't limitations on them they would turn into wolves."
"These papyri already provide unrivaled insight into life in ancient times."
"The secret of a successful monarchy is adaptability."
"It isn't even malicious, once she began this habit, perhaps prompted by her mother, of keeping a journal, it became a habit for the rest of her life."
"Democrats want to get rid of [the Electoral College] because Democrats are exactly the mob the founders aim to restrain."
"Listening to black revolutionists like Angela Davis and Fred Hampton...they discussed the issues of the police, prison, and capitalism in amazingly prescient ways."
"Complete specimens like the Basilosaurus are rosetta stones that tell us a complete story of how the animal lived."
"These findings are a treasure trove for historians, offering crucial insights into our past."
"Every find, every detail, even a large earring illuminates the Chachapoya a little more."
"The Mad King gripped by paranoia and fear was convinced that these young Nobles would seek revenge," revealed the video.
"Concealed horrors challenge our understanding of humanity."
"She was not prepared to hide the true state of her marriage unlike Edward the seventh wife Alexandra belonged to a generation which sort of put up and shut up over the affairs of their husbands."
"Inscriptions can also solve Mysteries that previously had puzzled archaeologists."
"Thank you so much for being with us, bringing us some history, bringing us a good balanced approach."
"Martin Luther King just to understand his message it can't go wrong with that."
"This guitar was likely built and repaired in the same place in Pennsylvania Martin was only in New York for about six years before he decided that the countryside was much more to his liking."
"This makes a lot of sense if you actually look at where Australians came from."
"It's gonna give you a better understanding of the history."
"America's founders recognized the problem. They didn't like being told what to do by people they hadn't voted for."
"Thank you, in November 1998, a tantalizing mystery about the private life of Thomas Jefferson yielded to science, shedding light on one of America's most complex and controversial presidents and his slave named Sally Hemmings."
"Ancient Egypt was a place of wonder and each and every day we stumbled upon all new facts that made clear just how incredibly ahead of their own time the ancient Egyptians truly were."
"Archaeologists make amazing discoveries and uncover how our ancient ancestors used to live."
"Pottery plays a huge role in helping historians learn about the lives and beliefs of ancient civilizations."
"The shirts and armor trims show us a lifestyle that we would consider part of the birth of civilization."
"It's always valuable to see longer human history firsthand."
"One thing about the Normans too is that they weren't deterred by hardship."
"Shatterpoint: A force user with the Shatterpoint ability could then tap into these and get a glimpse into the past or future."
"Lots of great quotes. Ernest Hemingway said, 'There are many who do not know they are fascists, but we'll find out when the time comes.'"
"History can provide clues as to how similar situations played out in the past."
"This significant finding has greatly Advanced the field of paleontology and provided valuable insights into Africa's prehistoric history."
"Through his journal, we're able to learn the disturbing but also inspiring story."
"This era marked a significant shift in archaeology, transforming it from a quest for Treasures to a scientific discipline focused on careful excavation and Analysis."
"In three days, we've caught a glimpse of 600 years of an ordinary Iron Age farming family living through extraordinary times."
"The discovery gives a glimpse into the grueling conditions faced by people in the past."
"The Civil War was going to be set in motion 60 years before Lincoln's election"
"We funded women's lib, and we're the ones who got all over the newspapers and television."
"Velikovsky, that was one of his great insights was realizing that the birth of the modern world age was an extremely traumatic birth."
"What if we could speak with someone who was there while that plumbing and piping was being laid, who could tell us from a firsthand perspective what went on and maybe where some of the skeletons are buried?"
"It really has been a revelation, what lies hidden under the soil."
"Perhaps the most important lesson that we can learn from the history of trying to define the continents is that humans have constantly tried to define the space around us."
"A rare insight into the lives and beliefs of the people who lived here 1700 years ago."
"Not only is that part great in this book but I love the fact that Deborah Harkness is a historian first and foremost."
"There are a myriad of reasons, many of which can be seen today, just by turning on the news or reading a history book."
"Ben Gurion understood the potential of the desert."
"History gives answers only to those who know how to ask questions."
"Experimental archaeology can help give us a glimmer of appreciation of what people's lives might have been like."
"Voila opened a window into the lost magic and mentality of the Ancients."
"The movie that I went back and reviewed, 'The Good Shepherd,' is an actually revelatory insight into this period."
"The people who wrote the Upanishads were like the ancient Jordan Petersons of India."
"Walking along the riverbank not only brings you the most fertile soil, sometimes it could allow you to peek into the past."
"When looking back at the original anti-suffragists it's safe to say that resistance to change is a key feature of human nature."
"I call it not just a work of history but a template of Hope."
"When you are talking about a population that experience slavery then being made a part of the body politic they're demonstrating all the blind spots in the system."
"Peace created by the end of war never lasts."
"Once you learn about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls they left behind, you will understand the entirety of the Bible in a brand new light."
"Just gives me a glimpse into a period of time I knew nothing about."
"It's more than just a documentary, it's a gateway to understanding our complex past."
"As his hearing diminished, he took to writing to communicate with people, resulting in numerous letters and 'conversation books,' many of which have survived providing incredible insight into Beethoven's life and music."
"There is no doubt that the ancient scientists and sages had incredible and mysterious knowledge."
"These tablets give us a really great picture of what was going on in the Middle East at that time."
"It is a well-researched study of an interesting burial. It demonstrates that early medieval societies had very nuanced approaches to and understandings of gender identities."
"Each fragment or each artifact is priceless as far as the information that it represents."
"And I think it helps you really get a taste for what happens during war time for arsenals like this."
"A thousand years before Jesus was crucified, David described His crucifixion when there was no such thing as a crucifixion."
"He nailed it in 1907 and if you want to get a handle on why the world is so crazy as it is, you can't do better than Passion D."
"This really gives you an insight of how different the world is in just 100 years."
"The Little House books became classics of children's literature, providing historical insights into the American frontier."
"...but we can still tell a tremendous amount about what this rifle went through..."
"Together these paintings provide us with a glimpse into 18th-century Europe and with a level of accuracy that won't really be surpassed until the invention of photography."
"For me, the value of this document of these images is that it offers us a greater insight into just how large the royal household and indeed machine of monarchy actually was."
"When you look at the past, it'll give you those clues to the present."
"When chance calls his article 'Light of Europe's Dark Age,' this is a very true and precise statement."
"History Lair is a culmination of some of my favorite people, your favorite historians and authors who shared their wisdom with us through articles and videos."
"He has subordinated all his antiquarian knowledge to a superb feeling for the drive and discipline of Rome."
"Being face to face with one of the very earliest Egyptians gives us insight into the development of their ideas about the afterlife."
"It offered profound insight into the devastating impact of the atomic bomb, which truly was a powerful message on the importance of peace."
"By shedding vivid new light on our past, they offer us new ways to understand ourselves, each other, and the world around us in the here and now."
"It gives a very clear picture of what was going on in an antebellum southern plantation."
"These artifacts... give us a direct look at the lives of ordinary people, not just the thoughts of a few."
"Archaeology helps us to shed light on some of humanity's greatest historical achievements."
"Even the smallest artifacts can sometimes give us an awful lot of information."
"What can archaeological artifacts like the burka ring tell us about how people of the past truly lived?"
"...the framers Knew Too Well the dangers of a king who could do no wrong; they therefore devised a system to check abuses of power."
"Even though they didn't have the right mathematical tools they had the insight to actually put them to work; and it obviously works! The dome is still there today."
"The story of Emmeline is shocking, but a shocking story can give insight into the taboos and punishments of the past."
"Paul's letters do give us an amazing window, in fact, the only window that is plausible, into this very first generation."
"It illuminates what people thought in Antiquity."
"It's not difficult to see how a revolution could have happened."
"Spirituality and Viking culture was so ingrained that they had no word for religion."
"Yet again, it appears we've underestimated our ancestors."
"It is an insanely rich and detailed primary source for just what the French people were thinking about right before the French Revolution broke out."
"This is a really interesting Bible to do that with; it has a lot of cool features and a lot of great information from the earliest thinkers that shaped the church."
"It tells us so much about the history of Judaism and Christianity."
"It gives us an insight into the way that these kingdoms were organized, the way that people live their lives, how they interact with the palace, how they interact with each other."
"The finding of gold in the brooch is a positive breakthrough, providing a tempting insight into the island's rich past and potential treasures under the surface."
"Imagine being able to unpick his memory and being able to see what he saw."
"Museums shed light upon world history."
"Once you see that, you realize how well engineered these things were; you start to understand the possibilities."