
Inspirational Quotes

There are 2761 quotes

"Wholeness and balance, vibration to everyone. This is an amazing time just to be able to get here and transmit in some way or another."
"You're going to discover a whole new side of yourself that you didn't know existed."
"This message is intended to help change your life forever. Once you hear it, it is a message that will hopefully inspire you and help you have really big realizations in your life."
"If I were religious, I'd have to say God put you on this Earth to do good."
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
"The power of hope. The power of one person. Washington, Lincoln, King, Mandela, and even a young girl from Pakistan, Malala. One person can change the world by giving people hope."
"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world."
"I would love to live in a world where everyone is living a life that they love, where the thing that everyone is doing for work is a thing that makes their hearts sing, that makes their spirit come alive."
"The moment of respect represented here is so wholesome."
"I cannot promise you that your generosity will change the world, but I can promise you it will change someone's world."
"We need more of that... Let love lead, creep in, and let it become the healer and motivation for everything."
"The day that you were born was the day that God decided the world could not live without you anymore."
"Examples of people who are self-actualized are people who have made a change in the world positively or those who influence those around them in a positive way to create good outcomes."
"Before Ali's fight with George Foreman in 1974, he said the iconic, 'Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see.'"
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
"Nothing is impossible. You just have to keep running through the walls."
"I'm going to be the Warren Buffett of women."
"Existence is a miraculous, magical occurrence. You've been gifted with this life, and you don't even appreciate what this life is and what it has to offer you."
"We all could just use a little bit more time."
"Infectious positivity that makes you envious of his outlook on life."
"It's the stuff of which fairytales are made."
"Who's going to teach your children how to live outside of the box, who's going to teach your children how to walk on water? You've got to do that thing. Your mom's life is depending on it, your father's life is depending on it, but more importantly, this world needs to see the power of what Jesus can do when we surrender our lives to Him fully."
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? Work like you don't need the money, dance like nobody's looking, love like you've never been hurt, live each day like it's your last, and someday you'll be right."
"Each one of you in this room can change the world."
"Worthiness means the quality of being good enough, which we all have, that 'I'm not enough' story."
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
"Based on evidence, Jesus said, 'Seek the truth, and the truth sets you free,' and I hope all to be free today."
"I'm grateful that I get to live at the same time as you."
"The Exodus story has endured for more than three thousand years, and the power of its message and imagery is undeniable."
"Great is our Lord and of great power; His understanding is infinite."
"Alhamdulillah, we will embark on a new series of lectures, concentrating on the life and times of the single greatest human being who has ever lived."
"The Jewish people have lived up to this instruction of Moses: Choose life, always choose life."
"The more we're like Jesus, the more colorful and rich and exciting the world becomes."
"It's the kind of movie that will make the world fall in love with movies and Top Gun all over again."
"Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away."
"You're the light of the world; a city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
"Taking us to another level, and this tonight has done that."
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"
"The essence of life is not in the breaths we take, but in the moments that take our breath away."
"I believe that whoever you are and whatever your circumstance, you can live an elegant life by making everything that you do your own beautiful moment."
"Remember that you are the gift, you are the blessing that makes the world a better place by being in it."
"It is a new time. Yes, and especially because we have recently seen a player come out of college who left college at a much higher level as far as team success... and went to Cincinnati that was not a good organization and in his second year took that team to the Super Bowl."
"May we become a blessing for others around us too."
"Light conquers darkness. Truth triumphs over error. Goodness is victorious over evil in the end, every time."
"A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance."
"I just want to thank you so much for being successful. I teach my kids this, I said if you ever meet a successful person, stop and tell them, tell them thank you."
"You want to change the world? Start with yourself, your family, and your immediate community."
"Whenever there's a story like that where David can beat Goliath, people like to be a part of that."
"Nothing, not even gravity itself, can hold Americans down or keep America back."
"We're going to release that knowledge to you guys and teach you how to become your own Superman."
"This is the United States of America. There has never been a time when we set our mind to do something we've been unable to do it."
"Living a life of purpose outweighs the risks."
"Shiloh Pepin: The mermaid girl who defied all odds."
"I may not get there with you, but I want you to know the night that we as a people will get to the promised land."
"Baruch is a great example for something I've been wanting to talk about for quite a while."
"Be radical enough, be outrageous enough, be unapologetic enough to hold fear in one hand and passion in the other, and leap anyway."
"The credit belongs to those who dare greatly no matter what answer the call to enter the arena the call doesn't care if you fight for one or twenty thousand and one."
"Someone is going to give you the key to unlock who you are inside."
"Because Earth, this blue planet and all its beauty, is just our starting place."
"To boil that down, what resonated with me is that we should and we can walk around with pride in being Americans, not just in our history but in our character of who we are today."
"We cannot read the Bible objectively and not see God using women to solve problems in the background that help people on the forefront."
"God wants to make such an inspirational story out of your life."
"We already are moving in that direction of like making ourselves something far beyond what we used to be, and I just think that we need to extrapolate from that and not hide from our potential but move towards the light, bro."
"She's a shining ray of light in these dark times, disgustingly upbeat, wonderfully loyal."
"With vision and determination, nothing is impossible."
"I feel so grateful that my journey helped someone else."
"I think that sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine."
"America, we will make us better than what we saw in that video."
"I love how he starts off as this completely idealistic kid and he's frickin epic."
"You have to be the change you want to see in the world."
"Little boy used his faith to help feed 20,000 people."
"It's all in our own hands to radiate that to others."
"How do we want to leave this world and then honestly pursue that? Today's guest is not that politician and that's what makes him an incredible politician in my opinion."
"Human potential is amazing. We've done nothing, man. Just scratched the surface."
"Humanity needs more people like Ellie who are compassionate and empathetic."
"He's a little boy with this humongous imagination. He has a way of being able to help people go back to being children."
"A lot of these people on the channel are going to be wondering how on earth did you do that because you didn't start off with 100 grand."
"I want to make you wake up tomorrow morning and have you look at the world in a permanently different way."
"Don't kill what you hate but take what you love."
"You give me strength to stand and fight, I find my guiding light."
"I stand for truth and show the way, my heart belongs to you I will never sway, a taste of praise gives me the strength to spark."
"Life can be challenging, but this person brings lightness to your being."
"What do you want to make people feel? I think that's such a great way to live."
"Let's keep making art because nobody can take that away from us."
"One of the greatest leadership moments he will ever have."
"It's the drawing people into the beauty of a form of life."
"Our worth is not measured in money or anything else, my worth is 2003 knee success stories."
"As generations of Americans before us faced down the most difficult trials, set their sights on the highest summit, and overcame the biggest obstacles, America will meet the moment."
"Greatest author, greatest philosopher, greatest pastor, greatest theologian, greatest preacher, greatest book, greatest sermon."
"When people see you, they see a reflection of Christ."
"Your Biscuits has changed the way I look at myself."
"The quiet, breathtaking bravery of people in Ukraine."
"The reason I'm excited that people, when they watch it is if they can get over certain things with themselves, with me even, my style they'll win."
"Your videos help me from ruining my life. Your videos saved me from committing suicide. Your videos help me create financial wealth. Your videos help me change my diet. Your videos help me to believe in humanity again."
"This is leadership as we aspire to this is this is freedom of thought and and and and you know true leadership."
"Life is a fairy tale and Get your sparkle on both very iconic and good."
"Oprah's openness about personal struggles underscores her commitment to making a positive impact."
"Do something today to make somebody smile because you never know, it just might change the world."
"Carpe diem, seize the day. Carpe momentum, seize the moment."
"It's time for us to advance forward and realize the greatness that we are."
"When America brings truth to the world, we bring light. Don't forget that. It's what you do."
"The goal is to be a beacon of light in the darkness."
"You really can become the hero of your own life."
"You are deserving of money right now. You are deserving and worthy because you were born."
"Shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
"Sometimes God gives his toughest battles to his strongest Warriors."
"Lead by example and use the energy in your life to better yourself; show them a different way."
"As long as you remember me, I will always live within you. Not a phantom limb or a fandom anything, as part of your heart, I will always be your angel of peace."
"There is not a single thing beyond our capacity; we can do whatever we set our mind to if we do it together."
"I think that the power of faith is a tremendous thing... faith can move mountains."
"We should all be able to proudly say that we are living in the greatest state in the greatest country in the history of the world."
"A truly lifechanging, life-affirming work of art."
"The fusion of the two of them. He's amazed as well."
"You've reached a new level that you'd only dream of achieving."
"Your start does not determine how you're going to finish."
"Greatness lies in the man that believes it's in them."
"Our story is proof that... if ordinary people find their element, extraordinary things can happen."
"This person is just going to unlock the key for you to realize what you're truly capable of."
"separating what happened to you from who you are is critical oh that's a note right there separating what happened to you from who you are is critical"
"I think it's kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
"It doesn't matter if they know your name, it matters if you know what is inside of you."
"Have hope, it is not time to despair because of the darkness, it is a time to shine because you're the light."
"Imagination is the preview of life's Coming Attractions."
"I hope you find these stories useful tools to carry into the world."
"What better man to tell you that Jesus can make you walk than a man who has been laying on the bed for 38 years."
"In your sleep, you're training your mind for motivation and inspiration in the morning."
"You're really inspiring, you're radiating, you're speaking to people."
"It says a lot about our great country that the son of a single mom who is a disability pensioner who grew up in public housing down the road in Camperdown can stand before you tonight as Australia's Prime Minister."
"Daisy Keach: a reminder that strength comes from standing up, not fitting in."
"You have something so precious, you have a passion in your heart."
"I believe that truth will save the world. So you speak truthfully and you watch what happens."
"May success and prosperity not be a once upon a time story."
"You're here for a real reason, appreciate that blessing." - The Breakfast Club
"Don't believe in me, believe in my belief in you."
"Don't forget to live a life of freedom and wander."
"This person has the potential to step into that Prince kind of energy."
"Own your past, change your future. It's having a positive impact on everybody, everybody who reads it."
"What an unbelievable rise to the top they had."
"His deep understanding of the Bible and respect for other people's religions was truly inspiring." - Damon John
"The impossible is always possible, and don't ever let anybody take away your dreams."
"Michelle Obama famously said, 'When they go low, we go high.'"
"Austin's story works so well because it's that rags to riches story that everyone can relate to in some capacity."
"Here is the 20 most incredible space discoveries to blow your mind!"
"He was tireless, dedicated, exceptionally talented."
"If you can dream it, then you can truly make it happen."
"Success is an opportunity to learn by example and proof that success is possible."
"My hope and my boy is that Kevin becomes a continuous testimony of what is possible in Africa."
"It's not about modeling or molding yourself after the conquests of men that have gone before you."
"I dare you to fall back in love with life in 2023."
"There's a humility there, a Christ-like humility."
"You might have been born a peasant but you've got the heart of a dragon."
"I just wanted to show other people that I'm not special, I did it, so can you."
"Great movies will change the way you see the world, but the truly elite special movie will make you want to change you."
"The only thing that's gonna benefit our people is you changing not the next man."
"That changes everything, friends, that changes everything."
"Everything gets better, that's the beauty of it."
"I have a dream of human unity where we all can come together."
"Passion is wonderful, I mean you can find passion anywhere, right?"
"Be a light unto the world instead of a blight."
"Greatness is having the courage to pursue it."
"This book just gave me so much reassurance about the future."
"Run your own race. Aim high. Aim for love. Aim for joy. Aim for peace."
"Love is all that matters. It's all that we take with us when we go."
"He simply wanted to make people happy as well as make the world a better place."
"I want everybody to know my story and like how far I've come, and just how proud I am of that."
"She's a proven fighter for the backbone of this country, the middle class."
"America First, keep God first in your life. God bless, peace."
"One cannot resist an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
"It's never too late to start being yourself." - Chris Tyson
"Maybe that will inspire a bunch of non-traditional republicans to iran probably like you to be like America first let's fix this country let's do better."
"I love being with you. I love the reactions. I love your questions. I hope you'll show these to others because these can be, and they're meant to be, life-changing ideas."
"One person with courage can change the world."
"Your small act will make a world of difference. You may know whose life you may change in that process, and perhaps in doing so, you may end up changing your life too."
"It's one of those books that you just want to own; just every single line makes you think about things in a new way."
"Those are just a few examples... hopefully inspire you a bit when it comes to how you can actually become a successful content creator in 2022."
"Out of the darkest parts of your life come the greatest gifts."
"There's no nobility in playing small in your life."
"You've come here to be a truth seeker and a truth speaker."
"You may have felt like the problem, but you were actually awakening others."
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." - Thomas Paine
"You are valuable. People need you in their lives. You are here for a reason. You can do big things and make big moves and always protect the kids in your life."
"A badge of honor doesn't deserve you, you will always live in our hearts."
"There’s nothing this larger-than-life spirit can’t do!"
"In his work Steven has articulated this struggle better than anyone I've ever read."
"They feel like you're expanding their mind, their horizons, their life, their feelings, everything."
"Well, you and I are going to change the world."
"Let me shine a light on myself. I am the light of the world."
"Passion transcends mere emotion, it becomes a beacon that lights our way through the uncertainties of the future."
"Simply amazing, life inside n months, she's carrying back to work cuz the family she's carrying Society don't give a her just do but she prevails and Stand Tall a champion a true woman but nothing compares to all she do."
"If you believe in yourself that much just go do it."
"When you change your behavior you change the world around you simply because the people you're navigating now."
"I think it gives so much hope and inspiration to other people."
"When Audrey Hepburn stares into the window at Tiffany's, she captures their imagination and makes things feel magical."
"He always preached love with words and his actions."
"It could be a collection of stories to help guide people, and that's what I tell people all the time."
"America is a country of hope, not a country of fear." - First Lady Melania Trump
"Wow, that was beautiful, it was very informational, I love just learning about the history and just geography, everything about it, I feel like it brings like a lot of knowledge to a lot of people, and honestly, this was genuinely beautiful."
"Space is our future and love is the fuel of that."
"You have a chance to save somebody's life every day."
"It's really about how we can all be better people." - Elevation