
Equilibrium Quotes

There are 867 quotes

"The cosmos actually is in perfect balance and it balances itself through positive, negative, and neutral."
"The key to the universe is balance. Two halves make a whole, so it has to be equal balance."
"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
"Life is all about finding the right equilibrium and balance."
"Human ailments, which are nothing but disturbances of the natural equilibrium of all the elements of our being, can be cured by the right kind of idea or suggestion."
"Everything in this place we all share seeks equilibrium. This pull to balance energetic imbalances is inherent to the reality within which we exist."
"Life is perfectly balanced as all things should be."
"It's nice when things balance out like that, isn't it?"
"You're trying to bring balance into your life."
"Consider B for balanced, that just means that I think that law of magic is exactly where it should be, it's neither overpowered nor underpowered."
"The pendulum is swinging, you know. It always has to come back to the center."
"You're very aware of where to direct your energy now. Everything's coming back into balance."
"Even if the equilibrium re-establishes itself... it would be a shift from like legitimacy by performance to like just like legitimacy by brute force."
"The forces are even on all sides of a circle."
"Wars and plagues start when too many people start breaking even."
"Just like the way that you have fun and are serious it's it's exactly the the balance we need to strike."
"We're just gonna go with balance, as everything should be."
"Time and the laws of trade will restore things to an equilibrium if legislators do not rashly interfere in the natural course of events."
"It's only a matter of time before everything balances itself."
"This guy is different, like this dude is different."
"Any pendulum swings to the far left, to the far right, before it comes back to center. It's just something that happens."
"I don't see it as one being more important than the other. It's really about being balanced."
"Finding balance is good advice in any point in life."
"The force is always opposing the direction of increasing potential energy, so the force will drive it back and so that's why we call this a stable equilibrium."
"The planet must be allowed to find a new equilibrium based on the damage already done."
"That's why I said there's balance with everything."
"Stay balanced, don't let anything knock you off balance."
"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. Balance, as all things should be."
"Find your center; regardless of where the wheel turns, you'll be okay."
"Balance and harmony are being restored in every area of your life."
"Peace, balance, harmony, friendship."
"This is definitely someone who has also worked on balancing their own energies."
"Expectations of harmony, peace, balance."
"Perfectly balanced, this whole thing should be."
"Christ's Incarnation on Earth was what had made it possible for us to perform this balance."
"Things are going to be balanced out for you."
"It's all about balance, balance, balance, balance."
"Life is about balance... the Dao, Yin and Yang."
"Healthy balance, all things in balance."
"Transformation, self-knowledge, balances, and clarifies."
"In life, you have to be able to balance."
"These two things need to be in balance."
"The point between rage and serenity."
"It's just about balance, you know?"
"In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced."
"Find the balance, find the balance."
"Find the balance, say it about your whole life, find the balance."
"It's gonna feel balanced, you know, like okay, the scales are now in balance."
"Now is the time to recover balance and perspective."
"It's a lot of balance that's about to be restored."
"The psyche is always seeking balance."
"Nature finds its perfect balance."
"It's always a matter of finding a center between two unbalanced polarities."
"So our long terms have ratcheted up and our short terms are coming back down to their happy point."
"I'm in a nice position where either way, I'm pretty good."
"It's like one of those perfect balances."
"Life is nothing but a balancing act."
"...balance and inner equilibrium is the main message here and especially for this time period it is the main thing to focus on."
"...Libra calls us to equilibration balance of our entire being."
"Unlock yourself. Find the equilibrium, the balance, the chill."
"You're in control of the situation, balancing the polarities. Balancing the middle way."
"Balance is pretty perfect for me right now."
"The systemic approach views human behavior as influenced by complex interpersonal processes within a system, emphasizing communication and equilibrium."
"Balance to me in life is everything."
"Work-life balance, that's what it's all about."
"Trust in this, that things will be more balanced now."
"The power of balance is very important."
"Temperance is about things coming into balance again."
"Sometimes you gotta lose balance to find balance."
"It's kind of a good balance actually."
"Your relationship will be balanced and harmonious. You'll find equilibrium and moderation together."
"There's always balance in there, think about that."
"Much of autistic behavior can be seen as attempts to restore some kind of equilibrium."
"There must be balance, just like yin and yang."
"There must be a balance to it because that's just how the world works."
"It'll actually restore your balance."
"You could be experiencing a lack of patience here. But remember, sometimes conflict needs to erupt before a healthy, equal equilibrium can be reestablished."
"It's all about balance, you see. Balance is the trick."
"There's no such thing as balance per se, only Rhythm."
"It's about bringing the balance in your life."
"There is an inherent balance in the universe."
"I thought I was going to be left with more questions than answers but realistically I'm pretty even."
"Never tamper with the middle... It sets up the perfect recipe for you to react negatively."
"Things are about to be balanced out."
"...if you're not set up in Balance."
"You're about to get justice though, things are about to be balanced out."
"A cell's calculating. But a cell is maintaining itself out of equilibrium with its environment by converting raw materials into products it can use."
"Nash proves that in all finite games there exists at least one equilibrium point."
"Salt brings balance to your life."
"China should just get on with it to accept that its equilibrium rate now is lower than that of the US and let the Iran settle where it needs to be where the market would have it which probably around nine instead of 7.2."
"That is known as the stock's market equilibrium."
"There's going to be a need for you to really bring balance to that."
"Work really hard but keep a good balance."
"Balance is a constant shifting from one side to another."
"When a system is far from equilibrium small islands of coherence can shift the entire system."
"Efforts to establish such an equilibrium by fiat would surely fail."
"We're striving for balance, the Goldilocks zone. Balance begets ease, imbalance leads to disease."
"You guys are very balanced in your life."
"Balance is my word. If I had a favorite word in the English language, it would be balance."
"K greatly increases when you increase the temperature, so C is a false statement."
"The presence of an inert gas has no effect on the equilibrium constant k, is that true or false?"
"If you were to add an inert gas to the system because it's inert, that means it's non-reactive. It's not going to affect or react with the reactants or the products, and so it will not affect the equilibrium constant k."
"Also, k will not change if you change the reactants or the concentration of the products. It will not change if you were to change the pressure or the volume of the reaction."
"Perhaps we should realize that we're all in a dynamic delicate equilibrium that keeps us in a balance between psychosis and rationality."
"When things are broken apart and allowed to recombine, they're going to recombine into the lowest state."
"Balance is the number one thing I see. It's about finding equilibrium."
"It's about finding the right balance."
"Balance is a weird thing. I don't know if balance actually exists. What you're looking for is harmony."
"When the pendulum is near either extreme, it is inevitable that it will move back towards the midpoint sooner or later."
"Because you have a higher pulse pressure and just a slight decrease in the diastolic blood pressure, it kind of evens out to just be slightly increased."
"How do you ensure that there is a balance and how do you ensure you are not facing an adverse balance?"
"The only way to do that is to have a sense of balance."
"You're moving into a new phase where things are a lot more balanced."
"As we get older, I think we realize the secret to any of it is balance."
"Work-life balance is essential to survival."
"It's important to find a balance."
"The whole concept of balance is something I've been thinking about a lot recently."
"Unity Consciousness is actually the equilibrium within the body mind meaning the hemispheres within our body have come to an equal stabilized State."
"...being a human being is messy...it's the constant attempt to find that equilibrium...it's that balance..."
"Balancing the negative, the positive together, it's such a big ask for people who aren't ready for the balance."
"It's about creating balance and harmony."
"The timelines restored to equilibrium, we're the only two people who remember what happened."
"Maintaining the equilibrium between Sun and Earth that allows life to thrive will require using less of the sun's ancient energy and more of the energy it delivers on a daily basis."
"Everything has to have a balance and if something's off balance then it gets harder."
"Golf has its ways of balancing out. You forget about the good breaks."
"It's a sweet spot where water doesn't evaporate because of the heat."
"Don't make them even, you know, because high mountain pines and stuff they grow sometimes heavy to one side."
"Step off the scene just to find me a balance."
"It's peaceful, it's nice, it's all about balance."
"We need to change the equilibrium."
"There's always a balance to everything."
"It suggests a natural role for government as a coordinator or as a guarantor in favor of the better equilibrium."
"The fantasy we are peddled in economics and orthodox economics is that somehow these will mesh automatically, and we call this general equilibrium. There is no such thing."
"The agreed Paretian contract is itself a disequilibrium outcome."
"What is also true and involves more than a purely definitional argument, is that the outcome chosen individually on their own might be one of this equilibrium."
"The Psychedelic experience is a wonderful state of equilibrium, of self-satisfaction, of completion."
"It's not too easy, it's not too hard, it's not too fast, it's not too slow. It is perfect."
"Balance is the most important thing."
"There are kind of tipping points to a new stable equilibrium where the cells that are producing oxygen are precisely counterbalanced by the cells that are consuming that oxygen."
"It's literally another word for balance."
"I'm just trying to balance it. I'm in a real transitional part of my life too where a lot of these endeavors I'm talking about are new and they're kind of starting up, but I am starting to find the equilibrium with it all, you know?"
"Odds are good a new civilization with a new equilibrium has arrived, probably several."
"Systems strive towards equilibrium; but once we have an energy gradient, things want to be more complex and more efficient."
"At the end of the day, it's all about balance."
"Stability means working on balancing both sides out."
"Just trying to keep that balance."
"But that's why life is about finding your balance."
"The number 333 is a number of equilibrium, a balancing of the mind, body, and spirit."
"The balance is where you gain the most power."
"Balance is being restored, karmic justice is also being served."
"It's not difficult for cosmologists to hypothesize and study scenarios in which during the expansion of the universe it was out of equilibrium."
"This is a question of game theory this is a question of expectations institutions rules traditions are the equilibria of game that we don't understand very well."
"Whenever somebody is dead innocently, it throws off the equilibrium of spiritual things."
"Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment."
"I think we need to try and regain that balance."
"A chemical reaction is said to be at equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction."
"Finding the perfect balance between it all."
"The balance of power is everything."
"To have a healthy relationship, you have to have balance."
"The importance of this equilibrium in maintaining intracranial pressure becomes much more clear when we look at patients who have traumatic brain injury."
"Stable. Physical and emotional stability."
"Justice, the balancing out of the scales."
"I think the balance worked out well."
"We would be in pursuit of homeostasis and there would be a future."
"Equator sects actively engage in rectifying imbalances at a regional level, firmly believing that their actions contribute to the preservation of overall equilibrium throughout the Multiverse."
"When the pressure in both sides becomes equal, the balloon doesn't expand anymore."
"Essentially, so now we're breaking even."
"Balance, gotta balance everything out."
"Our balance is directly affected by the state of our minds."
"If a principle of balance exists in social life, it's something much wider than the balance of the market."
"Create balance between the two sides."
"This richness I'm feeling is like a state of being in equilibrium. Everything feels balanced, right. The timing's right. Things that throw you out of balance, you know it's like you're going about your day."
"It's all about finding that fine balance."
"Ichigo's Quincy powers and the fusion of his Shinigami and Hollow powers found equilibrium at long last."
"it's all about balance you guys right"
"Everything kind of equals out in a weird roundabout kind of way."
"The only way we keep it balanced is if there's balance."
"Balance between offense and defense is crucial."
"...everything should be balanced as much as possible as we can in our lives."
"The individual must step in and do something to take care of himself if he wishes to retain his nervous and emotional equilibrium."
"Balance isn't something you find, it's something that you create for yourself."
"...the single best word I can use to describe this table is balanced."
"Life is not possible without that equilibrium between good and evil and light and darkness in the world, which assures us that all is the work of infinite wisdom and infinite love."
"Nature is forever working for an equilibrium, a maintenance of balance."
"The symbol of healing, because the purpose of healing is achieved by the restoration of equilibrium."
"it all kind of averages out at the end of the day"
"I'm a little bit also, we need balance reassurance."
"A supersaturated solution so it's non-equilibrium."
"You know there's always a balance, isn't there?"
"Formaldehyde will have the greatest equilibrium constant for hydrate formation, forming the most hydrate because it's the most reactive."
"You must come from that sense of equilibrium, internal equilibrium, before you even understand the truth."
"If you can find the highest entropy state for a system you can reliably say the system is going to approach this state given enough temperature and enough time."
"Creating homeostasis isn't easy when we live lives that are stressful and crazy."
"In normal times, the pressures to return to equilibrium prevail, but in a structural crisis, every tiny act adds to the general accumulation of an infinite number of acts."
"At an equilibrium point, no player has anything to gain by changing strategy given what the other players are doing."
"In January of 1950, Nash published a paper entitled 'Equilibrium Points and End Person Games,' which generalized John von Neumann's 1928 min-max theorem."
"To the degree that we equalize with the laws of nature, including the Creator, we achieve equilibrium."
"Some balance is about to come through for you right."
"The sum of overshooting and undershooting is a kind of balance."
"So, it's like bringing everything back to the center, moderation, balance."