
Action Movies Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"The Fantastic Four represent the best of us... there's not enough like science-positive action adventure movies right now."
"John Wick is great. When I first saw it, I didn't get it because I was like, 'Oh, so a dog got killed. That's sad.' But then I watched it again and I was like, 'This is terrific.'"
"Cool guys don't look at explosions, they turn around and they walk away. Cool guys, explosions don't look at them, they walk away, they're ready."
"There's a sort of logic to action movies you tolerate the scenes of dialogue and exposition to get to the fights."
"I love to see people that are carrying the torch, you know, forward the action genre and taking it to places that we never got to take it in the 80s and 90s."
"This movie is the birth of the one-man army trope."
"He's one of the few action stars who's lived up to the hype and deserves every bit of praise."
"Loaded Weapon 1 is one of those cases, a movie that's not afraid to make fun of the absurdity of action movie tropes."
"There's nothing cooler than walking away from an explosion in slow motion." - A playful nod to action movie tropes.
"I was glued the entire time. Loved the action, loved the combat, loved the car chases."
"A bunch of muscular guys screaming, of course I'm going to like that."
"Not many films can lay claim to being one of the best action movies of all time but also one of the best Christmas movies of all time."
"It's not a good movie but you can have a great time with it if you're just looking for a turn your brain off action adventure movie."
"First Blood or Die Hard? Personally, I'm keeping Die Hard."
"Terminator 2 is the greatest action movie ever made."
"The final battle in 'Endgame' is virtually unprecedented in terms of scale and spectacle."
"Ultimately, isn't that what you want when you go to a movie? If you're watching something with a rockin' soundtrack and really amazing people fighting each other and duking it out, don't you want to just have fun in a movie?"
"The disaster took the lives of 31 people and the resulting radiation is likely to have caused 4,000 more cancer deaths."
"There's not this major logic boners and pretense off the bat that seem to plague a lot of big action superhero movies these days."
"For as ridiculous as it all is, the fight choreography in this movie actually works really well."
"I remember when I was doing Hunger Games nobody had ever put a woman in the lead of an action movie."
"The Indiana Jones trilogy is one of the most fun, most epic action adventures ever put to screen."
"Outland creates a more down-to-earth action movie."
"The Mission Impossible films are one of the greatest of all time."
"It's honestly incredible how the Mission Impossible series manages to top itself time and time again."
"He's the anchor of it. You have to care about the protagonist of an action movie, and that's what makes John Wick special."
"Particularly Linda Hamilton injured her foot, damaging ligaments and gaining a fracture."
"Arnold plays a cyborg sent back in time to kill the mother of the man who will save humankind from destruction."
"It's like what a 200 million dollar Michael Bay movie. I love that movie so much I can't even."
"It's ridiculous, they should call this movie Kicking Impossible."
"Five times the action, five times the body butter. Dwayne Johnson rocks the house and gives birth to Luke Hobbs."
"Tom Cruise does most of his own stunts, and some of these are mind-blowing."
"The Beekeeper is the greatest action movie ever made."
"Go to Disney plus watch Ekko and then after you watch Ekko go to your movie theater and then watch The Beekeeper and you will swear The Beekeeper is the greatest action movie ever made."
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day: my personal favorite movie of all time."
"I love breaking glass. Ever since I saw that James Bond fight in 'Moonraker' on their little glass factory."
"It is cool seeing Optimus and Bumblebee fight. That was probably one of the highlights of the movie."
"Tom Cruise doing his own stunts is nuts! He spins a helicopter out of control and brings it back!"
"The Demolitionist: a 1995 superhero action movie that's also the directorial debut of Robert Kurtzman."
"It's no wonder that fans of the genre and fans of blockbuster action in general have responded so positively to it."
"Rogue nation is the Mi movie to beat in my humble opinion MI6 AKA Fallout was also fantastic but it's the first time the movies really become direct sequels that you need prior understanding for and I did find there was an alarming lack of gadgets."
"Die Hard is a standard for over-the-top action flicks."
"No one complains when Tom Cruise is flipping off a motorcycle and jumping on a helicopter and exploding, but when it's a woman doing it, suddenly it's feminist propaganda."
"Rambo really surprised you. I was just like a like action movie like Stallone guns everywhere shooting people and like and it was that movie too but there was so much heart in it that it just like, oh."
"Dang, this is almost like 'Fast and Furious' level sequencing. It's been a long day."
"Sometimes just a good dumb fun action movie."
"I want to see the kung-fu version, I want to see the movie style like the guy from the raid with Tony Jaa and all these other people."
"I'm going to say T2 is the overall slightly better movie just because it's unsurpassed really is an action sci-fi film."
"One of my all-time favorite movie explosions."
"The Fall Guy feels indistinguishable from the dozens of other action films and then Gosling and Blunt start flirting and fighting and verbally feinting with each other and you feel like you're floating an inch above your seat."
"It takes these core action movie elements that at face value seem very generically basic and then elevates them into something more."
"Both films had the White House being attacked from a villainous organization only for the heroes to find a way to thwart the baddies."
"If you like [ __ ] cars modifying cars spikes explosions post-war post-apocalyptic stuff and the world of Mad Max you're gonna freaking love this film."
"It all comes back down to what John Wick started from the very beginning."
"Scott Adkins is the Tom Cruise of physical action."
"What was a better era for action movies, the 80s or the 90s? I feel like I'm leaning towards the 90s, just based on Terminator 2 alone."
"It's the best scene in any action flick."
"John Wick is one of those rare franchises where each sequel is arguably better than the entry that came before."
"That's what I like about these action movies man you don't have to take it that serious no you know action movies are made to be entertaining nothing else and they always [ __ ] deliver for the most part they usually deliver."
"John Wick is a bullet waster, I'm sorry to say. Deadpool will be proud."
"The film is unusual for action movies of the period in that the hero and villain never get into a fist fight, emphasizing that this is a battle of wits."
"The action set pieces, the stunts, the action sequences, they're incredible."
"John McLean works best when he's an underdog."
"This is gonna be over the top action, isn't it? Dumb and fun."
"I prefer action movies because they don't need to be as deep."
"John Wick's gear up for a fight scene is as good as any gear up for a fight scene ever filmed."
"This is the most manly just testosterone-fueled action movie of all time."
"Magnum didn't smile. He was the best friend in an action movie."
"...most action movies had too much story and not enough action."
"Bro, this is one of the best action movies I've ever seen, bro."
"This movie, it's still better than the first raid which is incredible."
"It's just going to ruin every other action movie or action sequence for me because it's gonna be impossible for anybody to match this level."
"He is The Equalizer. Yeah, I mean he got his ass kicked less and kicked more ass than John Wick did. I think he's a better dude than John Wick. Different, yeah, but it's kind of a different world. Yeah, definitely not the same world."
"If any movie's got Tom Cruise in it, you should know it's going to be filled with action."
"Honestly, other than the Terminator, I really ain't taking him in anything really action."
"We lost a lot of good action movies lately."
"Nice shot of the Avengers letting the Avengers loose on this world."
"It had a perfect equilibrium of everything that was needed for an action movie and a story."
"Honestly, I love fun action movies."
"The most important part of a Bond movie: Bang!"
"Speed still holds up as a very entertaining viewing experience and stands the test of time."
"John Wick is really good though. That series is very fun, very violent. I don't think you really have to learn all your martial arts skills to be in those movies. Do you have any background in martial arts? I actually did take karate when I was younger."
"True Lies is awesome. This is one of those action classics that you look at and it makes you, despite if you're the biggest Avatar fan in the world, it makes you angry."
"I haven't enjoyed an action movie like this in a long time."
"For the amount of [ __ ] that was blowing up on screen and cars zooming by and bullets flying and fists flying, there's no reason why a movie like this should be boring."
"It's so simple, you know this is gonna be a badass action movie just from looking at it."
"People keep asking if I'm back, and now, yeah, I'm thinking I'm back."
"I love good old-fashioned action movies and buddy cop movies. Bad Boys is one of my favorite versions of that subgenre."
"Over the course of the three movies, Wick left over 300 bodies in damn."
"Bond may have been the spy who loved me, but against Wick, he was going to Live and Let Die."
"the action in John Wick 1 is awesome"
"the action in this movie is solid"
"the action in the second movie is superior to the first"
"Hits like Under Siege in 1992 made over $150 million globally, providing him with not just a substantial paycheck but also a share in profits, a luxury afforded to only top-tier actors at the time."
"It really is an example of why John Wick as a franchise stands above even some of the best action movie franchises like the Mission Impossibles and the Fast and Furious of the world."
"Instant classic, man. Everything I like about '80s action movies encapsulated in a buddy cop Christmas movie."
"Shout out to the '90s and '80s action movie nights."
"They made some really cool flicks. There's a lot of good ninja movies, there's some really cool Chuck Norris movies."
"I felt like Jason Bourne, you know, even though I ran for like five seconds. It's like, 'That's good, I better stop before someone joins in.' It'll be like, 'Rocky upon yeah.'"
"Why is it that it's been like 20 years and action movies still struggle to make [__] as cool as the fight scenes in the Matrix movies?"
"One of the most unrealistic things about the John Wick series is not the fact that he always survives impossible scenarios and escapes explosions unscathed, but the fact that he is not completely deaf by the end of the first movie."
"So Die Hard with a Vengeance finds John McClane being sent around New York City to defuse bombs and solve riddles."
"Seagal's on a heater right now... above the law, hard to kill, mark for death, out for justice."
"Steven Seagal's Introduction: '...one of the most masterful introductions ever for an action star...'"
"The action movies would have the sort of punch sounds updated to be more modern actually very down to ground grounded stuff."
"Tarantino knows 80s and 70s action movies better than almost any human, and he'll do it better than anybody else I can imagine doing it."
"Female action heroes have been in the wake of Underworld, the Resident Evil movies. These are the badass heroes to compare with Commando."
"It's worth checking out if you're looking for a half decent slice of Robo action."
"When you think action movies, you think Vin Diesel. Then you think, of course, right after that, Derek Brown, the king of Bros."
"... it can easily stand right up there alongside the likes of 'The Terminator,' 'Die Hard,' and 'RoboCop'."
"It's a little bit like an Arnold movie, where the stuff he does is just impossible, but you enjoy it and it's fun."
"I've been hearing so much about this movie like in a good way, like as far as people saying it's a really good action movie, so um I'm kind of excited to do this because I haven't heard anything bad about it."
"In a summer blockbuster, you need some sense in your action scenes. You don't need a lot, but you do need some."
"People's tolerance of headshots now... we did a blind testing for people that don't know action movies or have seen John Wick one or two."
"With what Keanu was able to do in real life with guns and reloading, he's unbelievable, like it's crazy."
"Most action movies don't address that fact. Simple reasons: one, it slows things down, and two, if you see or if you ever get a chance for those of you shoot or have trained, it's difficult."
"The original Rambo movies on Saturday. Back to back to back. Awesome, it was incredible."
"I love that he's such a beast doing his own stunts."
"The John Wick movies are the greatest action movies of all time."
"Mission Impossible now is much better than James Bond."
"I was a Braveheart guy. Nonstop action."
"I'm never gonna be mad about a John Wick movie."
"That's better than John Wick overall, kind crazy."
"He closely watched movies with his favorite actor-fighters Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and repeated their tricks."
"The scene is one of the greatest of the classic '90s action movies."
"The Matrix redefined the way that action movies were made."
"If you liked The Fast and Furious and all those kinds of movies, I think you'd really like this one."
"I love action movies. I think I've watched every action movie that you can think of in the last 20 or 30 years."
"Imagine mixing Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson from Scorpion King and giving him a massive machine gun."
"I can handle an action movie that's forgetable and you still go, 'Yeah, but I had fun while I was watching it'."
"Terminator 2 is probably like a top three action movie all time in my opinion."
"You just can't fathom how good this movie is because it seems an impossible mission that Tom Cruise could top his last two films."
"They say they're Expendable, but they look pretty essential."
"Of all the Hong Kong action films, his are probably the most fun to watch."
"These two are two of the most iconic and badass female action movie protagonists of all time."
"The Rock was the pinnacle of mid '90s action."
"I really appreciate action movies that take everything seriously but can still have fun with it."
"This is as good as action movies get, this is the best looking action movie."
"Of all the movies you've done, what's your personal favorite?" "Bloodsport and Hard Target. Oh yeah."
"I love the Bourne franchise. I love the John Wick franchise."
"I'm here for more of these kind of action movies."
"Have you ever wondered why we find action films so compelling to watch?"
"I love 80s and 90s movies, especially action movies."
"Rambo First Blood and First Blood Part Two are both fantastic movies."
"They knocked it out of the park with Winter Soldier and even more so with Civil War."