
Journalism Ethics Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"I'm never going to be the guy that's breaking news. I would rather get something right rather than be first."
"Ethical journalist should treat sources, subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect."
"Seek truth and report it, be accountable, act independently, and minimize harm."
"Increasingly reporters, editors, and media critics argue that the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality."
"I said to my colleagues one day in the editorial room, 'Why do we seem to have a double standard?' And there was a terrible silence. And I realized at that moment that I'd crossed a line. I had no idea what the line was or why I'd crossed it, but I realized I'd stopped being one of them, and I'd become one of you."
"Journalism is the pursuit of truth, not changing the facts to fit a narrative."
"Journalists should not act formally or informally on behalf of any special interest, whether political, corporate, or cultural."
"Media bias comes in two forms: it plays a role in deciding what news is and is not covered, and also in deciding how that news is covered."
"A journalist should find three sources to verify what really happened and then write it up."
"The discipline of verification has been there for 100 years. You have to check things out; you have to verify."
"The question is, is there a model for journalism that is not built on monetizing human beings' outrage and polarizing people?"
"Your job is to report what's happening, not portray what you wish was happening."
"Overwhelmingly, the audience says we should not be less critical."
"Everyone wants to be credited for their hard work, so simply making this very explicit that journalists keeps everyone happy on the team."
"True crime's not about clicks and views, although that's a nice byproduct sometimes. It's about relationships, it's about respect, it's about doing your due diligence."
"It's hard to stand here and cover this knowing that this is a place where kids come here to get better." - Chris Davis
"Real journalism is not infallibility, it's transparency."
"You know here's the thing if you were at Fox News if I was at Fox News they wouldn't be allowed to, right? Because it would be so tightly controlled there'd be somebody in government saying no no no we need this interview to happen."
"It's a fine line telling the story and remaining respectful, relevant, and reporting facts versus rumor and speculation."
"A strong democracy requires a fair and honest press."
"If you want to get clicks, tell the truth. If you want to get people to watch what you're doing, just serve up the truth."
"Journalists are not there to pick sides. You're there to say what's happening."
"The lazy trash journalism... they're being sued for all of their worth."
"If it's a crime to be sent a document which may or may not be stolen then you might as well jail all the journalists in America."
"The contemporary media puts too much emphasis on making its reporting exciting, entertaining or otherwise emotive in ways which actually leave us less informed about the world around us than we would be without it."
"Journalism died a long time ago. News organizations are just political advocacy groups."
"The Constitution continues to have power for someone like me because I still think that in many respects it can be held up as one of the most aspirational documents in world history."
"Is axios becoming the news or reporting the news... looks like axios wanted to create the news or create more of it."
"The lack of evidence presented makes it easy to undercut the story."
"These stories shouldn't be about broad character judgments, they should be about the fact pattern."
"As journalists, we are supposed to just present information to people, allow them to come up with conclusions regarding a story."
"It's just journalism. It's what journalism used to be."
"Journalism is about letting people hear the story, letting them decide for themselves, letting them see the evidence, and then just leaving it there for the viewer to decide what is right for them."
"Journalism should be fact-based. What really happened, firsthand sources."
"If you are in journalism and you don't take a moment out of your day to push back against this kind of stuff, then you're not a journalist, you're a propagandist."
"It's so important for news organizations to clean up their act, right, understand that, hey, maybe we need to revisit our training in journalistic ethics."
"I believe that we deserve an open media that's not owned and co-opted by financial interests."
"Corporate media is literally a multi-billion dollar industry of public relations professionals for corporate America masquerading as journalists."
"The press should be adversarial to people in power."
"There are reporters in this room that have been derided by people within their organization, and dismissed as journalists, for telling the facts and reporting the truth as if it's a bad thing. It is in."
"The greatest threat to American journalism: the loss of neutral reporting." - John Solomon
"It's important to get the facts right, regardless of bias."
"Sources always have motives, what's important is our motives when we look at the material."
"Journalism is supposed to be about you confront powerful people and it makes them angry because you're holding them accountable."
"Reporters and journalists don't care what happens... That's not a law, it's just a rule that they invented."
"Plagiarism is good again. Apparently, according to the New York Times, plagiarism is okay."
"The Press themselves are an entity with their own agenda... My goal isn't to inform, my goal is to manipulate, my goal is to affect social change. That's scary."
"Good journalism is factual, verified, and takes into account multiple points of view."
"Journalists who tell the truth serve the people."
"Journalists used to just uniformly oppose the idea of censorship, knowing that even if they disagreed with something that someone was saying, the principle of free speech was vital."
"People need to understand that in war reporting these journalists are basically cranking themselves off to what's going on. They're excited, they love it, they get a thrill from it, they smile and laugh when they watch people getting shot."
"Its prejudiced and agenda-based reporting is a disgrace and really nothing short of a bona fide national security threat."
"If you have a media organization that is to some degree controlled... financially dependent upon a particular organization... do you think CNN are going to criticize Pfizer in the same way they would if Pfizer didn't spend a lot of money there?"
"The media for the most part, their goal is clicks. They will make up what they need to make up."
"Journalism is not activism and this is activism."
"You folks can only preserve that hard-won credit in one way with solid fair-minded accurate and energetic reporting."
"I think one of the most crucial parts of journalism is to constantly poke and prod at convention and orthodoxy."
"Public doesn't trust big news organizations anymore because they're so obviously filthy and dishonest."
"I hope more journalists ascribe to that in the future because I think it would bring some credibility back."
"If another outlet reports something, don't run with it unless you have your own sourcing to back it up."
"There's a long history of journalism that tends toward the sensational and even the fictional in order to boost profits."
"Can you really cover a diverse society with all-white newsrooms?"
"We are not journalism for journalists. We're journalism for people, and that is a really big difference."
"For a journalist to take the word of two perjurers and broadcast it without making any effort to interrogate or investigate what they're saying is despicable. It's appalling journalism."
"It is my job as a journalist... to be inquisitive and reject maybe your initial biases."
"Fair stories present both positive and negative viewpoints."
"Put it out there, figure out if it's true. That's your job as a journalist."
"You can't call yourself a journalist if you have information and don't make it public."
"The CNN accusations are totally and unequivocally false, and CNN would have known them to be untrue had it undertaken any reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before publication."
"There's a concept that undergirds the journalism at propublica: the public interest."
"It's pure propaganda disguised as journalism."
"Prior to 9/11 it was not uncommon for passengers to visit the flight deck especially children with permission from the captain."
"What he did is literally what every journalist is supposed to do."
"Everything is legal, but it's wrong. Every reporter should be on fire to get the truth."
"If you cannot offer a source a promise of confidentiality as a journalist, your toolbox is empty."
"If confidential sources are not protected, journalism is dead."
"Most important things to me in journalism: get your facts straight, provide people information they can use to make informed decisions, give voice to the voiceless, hold those in power accountable."
"The best you can afford in the news business at this point is the freedom to tell the fullest truth that you can, but there are always limits." - Tucker Carlson
"Journalists should always try for accuracy, give all the relevant facts we have, and ensure that we have been checked."
"He is actually hunting for victims under the guise of journalistic research."
"We think we should challenge the people in power; that actually makes you a better journalist, not a worse one."
"When you run journalism like this, bad things will happen."
"That's journalism... it's not our job to abide by whatever strictures or public relations campaign anybody has."
"When a news organization begins to change facts in a story to meet a political agenda their product ceases to become news and becomes propaganda."
"As this channel goes, I always try my best to get both sides of the story."
"My understanding, as my job as a reporter, holds up my responsibility to the public outmatches my responsibility to protect the reputation of any particular scientist, scientific discipline, or government agency."
"If you really want to get past racial barriers be fair in coverage be honest."
"The best journalism that I've seen goes and collects individual stories."
"This still doesn't mean journalists can just lie about everything."
"He's not doing anything groundbreaking as a journalist, he's just insisting on the facts."
"The media's fundamental goal is not to inform but is to generate clicks."
"Fundamentally, that is the one thing that if you fail at, you have failed as a journalist."
"We don't agree with that... we think challenging people in power actually makes you a better journalist, not a worse one."
"The best definition of Journalism is to put into the public domain facts that powerful people don't want to see in the public domain."
"News is too negative and we really don't I feel like we should cover positive stories more often."
"There's a line between reporting news and manufacturing it."
"There is a difference between when a journalist uncovers information they consider to be a public interest and when a person breaks NDA for clout."
"New York Times writer quits miss barry weiss described the times opinion section as a place where intellectual curiosity had become a liability."
"It's our duty as journalists to get both sides."
"It's an assault on journalism, but more than that, it's an assault on citizenship because it can happen to anybody."
"I don't believe in the myth of a neutral journalist. It's impossible not to be affected."
"Incomplete reporting is often as bad as an intentional lie."
"I don't want to slant the news, I just want to tell it like it is."
"Pray that open, honest, and unbiased reporting will become the norm, and that truth will be embraced."
"If you value the truth over sensationalism or clicks, that's the highest goal."
"Rather than journalism, it was public relations."
"Journalism isn't about the journalists. It's about the story, it's about the facts, it's about what you're covering."
"Macron's strong condemnation serves as a call to action for Nations to work together."
"Avoid causing harm to other beings, that's the main virtue in journalism, actually we call it vacancy."
"Not everybody knows this, but one of the most important parts of being a journalist is overstating people's names and title."
"I've had more conversations about ethical journalism in the last 5 days than in the last 10 years of my career."
"You deserve nothing less than the facts with your morning cup of coffee."
"We are not going to fold to any of these cancellation requests. We're not doing it. We're just going to let people do what they want to do. If you don't like them, don't follow them, don't read them. That's the way journalism should be honestly."
"Journalism is basically dead... News organizations try to push opinion pieces and analysis as news."
"Journalists have a job to find the truth, to tell the truth, to speak the truth."
"We are all living in a society in which journalists lie, they create division, they decide who they want to be the heroes and who they want to be the villains."
"Protecting the identity of a source makes you a journalist, not a criminal."
"Stop calling anonymous sources 'anonymous,' call them 'unreliable.'"
"The significant question is responsible objective transparent reporting taking place."
"Good journalism harms people, but that's what makes us American, I think, the values codified in the Bill of Rights."
"Journalists have to fact check everything, that's what we should strive for."
"All they care about is their clicks and their headlines."
"Gamergate was a widescale consumer push back against poor ethics in gaming journalism."
"Metacritic has far too much power. It is the cancerous heart of the score culture within games journalism. The score culture must die. It is of no benefit to anyone whatsoever."
"We don't believe in the concept of no platforming at UnHerd. We think it's stupid. Journalists are there to investigate and challenge views."
"Get it right, which you will find is far more important than getting it first."
"Journalism can't be about Comfort."
"That's what's missing, I think people miss journalists who just want to give you the straight dope and not add something else."
"Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that's accurate, fair and thorough."
"The function of the reporter is to record what he or she hears and sees, or is it to incite feeling in the reader? Possibly both."
"Good journalism is that you go and knock on all the doors and you interview as many people as you can."
"Public relations should never be mixed with effective journalism."
"It's just such a dangerous precedent to set to say that you shouldn't be reporting on anybody who remotely has a different identity than you."
"How brutal war is, the ethics of Journalism."