
Positive Mindset Quotes

There are 937 quotes

"Gratitude is so important. It's a very high vibrational frequency."
"If you want to have a positive mindset this year, and you deserve to, then you also have to get very deliberate about your habits and about your morning routine in particular."
"Before you begin anything, you should be grateful for what you already have."
"It's about having that positive mindset because that positivity is going to put you in the right mindset to attract other positive things."
"Can't focus on what we missed out on, we have to cherish how amazing this little sun was."
"The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is shockingly right, instead of shockingly wrong, for you to be prosperous."
"Learn from your mistakes. If you mess up, take something positive from it."
"A positive mental attitude is a state of mind which the individual must create and maintain by methods of his own choice through the operations of his own willpower based on motives of his own adoption."
"Exercising, practicing a more positive mindset, not dwelling on the negatives."
"When you're not operating from programs, what you create is heaven."
"This is really about reprogramming yourself with a mindset for the rest of your life to look at every time you eat in every meal as pleasurable, enjoyable, certainly fueling up but not something to feel guilty about or obsess over or worry about or hunger for or anything. It's like, I don't know quite how to describe it other than it's an intuitive realization that we come to that food is awesome, and when I eat it, I enjoy the hell out of it, and when it's not there, I don't even think about it."
"Developing a positive mindset is crucial for achieving success and fulfillment in life."
"Hope you get none. No, positive, positive mental vibes only."
"The more you could be grateful for the things that you have, the more you're going to keep getting."
"The more that we feel gratitude, the more that we begin to receive from the universe."
"My friends, you find what you're looking for in life. You want to think everything's negative and fucked? You can find that all day. But if you want to think there's a ton of opportunity, and this is the greatest era to be alive, you can find that too, 'cause the math supports it."
"You are not in this desert; you are supposed to be in thriving mode."
"Start taking better care of yourself health-wise... when we feel better... our mind starts to be more positive."
"I think we need to have a positive mindset that our body and our mind are malleable."
"The whole purpose of this preparedness thing is not to live in a petrified state of fear and dread and negativity."
"The acceptance of a negative experience is itself a positive experience."
"If you're cultivating a positive mindset, a mindset of hope and opportunity, you will be vibrating with positive energy."
"If you're enjoying yourself playing it, even if you lose, you win, and even if you win, then you win. So, it's all a win."
"Every day is a great day not to be in a cult."
"We're gonna have a positive mindset and go into junior year with a smile."
"We're not really like anti-depression; we're more like pro-happy."
"You can train your brain to learn anything if you remember that. That is the best mindset that you can go into life with."
"Blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. Everyone, have a great day!"
"If you see something anomalous, something strange, actually it's a great thing."
"It's a win-win proposition if you see something anomalous, something strange actually it's a great thing."
"Gratitude is like a magnetic force in the universe."
"Celebrate their happiness, don't be jealous of it. This is your turn for some good stuff to come through."
"Haters are what make you succeed, huh? Nah, haters won't make you succeed. No, it's not true love as well as hate, it's all love."
"Big happiness, big fruitfulness, and mindset."
"Everything that happens to us happens for us and nothing thing to us."
"When you're sick, any positive focus...will cause you to come into alignment."
"We can restore the connection between your brain and your limbs or we can cure full body paralysis."
"I want you guys to dare to fall back in love with life."
"I think things that happen to you are all things that you can benefit from."
"I'm in a very positive space right now, in my life, so I definitely feel like stuff like this, helping each other out, using each other platforms, and pushing and pushing the bar."
"Raise that vibration, give praise and glory to God Almighty. Thank Him every single second of the day. We are lucky and we are going to overcome."
"I have a gut feeling today's going to be a good day."
"I'm not a hater, man. You know me, I don't look at no dude and hate, man."
"It shouldn't be something painful, it should be something that you celebrate."
"Why don't we try leading from not this fear place but this love place?"
"There is good news, always good news. Keep the faith."
"Be grateful, what you have. And you will always always always ended up with having more."
"I love how there's two big holiday things with gifts right in a row. It's wonderful."
"We grew up listening to black music and we love it."
"Realize wow there's a lot of things that I could be grateful for."
"Don't let anyone poop on your day. God has called you in a unique gifting. Go after that."
"Winning doesn't mean that someone else has to lose."
"Gratitude is the greatest combat to negativity."
"Abundant thinkers create micro wins to get to macro wins."
"Bless everybody today... Even if you do it in your head, just bless them."
"Don't doubt your wonderful self; rejection is redirection."
"Stay away from negativity and the people that hold you back."
"There is plenty for everyone including me. The ocean of life is lavish with its abundance."
"Being spiritual or having a connection during this time will bring more positiveness."
"Good things want to come in your career and you're going to allow them to because you're going to be feeling yourself in this glow-up."
"Replace negative worldly tendencies with divine tendencies."
"Choose to find optimistic, hopeful, and helpful ways to look at things."
"Find the positive in every situation, even when addressing uncomfortable truths."
"Recognize your divine worth, choose loving thoughts."
"Gratitude is the attitude when you're manifesting."
"We didn't stop believing in us... we said, 'We're not gonna allow negativity to kill our frequency.'" - will.i.am
"Being fearless is a powerful state of mind where you refuse to be constrained by the boundaries of your limitations, focusing on the joys of winning rather than the fear of losing." - Herbert Wigu
"I started giving myself things to make myself feel good about myself instead of taking things away."
"It makes you feel better about yourself, not worse."
"Keep your focus on that higher timeline, stay in love, stay in gratitude, stay in appreciation, stay in joy."
"Keep your frequency high... it's about creating a whole new big picture."
"Positive thinking and emotions will help you move mountains."
"Strengthen your relationships and give you a more positive outlook on life."
"I wanted something so that when my alarm clock went off in the morning and I put my feet on the ground, I felt good."
"Focus on the positive, these things set you up for success."
"Maybe you can white pill me... God bless gang."
"Encourage yourself and lift yourself up instead of ripping yourself apart."
"You're not victims, you're victors. And it's perfect. That same mentality works in every area of your life."
"I'm finding the good... I can still say no to the bad but I'm finding a lot of good."
"Money is naturally attracted towards appreciation and gratitude."
"Any time I can gain more perspective on things, I usually consider that to be a positive thing."
"Mindset is fundamentally important, absolutely going through a difficult time perspective through a positive mindset."
"Sticking with it, not giving up, not getting frustrated... powering through and making it happen."
"Begin to seek the gifts in your experiences rather than seeing the negative effects."
"Positivity and optimism shape your outlook towards life. Create the relationship you want by affirming positive intentions."
"You're attracting more wealth, and it's also an energy of thinking about your legacy."
"Mindset is everything. Those with an abundance mindset are still out there making things happen."
"I have a positive outlook on this, you know. Anything that I do, I want to do it well."
"Embrace it all and not look at anything as negative."
"Don't miss out on your blessings allowing other people's fears and projections to talk you out of good things."
"It makes your life so beautiful, so worth living, that like each day is this piece of time that you have been given, so so lucky to have been given."
"I'm not going to be a Debbie Downer about it. I'm going to be like, 'Well, I'm small but I'm [expletive] fine as [expletive].' That is literally my mindset."
"Enjoy every moment, guys. That's also kind of links to my previous point about being positive not being negative."
"We're here for positive energy, you know, because it could always be worse."
"I've been trying to keep my spirits high, trying to stay positive, and just have a good time through this."
"That's what life is all about. When Allah decrees something on you that you perceive as being negative, you have to somehow, some way find a way of translating it into positive energy."
"Honestly, this is big fun. You have to embrace the situations like this."
"Achieving success is about having a positive attitude towards challenges."
"Feel good about your life, and you will manifest good things in your life as well."
"If you can expect it if you can wake up feeling like a winner if you can wake up talking like a winner if you can expect that everything you do will come out winning I guarantee you you never ever have to come up short again."
"Start to move around, don't get frustrated, remember it's beautiful out, we're having a good day."
"I feel good, I feel positive, I feel helpful, motivated."
"I am happy, healthy, prosperous, successful."
"When we reject pride, offense, bitter feelings, and entitlement, we can see God."
"Poison Vibes only because your attitude and the way that you handle certain things is what's helping you bring in something better and turn a bad situation into something really really good."
"You gotta have a permeating attitude that you're gonna win."
"The negatives in life can be turned into positives, liabilities into assets, challenges into opportunities."
"Prepare not for catastrophe, but for joy; not for darkness, but for light; not for fear, but for hope."
"Your positive attitude and gratitude leads to good fortune."
"For every breakdown there's a thousand blessings."
"Never take yourself seriously but take your art seriously."
"I realized that things have no longer happened to me, they have happened for me."
"Focus on the positive shifts that are happening in your life in a realistic way."
"We have to stop measuring struggles and start getting closer to the wins."
"I woke up in a great mood because I chose to be in one. Let's breathe, let's go!"
"I'm excited guys I really am um today was my last real day of school so I guess who can say this is my first stream of being number one out of high school number two a full-time streamer and number three just a better mindset."
"View any challenges that you might be experiencing or any failures as opportunities to grow."
"You actually already have it all, you just have to see it."
"Just get out the way and keep positive, keep peaceful, and keep doing what you do."
"Express gratitude and feel thankful for the things you already have in your life."
"My drive is relentless, repetitiously mastered, progression is positive, pessimism is backwards."
"I might have a bad day but I never have a bad week."
"You are ready for the good... it's time to grab it because you are in your power right now."
"Trust your body because if it's making you feel that good, it can't be that bad."
"It's time to be happy. This is your time to be happy right."
"Consistently putting out more positive stuff with your mind."
"You're not looking back, you're looking forward."
"If you have gratitude, it can help the universe bring more to your table."
"We can be blissful all the time because we not only accept the hand that we are dealt, but at the same time, we have the faith that we can overcome whatever happens to us."
"Get happy before the solution comes, and then the solution will come."
"Problems are challenges waiting to be solved."
"Empower yourself, celebrate existence, not in fear but in celebration."
"Act from a position of gratitude like you already have what you want."
"Just be happy because it happened, not sad because it's over."
"The positivity far outweighs the negativity."
"Own it and be really strong and really happy about what it is that you do."
"Take care, do you have an absolutely fantastic day."
"It's an amazing Wednesday, I hope your week is unfolding very nicely, you're accomplishing everything you set your mind to."
"You can't heal a body you don't love and you can't live in abundance and gratitude while living in fear and stress."
"Be in the posture of gratitude. You are worthy."
"Miracles are endless. Forward movement brings momentum, turning obstacles into blessings."
"Good Vibes only now we're going through this thing called life together people let's get it."
"Gratitude is the doorway for glorious things."
"Cherish every morning that we have, man. Enjoy."
"I'm just happy that I'm in a place where I'm self-assured, I'm positive of what I'm doing."
"When you start prepping it does something to your mind that is very positive."
"Stay strong, keep your head up high, feel lucky."
"Change the channel whenever a negative thought comes in. Whenever a worry or a stress comes in, remind yourself that it's just a thought, it's an illusion, it's not here and it's not coming."
"Every single day I wake up deep divers it feels like I've won the lottery."
"You are always as rich as you think you are, and the only poverty is of the spirit."
"I always figure if I wake up in the morning with the ability to go out and enjoy my day, what a blessing that's right. That's all it's about."
"Flight reacts: life's about positive vibes, nothing but."
"You just gotta stay positive and that's all I wanna get by."
"I don't want to end this on a negative note."
"Wishing you all the best now and always, take care of yourselves, good luck, and make this a great month."
"If we want to get to a mode of success you have to do certain things to identify within yourself remove the negative energy put yourself on a path and a purpose to increase your chances of living a successful and joyous life."
"Coaching and being positive is one thing, but what if the person who's with you is like sucking the light out of you?"
"You're feeling so good that even if people come at you, you don't even feel the need to be guarded anymore."
"You're gonna be super optimistic about your life."
"Stay strong, stay positive, and stay true to yourself."
"People who create opportunities are able to see opportunities everywhere, not see problems or criticism."
"Concentrate on the goodness of life, they enjoy their life."
"Limiting yourself is not a bad thing, like at all."
"People are always like well now they're cool but like don't have that mindset have the mindset of like yes now they're cool and now like everyone gets to enjoy them it's it's great it's fantastic"
"I'm not gonna lose though that's the thing like my mood will be great because I'm not gonna lose."
"You've got an opportunity to be very grateful today."
"They call it adversity, I call it opportunity."
"Look good, feel good, apply that positivity over to the financial endeavors."
"Anything is possible with enough determination and a positive outlook."
"Everybody wants to be their own person but everyone's their own icon which is healthy."
"I choose peace now. I choose Joy. I choose happiness. I Choose Love now."
"I strongly believe in having an abundance mentality."
"Accept yourself every flaw you have accepted."
"Since the start of February, I've been feeling really positive and really productive."
"Everybody has bad days, you just gotta keep your head up, good posture, and kick the day in the butt. That's what you gotta do."
"If we can harness it in the right way and generate positivity."
"Focus on the positive. Let go of what you can't control."
"What's yours is yours and no one can take it from you. There's abundance for all."
"I shine my light on the world around me and my Radiance attracts more success."
"Living independently is one of my dreams, so I'll try to do it positively."
"Working out in the morning... setting up a positive tone for the rest of your day."
"Somewhere along the line, someone will give your son an opportunity if you can keep your head clean and smiling."
"Believe it or not, there are people that would always find a reason to be grateful even in the worst situation."
"Just believing that you can do it, staying positive, staying on the path. That's a prerequisite to get there."
"Whatever the results may be, just know that we are all winners."
"I've always been the type of person that really loves other people's success. That's amazing."
"I think it's okay to be successful I think it's good I think it's awesome so I wish everyone's success and I hope you guys all wish everyone else success."
"Let's continue the day and accept the new adventure that this new day holds."
"Don't do it in a negative way, put yourself in that positive feeling, that emotion of how it will feel to have what you want."
"Life doesn't happen to you, life happens for you."
"Miracles can happen in your life, and you accept that."
"It's peace positivity prosperity and progression all I need y'all to have that because we all can ball."
"I truly believe with all my heart that there's always something positive you can take from something."
"Starting your day with gratitude sets a positive tone."
"We are born to be happy, strong, and healthy."
"I'm in a really good mood because I am ahead of schedule."
"Even when it's raining, you're still winning, you're still singing."
"If we could stay positive on electricity, that would make me so happy. Like I would like to net gain electricity today, that's what I would like to do, that's what feels efficient to me."
"I'm not here to be sad, I'm here to celebrate these people."
"You can do you can be better things can get better you can learn positive body image and how to take care of yourself properly like these things are possible."