
Proactive Behavior Quotes

There are 674 quotes

"Action breeds clarity... you don't find the clarity before the action."
"If you don't suffer from any physical disability, try to use at least one of your fingers to search my channel and to search Google Scholar."
"People who are very successful, they never, ever, ever wait for motivation. They do it because when you do it, you become motivated."
"People can have concerns, and they should, but that concern and worry should be supplemented with action."
"People don't realize how much of success is not an accident, it's about people having these extraordinary skills and they take action."
"What is more important than positive thinking is positive action."
"There's two kinds of people in life: people that complain and people that make a change. Make a change."
"The worst thing you can do right now is nothing. Don't be the guy who refuses to look at the future."
"Instead of complaining and whining, I try to find solutions."
"Essentially, if you're not certain of the terrain, read the road map before you get on the road not after you're hopelessly lost."
"Do the things today that others are afraid of, so tomorrow you can do what others only dream of."
"Everything is going to be alright. I am taking action that supports my growth."
"Recycle discipline: these sims are rabid recyclers that benefit from recycling and rummaging for bits and pieces."
"You can never lead if you're always following."
"Don't wait for anyone else to do it because no one else will."
"Actions speak louder than words, my friend. Actions speak louder than words."
"People who get a lot done tend to do things right away."
"Don't let it get in your way and don't let it stop you from starting."
"Start making changes now; the best time to act is always today."
"If you don't set your priorities, someone else will."
"All you have to do is ask and you'll never thirst again."
"Remember what Socrates said, 'See a need, fill a need.'"
"Follow your gut, there's gonna be some big events coming the rest of this year."
"All of the chances you need to take... do the things you have to do and get in now before it's too late."
"Take personal responsibility for making it happen."
"Success is not a secret, success is not an accident, success is not something that you stumble across. Success is an action."
"Odi's best defense is going to be offense." - Taking proactive measures.
"Believing in God always requires action before manifestation. Faith acts before it happens."
"The doors open and we better move through that door."
"Control what you can control in your life, open up new doors if you can, and if something isn't reacting, that also in and of itself is communication."
"Now is the perfect time to act. Take inspired action towards your dreams. Move forward with confidence."
"Value yourself. State your intentions, be proactive."
"Responsibility means once I realize something, I clean it up."
"The more you know, the better you do. The more you know what to do and take action to do it, you're improving your outcomes."
"Take action. Be a risk-taker. Strategize, plan, execute."
"Trying something is a shitload more than most people are willing to do."
"Take action. It's only worth something if you actually go out and take action."
"When something happens, the only person who's gonna be there to stop it is you."
"Don't wait too long, if you're interested, make a move."
"Prepare yourself now, don't wait to the last minute."
"Just take this thing into action guys that's not only just watch the video make it at home try you know I mean."
"The only thing that lets bad people do bad things, evil prevails when good men do nothing."
"The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?"
"I am enough. You're enough. When you believe that, everyone else believes it."
"It's better to be prepared and just go out there for a run."
"Success just doesn't happen, you gotta plan it."
"Keep prepping y'all, we're not afraid of anything, we meet our anxiety with action."
"Proactively enjoying and stepping into tension."
"Life is full of unknowns, and I can't play as a bystander when it comes to the consequences of my actions."
"That's what a good mother does. They wake up, and when they wake up, they make changes."
"If you want to be a leader, ideally you want to play offense."
"It's obvious to everyone that ML engineers are now helpful...the difference between someone who's successful gets ahead speeds up that learning curve versus someone who doesn't is a person who takes intentional action..."
"You better start acting like with a sense of urgency."
"It's always gonna be that way if you don't take action."
"She's tidy and cleans up unprompted and continues doing so."
"Control your environment, or someone else will."
"Seek justice, seek fairness, and reach out, show kindness."
"If I just waited, who was gonna say it? Somebody has to go first."
"Taking action is key. Taking smart action is even better."
"Hey, you gotta do this now. This is a window of opportunity."
"Stop telling people what the fuck you want to do and just go do it."
"Organize yourself for success in order to receive it."
"Don't procrastinate, you gotta make it happen right now. Go ahead and set a goal, dog, take a vow." - Harry Mack
"Freedom is not free, and you don't want to sit back and not do anything and expect to be free by sitting on your couch flipping the remote. That [expletive] ain't popping. You gotta get off your ass."
"Motivation is garbage. It's a losing bet to wait to feel ready."
"Never give up, just do it. Yesterday you said tomorrow, so why not do it now?"
"You're like go-getters right now; you're just being very ambitious with whatever that you're doing."
"Support anything and everything... at your disposal... do it now."
"You want to be one of the people that takes advantage of the opportunity."
"I would open up, like I would go there and make sure."
"If you don't want that to happen... get off your freaking ass."
"Present your plans to the world and launch that ship."
"The more action you take, the more you think it's possible."
"You create your reality if you want a better relationship stop settling for [ __ ] if you want better finances take some action on the things that you love to do."
"Sometimes real self-care is actually making yourself uncomfortable and going to the grocery store."
"Close your loops, deal with your problems right then and there."
"You need to get off and go seek actual help for these things."
"Stop waiting for the motivation to turn to action and allow the action to motivate you, bro. That's all I'm saying." - DC
"Be strong, not aggressive, but assertive and active."
"You knee-jerk reaction should be go do it right. You don't want to ever regret not doing something."
"You're not doing it because someone's shaking a stick at you."
"More power to him! Concrete action is what we need."
"Action now is the time for action, proactive action."
"You absolutely should because who knows what this stops tomorrow and uh do you want to be in a position of strength."
"Opportunities knocking but you have to open the door."
"Do the work now so it can be better for you later."
"You guys are actually going to be taking action towards something that you really want to do."
"In life, if you go looking for trouble, you'll find it."
"Action is required. Be brief, to the point, concise, and active in your actions, thoughts, and words."
"More people need to be willing to take responsibility for the part they play in things."
"Wear your seatbelt and prepare to put on your tap dancing shoes."
"Just by watching you will learn nothing at all, so you really need to do something on your own to really learn something."
"When a man is trustworthy, he is intentional about demonstrating it before it is required."
"When you focus on safety, when you focus on the good in your life, you start to take action from that place."
"He changed his own life... There's only a handful of people that actually take action."
"Your conduct often times is going to predict what happens to you in your life."
"The greatest danger of all would be to do nothing."
"That kind of person who takes action before something becomes a problem is called 'proactive'."
"The secret to getting ahead is getting started."
"If you want to see change, you have to do something different."
"You stay ready so you don't have to get ready."
"If you want something to happen you need to go out and make it happen."
"It's about success, it's about planning... You're starting early."
"Don't complain, don't hashtag, don't retreat, don't binge, don't lose yourself in ironic detachment, don't put your head in the sand, don't boo, vote."
"Imperfect action is better than waiting for the perfect plan."
"Be proactive about your own health because no one's going to do it for you."
"That's actually pretty, I better pick those up before I like DC."
"Once you proper threat assess do something about it don't just complain somebody's deck is stronger than yours yeah be ready to answer their stuff more than other people's which awards into action players."
"What we do know is we can't take some active actions to reduce the risk of getting it and or transmitting it and at this point that I think is important to each of us and everyone that we consider neander excellent."
"Reality can be shaped and changed by my direct actions."
"Remember, being prepared doesn't mean giving in to fear; it means taking charge of your future and ensuring the well-being of your family."
"You cannot win anything if you don't apply, you can't win anything if you don't pitch your business."
"Find your passion, focus on your strengths, associate yourself with the right people, take action."
"Your stuff collecting dust, baby, you better go blow the dust off your stuff and go get it 'cause if you don't, the devil gonna get it."
"I can usually tell if someone will succeed or fail by the questions they ask me and how proactive they are."
"Until you have your check in your hand, you need to ramp up the pressure."
"Starting before you're ready will save you every time."
"Don't wait until tomorrow to pick up the book though, so don't wait, get the book now."
"Don't get yourself in a pickle of a situation where all of a sudden something happens and you're reacting. Reacting is usually the worst thing that we can see somebody do with their portfolio."
"I think success comes about when you're happy because that's the point of life to some extent is being happy."
"Tracer needs to learn when to be patient versus when to be proactive."
"The five-second rule is such a powerful tool because it pushes you through the BS that stops you up here, so that you will try. That's why it's so darn powerful."
"Get that [__] together now so you don't have to worry about it later, absolutely."
"Identifying a need, speaking up, and then filling that need before anybody even realizes what's going on, it's a proactive sort of opportunity."
"Just focus on what you can do... what can you do to change the situation."
"Be assertive, a year of action and progress."
"Generational shifts in thinking require action."
"If we fought back against the bad guys, bullies, bad leaders, con artists, criminals, a lot fewer bad things would happen."
"The actions you take before crisis hits way more valuable to you than your options you have after the crisis has already arrived."
"Let's see some action, let's see a little less conversation, a little more action please."
"Be proactive and worst-case scenario nobody's in the lot you get in your car and you go home no harm no foul no big deal."
"Writing an essay about doing things is not the same as doing things."
"When your body is saying that something does not feel right, you need to go and check it out."
"It's time for you to take the initiative to make the greatest change in your life."
"You might as well just do it right now so you guys don't forget because I'm telling you right now you might forget about the event."
"You're taking some strong action where you have felt kind of stuck or reserved about making a move here."
"You have to act as opposed to react in life."
"Spread your wings, don't wait until the tower crumbles."
"Awareness needs to be followed with action and progress."
"Doing something is better than doing nothing. That's something might not have an immediate impact but it will pay off in the end."
"Take action. Do something you haven't done before."
"Once you start looking for solutions here, you start acting differently."
"Confidence is the ability to move, in my opinion, from thought to action."
"You shouldn't wait for permission to get into action."
"Make sure you're one of those people that aren't talking about it and you're actually being about it."
"Nothing will change until you have done something to affect it."
"We should be acting like every day is the peak today you should act like peak."
"You have to try things; if your current situation isn't working out, you have to get on to something new."
"Action cures all. All that anxiety, all that worry, it will go away if you start taking action now."
"Love is always available to us, but we have to put ourselves in the position to allow it into our lives." - Be proactive in seeking love.
"It's not just about me, you have to take the advice and put it to fucking action."
"Don't ask permission, ask forgiveness if you have to."
"Manifestation is not just about thinking, it's about action."
"Focus on what we can control: our attitude and our actions."
"Take action towards the things that are still bothering you that need to be dealt with."
"There's a big difference between staking a position and following up that position with action."
"Educate yourself and stop doing things against people's will."
"Taking action when you should is how you crush in this world."
"You actually doing something about what you want to create in this world."
"Standing around waiting for something to happen isn't going to help you win."
"Just get out there start doing some deep Dives."
"Preparation is the key to success. You can't win yesterday preparing tomorrow. You should have started five years ago."
"Setting yourself up for success instead of failure."
"Act when it's time to act in order to bring success into your life."
"I think to be honest we are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world."
"Learning to soothe calm your anxiety, learning to take action even when you feel anxious, those are the things that are gonna get you ahead in life."
"Healthy people can be honest with themselves and take action."
"Aries are sure to take it upon themselves to try to solve a whodunit before the answer is revealed."
"If you want something to change, you cannot wait to feel ready."
"It's always better to get out there and fucking do something."
"Do something you don't like today that is constructive for a long-term positive change"
"If you don't speak up now, it's going to get way, way worse."
"If you want things to be different, then take responsibility and make them different."
"The opposite of success isn't failure; it's inaction."
"Claim personal responsibility as soon as possible."
"Jump in and do something, opportunity is around you."
"Legit guys, I'm telling you right now, your network is only gonna be there if you create it."
"Just start, any day you're doing it is better than a day that you're not."
"Do you have information? Are you just walking around aimlessly right now or are you acting on good information?"
"My entire business is based on the concept that waiting to do something perfect is not going to get you anywhere."
"Stop waiting, thinking, or talking about it and take action now."
"We have a responsibility if we just spent literally a few hours every day fulfilling that responsibility instead of waiting for somebody else to do it and pay them for it."
"Stop worrying about what somebody else ain't doing. You get your ass up and do it."
"Either you can sit there and watch it happen you can be one of the people that are burned by it or you can be one of the people that take advantage of the situation."
"Doing nothing for college, I would not suggest."
"If you see something suspicious, report it. Don't stay silent."
"Throw that out the window. You might end up saving lives because you said something."
"Throw that out the window... you might end up saving lives."
"If you want positive search results, do positive things. If you don't want negative search results, don't do negative things."
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
"It's no good leaving the important job of finding a romantic partner to chance."
"Getting in the habit of striking conversations with strangers male or female on the train at the supermarket and when you're walking the dog until making the first move when you see someone is interested is second nature."
"Proactive action is the number one driver of our confidence in our future."
"Bosses move. They don't wait to be moved. They take responsibility for their movement."
"We all know how important it is for all of us to be in the know, to have the right information to be able to act accordingly."
"You are being blocked from certain things... you need to use the information that you have to take action."
"Freedom of choice means being free not to ask demand or fight for what you want but simply to go and get it."
"Action Springs not from the thought but from a Readiness of responsibility."
"The time to act is when you get an idea, ideas do not appear at random or as casual experiences."
"In the makeshift happen paradigm, we're taking full responsibility, and it's amazing."