
Personal Routine Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"I feel good after a good workout. It's part of my routine, but I just always feel better after I've done that."
"Exercise, it's so boring, and everyone gets sick of me talking about it, but I'm kind of like if I don't exercise like a hard exercise every other day, then I'm just not right mentally."
"I go for months where half of my day is snowboarding, the other half is gym and some work."
"I've been taking really good care of my oral care and so I just want to keep that up."
"Those first few hours of the day are so important to me."
"There's no way I'm gonna normally wake up at six or seven every morning. I can't rewire that, but maybe I get up at 8:00 AM every morning."
"There are a lot of things you do usually right before you go to work or go to school if you leave the house."
"Reviewing my purchases on a regular basis is something that has become an indispensable part of my day-to-day life."
"This feels real, okay? I said I was gonna be pampering, that's what we're doing. All right, maintenance, pampering, maintenance, it's all one of the same."
"No matter what's going on in my life, good or bad, Friday mornings, I play football."
"I'm not a morning person, okay listen, I like to start my morning slow."
"None of those shirts are gonna end up in a landfill... they'll all be donated."
"I feel like Mark Wahlberg, he wakes up every morning at 2:30 to gym, pray, and eat."
"I love doing my normal Miami morning routine."
"Just getting ready to go to work at post-production in Mexico City."
"I try and do this kind of like every either Saturday or Sunday."
"I woke up at like noon today so it is basically already lunchtime."
"Non-negotiable: prayer time, meditation, exercise, reading, journaling, planning, and visualization."
"It just gives me a little inspiration when I start my day."
"It's like a little bit like I said last week, I usually upload once a week. I did three videos last week."
"My routine... I have really, really, really been liking the result."
"I'm just getting by, I'm doing the [__] I've always done."
"How satisfying is it when you get out of the bath and put on fresh pajamas?"
"I'm going to be drinking a lot of coffee and I'm going to be preparing to be surprised."
"Life is always changing, always in flux, but no matter what, I do want to still set aside time for this routine."
"I think a realistic resolution that combines the yoga Bible study meditation and the unplugged time ten minutes a night no phone."
"I still wake up at the same time I did when I was in Calhoun, you know what I do? I walk out doors and look up and say thank God I'm free."
"I'm so excited and I'm going to start the video by going to bed."
"Wake up, do what feels good, and then do that on repeat."
"I do a while watching TV so I'll put on a mask with the oil I'll just watch my shows and it's also helping get all the product in so it's a win-win."
"I love nothing more than just getting back from our evening walk, feeding the dog, shower, skincare, pajamas on, and just really switching off."
"The taste of freedom I get every morning with my black rifle coffee."
"You are the director of your life, the conductor of the orchestra, you have so much power."
"It's so nice being back into just a nice healthy routine."
"That pizza was pretty good, now I should take a shower before going to bed."
"I recently got completely addicted to hot yoga and it helps jump start my day."
"That was a look at my morning routine, and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"devin nash actually the type of guy to do like a ceo 4am workout routine where he goes on a peloton for 45 minutes"
"As he arrives in his front lawn, he yawns that he’s ready to grab a shower and get some R&R!"
"I'm gonna finish my coffee and then I'm going to put a little timer on my phone of an hour."
"I want to say that most importantly what I do do though is I prepare for the seasons which is really part of my routine which I love."
"Go ahead and do your push-ups at night, do your push-ups in the morning, work on your car, I don't care."
"It's 1:20 in the morning and I think it's time for bed, absolutely."
"I mean what did I lose? I lost one day of streaming and I'm already back today, I get to stream today and I get to hang out with cutie today, I mean f*ck that's the dream."
"I'd rather have the lifestyle routine set up as early as possible."
"You would rather embrace the idea of failure rather than stay in a space of stagnation."
"I'm here with my penis and my weights, I'm doing my lifting for the day."
"I feel like you know cleaning up my space is like a good way to have a clean brain. That's how it works for me anyway."
"This is me now... This is what I do before every Trump press conference."
"This is such an important time of day for me."
"I always have a new song that I introduced on a weekly uh basis in my rotation that uh programs my DNA."
"Every night when I take off my makeup I'm facetiming my boyfriend and then when he sees me put this on he's just like whatever that is I want it on my face."
"I touch up my makeup when I got home I put on my pajamas I have no idea why I did those things."
"This makes a big difference in the way that my skin just looks after applying this."
"It's just been a really a really great routine for me."
"I love me some tea in the morning, it just calms down my body and gets it ready for stuff like the gym."
"I like to spend some time in my routines before I share my thoughts with you on the products."
"So, I do use a cleaning service that helps me out, but they do not come every single day. So I just try to keep up with the cleaning as much as I can, and that definitely means cleaning up at least a little bit before bed every night."
"When I have a foundation routine and I'm sharing it with you, it's a good one for me."
"I always do my workout first, so every video you ever see me do I already did my workout."
"Weekdays are work days, Saturdays are home days, and Sundays are rest days."
"I'm really happy with the process and how it went. I could see myself getting into a routine of having fresh Bagels every week."
"That's how important yoga is for me. I have to be able to fit it in."
"To be still lying there at one o'clock is all a bit weird for me."
"Tron Carter going through his routine as he prepares to play the biggest hole of his life."
"My lunchtime is a movable feast, albeit a modest one."
"Tada all the vegetables and fruits and the tofu are typically what I buy every single week like these are the staple items that I always have in my fridge."
"Happy Labor Day to everybody! Got up early this morning, as usual, took Blue for a walk, came on back home, watched Real Housewives of Atlanta. Actually enjoyed the show. It's been a good season."
"Every night, every single night in this house, I try to get out myself and leave around 9 p.m."
"I wanted to show you guys my morning routine that I love that works for me."
"It's just part of what I do, it's just part of my life."
"I love my routine and like my process... it makes me really happy to like have my space."
"I'm pretty much done; this is my process for creating an authentic 1940s look for during the day."
"Sunday is a jumping off point to the week, and it all starts for me on Sunday."
"I can definitely see myself playing this before bed as kind of a little wind-down game."
"I am a creature of habit, and this is my habit."
"I love using different serums just depending on what my skin feels like it needs."
"I love using blush, and it really just makes a difference in your makeup."
"Exercise has always been the bedrock of mental health for me."
"Your morning routines are your morning routines. It can be as simple or aesthetic as you want it to be."
"This has been the perfect perfect bronzer combo for me lately."
"I absolutely love it, I only have protein in my oats in the morning."
"After 20 plus years of experimenting... I feel like I finally have stumbled onto a routine that works so well for me."
"You know it's a must for me, anytime I'm in Target, it's a must."
"I'm always thinking on New York time."
"There is definitely not one specific routine that everybody should follow."
"You only go to bed when you're sleepy."
"It's been my stability, my regular thing once a week that I absolutely look forward to."
"I did my makeup, took me quite a while today because here and I were chatting on the phone."
"I love Tuesday morning, I always find something good in there."
"I stay in bed nine to ten hours a night to get around eight hours of legit sleep."
"I slept late today because it's a rainy cold day, and I don't have to get up early."
"I self-tanned finally for the first time in weeks."
"Time to make my cup of joe, and seriously, like that is the epitome of who I am."
"This routine is great for preserving your twist out, I highly recommend that you give it a try."
"I do stitch off and on all day, but I'm a morning person. My favorite time to stitch is early morning while my husband is still sleeping."
"I personally use this every single morning and I mix it with one scoop of strong greens; I've been using this for years now and love it."
"You can pick any of these workouts, maybe plan your own one, maybe sit down a piece of paper, write down your favorite exercises, put them into a little routine."
"Skincare has been such a big form of self-care for me."
"I just feel like it has transformed my morning ritual."
"I work in blocks of 40 minutes, and I think of that as a unit of time in my head."
"My best advice would be to make your own routine and cater to what you want and what makes you feel good."
"Tomorrow's goal is wake up, take a shower, make my bed, do 10 push-ups."
"It helps me keep my blonde, especially in the winter."
"Don't feel pressured to do a certain routine that someone that you saw on YouTube do."
"It seriously makes a world of a difference in my day."
"How many hours a day do you play chess? Well, how often do I play? Well, nowadays, I don't really do much work because I'm on my own game."
"I feel like we never told you guys that we actually both have therapy at the same exact time on Thursdays."
"I love a good late night workout, okay? It puts me straight to sleep."
"My Echo Dot wakes me up every morning with Christmas bells, and it's like my favorite thing in the whole entire world."
"Meal planning is awesome, I love it, and that is the next part of this process in my planner routine."
"I keep it really simple and don't use the clip; I just wrap small sections of hair around the barrel away from my face."
"Sundays are like my prep days, my reset days."
"For me the shingling method just provides the best definition and the most consistent definition for my curls."
"I will say that even when I'm off my game with my personal routines, there's one thing that I always try to stay on top of."
"My perfect day is Finley wakes me up with coffee on my side table upstairs."
"I use this thing almost every single day."