
Contemporary Issues Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"We're at a very interesting juncture in the world from a technology standpoint."
"We're living in the world that's changing in ways that we've never seen, that we're not conditioned to accept."
"We're living in crazy times, that's for sure."
"It is important in these times that we strive for healthy ways to deal with trauma, loss, injustice, and feelings of grief."
"We were talking off-mic about some of the pressures that come along with being a new artist, having to deliver in this microwave era."
"We are living in a chapter of the history books, one of those chapters where people are going to be trying to explain it like that's going to be the main topic of conversation for historians of the future: how did that happen exactly?"
"This world is becoming way more... personal speech and freedoms are being clamped down in a way that we haven't seen for decades."
"The Lord kept pressing it in my spirit to do this now and to share this word now because of the time frame that we're in and because of what's going on."
"We live in an era of a widespread rejection of traditional sex and gender norms, a decreased interest in organized religion, and a rise of non-traditional relationship structures like ethical non-monogamy."
"We don't have to wait a couple decades to be examined by the future generation; we can go ahead and talk amongst ourselves right now."
"You learn very early not to sneak... it's about the social injustice which continues now."
"It's an allegory for the commodification of females in society and also it sort of explores the aspects of dating in a contemporary world."
"We live in a dark moment and have to confront the fact that we're in an internal sort of cold cultural Civil War."
"It's gonna totally hold up and be such a great touchstone of what's been going on with us today."
"We have the lowest expectations of our country that I've ever seen, ever in my study of history and contemporary life."
"We are living through an extraordinarily chaotic moment."
"I believe in good and evil, and I think there's a lot of evil out there that is garnering a lot of power these days."
"We need probably spirituality more than ever before because a lot of spiritual questions... are suddenly becoming practical questions."
"We do indeed live in interesting times; it's a little scary."
"Undoubtedly, we are living through extraordinary times today; violent extremism, anti-globalization sentiment, and xenophobia is on the rise."
"The unprecedented challenge that we find ourselves in demands that we all address the issue of the day."
"Joker does a tremendous job of illustrating very contemporary anxieties about class divided and marginalization in our current society."
"The earth is crying out for that right now and it's just a what a what a wonderful time to be alive."
"America is more politically polarized than ever before."
"What worries me is that we're living in a time where there's a lot of Hysteria... not a ton of civil Discord... definitely not Nuance."
"Cancel culture is crazy." - Cancel culture is crazy.
"Rest assured that we are all living in very interesting times."
"This is the worst president we've seen in the modern era."
"We're living in a time where the truth is being suppressed."
"Gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time, a driver of disorientation and mistrust."
"What's happening to people of color in this country right now in 2019 is wrong."
"It's 2022 man, you know what I'm saying? So, Chad listen, I'ma tell you right now you guys got to chill with the allegations."
"Good preaching notices that and proclaims what God is about now."
"We are not praying for revival, we are living in the middle of one right now."
"What worries me most is the quality of leadership today."
"These aren't the signs from a futuristic movie of a dystopian society, these are scenes from just this past week in America."
"We're not living in normal, there's nothing normal about the time in which we live."
"U.S. closer to Civil War than most would like to believe... new book says."
"If you have to result to 'you're racist, you're a sexist, you're a homophobe' in any argument, that trope is dead these days."
"Evil and immorality have become the status quo of the society we dwell in today."
"We're living in bizarre times where liberalism means censoring discourse."
"It's as simple as that, you know it is using the Trump Playbook once again." - Congressman Adam Schiff
"What spoke to me as a little bit of an older reader was I really related to the characters I think you came up with some really grounded issues that people today can relate to."
"We have reached a severe state of moral decay."
"The real end of the world...all the problems we have right now."
"If you're great ain't still getting money nowadays, you'll be looking funny."
"If you're going along with all of the fashionable woke ideas of the day and particularly of the past six months then you're wrong."
"Here, history is just raw material - a jumping off point to explore contemporary and timeless dynamics like how inequality breeds vicious competition."
"Yang seems to be the only candidate who's ahead of the curve on a number of issues affecting Americans now."
"Interesting times we live in, people. Interesting times."
"AI is not something that will happen to us, it's already happened to us."
"We're living through crazy times right now guys."
"Acknowledging privilege is crucial, especially during these times."
"What exactly happened, and why is it still relevant today?"
"We've got to get back to basics and understand that our ability to influence things is really confined more than ever in history to the periphery."
"Relationships have never been more important than they are right now."
"It’s interesting times where we’re living in."
"It's a reminder of the relative privilege with which I exist in this era."
"The free speech issue is the issue of our time."
"Maybe it should be considered as a better representation than some of the ones we're getting today..."
"We live in historic times, more importantly, biblical times."
"Girl, it's 2024. We still got so many of these damn problems."
"The unfortunate association of the term Aryan with the misguided and ignorant concept of white supremacy continues in the present day."
"Men are opting out of pretty much everything right now."
"We are incredibly self-absorbed at this moment in our history."
"That's the modern-day Maga Republican party."
"Why so much more concern for dead people who are now beyond our help than for living human beings suffering the burdens and humiliations of slavery today?"
"Acknowledging that this is the world we live in."
"We are literally living in a movie, nothing is making sense."
"Cancel culture is worse than ever like worse it's it's worse than the worst I've ever seen it in my life."
"His story is important because it raises questions that dominate our own times."
"Culture is a reflection of our moment and our time"
"We are living in the age of cultural absurdity."
"Don't let the radical left turn our founding fathers into our founding non-birthing parents."
"It's not even that deep, but it's 2021, equal rights baby."
"We're living in a very unique time in the world right now that we've never experienced in human history."
"Sanity seems to be in short supply these days."
"We are living in a time when everything is disintegrating."
"We have more leaders today than ever before."
"Cybercrime poses one of the greatest challenges to law enforcement this century."
"It's an interesting time in which we live. That is the understatement of the century."
"It hits on issues that we're dealing with today."
"Persecution of Christianity is no longer a future threat, it is alive and well."
"We are at a very interesting point in human civilization it's a very interesting time to be alive."
"We live in a time where change is happening at a pace never seen before."
"That's the worst thing you can do. That's also the most 2019 thing."
"Defending my liberal principles is now a conservative position."
"I feel lucky that I get to actually feel what it's like to live through an Orwellian nightmare like this that's actually happening where most of the people are victims of propaganda."
"It's true that we are living in very unusual times right now."
"Do we trust the mainstream media after everything I've seen in the past five years? No."
"Wokeness is a powerful way to separate friend from enemy."
"This is a contemporary social drama that is explicitly political."
"Hamilton presented a bold statement about diversity and the nature of contemporary America."
"If you are black, you're better off right now."
"We live in a different world than we did in 2020 with some of the things that's happened. The rise of Rumble, for instance, has been fantastic."
"Imagine like, we are living in a pretty cool time when ketamine's a big deal."
"So I'm not gonna care, but I'm still gonna know that it's there, you know?"
"We live in a weird time in the world right now. It's not easy to just leave. It's not easy to just move."
"We're living in an era where normal human behavior has been criminalized."
"That's the most pressing issue despite everything that we've just mentioned: the pandemic, international relations, the truly failed economy."
"The contemporary desire to globalize the world... is sheer madness."
"Politics is pop culture, my friends. This is where we are at right now."
"Humans today now live in a post-apocalyptic world."
"The love of money is nothing new but today individuals have the ability to chase our love of money like never before."
"The times we live in are truly and without doubt fascinating."
"Slavery is a trauma that black people to this day are still dealing with."
"We're in a period of just vast disillusionment in our society."
"We're living in the end times. We're certainly living in the last days."
"Let's go Brandon is the perfect phrase for these times."
"Art overall, the culture overall, is always speaking to us about its moment in the moment that we're living in."
"Congrats, you're a woman, and that's okay. It's 2022. You don't wear anything. Where's your [ __ ] brendon? Yeah, daddy."
"It's starting to sound like depressing music."
"In the era of quiet quitting, BTS's version of paradise feels very relevant."
"I think it's best right now it resonates with a lot of people."
"It's 2024 and we're all already into the drama. That Star Wars kerfuffle the other day was so bad."
"The fight for the salvation of Western civilization is the fight that is going on right now in the Catholic Church." - Michael Voris
"Think how the contemporary time you live in will be remembered in the future."
"What people meant by the great reset very recently in the past six months I just finished reading the"
"Join us watching V for Vendetta, a lot of parallels to what's happening in this world here today."
"I think this is the existential issue of our time."
"I feel like pretty much everyone's looking to find a little peace these days."
"In a day and age like this, they just want to help, jump on a bandwagon. That's what you do, what was it, what's it, what are they supposed to do?"
"UFOs are real, I mean, this is a wild time to be alive."
"These platforms had helped President Trump to be so efficient in making himself heard then cut him off at the very second when they were sure it was over."
"Reality overcomes the crazy that we see in politics today."
"This story is just more... the principles of autocracy is a frame for what's going on today."
"Our country is arguably more divided at this moment than at any time I can recall."
"People have so much entitlement in today's day and age."
"I think this country is divided more so than it has been in my lifetime."
"Toxic feminism has gone from being something that solved gender equality to a supremacy movement hell-bent on destroying the Western world."
"The convergence of sports and politics in America has never been more unrecognized or more important than right now."
"There are what I'm just going to terms malevolent forces acting upon our societies at the moment."
"God gives us peace in the midst of the insanity that we're actually seeing right now."
"Islam contains solutions to urgent problems of our day."
"I wanna show you a story that feels unique to our time in history."
"This is the world we're facing, and I still can't believe."
"Individually together, we can help reduce, even if just a little, one of if not the biggest problem facing this period of history."
"It's cruel, callous, and cold-hearted, but what else have we come to expect from Trump, McConnell, and the boys?"
"The trucker convoy is the closest thing to a working-class uprising I've seen in my lifetime."
"They're just mouthpieces for virtue signaling."
"I think we're living at a moment in time where the world is very on a very uncertain and anxious place."
"The old anti-semitism was directed against Jews as individuals. Today, the new anti-semitism is directed against Jews as a nation in their own land."
"Civil War is trending because the what is separating us right now from Civil War is is a thin veneer."
"We must not underestimate the radical shifts we are undergoing right now."
"There's nothing that I can consume on any Legacy media that I can trust."
"It's us against them, not Republicans against Democrats. That's yesterday, baby."
"Ignorance is a choice in 2022. It really is."
"The times are changing as they should be... it's a good time to start holding these monsters accountable."
"Let's let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect in 2023."
"The world is an interesting place right now... like we're falling headlong into the future."
"America First... has been hijacked by the trumpian cult... the original movement has much in common with its contemporary iteration."
"The ground is shifting beneath our feet, witnessing great changes, a plague upon us, our city on fire, a nation divided, the most radical anti-God agenda."
"Science and especially its relationship to religion is a topic hotter than ever."
"It's extraordinary to me to hear... words like fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism in the context of a discussion about what's happening in Britain in the 21st century." - Host
"I'm trying to attract intelligent people like yourself that understand the signs of the times."
"If there is one fight that people have recently began talking about, it's the fight for information privacy."
"Trump is in a sense working right away of the PlayBook of a kind of updated fascist politics."
"Cancel culture wouldn't exist without social media."
"A few vagina hats and a crazy Ashley Judd tirade does not a modern civil rights movement make."
"You're being opposed politically now... by Delta Airlines, Major League Baseball, and Coca-Cola."
"Right now, the most important and pressing issues are coronavirus, the economy, and race relations."
"It's just me, or have we been talking about actually quite a few data breaches in the last several months now?"
"We live in a very dishonest political moment."
"The reality is that there's a lot of men out there especially in the world that we live in today that need a partner."
"These purity tests that are happening in the world today, cancel culture, it's just too much."
"In a time where it seems division is favored over discourse–"
"In today's world, when truth conflicts with narrative, it's the truth that has to apologize."
"We are living in a moment of massive income and wealth inequality."
"It's an exciting time to live... despite whatever happens out there."
"These are crazy times, but they're exciting times."
"I think that is part of what makes this a truly exciting time."
"Islamophobia is a real phenomenon, especially in this 21st century."
"You know, these are incredible times that we're living in right now."
"1984 is alive and well and progressing nicely in 2022."
"We're living in an era of very weak politicians."
"In my lifetime, it's been very clear that the way people think doesn't make sense anymore."
"Unfortunately you and I and your viewers and listeners are living in one of the most dangerous times..."
"What difference does it make in terms of what we're living with today?"
"Like we've been realizing that over the course of the last two months because, you know, how real it is, you know?"
"We are in fact dealing with some extremely dangerous matters in some extremely dangerous political times fraught with economic and financial difficulties."
"Magic mushrooms for better health? Psychedelic drugs are having a moment."
"Racism is a subconscious conversation that's going on in everyone's brain right now bro."
"Humanity, what are we doing here? A man used a COVID loan to purchase a $57,000 Pokemon card."
"I'm not worried by political correctness and I'm not and I'm not I'm not paralyzed by Donald Trump's presidency."
"This is something from a horror movie, not something that you imagine is happening in the 21st century."
"We're living in an opposite world at this point."
"Socially conscious movies... we need that now more than ever."
"I think we're in an era where it's like if you're not mad you're not paying attention."
"The world is weird right now. The least I can do is change how I look a little bit."
"The Republican Party ceased to be the Republican Party sometime around five or six years ago."
"But in the end, In-N-Out's still not [__], but it is kind of crazy when you think about this, that like where we're at in the world is, we're worried about whether we have verification badges."
"We're living in a generation today where we're always begging God for mercy, but..."
"The Republican Party doesn't care if you're gay at this point."
"U.S. politics has hit peak stupidity... and the country doesn't want either one."
"Nathan Lewis Jackson: tackling challenging social issues with sensitivity and insight."
"Are toal's ideas maybe getting a little bit dated?"
"This law is a blatant attack on the constitution and good conscience and it's the Jim Crow in the 21st century." - President Joe Biden
"Sometimes I really do wonder exactly how we got to this point in time and it really does feel like we live in an alternate universe."
"That's the division you basically have right now."
"Bottom line, this kind of fuzzy thinking is all over the place today."