
Potential Danger Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Digital superintelligence might be the most significant technology that humanity ever creates, and it has the potential to be more dangerous than weapons."
"For as bad as January 6th is, I believe that the former president would not have qualms about going further."
"Never before in all of our past times with nuclear weapons are we going to come closer, far closer than the Cuban Missile Crisis to an accidental or a sudden unexpected unleashing of nuclear weapons in our time."
"That's not good, no, if what radar is showing, there could be a monster wedge up here."
"The door, the spray-painted directions, it all seemed too sinister to be anything like an innocent vandal's prank."
"People are not allowed the space to express themselves, and that can lead to dangerous consequences."
"I think many of us have tweeted out that if he was in fact attached to the intelligence community that he was going to have to die because otherwise these secrets would get out."
"Let's get out of here before more of the critters show up!"
"Had that huge boulder been just a foot or two over, things could have been so much worse."
"He's barreling like a cannonball in the direction of being a serial killer."
"The little people's mischief can very quickly turn into open violence."
"Staggeringly powerful because it's sixty percent it can reap rock at any time."
"I counted to three and said, 'I'm awake, I'm 100% awake, I know I'm awake, I know I'm being squeezed right now.' I thought I heard something. I guess someone's standing above me. It's either do I might get killed right now."
"And there's a chance he could be set free to kill again."
"One small little slip could have ended it all there."
"But for us back here in the present, this list is going to be the stuff of dreams or nightmares because not all magic is good magic after all."
"Imagine the kind of damage that could actually be done."
"This could get really, really ugly. So be careful out there."
"I may have dodged quite a bullet that night."
"A murderer walking away with a murder weapon...still has the potential to kill again."
"The crown of light may well have a double meaning, one that we've pretty much all missed, and one that may be disastrous."
"If we stayed complicit any longer, there was little doubt there would be more victims in the future."
"Authoritarianism can happen and it can happen here."
"If there really is a serial killer at work targeting tourists on the jungle Trails of Panama, there's certainly no shortage of potential victims to choose from."
"It's dangerous for our country... incredibly dangerous."
"If there is power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses, there is also danger."
"The staff wasn't ready for what could happen, what the potential dangers that just lurked and just wait for the opportunities to occur."
"Sometimes I think of how easy it would have been for that guy to just knock me off my bike and inflict life-changing injuries upon me."
"This harmless Park had the potential to take somebody's life."
"Gunshon warns her only to take a pinch of that poison."
"Imagine for a second what else was gonna happen after he came out of that restroom and continued the hunt."
"Kroll may have gone on to kill many more women, but..."
"Terrell's continued attendance at the school would be a distraction and potential danger to other students."
"I'm very surprised that I have not been taken prisoner."
"She's definitely going to be trouble if she gets her hands on Titan power."
"I think this is an individual who would have, at least, gone on to harm other people."
"Dr. Steven strange may be good and one of the greatest heroes there is at heart but his meddling with the Multiverse could be what causes its destruction."
"There could be a day where there's really terrible consequences."
"The gulper eel swims around near the deepest parts of the ocean using its net-like mouth to gather small crustaceans or even smaller fish and plankton."
"The shooting could have been so much worse... knowing there's always a chance some hateful bigot could show up and open fire."
"If you smell smoke, know that there's probably a fire behind it."
"It wouldn't have been too good if they got hold to them."
"Is that smoke? I should probably investigate that."
"Dangerously close to unlocking the executor."
"It's dangerous, yeah, it could be dangerous."
"Oh, damn, that could have been a lot worse, go on, the dive form."
"There are tracks, probably Paxton," Sam explained to Roger, her voice indicating the potential danger.
"But we continued to stare at one another, I feared that I may be his next victim."
"It can only be done during the full moon when your bending is at its peak, but it is not without danger."
"Nature, so beautiful, calming, and yet it can be so dangerous."
"Had this phenomenon moved into lanes of oncoming air traffic, it could have resulted in catastrophe."
"They can become really dangerous really quick."
"And therefore think him as a serpent's egg which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous, and kill him in the shell."
"Don't become Nahani Valley's next victim."
"A single spark could ignite a firestorm."
"The stolen plutonium has never made it to the news, making the public blissfully ignorant of the terrifying possibility."
"Every lion could be potentially dangerous."
"What we're talking about here is something that could be an incredibly dangerous weapon in the wrong hands."