
Other-worldly Quotes

There are 515 quotes

"The original show carried this topic with a great sense of mysticism and respect. They were alien yet familiar, separate from our world yet also an integral part of it."
"The first thing you got to say is 'Please take me to another world.' I may regret saying that, but hey, see you guys later."
"It looks otherworldly. I mean, it looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie."
"This place is like something from a whole other world."
"The creature's size, long arms, and distinctive hooves make you wonder if this was a mythical creature or something from a different realm."
"She possessed the wisdom of the millennia and otherworldly kindness."
"An entire world full of other dimensional people."
"A human touch in their otherworld existence."
"Words have the magic to open doors to other realms."
"If you try to escape from one demon, you could just be getting closer to another one."
"Steph, he's on a different planet right now, he's an alien."
"Imagine this: you're sitting quietly at home, the gentle hum of the evening wrapping around you like a familiar blanket. Suddenly, the air vibrates with an otherworldly sound and eerie booming echo that seems to descend from the heavens themselves."
"Should this really be real, which I have my doubts about, who knows? Maybe something from another realm."
"Now, as they glow golden, they represent a magical gateway to another world."
"What I felt from these other beings was nothing but pure unconditional love."
"If you find in yourself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that you were made for another world."
"The one reborn is sent back to the void from which it came."
"You are a starseed, you're not from this world."
"The atmosphere of the academy had that Bloody Rusty and Industrial likee setting you'd find in the other world..."
"He concludes that his goal is to return to his original world."
"She said it was time for me to go. She stepped through the colors on the other side."
"I felt like I were in the presence of residents I hadn't had the chance to meet."
"This isn't a temple, but there's another gateway to somewhere else."
"It's kind of otherworldly, like it's kind of outside of the everyday experience, right?"
"This place is an actual place in another dimension."
"They wanted to live with him on another planet."
"What if we made elves that don't fall into the 'humans but better and more magical' trap by playing into that specific otherworldly quality that elves have?"
"He let me know very quickly that this was not a civilization that existed on the physical level of Venus."
"Adults and children alike seem to have witnessed odd humanoids, making it impossible to ignore the strange and possibly otherworldly events."
"We long to catch a glimpse of it, a realm just underneath our own."
"Pleiadians tend to look kind of perfect... because they are not subject to some of this 3D stuff that we are."
"Space bloomed about him, the ground was hard under his hooves, the light stark as it spilled from the countless star speckling the dark void."
"The presence of numerous Transcendent creatures added to the palpable atmosphere of danger."
"You guys possibly may not be totally from this planet."
"The weapons we fight with are not from this world."
"It's entirely consistent with an encounter with something that is from the other realm."
"The more that you reach out, the more easily it is to hear from the other side."
"...when either rick or scott grabbed a hold of you it was like being grabbed by a thing from another world and you went where you're supposed to go."
"It's a gateway time, a door time where spirits of the other side may permeate our reality."
"They were summoned to another world."
"Kashiwagi realized that just a couple of days after his return to Japan, the powers and skills he had gained in the other world had proven effective and had become useful."
"A dream voice goes dreaming of another world."
"You guys are definitely from like another realm where you've come already with a lot of raw gifts of talent, leadership, all of the above."
"I have absolutely loved checking out places that feel like you're on another planet."
"There's something that is so unique and different, not of this world, almost like an angel or an alien."
"It truly feels like I'm exploring another world when I'm here, some place I'm not supposed to be, some place where something else calls home."
"It's in this moment that the valley and all its fantastic mixture of colors makes it feel like we're on a different planet."
"The animation can only be described as otherworldly, still holding up beautifully even a whopping 80 years later."
"When you see one of those things in real life, you would think it's from another world."
"It had a roar that was not like anything that lives on this planet, especially in Illinois."
"It will be inhabited by otherworldly residents."
"I'm pretty sure he's not from this planet, I think he is an alien."
"Maybe that's why this feels so otherworldly."
"Your ancestors have brought you two together in a very beautiful way. So, how does he feel when he sees you? He feels like he's in a whole 'nother world when he's with you."
"There was no way they were from this world, but there was something beyond."
"I don't think that they're human even though they have all the tools that we have. From what I can determine, they possess a density that is otherworldly."
"I'm drawn to the unknown, the otherworldly, and those experiences so beyond belief they call everything into question."
"I remember seeing these colors, colors that don't exist on Earth, it was absolutely beautiful."
"Lena calmly answered each inquiry, marveling at her beauty and remarking that she seemed like she belonged in another world."
"That is something out of this world, indeed."
"There is something otherworldly around this area."
"The Prophet is… beyond my understanding. It - and that which sent it - are a disease on reality, not a part of it."
"This one feels very much like in the fey realm, these characters are far from human."
"There is something about them that is very ethereal, otherworldly, almost like a character from a game or something."
"It does look like you're on another planet."
"The Smoking Hills: an otherworldly landscape of fiery hills smoldering relentlessly for generations."
"Overall, this island is just truly otherworldly and it offers a glimpse into a world unlike any other."
"The most alien looking place on Earth."
"It's like something you'd see on Mars."
"We navigate our imaginations of the otherworldly in terms of our own bodies."
"PCO, he is not human, he is not of this Earth."
"Wow, that was so amazing. All the symbology, all the extra astrological everything, just amazing. So beautiful. It's like you go into another world or something, that was totally another world."
"The terrain around here is certainly otherworldly."
"It was like stepping into a different world, one governed by this eerie alien organism."
"It looks gorgeous and weird and otherworldly."
"When you listen to the song, even your spirit man knows this is not from this world."
"It adds a layer of other-worldliness to the forge."
"It was an alien because Satan was not from this world, he was from another world."
"It doesn't taste of this world okay."
"There's something very ethereal about you."
"There's almost an otherworldly feel to whatever you're creating."
"Beyond the world as we see it, there are other worlds."
"What I saw was not of this world."
"I saw something that was so out of this world it wasn't from this world that's for sure."
"It's like otherworldly, like it literally feels like you're not on Earth right now."
"She's not someone from this world."
"Despite being in the presence of an otherworldly experience, it was not the slightest bit terrifying. In fact, the sense was of great calmness."
"Haunted by the memory of that night, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had stumbled upon something otherworldly."
"Don't bring fear into this connection because I do feel like when this person comes in, it will feel like out of this world."
"Whatever is going on here it may not be of this world."
"It's gonna feel otherworldly meeting your true love and your future spouse."
"Whatever this was, it was not from this world."
"Angels are a common extra planar creature type found in the goodly plains, inspiring awe in any mortals that come into contact with them."
"You don't live in this world, you're not part of this world."
"Whatever it was, it was not of this world."
"That shape was out of this world!"
"Visually you just know we're on another planet."
"An expression of the infinite brought forth from another world into this existence."
"It is a courtroom scene, but it is unlike any earthly courtroom scene."
"there really is nowhere on Earth...quite like Pandora"
"Okay, if you're really here and you really are from another dimension, just show us one more sign."
"Valkyrimon: The Warrior of another world."
"This place is paranormal on another level."
"I've never felt anything like it, it was as if he wasn't even human."
"The gorilla-like stature and wiry arms of the creature combined with their shape-shifting head and hypersensitive hearing provide an otherworldly threat to the Abbott family."
"The waterfalls and really all of this region of Iceland felt like another planet."
"This is unreal, it seems like you're on another planet."
"Whatever it was it was not a human or an animal."
"He called it otherworldly and said he has never in his entire 86 years of life seen anything remotely close to what he saw."
"It was not something from this very world."
"It was like it wasn't human in the sense that we used the word in modern society, but at the same time, it also seemed like something more than just an animal."
"If I find within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for a different world."
"It was like it wasn't human in the sense that we use the word in modern society, but at the same time, it also seemed like something more than just an animal."
"Strange events convinced that something otherworldly lingered."
"It's something from beyond, where things aren't like they are here."
"...OK Computer was more grounded Kid A felt very otherworldly and Cosmic but both of them were 100 human and I really enjoyed that."
"She's not of this earth, and that's how I know she's for me."
"It's like seeing into another world when you look over the wall, over the fence, over the barricade, through the dimension."
"It was like walking in another dimension."
"It really felt like I was accessing her dimension."
"Shadowy arms extend eager to drag you into another realm. A captivating image surfaced within the Vietnamese YouTube Circle, a list video's intriguing thumbnail."
"Looks like a different planet...spectacular views."
"I don't know much, but it feels to me like the veil here between worlds is quite thin."
"David Blaine is not from this planet, he's not from this dimension."
"That is super cool, this is another one of them where like it could be on another planet you know I mean, not on Earth."
"You can't convince me that I'm not on Mars right now. Talk about the most otherworldly landscape imaginable."
"Join Strange World's Magical Travel Society and explore other worlds."
"SCP 4258 isn't your average diner. It's an interdimensional diner."
"Other world has a deeper significance in a number of cultures."
"This is a game from another planet tonight."
"Legends say that only five heroes from other worlds can save this world."
"I always tell people that it's just like another world out here. It's just so awe-inspiring."
"Alina asks him what he misses from the world above, he says it is freedom."
"Aiden O'Connor thought it looked like a portal to another world."
"It was just so indescribably another world."
"The legendary absolute defense from another dimension."
"Being transported to another world and of rooms like these being almost an assault on all your senses."
"I felt like I was face to face with something out of this world, something from another dimension."
"I knew that I had come from another world."
"I wished I could bring my new friends back to my world."
"The answer to Earth is not on Earth; it's from another place."
"Go home, go to the other planet E.T., because you're out of this world right now."
"Somehow we had crossed some unspoken boundary that divided our mundane little world and this world ruled by atrophy."
"That's not what I said. I'd love to go to a new world."
"I jumped into another scene entirely... I was floating through vastness."
"The world of Vontral is sort of an Asgard-like plane floating in space."
"Being on the bottom was like being on a different planet."
"I actually have access to another dimension."
"This world is really weird, far different than his other one."
"The grand tsingy of Madagascar is an extraordinarily strange natural place that looks like it belongs either on a foreign planet or in a storybook."
"The suit is slightly metallic and very glossy, so when the light hits it, it looks almost otherworldly."
"The astral world is populated by a large number of entities, just as the physical world is."
"Not only was it a fact that men, women, and children had vanished as a result of stumbling into these mysterious portals, but it was also a fact that things from the other side of the portals had stumbled through into our world."
"By making these realms so different, so non-human and non-earthly, the show also creates opportunities for action and dramatic moments which would be impossible in a more terrestrial story."
"The dream and the yearning... he could almost feel the enveloping presence of the other world."
"The kingdom of mine is not of this world."
"I've killed things from other worlds before."
"It's like being transported into another universe."
"His greatest desire was to serve his master, an outer god called Log Sotha, and to bring him to our reality."
"It feels like you're on Mars or another planet."
"The Others are going to come at us as a force which, although we will understand a lot more about them, will still seem otherworldly in some way."
"They are strange, beautiful, think of the Sidhe, made of ice, something like that, a different sort of life, inhuman, elegant, dangerous."
"It's very salty, it's very dark, it's very dry, and all those things give this place a very otherworldly feel about it."
"It feels like it takes you to another dimension."
"It looked like we were coming into another world."
"It was as if you're in a completely different world somehow, of above and in between and below."
"The book did not merely describe that strange world but in some obscure fashion was a true composition of the thing itself."
"I'm being a little a lot of artistic license with this, but I was thinking kind of black hole, like other dimension kind stuff going on here."
"They're not lying; they really are heroes from another world. Their spirit, their strength, honestly, they're more heroic than the heroes here."
"It's like Itachi has the power to trap you in another world."
"Absolutely amazing, it's like something on a different planet."
"It's like you're in a completely different world."
"Mesmerized by the beauty of the tidal pools at Botanical Beach. Wow, this does look kind of otherworldly, like another planet."
"This is one of those truly otherworldly places, and it feels like you're on a different planet."
"For this list, we'll be looking at the anime characters who found themselves transported to another plane of existence and were granted fantastical abilities far beyond everyone else."
"My kingdom realm does not come from this world."
"This is just one of those fisheries that it's like another world."
"This is magical, this is literally magical; that's no exaggeration, I feel like I'm in another world or something."
"What if you were tasked with retrieving an arcane item from another world?"
"It feels like we're on a whole other planet right now."
"It's almost like watching another world."
"But moth or not, is it possible that this place is alive with activity from other dimensions, maybe other worlds? Are we the newbies on the block?"
"We live for a different world, another life, another dimension, another age."
"There's a thinning of the veil in places like this, and it's easier for us to communicate with these things."
"He said his thoughts were nothing like they are on earth, and it was an incredible feeling of pure bliss."
"It's like watching two gods from another world."
"It was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had; it was truly otherworldly."
"You feel like you're on another planet."
"Is there a portal in here? There's something coming in and out of here, bro, I can feel it."
"He is an existence that brings his memories and abilities with him, so somewhere in another world, the memories engraved in his soul have to awaken."
"The scenery of Yehliu Park is like something from another planet."
"He's not of this planet at the moment."
"The best player I've ever seen, he's not on this planet."
"It was a beautiful, otherworldly place; time moved very slowly there."
"Before the first portal appeared, people looked at the sky in surprise and wondered if other worlds really exist."
"She's floating in the air, which does kind of lend to the idea that she's not from this world."
"It's like we've spent a night in a whole other world," Matt added with a laugh.
"It's like playing on Mars, isn't it? Or so I just put it on here, Patagonia, isn't it? Patagonia."
"Magical power being like a doorway, where you nudge the doorway open, accessing that physical realm somewhere else, and then drawing forth the power out of that realm to shape and mold here in our world."
"The flowers look so pretty and smell so lovely, it's an alien paradise."