
Personal Style Quotes

There are 5088 quotes

"I like those glasses on you, bro. Yeah, they're really cool on you."
"At the end of the day, your taste is going to define everything you do."
"What style really is, is you start with who you are on the inside and then you express that externally through your clothing."
"This is for the gentleman who wants to exert an air of authority and masculinity, a little bit of refinement."
"Sweater weather is my favorite time because I can bulk up and look a little thicker than I normally am."
"This channel might not be for everybody. I engage with you guys the way you should when you're making food."
"Your home reflects who you are, what you're collecting, and it's just like how you dress. It's such an important part of who we are."
"We want to lean in on the things that we really like and the elements of our personal style that we define as important."
"I wear fitted, structured clothes with interesting colors, textures, and patterns."
"If you are used to my videos, you know I am usually a little bit silly, a little bit a lot bit sarcastic, and providing scientific information, health information, and mom information."
"Rainbow Goth is a marriage of both sides of her personality: dark and twisty meets vibrant and bright."
"In the symphony of Swift's life, her fashion choices are not just garments; they are opulent crescendos."
"I love this outfit. I think it's so cool. It is so fun. I feel so fresh and hip and alive."
"The key to personal style is wearing whatever you want, sometimes looking awkward and bad but being confident about it."
"Once you find an aesthetic that works for you, you can carry yourself with pride."
"Proportion in clothing is to accentuate the things you want and hide the things you don't."
"You need to enhance what you have, but not add artificiality to it."
"The Queen is known for always wearing blindingly bright outfits, and there's a specific reason for this."
"Queen Elizabeth II wears such fabulous outfits."
"Your wardrobe should somehow inspire you, not when you look at your wardrobe you just feel sad, depressed, overwhelmed, and angry."
"Nobody is mixing their hangers, they all have hangers of the same color and actually these slim velvet hangers are really popular among well-dressed women."
"I don't understand designer fashion because if you're a fashionable person, if you pick the right [__] out of like a thrift store, isn't it going to look good?"
"She has a really unique style, amazing music, and overall is like a really inspiring person."
"Everyone is different with what they like and what they feel comfortable in, and sometimes you see someone and you're like, oh my god they look so cute in that, let me try it on, and then you try it on and you're like, this just isn't me, and that's totally okay."
"Yes to wearing things you love and maybe just need a little kick in the butt to get you out of the house in; no to wearing anything that's not your style and that makes you feel like you're trying to be someone that you're not."
"Get you a girl who can do both, wear a sweatshirt and sweats, and at other times, dress up and do her hair and makeup."
"A lot of people want to be individuals nowadays, and vintage is just the move to go."
"I'm not one to make the jewelry the statement piece of an outfit; I like it to be the complimentary piece."
"I'm trying to build a wardrobe that every piece is something I love."
"I learned to own my own style. You got to understand, and that comes from hard work and discipline."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed my deck, Venus Chaos Emperor BLS. That's my style."
"This is a stunning shoe. I can't wait to wear these out."
"In the words of the famous Kanye West, 'Some days I'm in my Yeezys, some days I'm in my Vans.'"
"Dressing the way you want and finding clothing that suits your body shape and your personality: automatic confidence booster."
"I feel like I am Johnny Depp in 'Blow' when I wear these."
"It's like yes, I know all my sisters are gonna be in rhinestones and beads... but she was like, you know what, I do sexy, I give you body, I give you Georges."
"Style is knowing who you are, what you have to say, and not giving a damn."
"You observe from everyone. You try to find your own style within that."
"I mean, I thought it looked good. You bowl cut? That's all I know how to do."
"Building a personal style that feels like you is a habit, and just like any other habit, you have to a) want to and b) work on it, just like muscles that you would go to build in a gym."
"Accessories can really help define your personal style."
"Leaning into accessories...accessories can even become part of your signature style."
"These definitely helped me out when I was trying to find my personal style, so I hope it can help some of you guys out as well."
"Personal style... has nothing to do with brands, it's more about knowing who they are and knowing who they're not."
"Forget about what is trendy. Forget about all the free guides...Start with yourself."
"Having confidence is probably the most important accessory in having a fashion sense or having your own personal style."
"If you wear what you like, then it'll make your personal style that much better, and you'll be happy with what you're wearing."
"Own your style and stop caring about what other people think of you."
"The healthiest way to look at your personal style is just as an evolving work-in-progress."
"The only person that you want to please with it is yourself."
"Everyone reaches a moment in life where we just feel like we have tried the trend thing, we've spent money on trends, it really hasn't worked for us, and now we want to get to some magical place in the world where everything in our wardrobe works for us."
"When you blend that together, and it's this perfect match of your responsibilities and your personal style, that's when you know you're moving the boat in the right direction."
"Wear things that you are confident in... it's better looking when you do that."
"Your style should reflect your personality, profession, and lifestyle."
"Personal style is an expression of your soul. It's like presence and personality, and it's basically having a point of view."
"Following trends and all of these fast fashion hauls is not going to get you to feel your best self. Maybe you'll feel on trend, but it's just not substantial, it's just not special anymore."
"Style is being courageous enough to wear the things that you want to wear, or at least represent the way that you want."
"Thrift shopping is perfect for finding your style because you're not distracted by all the trends."
"Create that perfect wardrobe of things that you really love and wear the heck out of."
"I think that's how you find a unique personal style is by taking your own experiences and bringing that into your fashion sense."
"Some guys wear jewelry, some guys wear chains; I just wear mag blue TE37s."
"Because you are learning to love yourself, you're becoming more bold and expressive about who you are."
"Why is my suit pink? I thought you'd look good in pink."
"We don't believe in sleeves. Sleeves aren't cool."
"Simple outfits that I really love to wear are combinations that are really adaptable and versatile."
"Those are some chic fall and winter outfits that I really like wearing, and hopefully, they can give you some inspiration."
"One of my favorite sayings is 'I love drama with my clothes, not in my life.'"
"It's very dolly parton vibes, which you know is a large part of my personal aesthetic."
"What I love about fashion is that it's all really subjective; one woman's boring is another woman's class."
"I was sorely tempted to wear a tan suit today for my last press conference, but Michelle, whose fashion sense is a little better than mine, tells me that's not appropriate in January."
"The bottom of your shoes says a lot about you."
"I've worn them for like five or six years. I still can't see them changing or going out of style anytime soon."
"I actually love this outfit. It's a reference to a Renaissance painting."
"I love Christmas. I love the way he dresses; he's really confident, and that's what I really like."
"No beat. Don't touch me. Acapella, that's what I'm saying."
"If you're happy with your look, I think that's what matters."
"I've been styling myself on air for 28 years, and I know me, I know my style."
"Believe what I'm going to be looking for today are things like white turtlenecks, brown tweed jackets, beige trench coats."
"Personal distortion, you know, I wasn't high enough or in quite the right position to get orthogonal to that subject."
"I like that haircut, looking good. Beard and goatee, dude, I'm liking this old you."
"As much as I don't see myself rocking these on a regular basis... I have to give it to Kanye."
"The hair is already on glow up... that's pretty dope."
"There's something special about curating your signature makeup style; it's fail-proof and your go-to no matter what you're wearing or what the occasion is. It always works."
"Once you finally find that one style that is able to maximize your beauty the most, your signature look can define who you are."
"Be loose, be free, and be fearless, and eventually, you'll find a shorthand of your own that will just work for you."
"His drumming style was as original as his personality."
"It's really interesting to me, and she's gotten like, the way she does it is like, in her own way."
"Skateboarding is all about being creative. So every time they come up with their own style."
"Everybody's taste evolves within time, and then sometimes things break or it's just not your style anymore."
"This cut of the bikini I find is very flattering. It's amazing for tanning."
"You're gonna like the way you look, I guarantee it."
"It wouldn't be Kylie's home without a glam room, would it?"
"I feel like your aesthetic is that every single thing should look nice," she expressed. "Like whether it's a sponge in your kitchen or if it's the scissors that you use."
"Viola Davis always just sort of goes for it and I like that she does color so so well."
"I just really love Chanel fragrances they make me feel sexy and womanly and mature."
"I think most young women are gonna like this or young people yeah this is definitely for the girly girl the flirty girl you know the the young girl in high school who wears makeup to school and and does her hair it's very very girly."
"This gets me so, so, so many compliments almost every time I wear this."
"I'm actually gonna tell you guys that I do sometimes layer this with a new one with reboot cane. It just smells even more intoxicating."
"Having a signature fragrance is the utmost best thing you can possibly have."
"I tend to love neutrals and basics and just bling it up with a little bit of highlighter."
"You'll also develop your own style along the way, don't worry too much about that, that just kind of comes with practice."
"No One Is Safe from that Bonnet honey not the leopard print Bonnet."
"The art of personal style is finding unique hyper pieces that are personal to you."
"Now that we've had ourselves a crash course on the three categories that factor in to color matching: skin tone, contrast and saturation."
"Even though it's just a dining room it doesn't mean that you can't inject your personality and style into the space."
"The theme is monumental, and how it fits Zinnia's backstory and personality is so impressive."
"Be in complete control of your game... not letting a specific legend control how you want to play."
"This will grab you compliments, this will stop people in their tracks, this is just so fresh, also bit spiky."
"It's not a timepiece. It's a conversation piece."
"She brings her unique style and sensibility to everything she does."
"Clearly actually makes you have swag... is having your own style."
"I went with this lace teddy number, absolutely obsessed with this."
"I know exactly what vibe I thought I look on, I've had my eye on this dress for a while."
"I'm gonna rock that, yeah, like and now that I'm wearing it it's like super comfortable."
"I love a good vintage pair of worn leather loafers."
"I think that your build should be based around your own personal playstyle and your own personal preferences."
"This era in terms of style had to be her most distinct out of all of her eras."
"Blair's rekindling of herself time and time again and hand over inspirations, loved ones, and sense of self creates the looks of her life as cultivated individuality never goes out of style."
"His personality came out in his drumming, but he had that real popping sound that was unmistakably him."
"I love it, and then I also did the same on my feet."
"So pretty and the little straps I also really love the back of this dress."
"Get new laces, all of a sudden you're going to be fresh."
"I'm never in a boring fight, that's not my style."
"Develop your own signature style and voice... taking a temperature of the room."
"Imagine being one of the best like tennis players in the entire world and then rocking these crazy looks. It's actually way cooler than you think."
"Just having your own look because people are going to look at you be like damn her aesthetic is so dope."
"Everyone's got their own aesthetic, even if you think you don't. It's just like an art style you're born with, it's unchanging forever."
"Anything's fashion if you're confident in it, and this dad looks confident."
"My aesthetic is kind of a curse. I didn't choose it, it chose me."
"I am fully prepared to use the most chaotic wallpapers in this area."
"It's the suit that gets me, it's the suit that does it."
"I think it's about your own style, not about people telling you what to wear."
"You can be confident regardless of how you dress."
"Switching from flats to heels, I'm ready to meet anyone for business."
"It's nice to hear that y'all found a style that feels like the most you and you've been able to find a community."
"It looks great! Like the video if you like the tattoo."
"There's a way that I was taught to do movies at home that I still feel; it's my DNA."
"Happy Valentine's Day can you guys tell I woke up today I was like oh my gosh if there's one day out of the entire year it's valid to wear like the perfect pink it's Valentine's Day."
"Color contact lenses provide an easy way to change up your looks."
"She came out with her hair down, and she took some risks." - Rachelle
"I know you guys like talking about my hair, but my hair is, you know, I had the blowouts today. I gotta give it, let it relax."
"Bring something new, bring something different, bring your own style."
"It's kind of why I like him and his his style he pisses everybody everybody can't stand him I mean he was the darling of the left darling of the civil libertarians and then almost Sonny decides to - to defend Trump."
"Just make honest music, you know? Whatever your vibe is, whatever sound you're going for, you just gotta keep them blinders on and focus on your lane."
"It's a hit for me, I love the contrast with the dress and the skin."
"The best rooms are created over time, finding new and vintage pieces you love, testing all the paint colors you're drawn to, moving decor pieces around over and over and over again until you create a room that feels like home."
"I feel like the best rooms are kind of like done over time. We even really find pieces that you really like and I love mixing like new and old and vintage and new like modern kind of design like styles all kind of blended together."
"Thanks very much for watching - this was a bit of a different style of video for me but I hope you enjoyed a slightly different look at Hunter Hunter."
"I do things with gusto. That's one thing I do. When I do something, if I'm into it, look out."
"I love Donna, she's really good at mixing different fabrics and textures to give a really interesting look."
"What makes something original anymore is your spin on it, your style, your personal emphasis on your project."
"The fact that she always goes for a solid good vintage sexy moment, always hot."
"Women think it's the main thought. See, it is the foundation of your outfit."
"Your style doesn't have to be dictated by anybody and you can wear whatever you want if you feel amazing in it."
"I really love this outfit, I love the way I look, I feel so pretty today."
"A couple of good pieces of jewelry can really elevate your looks and in the case of Fine Jewelry you can keep forever even hand them down."
"Creating your wardrobe is pretty easy. It's incredibly helpful for getting dressed each morning, it helps to save you money, it's good for the planet, and I also find the process pretty therapeutic too."
"A tongue-in-cheek attitude to military dress also eases the straightjacket of protocol."
"Picante as a shade, it's so true to me. It really is my perfect summer spicy orange shade."
"Believe it or not, this fit actually looks really good."
"Freddie's hair is a haystack, fascinating in a league of its own, beyond help."
"Commit to an aesthetic and just really kind of like develop that."
"I'm freshly pedicured, look how cute the blue is."
"Haley really does have this sort of natural way of just speaking to the camera like she would talk to a friend."
"Stay in your bag and then experiment on the side."
"Your hair looks cool bro, your hair does look cool now."
"In fashion, there's no right or wrong, just weak or strong."
"He wears the inverted cross everywhere that he goes."
"Now that I look like a studious well-put-together Slytherin."
"He has done so with wit, panache, and a sumptuously exquisite use of language."
"The Prince of pirates... dressed in fancy clothes and exhibited polite manners."
"I think your style comes when you just shoot what you like and what you want to shoot instead of trying to stay on trend or shoot like somebody else. Just shooting what you want to shoot and putting your own twist on it."
"He pulled up wearing a customized pair of Golf Le Fleur Converse, a blue trench coat, a Louis Vuitton monogram scarf, and perhaps most notably, a Russian fur cap known natively as an ushanka."
"Dressing is about bringing out your own style and expressing it with pride."
"Don't even bother filling in your eyebrows with the sparseness."
"ContraPoints is often in her content indicated that she's, this isn't meant to be a sideline, but, you know, catty."
"My mission is to find some nice layering tops that I can wear under even dresses like this, and I'm looking really closely at the fabric content."
"It's all about the swagger, man. Look, you just need the confidence that you can throw anything on and you can pull it off."
"You do your thing a little bit differently and everybody has their own style."
"I think this just looks so pretty, the way that it's sitting like this."
"This is great, I absolutely love it, I feel beautiful in it."
"Are you guys surprised at this color I'm probably not this is the shade vessel it's described as like a hot red orange because orange any hang on my lips yes please."
"I'm a huge fan of how this makeup look turned out."
"That's some cool hair, I kind of wish I was able to do this with my hair."
"Sometimes I'll look at a pair of shoes and I'll be like, 'Alright, this inspires me to rock this shirt.'"
"He makes movies for himself and that's it you gotta respect the balls of that."
"Blush is one of my favorite parts of makeup because it adds color to your skin."
"You want to finish off with your favorite lipstick."
"I think what I learned from all of them was the importance of authenticity and having your own voice in your own style."
"The secret to a great suit is all about the fit."
"There's nothing in the world like this watch other than other watches, and that is what I love about watches in general. It's just [expletive] mad."
"The most beautiful thing you're wearing is your confidence."
"I love a diamond earring. I think it frames your face like headlights."
"When I tell you this hairstyle came all the way through, yes sis, I am living for this style right here."
"I do always love a bit this makeup look today at by the way is going to be inspired by a Taylor Graham MUA on Twitter."
"This hairstyle came all the way through, sis. I am living for this style right here, a natural hair kind of situation. Miss Tuple grew her hair overnight or whatever."
"We're about to be looking like a whole lot of money on a budget when I tell you this hairstyle right here cost me 8.99, and sis, that's about it."
"Finding a style that represents who you are is a powerful communication tool."
"The best style is the style that makes you feel confident and comfortable the most."
"They literally made your outfit for you. I love race car graphic tees."