
Economic Value Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"The value of an ecosystem is when the economic value generated by the ecosystem exceeds that of the platform."
"Productivity is not hours worked; it's about the economic value of the output."
"OpenAI defines AGI as autonomous systems that can surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks."
"Siberia is a goldmine of oil and gas, with the value of those commodities in the West Siberian Basin alone combining to around $16 trillion."
"The average salary of a Python developer in the US was over one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars in March 2018."
"Inequality might not be that much of a problem if it was fairly easy for people to move up or move down depending on the value they added to the economy."
"The two super powers of AI and 5G will create unprecedented economic value."
"If people want something for moral reasons or whatever, well as long as they're willing to pay for it, then it becomes an economic value too."
"Gold has value obviously and has been a communicator of value forever."
"Most of the recent wave of economic value created by machine learning is through supervised learning."
"Africa's agricultural business will be worth one trillion dollars by 2030."
"The ability to read, the ability to write, but also to own some of the things that you're creating, to capture some of that economic value."
"We should be working the least amount we've ever worked if we were actually paid based on how much wealth we were producing."
"You can't sacrifice human life to get the stock market up. That is a repugnant concept."
"Copyrights and patents steal nothing; they create value."
"The single greatest devaluation event in history if real estate were marked to what it was truly worth on the market today."
"Look around and ask yourself, how many people can do what I do? If the answer is very few, you're going to be rich."
"Silver is extremely rare for the first time in human history."
"Cod was one of the most valuable fish in the world."
"Both useful skills and high quality goods will still have real world value even when your stocks or money might not have any longer."
"The commodity has a dual aspect: use-value and exchange-value."
"The purpose of a job is to create a product or service someone else wants to buy."
"Live performances, they're about to be valued differently."
"I don't buy JPEG NFTs... I look for use cases that create economic value."
"Money doesn't grow on trees and just like I talked about when I started this particular live stream okay the amount of time energy and effort to create actual goods and services you cannot underestimate that."
"Just because it's one cent doesn't mean it can't go to point one percent or point zero one of a cent."
"Toyotas in general hold a higher resale value than many other brands."
"This game is 45 US dollars at launch and promises a minimum of 20 hours gameplay for the campaign around a hundred for those just wanting to unlock everything and potentially hundreds more after that depending on your appetite for build diversity."
"The rules are changing but the amount of value that will be created and the ability for an individual to express their Creative Vision, it's a great time."
"Money is you transferring your time, your energy, but also your efficiency, your intelligence into a thing."
"That is still a very attractive price for something that's going to give you nearly 60 miles per gallon."
"Elon Musk has a great quote: 'You're paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve.'"
"A decentralized protocol will gain much more value than any centralized company in the world."
"Money is a store of value and a way to represent value that you've already created."
"I reckon the ESF is worth trillions if not tens of trillions of dollars in today's dollars."
"The better your systems are, the more high quality everything feels, and the more money people are willing to pay."
"Are we done now? No, not really. Not really, because you see, there's one factor that we're forgetting here that is very, very important. Time is money."
"That's a lot of goddamn hours, man. That's a whole lot of goddamn hours. For most people, that's a week and a half worth of work, goddamn."
"If you can hack Warframe to make it possible to buy literally everything and you don't mind spending the time, 3107 euros is what Mr30 is actually worth."
"Money is just simply the byproduct of how much value you deliver in the world."
"It also is going to give you an incredible range thanks to the 36 mile per gallon range and the front-wheel drive trim that we're driving here."
"We get about forty miles per gallon in real-world driving for $34,000."
"Regulation creates unbelievable shareholder value."
"WrestleMania alone is one of the most valuable sports brands in the world."
"With the v8's promise of lively performance, unique sound, and a lower price, it may be just the thing to attract new buyers to the Continental."
"But of course we must always come back to value."
"Water should have a market value... personally, I believe it's better to give a foodstuff a value so that we're all aware that it has its price."
"The value of the money should always be looked at in relationship to goods, services, financial assets and other currencies."
"Learning to CS effectively is so important, it's so much money. If you want to put in perspective, 15 CS is about the same amount of gold as getting a kill."
"The better you are at something or the more specialized you are at something or the fewer people that can do something the higher the value of that work is."
"It's full of rare earths, it's full of gold and minerals."
"The knowledgeable one - no matter who you are, you have some knowledge that other people are willing to pay for."
"Solar panels are an asset; they add value to the house."
"Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is worth your hard-earned money."
"So even in this condition, they're still worth quite a bit of money."
"We believe in the dignity of work and the pride of a paycheck."
"You're still getting a lot of value out of that."
"It's reassuring to know that residual values on this third-generation model are expected to be very reasonable."
"I see Bitcoin as accruing a lot of the store of value of the economy of the simulation."
"Nostalgia is money, you know what I'm saying?"
"I've produced more than £50,000 worth of value in the last three days."
"Your money is it worth the paper it's printed on... on the contrary Sagat, the Bank of England will make every bison dollar worth five British pounds."
"Bodies with unusual features or 'freaks' as they were called commanded much higher prices."
"Bitcoin will suck up a lot of the value of gold."
"You get paid based on the contribution that you deliver to society; if you triple your value, your income is going to skyrocket."
"Price of the complete kit is relatively inexpensive."
"We all have intrinsic value as people, as citizens, as human beings. We have to disentangle this confusion that economic and human values are the same things because they are not."
"We have confused economic value and human value."
"Our data is now worth more than oil. Our data is getting sold and resold over and over again and we're none the wiser."
"The difference between $0 and $1 is immense."
"This thing cost $18,000. Would you be impressed? I know I was."
"Future software companies are going to capture a large portion of that value."
"The value of everything is just what someone else is willing to pay you."
"Gold had intrinsic value. It still has value today."
"Ten extra dollars is like actually worth nothing right now."
"Proof of work basically means you need to expend energy to acquire the value of the money."
"It's always best to build on success so that your dog doesn't get worried or stressed during this and they actually find it a pretty nice, relaxing, calm time with you."
"We've undone it because the new kinds of roles that people play of providing information to giant algorithms so that they can automate things we've suddenly decided that's just too easy we're not going to pay people for it."
"Currency's value is partly because of the labor you can manifest into that dollar."
"What has your dollar done in the last 30 years?"
"There's only one car right now that I think would be comfortable and luxurious enough for a family of four to travel around Europe and pretty much get the same money back: it's got to be a Range Rover."
"I like the work and the what you do and what you get paid in this business is good... the work to pay ratio is good."
"But it also shows how many people value ten dollars so highly."
"One asteroid perhaps maybe uh 30 50 feet across could in fact yield billions billions of dollars."
"The world provides money to those that provide value."
"A Bitcoin wallet that hasn't been active for nearly nine years just moved more than 29.47 million worth of BTC."
"Stock to flow works because it measures scarcity directly. The scarcer something is, the more valuable it should be."
"Gold and silver hold their value despite no longer being an element of currency in most countries."
"The drone industry is currently worth a whopping 127 billion and is only set to grow."
"What drives equity returns in the long run is simply a function of one thing: economic value added."
"Lexus: Known for reliability, dependability, and maintaining high resale value."
"Gold is good money and it's been good money for 6,000 years."
"If these features work as described and only as described, there's almost no cause for concern."
"Project management in general, you make about $77 to $129,000 a year."
"If you put in an hour work and you made twenty dollars you effectively made one ounce of gold worth of value."
"Human labour creates value, but is not itself value. It becomes value in its coagulated state, in objective form."
"It's actually a relative bargain compared to the gas only version of the CRV."
"A dollar today is going to be worth way more than a dollar in 2050."
"The first stimulus check is now worth about nine thousand dollars."
"Most important thing for you at home, so we'll then look at the price of the user determine which is the best value for money."
"You can have opportunity to keep much more value, meaning creating new jobs."
"This represents incredible value for the dollar."
"A medal of honor is the Aldi Split Top wheat at 89 cents a loaf."
"Bitcoin has no intrinsic value and the dollar's going to be an enormous on-ramp into bitcoin."
"Silver and gold will have a huge role, like having real money to track."
"The one thing that stood the test of time is gold and silver."
"What classic modern classic represents the best value for costs masons etc bang for buck enjoyment."
"How much you can get per dollar has changed dramatically."
"Over the long run, capital flocks to companies that are providing value in an economy."
"Bitcoin is just the most expensive form of property to violate in human history."
"The whole thing is currently slashed for price during the Steam sale... you'll get amazing value money out of this package."
"120 pounds, that's two horses sold for twice the estimate."
"Trades are important too, also you ever see how much an electrician makes or a plumber or a pipe fitter or a welder?"
"Being able to go out and get a bouquet of blooms that if I bought it at the store would cost thirty dollars it makes me feel like wow I'm getting a lot of value out of my garden."
"The Allure of a treasure worth millions remains irresistible."
"Silver has both economic and monetary cases working for it simultaneously."
"There's always demand for gold across the entire economy, unlike Fiat products."
"True value is not found in the individual dollar; it's found in the goods and services that dollar can buy."
"The value proposition is undeniable for AI factories... a 20 25 30% difference in overall effectiveness especially as you scale up is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars of value."
"I think if whenever you look at those prices in that context I think it's a phenomenal value."
"Just give it some time and the free and open market is going to figure out like where what is value."
"A roll of toilet paper was worth like this much money."
"A dollar today is worth more to us than a dollar a hundred years hence."
"The money brings comfort, opportunity, ease of mind - that's value."
"The South Pole is green as well, so I guess this is gonna be pretty valuable."
"The more skilled you are in something that there's a demand for, and there's not that many people who can do it, the price of what you're going to get paid will go up."
"The true wealth is from you and me creating a product or a service for each other."
"Our greatest wealth is the productive power of our workforce."
"I would buy the pre-con just to get... the reprint value is obviously really high."
"32 gems per token with the token doubler, that is value."
"Money is not the issue. The real issue is value."
"To be well under that for something that's similar is uh it's pretty nice."
"The world will pay you commensurate with the kind of problem you're solving."
"Yo, the amount of oil this company has is crazy!"
"The pieces gain in value in a locked situation."
"In terms of value, the 2200g is excellent, especially when compared to brand-new hardware."
"Market number one goes from no value or little value to value, value back to little to no value, and this market repeats this same cycle forever."
"There are definitely bargains out there to be had."
"These are cards that are sort of not flashy but have gotten to the price that they're at because they are so versatile."
"Bitcoin is setting an actual value to a currency that is based on scarcity."
"Every single dollar that you can generate in profit is precious and I truly believe that being a reseller is an amazing thing because you are generating an income for yourself where no job previously existed."
"Money really is becoming worth less, not worthless but worth less."
"If you can turn out great motion pictures, it has enormous economic value."
"Game Pass has really saved me in terms of having games for me to play."
"30-year mortgages have negative convexity, meaning it's never worth more than the day you originated." - Brent Beardall
"This was a top of the line automobile. This car was $10,000 in 1916, which was a tremendous amount of money."
"Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, it's all about supply and demand."
"In a world where they can't print money, what monetary savings represents is the amount that someone's produced for others that they have not yet consumed from others."
"The global value of art is expected to grow a whopping 1 trillion dollars by 2026."
"Navigable Rivers like the Mississippi or the Rhine are tremendously valuable to generating economic activity."
"Your garden is worth a lot of money, and that money goes into feeding you and everybody wins."
"The economic value of Moringa was the core of our discussion on today's edition of news in-depth where many have classified this tree crop as green gold that can help to transform this Zambian economy."
"Join South America in the United States will be of immeasurable economic value and intrinsic value or whatever the hell we argue."
"So basically for every dollar you spend on extra research and development, you do somewhere between $16 and $21 of good in the world."
"We need to rethink what we mean by value in economics."
"We need to rethink the way we think about economic value."
"Cash flows matter more in that type of a world."
"One hectare of mangrove produces around $200,000 per year in ecosystem services."
"Alabama's trees are a valuable economic resource, but today we're dealing more with the value of trees as living wonders."
"The idea that liberal arts are useless in an economic term, forget the other defenses of them, has no factual basis."
"For every one pound that is invested in community sport, there is a return of four pound of wider social and economic value."
"Even after so many years of inflation, so many years of a pandemic, your dollar is going to get you a lot more here in Mexico than it is over there in the USA."
"AI and deep learning could add as much as 3.5 trillion to 5.8 trillion in annual value to companies."
"Information from space is of great economical but also ecological importance."
"Mangrove ecosystem services provide about 800 billion dollars worth of value."
"Price redirects resources toward higher valued uses."
"Hong Kong quickly proved to be a very valuable port."
"Mink fur can be used to make clothes, hats, or gloves. Products from this material bring very high economic value."
"Gold has an intrinsic value; it's been around longer than us and I think it'll be around here longer than us."
"Maths has an empirical fact that it pays itself off so many times over."
"It's a 40 billion dollar industry, and by 2025 is predicted to be worth over 70 billion dollars."
"The story teaches us the financial value of real goods and real assets whose value are more closely tied to factors like their inherent usefulness, not public speculation."
"If you want to get paid more money, you have to figure out how to provide more value to the world, to the economy."
"The unpaid labor is worth $10.9 trillion per annum."
"The market essentially moves based off of value."
"Transport on this line is worth an estimated 25 billion dollars annually."
"Sometimes a country's wealth is determined by the amount of natural resources they have."
"Mothers need to get paid for being at home, taking care of the next generations."
"I love that and of course the price used, the economic advantage is entirely in favor of the Omega."
"The Goldilocks asteroid represents enough resource wealth to make people, and more importantly, nations lose their minds."
"The estimated value of the services that coral reefs globally provide is about 170 billion per year."
"Follow your enjoyment, as long as it has some economic value."
"The Arctic Circle is already worth tens of billions of dollars to whoever controls it and could be worth trillions in the not too distant future."
"The market defines the economic value of something, what we call its price."
"There's a structural asset value to the United States that's valuable."
"Ultimately what matters is the contained value per ton."