
Personal Opinions Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Eliminating the weight of opinions is essential."
"If you're not financially independent, you shouldn't even be having your own opinion because somebody else is gonna be paying for your decisions, and they're gonna be making those decisions because their interest is in that decision because they're paying for it."
"At the end of the day, my goal... is not making everyone have the exact same skincare opinion as me, but more so have everyone be mindful about the ingredients that they use."
"If you're getting offended over some of my opinions around skincare, girl, you have bigger problems."
"My opinion is not worth more than anyone else's, but it's undeniable that it has much more influence."
"Getting to know the real you, who you truly are, is about removing the mask of other people's opinions of you."
"I really don't care what your opinions are at all, just as long as you're critically evaluating them. That's the important thing to me."
"My mate's told me that person's an idiot, so that person's an idiot. How about spending some time with the 'idiot,' and you might find out that your mate's biased."
"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is TotalBiscuit. It is the end of 2017. I know what that means, kids. Yes, arbitrary lists, discussions, and arguments. It's our favorites, isn't it?"
"Objective truth is a truth irrespective of anyone else's opinions."
"I don't know a lot about parenting, but what I've gathered is that parents don't really like it when other people try to tell them how to parent their kids."
"If you really don't care about someone else's opinion, don't have receipts longer than Rite Aid."
"Nothing here is meant to be offensive. I'm not trying to attack anybody. I'm just giving my opinions and you're welcome to disagree just as I am welcome to disagree with you."
"There's no right or wrong answer here with this, there's no ulterior motives, it is what it is, and everyone's gonna like everything."
"So, and because he had academic pretensions, was a professor, I have a lot less patience for professors and professional journalists than I do for, you know, other people."
"Someone else's opinion shouldn't make you angry, especially when it's not very good."
"As long as you're not being hateful, it shouldn't matter what your opinion is."
"It's kind of representative of what the anime fandom can basically be: people take a lot of defense and they take it personal when you don't like something that they like."
"I just don't feel like that's respectful or fair and again this is my personal take on it."
"But I'm not sure if anyone else feels like that about this book you'll have to let me know in the comments."
"Your opinion like I don't like agendas and you know Bruno is my favorite player but I didn't like his performance yesterday I'm sorry."
"I want to help out the Bible-believing community by giving out my two cents."
"Two words: bumper stickers. Can't stand them. I hate them so much. I don't know why people need to put their opinions on their cars."
"Nothing's worse than going on Snapchat and then seeing when your dumb friends give their stupid opinions on a movie."
"I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs and their opinions."
"If they think a song is good, does that mean it's good? If they think a person is uninteresting, does that mean they are?"
"Everybody got a whole different top five, go crazy, they do. The lineages are different."
"This series is meant to be all about my honest actual opinions."
"Real people are ideological; they have opinions about how Society should be organized."
"If you don't like a Sagittarius, it's probably you."
"Ultimately I think it should be handled with compassion."
"What she says is right, what she says is true but I don't like how she says it boohoo."
"My personal views, if I were to begin speaking about my personal views on this subject, would send a misleading signal to the American people."
"If you disagree... well then you're not going to like the film."
"Hope you have your own opinion. I hope you are Mourinho in. I hope you are Mourinho out. I hope you are the undecided. I hope you've got an opinion."
"Mike what did you think when you first saw Donald Trump's mugshot? I thought ma'am that is the most handsome president of the United States we've had in American history."
"Some people said Lawnmower Man a lot, and a lot of people said Dreamcatcher, which is one of the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre movies."
"I'm just saying what I see and what I see is nonsense."
"You don't let him play you, Ari... Denzel's the greatest of all time."
"I firmly believe that people should have their own opinions."
"People can have opinions that don't align with yours."
"That's fine. That doesn't change how I feel about myself or most of the times how I feel about my opinions."
"It's okay to be wrong, it's okay to have an opinion... So what? Get on with it. That's how we do it, that's how we move forward in life."
"Music is great but it doesn't solve problems. It makes the shitty problems that the world has a little more easy to bear because no, that's not true, it is true, no, that's our opinion."
"The worst person you know just made a great point."
"We shouldn't hate each other. I think and I know they're not saying you actively like hate."
"People be like, 'oh, it's such a bad thing to look at other people'... but actually, it's not."
"Branding... part of the reason why the track was mixed so hot for the television broadcast."
"He looks damn good. Just because he looks different does not mean I'm saying he looks bad."
"Greg only grants the words he's spewing religious contexts, but outside of what we have, all these things are just vague enough to just be like his opinion, man."
"I never think that you should take reviews too seriously at the end of the day, it is just somebody's opinion that is it."
"I do try to give honest opinions about things."
"People care too much about their player being seen as the best. It should just be about how good do you think he is."
"I frequently make fun of my own cars... But when I say something negative about somebody else's car, it's like you insulted their child."
"I really feel like I can give you my honest opinion on everything."
"Be respectful of other people's opinions in the comments below. I can take the abuse if you don't like my opinions. I don't care. Go nuts at me. I can take it."
"All that really matters is how you feel about them."
"I've been coloring my own hair for years just out of the box, which I know people have different feelings about, but my hair is very soft and healthy and shiny, and I don't know what to tell you."
"I'm not gonna lie it depends on your mentality."
"Tina Fey's not a good actress; Kristen Wiig is a versatile actress."
"Opinions are like [] everyone's got one and nothing but [] comes out of it."
"Even if I don't agree with his opinion, give it to me straight."
"Guys give me your thoughts. What do you feel about it? How do you feel about the old era versus the new era? Which side are you on?"
"You're entitled to your opinion... respectful disagreements."
"Them [expletive] was trash... they just act like he was crazy."
"In a world of opinions, everyone's allowed to have one."
"I always need that guy sucks though... anyway."
"I don't know why people live in a world where they get offended by other people having an opinion that's not theirs."
"It was just so toxic and I'm not saying older YA at that time was not toxic, it definitely was."
"Either way those are my thoughts who do you think should have been in the top 10 greatest guitar players of all time?"
"I'm allowed to have a different opinion and to voice my opinion. I should not be silenced because I disagree with you."
"That's the beauty of opinions, we all got them."
"It's always worth hearing what he has to say. He's always coming at things at a different angle."
"I think it's weird when you're like it bothers you that people have accents."
"We're all gonna have totally different lists, and we should have totally different lists."
"Hot La Mode definitely takes the crown for most opinionated. He's not trying to pander to people, he has his opinion and he's going to tell you about it."
"Sandwiches taste 100 times better when cut diagonally. That is almost always true, except for BLTs, and I will die on this hill."
"You might not like someone, but you recognize that they've achieved something."
"She said, 'But that's a personal thing with me that has nothing to do with their show. I love these guys.'"
"Trump was terrible also on the birther issue."
"An opinion is not hate. If somebody says, 'Yo, I'm not feeling that,' that doesn't mean that I dislike you or I hate you."
"Status doesn't matter. Everyone can have their own opinion, you know what I mean?"
"Everything you're doing, everything you're saying, the way you're acting is ridiculously dumb."
"You can't go back to somebody's past and hold them accountable now, and that shouldn't affect their employment. I 100 disagree with that."
"It really boils down to how you feel about The Force Awakens and Rogue One."
"There's nothing wrong with whatever you feel towards a movie."
"I'm gonna give my honest opinion on things that people want to hear about."
"I've seen some people get mad at me for like disagreeing with other people. It's like I'm allowed to disagree with other people."
"This is purely my opinion. It's fine if you disagree with it. In fact, I want to hear what you have to say down in the comments."
"It's interesting that this guy is good to go, but this guy's like no, nope."
"I feel it's so important to have an opinion."
"If you disagree with me let me know why because I do like hearing from you and I'm not the kind of person who sits here and thinks I'm right everybody else fucking stupid."
"It's better to have an opinion and be loved by many and hated by some than to have no opinion and just be vanilla where everybody forgets you."
"Stay within the parameters of biblically defined sin, not personal opinion."
"Avoid mixing personal opinion with God's word; rely on God's wisdom." - Proverbs 3:5-6.
"You can't be scared to have your opinions. You can't let the left try to demonize you for having opinions."
"Why are you taking other people's opinion seriously?"
"It's healthy to have different opinions because if we were all the same or we all thought in the same tunnel vision the world would be such a boring place."
"Who's the best in the world? When I tell my friends, I instantly name these four."
"You're pretty judgmental people as it turns out, you think that this other way is not just different but actually better."
"What really happened in ancient times? What is your opinion?"
"These are just some opinions and there is absolutely nothing to get mad over."
"While many actors have personal feelings about the projects they've been in, others have been the victim of serious public backlash."
"I realized there's a certain value and feeling of accomplishment in learning things the hard way, but if you ask me, it's not worth it."
"Feel free to listen to things I might not be right about everything, but here's the way I see things."
"These are all just my thoughts and opinions and I want to hear what you guys are thinking about this."
"I find myself having quite a lot to say about this show."
"You see something that you don't like and immediately you're like, 'I don't like that.' That's why I kind of don't take the press seriously."
"From other people you gotta have your own opinion you can't just steal."
"Isn't Tom the guy who left the positive review about the egg scrambler? Suck it, Tom."
"Learn to distinguish between personal preference and guidelines in the form of opinion and objective claims."
"It's just my opinion... and you can disagree with me and we can still be friends."
"I've always said this: one, he doesn't deserve it, but two, for the business side of it, it makes no sense."
"I am a personal very big fan of having rank up choice."
"We had a fight about whether swimming or football was a more difficult sport."
"Even if someone has an art like I didn't like this movie and you did if they can argue why they didn't in an intelligent manner yeah that's cool just to be like."
"This tier list is completely biased. I don't care what you think, I don't care what the internet thinks. My favorite character is my tier list, okay? This is biased as [ __ ] and you're gonna deal with it."
"I've learned that there's nothing wrong with people liking things that you don't like."
"But that's just my thoughts and you know what? I'm on my soapbox so I'm allowed to have my thoughts!"
"It's like, why don't you value your own opinion as much? Like, why do you trust some random stranger's opinion over your own?"
"It's just being confident in a conversation... it's just having an opinion... it's just how I feel about it."
"Come up with your own thoughts as well around stuff. It's too easy to just follow what someone says."
"I love that he's doing that... I got no love for those guys."
"If you’re going to get upset over my 6/10 rating, just remember that you’re not getting upset over me saying the movie is bad."
"Different people have different ideas on how to survive."
"To pick for a service pistol if you're gonna say ok we're going down the path of this polymer frame striker-fired pistol and for a service pistol to pick anything other than a Glock to me is just insanity."
"He knows what was going on. And to put on that, like, the fighting is not the first resort that anyone should go to, but sometimes, you know, I'm a big boxing fan, sometimes two guys just have problems with each other."
"Everyone has different things to offer, everyone has different opinions of what's cute and what's not."
"That's my verdict. You don't have to agree with it. That's the beauty of React Court."
"Beautiful you it's that is a perfect i think your your your rationalization that is perfect i agree we never hear her saying that we only hear johnny saying that."
"Hey, that's what the Internet's about, that's what this hobby is about."
"RIP DMX, regardless of your opinion, he was a great musician."
"Even though I despise the guy, even though I think he's an idiot, even though I think he's massively overrated, no, he's allowed to be a dick. Let him be a dick."
"There is nothing more liberating than being able to say... I have a lot of opinions about like cancel culture and [ __ ] like that that when I was younger I definitely guarded and didn't want to talk about."
"My view on surgery often comes from social media... somewhat of one of the reasons why I'm not so much against surgery."
"What'd you guys think? I gotta be honest with you, I think it came out really good."
"Tell me one thing that you believe is fair game to judge another person for. People that honeymoon at Disney, I'm judging."
"The only opinion that is actually relevant and valid is your own because you're the only person that knows yourself inside and out."
"Would love to hear what you have to say and what you think because that's what matters the most."
"The one person who I feel would really hate Machine Gun Kelly the most is Megan Fox's ex-husband Brian Austin Green."
"I'm gonna tell you guys exactly what I think... if I think it's one of the best designs in existence... it's gonna be on this list."
"I think you're going to be blown away by Tony. I know some people don't agree with things he said, he's made some incredible predictions in the last 10 to 15 years."
"Modi ji and Yogi ji, your thoughts on these two individuals."
"Your opinion is no worse than anybody else's."
"I like people having opinions. You can have any opinion you want, and yeah, I respect that."
"Opinions are like [bleep], everybody has one. That doesn't mean they necessarily need to go around showing it to people."
"Everybody has their own opinion, but as long as you stay locked in mentally, everything will work out."
"These are really fun chats to have in my opinion."
"You can't lie, it comes back to bite you. That's what I learned, but I learned I could have an opinion all day, I could talk about the rumors all day long."
"Anybody with a phone has an opinion, and with me, I don't really give a [care]."
"Opinions are like buttholes, everyone's got one."
"I have no problem with you having a point of view."
"Taylor Taylor I think the spelling is important on this one too standard t-a-y-l-o-r-r oh boring I gotta go boring as hell."
"The truth about Sin: it may come from the Bible, not personal opinions."
"Whoever made these floating spike balls like, they must be a pretty smart guy to develop all these things."
"I think I'm allowed to have a different opinion about something as non-important as drama getting one."
"This is my channel, I want to talk about my own honest opinions about stuff."
"You can dislike them as a person, but you got to respect their craft."
"Wow, doesn't your friend think that's a little bit too much?"
"Everyone has a different opinion, and that's the beauty of it all."
"If you have a different opinion, you know your list is looking a little bit different, that's fine."
"My mistake was thinking that video games are art."
"Abandoned Pennsylvania they they elected John fetterman a man with literal brain damage because the uniparty abandoned mehmed Oz for being a Maga candidate not."
"There's no reason to hate anyone over their opinion."
"Bruno Fernandes, whether you don't like the way he plays or whether you don't like the way he looks or whatever it is," he is factually our best player.
"Everyone's opinions and experiences are valid."
"My opinion is not your opinion, you can think differently and you should think differently."
"It's always lovely to hear from different people and what they think, especially from different cultures and environments."
"I've always said this about the elephant units."
"I'm going to be giving you guys a lot of my personal opinion."
"Pros and cons there, but I think a lot of people are definitely like this one."
"I secretly enjoyed talking about things I don't like so make sure you let me know and also let me know in the comments as well what your best and worst luxury purchases have been recently in terms of beauty."
"Number four: kidding themselves... stereotypically bad commentary channels are usually creative because you actually think that anyone cares about your opinion on the Internet."
"Start thinking for yourself again. I think this is all a knee-jerk reaction to people criticizing him."
"It's sort of like you almost want to just ignore it because it's just that crazy Kim guy over there who just likes to always say these stupid things..."
"Let's talk about what I like, what I don't like, what I think needs to be done better."
"Opinions don't define good or bad; they define like and dislike."
"I feel like people would want me to or think I would say because they like to edit."
"Nobody cares genuinely nobody cares what you think."
"You ain't out of shape, don't shade her about the Black Lives Matter movement."
"I think it looks cool, yeah. So what's the deal with that game?"
"Let's actually get to debating the facts. I don't care what your opinion is on me." - Speaker
"Are you answering these questions out of free will? Of course, these are my own opinions."
"Hopefully I didn't offend anybody or you guys think differently and differently of me in a poor regard based on my opinions that I have towards like maybe the negativity that comes with the channel..."
"Opinions are like [ __ ]. Most people don't want to see them and most of them stink." - John
"It's so hard to describe 'best' because everyone has a different 'best'."
"People like Ben, they're out of touch because he had an arranged marriage."
"Opinion is the key word here, and if you feel differently, that is completely fine."
"Everybody gets to have their own opinion."
"You just have to allow it time I don't know if this is a really shitty thing to say but I've stopped caring about other people's opinions."
"Debates are about content, not about your personal opinion of the other person."
"These are all my personal opinions and I just wanted to have a video on my channel to reference when I get these questions over and over again."
"Life is too short for nobody's opinion to affect you."
"And then to think that they're gonna go from repeating everything to one day being like, 'You know what, I disagree,' like, pardon me, you have an opinion?"
"Everybody has an opinion about Zack Snyder's films and style."
"Everyone has an opinion on and some people like and some people won't, but we are all entitled to our own opinions."
"Whenever you share your opinion on the Internet, people lose their noodle and take it personally."
"We all have our own opinions, likes, and dislikes, so nobody's wrong here; it's just a matter of preference."
"The views and opinions expressed by people in this video, especially Jody, are not representative of the views and opinions and morals of our company Trilogy Media."
"You want to start a fight on the internet? Ask somebody for their opinion on what engine oil you should run in your engine."