
Ecosystems Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"The value of an ecosystem is when the economic value generated by the ecosystem exceeds that of the platform."
"It was not organisms that were the bridge from geochemistry into life; it was ecosystems."
"We're leveraging microbes to combat microbes because that's what microbes do naturally in their ecosystems."
"In the wild, we see entire ecosystems that couldn't exist without constant interactions between species."
"Permaculture is an approach to land management that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems."
"There really is no definitive winner. It comes down to ecosystem."
"An undersea world of bewildering landscapes, detailed ecosystems, and surprising mysteries."
"Among the fronds, familiar fish like the boomerang flit between the leaves."
"We want to create a technology platform that can literally house multiple digital ecosystems and economies on it."
"They have two separate ecosystems, Douyin for China and TikTok for international markets."
"Interoperability only makes sense. It basically takes closed ecosystems and makes them open."
"Deeper? Yeah, it's one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world."
"The power of procedural generation in creating diverse ecosystems on one planet with dynamically responsive weather."
"Biologists tend to think, 'Well, get out a microscope, see if you see bugs running around.' What does the ecosystem eat? Where is the food coming from? Where is the waste going to?"
"More than anything, this is yet the most recent example of the different ecosystems Xbox and PlayStation are making."
"Perhaps most excitingly, the exploration of the deep seas here on Earth has revealed that entire ecosystems can revolve around these hydrothermal vents."
"They are amazing, and they're important for our ecosystems."
"You got to think in ecosystems, you got to think in leverage and balances."
"The rise of ecosystems and then the rise of data becomes the underlying driver that forces organizations to change in some pretty fundamental ways."
"No species is an island, species are members of things called ecosystems."
"Fungi play an extremely important, often unnoticeable or underestimated role in the functioning of all ecosystems."
"Bears roaming sustains ecosystems dispersing seeds and maintaining balance essential for biodiversity and environmental health."
"Fungi are one of the only things that could break down the lignin in wood so without them in our ecosystems we would literally have thousands of years worth of wood that can't be broken down."
"Sometimes they eat the pests that are bothering our houses, or our fish population, or other ecosystems."
"Just like the ecosystems and civilizations contained inside them."
"I suspect it for many of you a thriving ecosystem represents a rainforest in which there are lots of species of animals and insects and ferns and flowering plants beneath this dense canopy of trees."
"So please take care of our natural areas. We're running out of them."
"Product manufacturers will no longer have to develop and support multiple ecosystems."
"You can have these matter devices doing different things in different ecosystems all simultaneously."
"The entire groups of living beings such as carnivorous and Seed eating monkeys could continue living surrounded only by flowering plants."
"You know those trees that grow into the water that grows into the salty water? You know, it's a forest, like a little forest. You know, all the crabs, there's a lot of crabs, there's a lot of little animals who lives there, you know?"
"Nature wants a small, diverse group of animals and plants and microbes living in biotic relationships with each other. That's what we try to do."
"The biodiversity that runs the ecosystems that we all depend on is all huddled in these little parks and preserves, and it's not enough."
"There's just too many things in the iOS ecosystem that are just perfect that have not been replicated on Google to the point where you would be able to switch over."
"In creating their own ecosystems, beavers actually do a lot for humans."
"this is one of the top 15 most visited national parks in America that's because it has some of the most diverse ecosystems in this country"
"Meadows play a critical role in the landscape of Yosemite. They're biodiversity hotspots."
"We find that they are all exquisitely designed to inhabit those various ecosystems."
"Invest in ecosystems of Technologies which can collectively do something."
"Human interaction with the ocean often upsets natural ecosystems."
"The forests that line the gorge and surrounding terrain are some of the most diverse on the east coast."
"These are two platforms, two strong ecosystems, and to each their own."
"Nature works to rebuild ecosystems."
"The simple reason why there are so many species in the world is that there are so many habitats."
"Biodiversity is everything, it's the human, the animals, the plant, everything."
"The real connection that everybody needs to understand is that biodiversity creates functioning ecosystems."
"These are non-native species. They are introduced into a new environment, primarily by human actions, and when they do that, they significantly modify or disrupt the ecosystems that they're colonizing."
"New blue holes unexplored territory. A home of undiscovered ecosystems."
"A few feet along the length of your body can make as much difference to your microbial communities as hundreds or thousands of miles across the Earth's surface."
"This ecosystem is also interoperable with other ecosystems out there."
"...they sit at the very top of marine food webs...only people posing a threat to them...major impact on human cultures..."
"These systems create, constantly filter and continuously renew the life support systems on the Earth."
"So, we can further simplify and conclude there actually only exist three different ecosystems you can build."
"Ecosystems thrive when the species within those ecosystems are truly collaborative."
"It really is a spectacular potential for looking at the ways that humans have adapted to prehistoric ecosystems."
"It's so easy to forget that ecosystems are built on the backs of tiny things."
"It's not okay if they disappear. Insects are the primary drivers of our ecosystems and if they go, we go."
"We need all of them because it is the species around us that are running the ecosystems that support us."
"What ecosystems are trying to improve upon or learn upon."
"What survives is what works well within an ecosystem."
"There's a difference between a fish tank and a sustainable ecosphere."
"But we can catch fish in nets, and we can see that they're in certain places or they're declining or increasing, but we really don't understand what's really happening until we're under there, observing this firsthand."
"Mangroves form calm waters and reflect ecosystems like mirrors."
"Mediterranean climates... provide the foundations for some of the most important ecosystems on the planet."
"Brazil fits the bill perfectly, with lush rainforests, unique wildlife, and diverse ecosystems."
"If you allow the warming to go to an extreme level, say three degrees centigrade to four degrees centigrade, then all sorts of natural ecosystems disappear."
"These cloud forests are really cool; they're some of the most diverse habitats in the country."
"Natural ecosystems amazed me, the more you zoom in, the more perfect it works."
"Our job in permaculture is to regenerate damaged ecosystems."
"Regenerative agriculture is a science-based approach to producing high-quality food while restoring ecosystems."
"It's a super fun little ecosystem, and it's a great little no-maintenance setup."
"Really thriving ecosystems are not going to be silent; they're going to be noisy because of the level of insects and birds and other species that are there."
"Biodiversity is all about having the maximum number of species possible in an ecosystem."
"Ecosystems are not only more complex than we think, they're more complex than we can think."
"Life in the ocean starts on those reefs. Every species that's out there at some point in their life spends time on those reefs."
"Explore far beneath the surface into mysterious aquatic ecosystems."
"The forests and wetlands around the river are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world."
"The Triassic is of central importance in terms of the origin of modern ecosystems."
"Fundamentally and profoundly, we've changed the world; we've actually re-engineered the Earth's ecosystems."
"If coral reefs go, there will be a domino effect onto so many other ecosystems."
"That's such a good drive, and like four different ecosystems."
"The vast oceans that roro ships traverse are not just pathways for trade and transportation; they are delicate ecosystems that sustain life on our planet."
"They're small, they're only two to three inches long, but play a large role in our river ecosystems and food chains."
"These diverse systems are self-organizing, that's the key thing that the microbes actually know what to do."
"...it enables a whole regeneration of bio systems, gives us the water, the food, the bio systems, the social stability we're going to fundamentally depend on."
"They're an entire ecosystem under themselves."
"Dinosaur ecosystems seem to turn over every 300 to 500 thousand years."
"This is really in my mind what gives rise to the most valuable component of bonsai which is the ability to tap into these unique ecosystems."
"It is important to locate the projects on existing land to avoid artificial land masses which can displace and disrupt ecosystems."
"Microplastics are an absolute biggest threat to our ecosystems."
"That's been my favorite part about visiting the Southwest, the change of ecosystems so quickly."
"Due to their gargantuan size and depth, the sinkholes are thought to harbor their own unique ecosystems."
"The urgency to study and comprehend the intricate workings of its polar marine ecosystems, both in the past and present, is paramount."
"The thing about most ecosystems is the more diverse the species, the healthier the system."
"You start associating plantings next to the waterway so that each time in the future when you harvest a nice shovel full of silt that dropped into here, you can put it as a mulch or as a feed for a plant that's nearby, and then you're creating little ecosystems around it."
"Our well-being and the well-being of our ecosystems are intertwined."
"As inhabitants of this planet, we bear a profound responsibility for the wildlife and ecosystems that surround us."
"Preservation is maintenance of habitats and ecosystems in their present conditions, minimizing human impact."
"Regenerating health and quality of life for all beings also means we need to regenerate ecosystems and landscapes."
"It's so applicable to day-to-day life; you get to learn about the body but also ecosystems."
"Conservation biology is important because ecosystems are more robust the greater the biodiversity."
"The Anthropocene is the period where human activities like agriculture, industrialization, and urbanization have had far-reaching effects on Earth's ecosystems."
"Longleaf pine forests and savannas are one of the most biologically diverse habitats on earth."
"Paleontology is the study of ancient life, not just animals but of ecosystems and types of behavior, whether predator, prey, or the care of young."
"These bacteria live in ecosystems just like animals and plants do."
"Estuaries are bodies of water that form transitional zones between freshwater and saltwater ecosystems."
"The hydrothermal system created a network of niches perfect for microbial ecosystems."
"We are here by the sea, but then we can go to the mountains and go to a different ecosystem."
"People just don't understand the interconnectedness of all these types of ecosystems."
"The rivers that are the vital lifelines in these parched environments provide water to support communities, wildlife populations, agriculture, transportation, and industry."
"Rewilding is the mass restoration of ecosystems."
"Energy flows through Earth's ecosystems."
"These tanks that are older and that don't have fish in them can contain so much life."
"Whether you're trekking through the rainforest or swimming in the ocean or sitting in your own backyard, you can observe ecosystems and biomes every single day."
"Mother Nature will find its way to balance out the ecosystems when the time comes."
"The Euphrates meets the Tigris River to form the Shatt al-Arab, which eventually empties into the Persian Gulf, creating a vast delta region that's important for agriculture and ecosystems."
"The intrinsic value of ecosystems is that it's valuable even though it may not have any benefit to us."
"Those mycelium networks can extend for miles and miles and miles. It's one of the biggest organisms on the planet."
"They can survive through any season in a wide range of ecosystems because they can utilize different food resources."
"Ocean is a just a huge place, and also when I look at it, it reminds me about all these very spectacular fragile communities that we find worldwide."
"Self-organizing systems can heal themselves and adapt to changing conditions."
"This is a healthy place, that there are other worlds here, that there are animals and plant life."
"Right now, it's... you have to start targeting a lot of these newer ecosystems."
"We will see massive explosion both Solana and Avalanche gaming ecosystems just because of these transaction scenarios that play into it."
"Lichens are a really big component of biodiversity in many different ecosystems."
"More diversity begets more diversity, right? A spiraling pattern of complexification of ecosystems driven by the organisms themselves."
"A coral reef is actually one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth."
"Coral reefs have an unprecedented biodiversity and are sometimes referred to as the rainforests of the oceans."
"The role of ecosystems in supporting human adaptation and development has been severely underestimated."
"This is Amazonia in your backyard, that's what it is, and it produces way more food than that, way more."
"These carbon sinks store more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem in the world."
"Andean bears are like the engineers of the cloud forests."
"Nature has its own way of keeping the populations in control."
"Be aware of what effect that is having on our fragile ecosystems."
"Preserving the ecosystems of tiger range countries is as crucial as preserving the tigers themselves."
"A coral reef might look like a bunch of rocks or plants, but surprise, it's actually made out of tiny animals called corals."
"It's in thousands of different plants; it's all over the world in almost every ecosystem ever observed."
"The fossil record shows that the farther back in time you go, the less diverse the ecosystems become."
"Shallow seas and oceans deep, deserts and Great Plains."
"Ecosystems clearly are problem solvers; they've created intelligences, for example."
"Africa boasts myriad landscapes, from true forest to true desert and countless stunning ecosystems in between."
"The energy from the sun flows through our ecosystems and that's where the energy that we all need comes from initially."
"Diversity is important in populations and at many different levels, be it genome evolution or the content of diversity in an ecosystem."
"This is really good stuff, and I can't wait till I can get these guys out in one of the Aquascape ecosystems."