
Revenue Quotes

There are 1338 quotes

"It's interesting because Microsoft recently reported that their gaming sector is actually making a little more money than even their Windows stuff is."
"Predictable recurring revenue is gold for any business type."
"Scale is just being able to make money from way more people than you probably could in like a normal shop kind of business."
"That movie blew up, made a quarter billion dollars."
"Companies who obsess for revenue per employee naturally retain talent density a lot more."
"Now I can see projected revenue and then actual revenue which in a lot of states looks like it actually surpassed our projected revenue, so that's pretty good."
"We're averaging between 100 and 115,000 a month... our revenue marks sit at 45 percent, which is one of the highest in our industry."
"It's not about revenue; it's about keeping people alive."
"Total Addressable Market (TAM) is the total market demand, meaning all revenue for a product or a service."
"You fed the economy because we've helped those businesses generate revenue, profit, and they'll get exposure."
"Email marketing...has made about seven hundred ninety thousand dollars or twenty percent of our revenue from email over the span of one year."
"Acknowledgment of what speed limits really mean is important because for the most part, it's a revenue generator."
"The games industry... last year generated something like 130 billion dollars in revenue."
"We have a goal for revenue; we also have a goal for giving."
"I make way more revenue for my art. I do not have to sacrifice my creative freedoms."
"Most acquirers will pay a premium on the recurring revenue."
"Your monitoring revenue, your recurring revenue, is worth four times for every dollar of installation revenue."
"Raising prices is actually the easiest way to grow revenue."
"The TV and digital rights for 2022 - 2027 matches collectively sold for $6.2 billion."
"The daily wire generates a hundred million dollars in Revenue a year."
"Revenue is the building block for financial analysis."
"Starlink could generate 84 billion dollars in annual revenue over the next 10 years."
"This is the greatest cash machine in history."
"Profit is different to revenue because it's total revenue minus total costs."
"170 million dollars in revenue in the first 24 hours, setting a new record for the biggest day in entertainment history."
"The verified is obviously that's huge it's the revenue stream as well as a means of identifying that it's a real person."
"My goal is basically to replace all the lost revenue."
"They do not make 1.6 billion dollars a year by accident, they do it very intentionally."
"Mobile games make money to such a staggering degree that it makes all other media look like chump change."
"It's crazy how much do you make from those videos."
"They confirmed that they are making tens of millions a month."
"Forget everything you think you know about mobile gaming because Candy Crush is the fifth highest grossing mobile game of all time."
"NVIDIA's data center revenue is still growing by over 50% per year." - Alex
"Recurring revenues subscriptions are more interesting than app sales."
"Epic Games made 1.8 billion dollars in 2019, that is insane."
"Those tax cuts actually brought more money in to the federal treasury."
"Often, what brands will do is they'll only create their basic, nicely branded Shopify store, so they're leaving a ton of money on the table."
"Some companies make hundreds of millions of dollars from affiliate marketing."
"More fans, more revenues, and more security for pros is like a really good thing."
"The market for video games is currently thriving. In 2020, Animal Crossing New Horizons made $2 billion in revenue alone, surpassing the entirety of the music industry."
"The game grossed 11 million in the first week and the downloads exploded."
"It's fascinating. You guys have almost 200,000 Guild members. If you got to a million, the amount of revenue generated will make people in Hollywood weep."
"Flash games were making a lot of money, with FarmVille making a billion dollars in revenue."
"There's really only one game that can generate that much revenue... Grand Theft Auto 6."
"The game is actually making more money than probably any fully paid gated game that you can think of."
"Cars made a total sale of around five billion dollars in merchandise."
"Revenues all in all up six percent year on year."
"From this little hamburger stand, these guys were doing $350,000 in revenue a year."
"One extra star in a restaurant review and revenues can go up by as much as nine percent."
"Sure, I don't care. What is it? What does the whole brand make in a month or in a year? I mean, No Jumper might bring in a million a month. Wow."
"Home Alone is the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time, so yeah, in terms of popularity, we've got it."
"They made more money than they've made in years."
"PepsiCo: Revenue growing... love to see this as a dividend investor."
"GTA Online posted a record month in terms of revenue. It's still going strong!"
"I ended up doing like $60,000 day in revenue by the fifth day."
"Toy Story released and earned 373 million dollars worldwide."
"Star Wars, the Force Awakens, earned two billion dollars."
"I was able to make thirty thousand dollars in affiliate commissions off of that one single video."
"Revenue is just a side effect of finding your passion and fulfilling it out there in the world."
"Generates more revenue, that's an important word."
"Nearly 700 companies report revenues above 500 million dollars."
"One video away: 55,000 subscribers, $38,612 earned. It's real."
"Now the artist has a shitload of power. We can make all the money."
"I think if you take a look at the actual numbers, you're talking about a 50% revenue growth during a pandemic."
"For example, this YouTube channel called Sockey Tech has gone over a million subscribers and gets 2.4 million views per month. That could be as much as $10,000 to $20,000 per month."
"So what kind of numbers does a channel getting billions of views a year generate? A lot of money."
"Avatar the Way of Water: already at 1.9 billion dollars worldwide."
"In an average year, the main MrBeast channel makes $13.8 million just on ads on his own videos."
"Niche sites: Targeted content, endless revenue."
"It's something we can kind of get done, put alongside this series, and then also have recurring revenue."
"He's probably making a cool 8 million dollars a year in ad revenue."
"Pizza Hut's stagnant Revenue has caused significantly worse problems."
"Pokemon alone had generated 140 million dollars in revenue for the company."
"The gaming industry generated $155 billion in revenue in 2020."
"If we end up going even slightly negative on Revenue year over year for Apple by as much as a dollar we will be at the start of an earnings recession."
"He's doing more than you do, like multiple seven figures a month off of excellent just views, you know."
"When you get a lot of views, even just a few cents more per thousand views can really add up."
"You're literally cutting off your own revenue stream... it's an idiotic move."
"If you're someone who has even a few thousand subscribers, if you're making 2 or 3 bucks per T-shirt, and they're buying regularly, then you actually have a real shot at making some decent money."
"The best source of income from your product is that of a subscription model."
"So we're making 5 to 10 times a cash flow just on a turn."
"Sancho search: number seven Sancho, they're gonna sell millions."
"Now, how do I calculate how much money I actually made?"
"Getting money is nice cohesive monetization because it is directly related to the user."
"Terminator 2 was also extremely successful commercially, raking in a record-breaking 520 million dollars worldwide."
"By 2010, the entire Terminator franchise, including the film spin-offs, shows, games, and merchandise, generated roughly 3 billion dollars in revenue."
"This time around it won over the fans and it made well over a billion dollars."
"Hip-hop has just seen such an influx of listeners and revenue."
"Revenue growth and actually being able to scale up your value add to customers doesn't matter at all despite common sense."
"Cash App generated $1.8 billion in Bitcoin revenue."
"The most conservative way to look at it is every dollar that you make off of music... you only get to keep 30% of it for yourself."
"Moon Channel's Revenue will be going directly to charitable causes."
"The game made over 1 billion dollars in the first three days of its release."
"Recurring revenue, you're untouchable." - Build recurring revenue and secure your financial future.
"Every sale that comes through is basically 100% profit."
"Every company wants to have their portion of subscription revenue... but it's always going to put a bad taste in our mouths that you could have just put that stuff not paywalled and given it to everyone. The paywall is just unnecessary."
"The end goal is to grow that and grow revenue hopefully bootstrapped hopefully we don't need funding."
"Nobody deserves any of your YouTube revenue, your TikTok revenue, your Instagram revenue. Hands off."
"It's all good seeing those flashy revenue numbers but how much money are you really making?"
"I showed you a channel that makes as much as 16 and a half thousand dollars a month using and producing similar videos."
"I understand that Apple gets a huge advantage in that they get massive revenue through the App Store."
"Despite that, however, the game manages to earn well over a billion dollars in revenue from in-game purchases every year."
"This is gonna be a way for us to generate more recurring revenue streams so it's a cash grab."
"Coldplay's 'A Head Full of Dreams' tour grossed more than half a billion dollars."
"We've only gone and done it, Scam Art Online has made two million pounds!"
"Apple recorded a record revenue of 90.1 billion dollars."
"Sponsorships as an income stream can be very lucrative."
"Harry is joining the ranks of Adele and Ed Sheeran."
"Harry's tour revenue is estimated to be a whopping $61 million."
"The Runescape franchise would span over 21 years of run time and eclipse over a billion dollars in revenue, leaving an everlasting legacy."
"I started a text message software called PBJ app... for every customer we get, it's around $1,500."
"You have to restrain spending, you have to have adequate revenues, and you have to have growth."
"The surprising answer is yes. After reducing working days, companies maintained and even slightly increased both their production and revenues."
"GM sees massive revenue opportunities through data brokering and customers purchasing subscription services."
"Let's say you made another 50 million in Reddit premium subscriptions. That's $550 million in revenue per year."
"We've made more in revenue than we've raised. We're almost at nine million revenue, we raised 8.1. Nice."
"Why have $70 once every few years from an IP where you can have $700 a year?"
"The NFL's YouTube page is making a lot of money."
"Avatar 2 is now a little past 1.4 billion in just three weeks."
"Looks like Suicide Squad's gonna continue bringing in that money."
"That's crazy! $703 million revenue, incredible for a fan-owned club."
"Goldman's investment bankers took in $1.87 billion in fees."
"Maybe this is how you make up that lost revenue."
"The revenue share checks that they write are so infinitesimal."
"That Harvest made us seven thousand and seventy-one dollars!"
"Lifestyle centers generally generate about 40% more revenue than a traditional mall."
"I'd rather have a dollar per download than .004 cents for a stream."
"The WNBA before 20123 was bringing in about 60 million or so per year... in 2023 they made about 200 million."
"Tesla's energy revenue could dwarf their auto revenue."
"Google ads are extremely profitable... pure money coming in the door."
"The more videos I do, the more money I can make."
"Shipping is just going to help - that's extra money on the pile to help ensure that number is cinched up."
"This company brought in $536 million but spent $2.3 billion. That's spending over four dollars for every dollar of revenue."
"Revenue growth signifies what's the level of market demand for the products."
"As of February 2015, Supercell earns roughly around 5 million dollars per day from Clash of Clans alone."
"Revenue has already increased by about 30% quarter over quarter in Q3."
"Optimize your AdSense account for higher revenue potential."
"It's a fun way of us chatting and the bonus for us is it's a source of revenue."
"Best quartering kickass in history on revenue delivery earnings cash flow. So proud we kicked ass."
"The music game is based off of streams that's what really count that's where your money coming from."
"This is over a six-figure business, making me six figures every single month, which is absolutely crazy."
"The NBA model is now based on finding revenue streams beyond the mere tickets."
"Can't bring in the customers, can't bring in the money."
"We made 56,197 dollars and 15 cents in revenue on Airbnb for 2020."
"The infamous fish fluencer: 3,000 fish, 55 to 60 tanks, $60,000 revenue."
"If you raise the corporate taxes back to 28, which is a fair tax, you'd raise $1.3 trillion by that one act."
"What all brands are optimizing for is like revenue generated from site visitors agnostically."
"Revenue growth great, losses down across the board."
"If you're a content creator, you gotta develop multiple sources of revenue."
"Nowadays it's the software by a mile that drives the revenue."
"Wait what, Genshin Impact made more money than PlayStation in 2022? That's insane!"
"If you raise taxes too high tax revenue will go down."
"Just get rid of sim tickets, it's not a money maker."
"I'm still a big believer because it's one of the best protocols in crypto when it comes to generating revenue."
"It's weird, monetization takes 30% of all your revenue."
"Apple in profits just from selling this... they're making 3.3 million daily."
"Our key metrics quarterly: Revenue grew 47 year over year to 24.9 billion dollars."
"Other marketers out there are making money in this niche."
"We're bringing in 8 to 10 million dollars a week at the height of the operation."
"They never knew how much money it was actually going to bring in."
"Increasing revenue will get us much closer to breaking even than simply reducing costs."
"We could actually create some type of revenue where we could pay and provide and produce income for these artists."
"Developers don't owe an Epic a cent until they make a million dollars in revenue."
"Tesla's energy business could yield $600 billion in annual revenues."
"Optimal level of quality is achieved at the point where the incremental revenue from improvement equals the incremental cost to achieve it."
"All the money that we do make, any revenue we make, I invest it back in my team."
"Domino's increasing monthly revenue by six percent with Google Analytics Premium, Google Tag Manager, and Google BigQuery."
"Domino's Pizza increasing monthly Revenue by six percent with Google Analytics Premium, Google Tag Manager, and Google BigQuery."
"Within six months we were doing 600,000 US dollars a month."
"When we have a security breach, it can result in a loss of customer trust and ultimately a loss of revenue."
"Maximize conversion value... get as much revenue for my ad spend as possible."
"No better money than a customer's money."
"In a robo taxi network, you get a meaningful recurring revenue stream."
"That same Model 3... it's charging customers just $1 per mile... you're getting $100,000 in recurring revenue off of that car."
"That's how you actually generate a passive income."
"This guy made over $2.5 million selling digital products."
"If we come in at like an 81% number, an 85% number, a 97% US commercial revenue growth number, you could see a three handle on Paler in a week."
"Amazon's revenue growth has been very impressive, growing from $136 billion in 2016 to over $500 billion in 2022."
"You're simply marketing for other companies and they're giving you a cut."
"Worth repeating these headlines, third quarter cloud revenue coming in above estimates at $35.1 billion."
"These two behind me are bringing in $188,000 a month from selling pretzels."
"This week's number: $32 million. That's how much revenue the Caribbean island of Anguilla earned last year from web domain registrations."
"AI startups are seeing 50% higher top-line revenue than their peers."
"This is now producing anywhere from twelve to seventeen thousand dollars a month in revenue for my company."
"Predictable revenue, easy to value, other people's money want to get involved in it."
"They just can't take six months to add a gem tab, not when you have 800 million in revenue."
"Once your videos are monetized, you can make a lot of money from doing this."
"US agricultural revenue in 2023 could reach $543 billion, a 50-year record high."
"Their revenue exceeds over $100 million dollars a year."
"Offering services is a great option to bring in additional revenues."
"We were making about 10 grand a month with couch flipping."
"They've sold roughly $120,000 in revenue and made $17,016 in profit in their very first 6 months of being open."
"Newcastle have to grow their revenue more quickly. The Champions League is a massive part of that."
"They really appreciate foreign commerce. It really brings in the revenue."
"The administration's revenue drive is on track to deliver outstanding results."
"Tick-tock actually has a monetization scheme."
"So if I owned it for 32,000 and YouTube paid me $1,000 it only cost me what $117,000 to use that boat so in total $15,000 YouTube Revenue Round Up to $3,000 on profit we made $18,000 in that boat."
"So how do you prevent it? You put a cap on your expenses. You say in the contract, 'You can't spend more than, you know, say 5% of the revenue that you're generating unless you get sign-off from me.'"
"AWS today is on an 80 billion dollar revenue run rate, 80."
"We make more money from our memberships."