
Brahman Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Bhagavad Gita...Brahman is the offering, Brahman is the fire into which you offer."
"This entire universe is nothing but Brahman, Atman, consciousness appearing as this universe."
"This world is an appearance but appearance of what? Of Brahman... Right here, right now this is Brahman."
"So to say that the world is Maya is also equivalent to saying that the world is Brahman."
"You are Brahman now, after realization, but before realization you are not Brahman. You are Brahman right now."
"Once you realize this as Brahman, you are the fearless; this world itself is the fearless."
"Nothing in the universe is different from Brahman; Brahman is non-dual."
"If we realize ourselves as Brahman, then the promise is that you would overcome all sorrow, all suffering."
"Brahman is the unlimited, consciousness without limits."
"Bliss is experienced in blissful states of the mind."
"Duality is an appearance, not the ultimate reality."
"Reality, knowledge, infinity is Brahman."
"Atman is Brahman; that is the solution to everything."
"Brahman is real, and the world is false."
"The knower of Brahman attains the highest."
"The indestructible transcendental living entity is called Brahman, and his eternal nature is called adhyatma, the self."
"The world is the ground of the appearance of this world, this world appearance has no enmity with Brahman."
"I am not a person who has become enlightened. I am Brahman."
"Brahman, the intangible non-objective ground of everything, is identical with the ground of you."
"Brahman becomes this world, closer to the doctrine of real transformation."
"In its true essence, the Jiva is identical with Brahman."
"Yoga is the practical aspect of purifying the mind and the body and bringing the energy in tune, so that you can understand this idea that the Brahman is the reality."
"All is not it. It is Brahman alone."
"Brahman alone is real, the absolute alone is real."
"Brahman is not that it exists; it is existence itself. Not that it is knowledge; it is knowledge itself. Not that it knows something; it is knowledge itself. Not that Brahman is happy; it is happiness itself."
"Every bit of it is nothing other than Brahman, in reality appears to be other than Brahman."
"At the death of the body, you do not become one with Brahman, you are one with Brahman."
"Those who know Brahman attain immortality."
"The efficient cause and the material cause are one and the same. Brahman is both the efficient cause and the material cause."
"Everything is in Brahman, happening, reflecting in Brahman, and hence, it's only Brahman. It's the cause, reason of the universe. It's real or Brahman."
"The reality is Brahman; the appearance is this world and our lives in it."
"When you become enlightened... you realize that you are Brahman and indeed everything is Brahman."
"The whole universe really is what Sastras declared is Brahman, the Supreme Being."
"The essence of bhara philosophy is all about discovering, understanding, experiencing, and finally dissolving in Brahman."
"The universe is finite; Brahman is infinite."
"The enlightened one knows everything in the universe as Brahman."
"Everything in this waking world is made from Brahman, which is you."
"I, Brahman, am everything here because out of me, existence, out of me, the pure Consciousness, everything is made here."
"Brahman alone is; the universe itself is not a reality, it's an appearance of Brahman."
"What desires remain if you are everything that there is?"
"The very nature of Brahman is to shine."
"You are Brahman, this truth is expressed in these mantras in very exalted and sublime language and from various angles."
"You are that one non-dual Consciousness called Brahman."
"This entire universe which we are experiencing is none other than Brahman."
"Everything is Brahman, and you are Brahman."
"At the source of everything is this divine consciousness called Brahman."
"Brahman is non-dual, the ultimate reality is non-dual, and the world is an appearance."
"The Jeeva realizes its true nature as Brahman."
"If I am Brahman, how can I be special? I must be the most universal of all things."
"The enlightened masters do not stay for one moment without the awareness that they are Brahman."
"Everything is Brahman once you subtract all the everything."
"Enlightenment is nothing but removing the wrong notion that I am not Brahman."
"There's only Brahman appearing in all this way."
"Not this, not this; Brahman is not this, not this."
"The person who seeks knowledge and a person who is a learner is a Brahman."
"Whoever thus knows 'I am Brahman' becomes this all; even the gods cannot prevent his becoming thus, for he becomes their self."
"All of this is Brahman; everything comes from Brahman, everything goes back to Brahman, and everything is sustained by Brahman."
"The world full of people, animals, trees, and other living beings, all of it is Brahman."
"The purpose is to remove the ignorance about that identity; you are Brahman."
"Experience itself is experience only is the absolute Brahman, the ultimate reality."
"You are Brahman, so every object is nothing but you, every thought is you, every emotion is you, every experience is you."
"Once this breakthrough happens, I will see only Brahman is there and the world is an appearance like a movie."
"That which blazes blazing through the skies as the sun is Brahman."
"Brahman is born in the mountains as the rivers and it is the one unshakable limitless truth."
"Your real nature is Atman, the real nature of the universe is Brahman; Atman, this is the crucial insight of Advaita Vedanta."
"Brahman is not ultimately the cause of the universe; Brahman is the reality itself."
"This Brahman is sanatana, eternal, and it is guhya, it's secret."
"The realization here and right now in the waking state: I am Brahman, and everything that I'm experiencing is Brahman."
"It is that being through and through; it is Brahman through and through."
"Until you realize your oneness with the universe, you realize the one Atman, realize that you are Brahman."
"The realization 'I am Brahman' is the attainment of Brahman because you are already Brahman."
"The undifferentiated Consciousness that you are is identical with Brahman, the Ultimate Reality."
"Brahma Vidya means the knowledge of Brahman, or the knower of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality."
"Brahman is infinite existence, consciousness, and that Brahman is calling the Atman."
"Om is Brahman, and Brahman is Om."
"Om is not a sound representation of Brahman, it is Brahman in sonic form."
"This witness consciousness which I have realized myself to be, this is the infinite Brahman."
"In every experience, that person sees Brahman and Brahman only."
"The unlimited nature of the witness is Brahman."
"The form of Brahman does not exist within the range of vision; nobody sees Him with the eye."
"There are some gods that are representation of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, and they are Shiva and Vishnu."
"That impartite, partless Brahman I am, not a bundle of matter."
"The word for us as Immortal beings who emanated from Brahman and are here visiting this realm, we are called the Atma."
"Yoga means reconnecting back to Brahman, it means living in a human body and focusing our attention upon where we came from."
"Brahman, which is boundless and never present, has no coming and going."
"You are Brahman; you never had samsara."
"Recognizing that it's not a universe, it is nothing other than Brahman the absolute."
"You have to see yourself as Brahman; that will solve the entire problem."
"You are the absolute truth; the sentient being is actually Brahman, nothing else."
"The attainment of perfect actionlessness is not that he was lazy; it is Brahman actionlessness, realizing that it's beyond all change."
"The Upanishad is a Pramana, that is the source of knowledge that gives us the knowledge about Brahman."
"Being Brahman does not require mind or the tongue."
"How does the absolute reality Brahman appear as the changing universe? How does Brahman appear as an individual us?"
"Realizing the so-called universe is nothing but Brahman, existence, consciousness, bliss."
"Brahman alone is the reality, the world is an appearance, and you are none other than Brahman."
"Advaitam brahmaveda brahma bhavati; by knowing this Brahman, one becomes Brahman."
"That oneness, the divine oneness, that is the very definition of Brahman."
"Wherever the mind goes, try to see Brahman."
"Brahman is that from which the universe is produced."
"Right now, the so-called universe is nothing but Brahman, and that Brahman is you."
"The reality is existence, consciousness, bliss non-dual Brahman."
"Everybody is safe in that ultimate sense because you are nothing other than Brahman."
"The truth is total Brahman only, nothing else but Brahman."
"Reality is Brahman which is without a second, and its existence, consciousness, bliss."
"The only reality is Brahman, and everything else is an appearance."
"The reality is Brahman, etymologically meaning the vast, unlimited vastness."
"Everything in this world is Brahman."
"Brahmarpanam Brahma... the ladle by which you offer the offerings in the fire, that is Brahman, the fire itself is Brahman."
"The reality of everything is known once you know Brahman."
"The text will teach us about our real self which is the non-dual Brahman."
"All the different things in the universe are just names and forms superimposed upon one existence, Brahman."
"All this is Brahman. This Atma or self is Brahman."
"Allow yourself to expand until you become everything, you are that universal mind brahman, there is no you and there is no brahman, everything is brahman, everything is para."
"The existence of Brahman is prominent in the human forms."
"Your consciousness when awakened is the duplicate of Brahman."
"By the Guru's grace, the birth of the body becomes the birth of Brahman."
"The knower of the never lasting is the everlasting complete Brahman."
"You and the Brahman are one and the same."
"The highest imperishable principle is Brahman."
"The ultimate reality, the undecaying reality, eternal reality is Brahman."
"The unlimited fulfillment is Brahman, is Ananda."
"You are Brahman means you are nothing but Brahman, and Brahman is nothing but you."
"That Brahman is nothing other than but you, the consciousness."
"That reality from which this universe was born, in which it exists, into which it shall finally disappear, only to be reborn, that reality is called Brahman."
"Satgurum, so it is Brahman alone I'm saluting in the form of the guru."
"Brahman alone he attains who sees Brahman in action."
"Whatever you see is an appearance and the reality is Brahman itself is appearing in all these forms."
"Every action that we do and all the factors of that action... all of them are nothing but Brahman."
"This faultless Brahman is radiantly present everywhere."
"Infinite existence consciousness is Brahman."
"You will have the breakthrough, I am Brahman."
"Om represents the supreme, transcendent reality, the reality called brahman."
"The highest is bliss, Ananda. The bliss is Brahman because everything is born out of bliss, is sustained in bliss, and dissolves back into bliss."
"He who is described in the Vedas as absolute existence, intelligence, blissful Brahman, is also described in the Puranas as Krishna, in the Quran as Allah, and in the Bible as Christ."
"The knower of Brahman is Brahman."
"I am that Brahman, that intelligence absolute, formless like ether, supreme, eternally luminous, birthless, the one without a second, immutable, unattached, all-pervading, ever free."
"In any action, one who sees all the factors of action as Brahman, that one attains to Brahman."
"The Bliss of Brahman is spectacularly clearly ever shining before me."
"Brahman is direct, always shining forth, and you are Brahman."
"I am Brahman, I am the absolute reality, Ultimate Reality."
"Brahman alone is real the world is in appearance."
"Consciousness will always experience, the nature of experience is Brahman."
"The absolute Brahman again is inseparable from the divine energy Shakti."
"You have to elevate yourself to the state of Brahman, that 'I am' itself is Brahman."
"You are Brahman, that my reality is that I am the absolute."
"Those who see Brahman in the midst of work like this attain to Brahman."
"The enlightened person realizes he or she has always been Brahman, is Brahman, will always be Brahman."
"It's a paradox; it has to be paradoxical... ultimately, only Brahman is real, you are Brahman, and that's the reality."
"When we are worshiping suffering beings, let us be vishishtadvaitins; the whole world is pervaded by one Brahman."
"Whatever we experience outside is Brahman, and we too are Brahman."
"Through the eye of knowledge, see the universe pervaded by Brahman."
"All of them are names and forms, a net spread on the ocean of Brahman."
"All three are one consciousness, Brahman."
"Ignorance, we see the world; in knowledge, we see Brahman."
"Every thought that arises in the mind is Brahman, every object outside is Brahman, everything that you yourself are is Brahman."
"Everything inside and outside is Brahman, a vast ocean of existence, consciousness, bliss."
"I am Brahman, this very self is Brahman."
"This consciousness you are experiencing now, it is Brahman."
"Infinite existence, infinite consciousness, unlimited existence or consciousness is Brahman."
"You don't actually become Brahman; you realize that you are Brahman."
"The only thing that really exists is Brahman."
"When you experience the universe, Brahman alone blazes forth."
"You are the infinite Brahman here and now, fully without the slightest limit, slightest taint, slightest impurity."
"Before enlightenment, we experience plurality; after enlightenment also, you will keep on experiencing the same plurality, but you will know it's one reality, Brahman."
"Everything borrows existence from Brahman, everything appears to exist because of Brahman."
"The true nature of the witness, Sakshi, is Brahman."
"Then the pure reality that is Brahman, which is beyond speech, that alone remains."
"Once you know it is Brahman, a thousand persons' continuous activity, the shocks and blows of life, all of it will be a game to you, all of it will be fun, Leela."
"The creative power of Brahman, the Divine."
"The journey to Brahman, realizing Brahman, is not a physical journey; it's a journey from ignorance to knowledge."
"Whatever one experiences is nothing other than Brahman."
"Everything is God, or everything is Brahman."
"The existence, consciousness, bliss is Brahman."
"Maya as an illusion producing power but other philosophers have seen it differently as just the creative power of Brahman."
"When you wake into Brahman, this world of waking is realized to be exactly like a dream."
"The universe properly understood through Vedantic knowledge is Brahman."
"I am Brahman, this knowledge is knowledge, true knowledge."