
Life Guidance Quotes

There are 855 quotes

"Every religion teaches you that...how to live a good life morally, that is profiting."
"Seek in that which Allah has given you the afterlife, but do not forget your portion in this life."
"The biggest thing for a person to learn from his content is how to embrace your individuality. It's centered on embracing your individuality, being who you really are so that you can live the life you want to live."
"If you protect your purpose, your purpose protects you."
"When we understand the truth, we know how to live valuable lives and which pursuits are meaningful."
"It's good to have a rule of life because it gives you focus and direction."
"You need a bloody belief structure because, what are you gonna do? Wander around aimlessly?"
"Your purpose in this life is to follow what your soul is yearning for you to do."
"Memento Mori. You could leave life right now, let that determine what you do and say and think."
"You are in charge of your life; you are in the driving seat of your life."
"The most important core decisions that we make are always based on our values... what's most important to us in our life."
"Everything they need to live this life they can have if they just connect to God."
"If you ever wanted a complete scientific roadmap for how to live, a modern philosophy to go by, a lens through which to understand a complicated world, a foundation for life, well, the 17th century Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza is as good as you'll find."
"You're not gonna know, you don't. This is why I keep trying to push people, the only thing that I know seems practical is are you happy?"
"The designer is the definer. If God says that we should order our lives in a particular way, we should trust that that is the best way to do it."
"The more you know about it (the source of creation), the better you will live. This is not something that you seek at the end of your life. This should be the first step of your life."
"Faith in God, not fame, is actually the key to life."
"You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, which if a man do, he shall live by them."
"Myths are not just stories from the past, but a template for how to live your life."
"There's nothing that can happen in the world right now, in your life, and in the year ahead that the Bible doesn't address."
"It means either the universe has your back or the universe is telling you like, be aware of what's happening in your life right now."
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
"Part of surrender is the willingness to allow life to lead you, to allow life to guide you."
"Surrender is returning back to the flow, returning back to ourselves, and beginning to allow life to lead us."
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else shall be added to you."
"This comprehensive nature of Islamic teachings gives guidance for all sorts of aspects of life."
"With a life purpose, you develop a spine, you develop a sort of an overarching structure to your whole life that orients you."
"Trust that you are being guided on your journey."
"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life."
"Literature is a roadmap for life; stories can serve as maps for life."
"The hidden key to self-empowerment is the knowledge of these patterns which direct our lives."
"You'll be able to orient yourself in the world properly then, even though it's terrifying."
"God never intended that circumstances should control his children."
"Science contributes factuality to the conversation, but wisdom and life guidance are something that science doesn't give."
"Build a relationship with the Creator. Find spiritual grounding to navigate life's highs and lows."
"Ascendant actually sets the map of your whole life because there are 12 houses in the astrological chart."
"You are not being rejected, my friend, you are being directed."
"Stories are really sort of guides to how you live your life."
"It's not a form of fortune-telling what's going to happen to me five years from now or 20 years from now, but how to deal with the present to make the present compatible with a life that will be positive and possible 10 or 20 years down the line."
"Above everything else, guard your heart, because everything you do flows from it."
"Be the best piece of advice that I can give you."
"The purpose of scripture is to teach us about God and to tell us how to live before him."
"Your life is in the hands of a loving and wise creator."
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness."
"Rejection is God's protection in redirection to something better."
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and the rest will be added to you."
"Chick-fil-A is so well run and everybody there so enthusiastic and happy that it can almost have cultish vibes."
"You have the power to win the game, so win it."
"The Bible contains all the rules and information for the game of life."
"Following your heart is just the true way to live with everything in life."
"Do your best to live an honest, god-honoring life. Work hard with your hands."
"Doing so will help you to know how to move ahead with your life, what to do during times of crisis, and how to discern and avoid the temptations and the deceptions of the adversary."
"Follow your heart and you will never be led astray."
"Jesus Christ should be first in your life. He should be at the center of all you do."
"Never doubt the power of prayer. It gets you through life."
"The single greatest source of stress in your life is trying to live your life apart from a daily connection to Christ."
"Life was great, six-figure salary in my 20s in San Francisco, come on, that's a great life, right?"
"This is the power of a mission, you can connect everything."
"The universe is bringing something back, there's a lesson here."
"This is the turnaround time in your life, we gotta get your future in the right place, we gotta get your directions straight."
"Define yourself within some purpose in life."
"Guard your heart above all else, everything you do flows from it."
"Trust yourself and trust that spirit will help this situation come full circle when it's meant to and when it needs to."
"Follow your heart and make your values a priority."
"As God's children, each of us have a purpose in our lives."
"No one will ever need question their path again."
"Keep God first and you will lack for nothing. Let him rearrange your priorities and he will rearrange your life."
"Lord, arise for my sake and make every crooked way straight. Help me to stand firm on your promises."
"Don't follow your dreams, follow your effort."
"God's grace gives us the ability to live life as we should."
"I need words of wisdom and my parents gave me those words of wisdom in that moment."
"You might have somebody coming into your life that helps guide you towards what you want to do."
"Your life is not coming from your wishes and desires when you're thinking, it's coming from the existing programs."
"If you make God a priority, all other things will follow."
"You have to live your life by a certain set of immutable principles. You gotta live your life by your own immutable principles."
"God's principles work, it's just you know what sometimes we don't apply them to our lives."
"The key to balance and harmony in life in general is to follow your heart, trust your intuition, know that you're on the right path."
"Pray a lot, seek validation from Him, and everything will be easier."
"I feel that some of you are looking for a purpose... the sign that you're looking for the next step, the sort of big idea, it's right in front of you."
"Sometimes it won't necessarily go in the way that you planned... but remember, intuition is actually the strongest inner compass for most things."
"Belief systems are like invisible autopilots guiding our lives."
"Belief systems are like invisible autopilots."
"You're not working counter to the flow... it's exactly where you should be."
"Deal radically with sin. Don't play with sin. Deal radically with sin."
"God has a plan for your life, and you can finish it with God's help."
"I just feel like God always put me in the right position when I prayed he knew exactly what he was doing the whole time like but it all started with my prayers and doing them on time honestly."
"God has a plan for you. Get busy living your life."
"It's not about how to achieve your dreams, it's about how to lead your life."
"Straight and narrow is the way that leads to life."
"The instructions of God are your life support."
"Follow the path that's being lit for you. Know that you've got strength enough to do that."
"God is in the midst of your life, your marriage, your work. When God is in the center of our lives, we will not be shaken."
"Stick to your mission and purpose. It is very difficult to go wrong."
"You must remember to stay on your path, no matter what."
"Life is a series of decisions. Make good decisions."
"Keep your eyes on your windshield on this road to life to see what God's got for you."
"Trust your heart to lead and allow your mind, body, and spirit to follow."
"I think that's really, really good advice."
"Everything is being shown and falling in place for you clear as day, so keep that clarity."
"Put that label on your life. God is able to do anything he wants to do."
"Live your life every day so that it pleases God."
"Don't overthink it, what you need will come to you."
"This is the plan of salvation for all of us."
"How do you lead a purposeful life? Follow curiosity."
"I think just about the best decision you can make is to give ownership of your life over to Jesus."
"When you surrender to your spiritual team... it allows you to come into that space of being open for things to come to you."
"Discover your vision and the rest will follow."
"Trust yourself. My pile 2s have already lived a life where your soul led and you followed."
"Life did not come with a handbook, but God has provided everything we need to live victoriously and purposefully."
"Trust the process, take your hands off the wheel."
"If you don't know where you're going, don't be surprised that you got lost."
"I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life."
"Confirmation that you are tapped in, you are tuned in, you are being led down the path that you feel."
"Live a life based on this concept of eudaimonia."
"The Bible is the ultimate authority on how we should live our lives."
"Yusuf's consistent companion was Allah, his guardian in this life and the next."
"Nobody has thought of quantum physics as being able to reveal to us how we should live."
"He's given us everything we need for life and godliness."
"You have that opportunity to make a choice every day. Today, tomorrow, you do. Life's not over, you have that choice."
"Stick to those basic biblical principles and the peace of God will be on your life."
"Thy will to thy will, micromanaging the universe, trust the path, follow your heart."
"Pray for what's best for you in this life in the next."
"Your purpose will serve you, don't worry about finding your purpose, instead focus upon serving the purpose."
"Trust that if you are being led away from a tantalizing sweet shop, there is a more delicious array of confection just around the corner for you."
"Life doesn't come with a manual, but if you're lucky, it comes with a mom."
"Trust in something in your heart, follow your heart, do what brings you Joy and everything will flow right, will go in the right direction."
"You'll be blessed coming in, you'll be blessed when you go out."
"The Lord wants us to truly enjoy the pleasures of life, not perverted versions of it."
"Everything will point you back in that direction."
"It's not just an instruction book, but a way of how to live life."
"I think we're being guided to where we need to go and where we need to grow."
"Trust yourself and you will be guided on the right way."
"Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and follow your [__]."
"Write out your goals. Do not feel your way through life."
"You're meant to be a guide for someone to help them navigate through life."
"You have to wake up every day and intentionally live forward."
"There's definitely going to be something real that is coming up for you, a sign, a confirmation, something moving in your favor."
"Allah has guided me to Islam and it is the happiest and the best and the most complete way of life."
"What matters if you lose sight of that then you will stumble through life."
"Do the right thing. That's all it is. That's it."
"The vision is like the compass that will take you there."
"Live with integrity, in alignment with who you want to be."
"Your life is unique to you, I can't tell you exactly what you should be doing and how."
"A source of inspiration, guidance, and reflection."
"Our emotions can be wonderful signals to live our life by."
"All things that pertain to life and godliness given to us through a knowledge of Jesus."
"The Divine Light Of Love is shining through you and your life right now."
"Watch over your life, do not let your lamps go out."
"Strength is guiding your life, rather than letting outside forces dictate it."
"Every person that's speaking to you has been sent to you for a purpose."
"Be grateful for the rejections and the setbacks because they're guiding you towards something better."
"Accept the Word of God to be the ruling authority in your life."
"You're being called to keep growing, especially spiritually right now."
"If you're waiting on an inbox to tell you what to do in life, your life will always be at the whim of the world instead of the desire of your heart."
"I'm not here to tell you your future or how to live your life. I'm here to inspire you guys to reach your goals."
"Make it count, play it straight, don't look back, don't hesitate."
"Every crisis that occurs in your life outside God's will is meant to redirect your steps back to him."
"Stay focused on your purpose, keep the passion, keep the faith."
"There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life."
"We all have those points in life where we just wish there was some sort of step one step two user manual to life that just told us exactly how to fix our problems and get over the hump."
"The secret of success is to have God in the center of your life. The secret of failure is to remove God from your life."
"Before you make a decision you should always ask this question: 'Is this the wisest thing to do?'"
"Who you follow tells you where you will end up."
"Listen to your parents and you'll go a lot further than you ever thought you could." - Lee
"May love be the compass that guides you on the course of a lifetime."
"If you have this kind of deep center, this natural law, then you can look at things in your life and decide if you're living in the right way."
"You're gonna start flowing to exactly where you need to be."
"Living in trust means seeing God's hand in every aspect of our lives."
"God loves you and me enough to have made a plan for our life."
"You've got to discover the purpose of your life."
"How can I live my purpose more when you go to make a decision about doing something?"
"The broad way leads to destruction, the narrow way leads to eternal life."
"Remember, broad is the way that leads to destruction and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life."
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray." - Rumi
"If you're not sure what to do next, stop trying to figure it out. Let life show you the way. Trust your intuition and embrace your calling."
"Surely the goodness and mercy of God will follow us all the days of our lives."
"Stick to the script of life, stick to it. What? Your job is always a script of life, stick to it."
"God has far greater than what any man has for you."
"Take your dream seriously...record everything because...the dream is speaking to eat in your life."
"I don't want to raise my children in thinking that everything's fine just let it all go."
"Follow your intuition and the call of your soul because you're like it didn't lead me wrong."
"Jesus if you are who you claim to be take control of my life I don't know how to live I don't even know if I want to live but I want life I don't have it now."
"Reach for your own North Star, know who you are and what you stand for."
"Just heed the messages here and you should be able to get through this and be equipped for that."
"Your own intuition is the GPS navigating system of your life."
"Stay safe. Making informed decisions is key to moving forward in life."
"Exploring life after trauma, illuminating the path forward."
"We want to offer hope, focusing on your life moving forward."
"Choose life, choose Jesus... so that you and your nation may live."
"I'm going to take it back to the Bible y'all where it belongs."
"Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."
"Your spiritual team has been waiting for these blessings to come through for you. They're excited to show you we've been working on this for you."
"Walk in the fullness of my love and grace, and let your life be a testament to my goodness and faithfulness."
"Live a good life in this world and leave the rest to the Creator."
"God is working in your life even when you're going about it the wrong way."
"I declare that nothing shall hold me back from you and you will have total control over every area of my life and every step that I take."
"We need the word of God, we need to eat the word of God, we can't live by bread alone."
"The universe is nudging you along, pushing you in New Directions."
"Get your energy in now, go do whatever it is that you're called to do."