
Theme Quotes

There are 1651 quotes

"Each season of Korra has a specific theme or idea: Season one was equality, three freedom, and season two was spirituality."
"Five Thousand Candles in the Wind has pretty much become the unofficial theme for the series."
"For Tarkovsky, the key theme of the sacrifice lies in the film's title."
"Elden Ring has this consistent theme where characters turn their curse into their strength."
"The greatest theme for 2023 is sovereignty and freedom."
"Persevering against the darkness around you is an important theme in Berserk."
"The dominant theme for this year, is resiliency."
"It's the story of humans and Navi learning to live in harmony."
"The common theme was unity, oneness, harmony."
"This story is about empathy as much as anything."
"Finally, a game where you don't play as a Jedi or a soldier. I hope this has a lot of crime theme to it, with bounty hunters, mercenaries, the huts, and the spice cartel."
"Seven Wonders has a great theme... everybody should have in their cool."
"Minecraft could be a vessel for a very strong albeit basic theme... anyone's creative concepts could work just as well or better."
"Doom's violence is the end, the destination, and the thing the road is paved with."
"He proved once again to be a master curator... he sort of like navigates through towards his own personal dystopia as he's seeking Utopia."
"Most people do not know... the Crusty Crab is actually designed to look like a real crab trap."
"Sticking with the ocean theme... it's going to look so cool."
"Pandemic because it's not entirely infected as the players know but it is... the spirit of infected, if you want to survive."
"Story is not just plot. It also needs theme."
"The story is called One Piece because it’s all about the search for this treasure."
"We wanted a soundtrack that could be very cold and very mechanical, very machine-esque."
"This platform is actually designed after dog day sun charm it's very well known and it looks so awesome."
"We're gonna make this an action casual game with a pirate theme for the mbox next using the long dong silver 2.0."
"Sydri may not be the most cutthroat, competitive artifact Commander, but she offers theme and synergy like no other out there."
"The main theme is a good piece to start with... the emotion of 'we will survive no matter the odds'."
"One of the big themes of the movie is 'whatever it takes'."
"The idea that he was comfortable within his own skin, that was the point of the movie."
"Boyle and his creative team created a presentation that infused the theme 'Isles of Wonder' into every minute."
"The x-wing miniatures game is a phenomenal game with a phenomenal theme with a phenomenal future."
"The theme of Shazam can be boiled down to just one word: family."
"In other words, it always comes back to romance."
"It's got some zombie thing going on which is kind of interesting retro-futuristic RDS."
"Historical Canada, wolves, werewolves, and more wolves." - Totalbiscuit
"Loyalty is a theme this year, being loyal is going to bring rewards."
"Prioritize fun and joy and love, I feel like that's the theme of tonight's impromptu."
"Evolution is the central theme of the franchise."
"I personally love this event. The theme overall was more of an almost office or Tech vibe to it."
"That's gonna be me versus Brian Kibler. And maybe you may have seen the description of the theme already, but here's what it is. It's the Clone Wars."
"The pavilions architectural motif is a treehouse, in which visitors will overlook a jungle watering hole in a simulated nighttime environment."
"A Good Zelda Dungeon is one that utilizes a unique theme, that not only helps bind all the elements of the dungeon together, but also helps it stand out from the rest of the dungeons in that game."
"You really are walking into a pirate ship, you know, it's some good stuff."
"This mutation works great thematically. The idea of it being flu season so there are sick people vomiting and sneezing everywhere is fitting."
"Welcome to Gloomywood, a look at the updated facade just there."
"The contrast of the joyful nature of the holiday with the terror of death makes an interesting combination on film."
"Waluigi Stadium perfectly captures the spirit of a monster truck rally."
"It's all except both both in the Japanese screenshots and the trailer is just the Mario 3 style and I in the desert in the desert theme right right exactly yes."
"A past versus future theme between Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, which is phenomenally cool and has so much potential."
"I'm okay with it... moana inspired, so ocean colors, vibe theme, that kind of thing."
"Exploration is also a huge part of Starfield."
"This theme actually had quite a bit of story to go with it."
"Grief is a main message to be taken away from this story."
"Each one has their own theme...it's as captivating as something like World of Light."
"Make it the most Amphibia Halloween special you possibly can."
"What is the title of the ending theme? 'The Best is Yet to Come,' um, exactly."
"He's done it, he opened the dinosaur adventure."
"Just look at all those neon lights. This is basically Mario's version of Las Vegas."
"This game rocks, it brings such different distinct flavors to the table."
"Consequence is the main theme of Dishonored."
"Horror in movies and in games... It puts metaphor and theme up front but you don't really notice it or think about it too much."
"This game is themed perfectly in my opinion."
"There's a very real possibility of betrayal being a very real theme coming up."
"Hopefully even if you're not a Star Trek fan, you enjoyed this combination of space and coffee into one theme."
"Somebody always dies... it's really just a hallmark of the story at this point."
"I really wanted to do like a murder mystery style thing."
"A really nice cherry on top of a day, especially if you're a Harry Potter fan."
"If you could put a theme to Strange New World season 2, it would have to be we're going big."
"Rick saying that he believes he died at the CRM and found a way to live while being dead is a fascinating theme for his character."
"That inevitable failure will be a lovely dousing of tragedy, it's perfect for Warhammer."
"It's a universal theme, we know where we want to go."
"I would want a whole Nickelodeon themed... that'd be amazing."
"There's a common thread and theme that I keep coming back to, which is either finding your way back home or finding your way to a new home."
"A motive is a small identifiable musical idea."
"The fugue is a compositional procedure where each voice states a short theme, which is known as the subject."
"I'm really excited to see what the next Accio theme is."
"The cycle idea is a big theme of the film, as many things in the universe operate in a cyclical way, but most importantly, nature itself does, living, dying, and being reborn in a never-ending cycle."
"Love will be a major theme for you in 2024."
"The Met Gala theme this year has been announced as the Garden of Time."
"The central theme of Romans can be summed up in one word which is righteousness."
"The village just kept the blue color and kept naming it Smurf Village."
"The purpose of the story is to take a character from ignorance of the truth of the theme to embodiment of the theme through action."
"A standout aspect of the show is its theme."
"Hope is definitely an overarching theme of Batman in general."
"Confidence in your magic, this is going to be the theme for your week."
"The exploration of morality and consequence is a core theme of the series."
"I do a lot of haunted videos on this channel."
"I also do a lot of exploring abandoned places."
"It was a red month for me, red and roses, we were red and rosy in February, which I love."
"Each route has a focus, the Fate Route’s main theme is 'Oneself as an ideal'."
"This movie's about facing your fears."
"I love the whole theme of acceptance, it was something I think we all relate to."
"There will be two themes in Al Mitch's Garden: one theme is the bowling ball, the other is all kinds of little creatures you'll be seeing throughout the garden."
"As a whole, I think this theme is amazing and honestly, we get some of the best builds and the most interesting sets from this theme."
"You really don't see such an emphasis on kitting out the villains like you do here in Knight's Kingdom, and the theme really benefits from it."
"The theme of this car is also lightweight."
"It's the Disney Destiny with a villains and heroes theme."
"What makes death tournaments work? The death tournament should say something about the world."
"The theme of emotion and its value is called into question."
"The darkness that lives within us, that this theme for the entire saga can even have a literal example made of it."
"All the songs in the movie feature the word 'moon.'"
"As a result of its story, Van Buren has a clear central thesis asking the question: How does one fix the world in the wake of disaster?"
"It's a stormtrooper-ish build that's the look we were going after and I think it's paying dividends now that things are powered on."
"That theme is so iconic, it's perfect to me."
"This movie is an anti-bullying movie, right?"
"The theme that I'm going to be having for this weekend is going to be aliens, extra-dimensional beings, and non-earthly entities."
"Half of all life in the universe has been wiped out and this too is later hinted at by the title scene in which the Avengers theme is actually played by half the orchestra."
"A scene that relates back to the theme of the movie will almost always be more resonant than a scene that doesn't."
"The theme coming in there is amazing."
"That's what Star Wars is truly about rooting for the underdog still fighting when you believe all hope is lost and working together to see the result that you want."
"If you have a problem no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire The A-Team."
"The main theme, for instance, has no right being so good."
"The real theme... is acceptance and harmony."
"Bojack returning to LA as the song plays shows how escape from LA is futile, as it's a part of him."
"There is a big science versus religion theme running all the way through."
"From the Bible to Journey to the West, death and rebirth are recurring themes."
"Fast and the Furious is all about family."
"Love sickness sucks, but why do I bring it up? Well, love is an important theme in one piece."
"the overall theme of the album was death"
"I want all this stuff on my battle station but it doesn't really have a theme or anything."
"This whole movie is about Kung Fu Fighting."
"The whole movie felt like it was about friendship."
"One thing's for sure though, I do know that I love their theme."
"Tonight, we are going to Kit Keenan's birthday party slash graduation party. And since it's a little bit of both, she thought she'd make it school-themed, which I think is so fun!"
"One of the main themes of Majora's Mask is accepting your mortality."
"The oldest story: Light versus Dark."
"There's also a large series long plot Thread about eating disorders."
"Toy Story 3 hammers home the theme of togetherness just constantly throughout the film."
"Leaves and spider webs, that has been the theme for me lately."
"Continuing on we have kind of a Love Theme a Valentine's Day theme this one from Zara is called Love Explosion."
"These characters are all fated to die. They're not fated to live happy lives. They're always fighting this. There's never happy enough prejudice against them. That is the power of what X-Men represent."
"Get ready for that kick and Nelson riddle theme to be delightfully stuck in your head."
"The main theme of Return of the Jedi is redemption... almost any character in Star Wars saga can redeem themselves."
"The abuse of children and the weak is a theme that will always Echo into eternity in both directions in the past and in the future."
"Mon Mothma carries with her a theme that perfectly encapsulates the daggers gradually closing in on her from all ends."
"John Williams' theme for Obi-Wan... sets high expectations for what to expect from the series."
"This is like a James Bond Batman themed bar, shaken not stirred, and you're spoiled for choice."
"...what was once known as meisner's Lounge in yester year is now known as the enchanted Rose and is themed heavily to the Beauty and the Beast live-action film."
"Boy, in this film, love sure did triumph over political correctness."
"Theme and philosophy are the keys to adding purpose to your stories."
"A story without a message or theme will not be truly memorable."
"Could that be the best Transformers theme yet? I mean it's the perfect mixture of mid-2000s cheese and over-the-top sensibilities."
"Freedom is a major theme in the series." - Narrator
"I'm really happy that I listened to my creative spark and went with this theme because drawing these purse items was so fun for me."
"That opening salvo with the chorus and the theme, holy [__]."
"we have got so much more in store tonight guys an insane amount in store tonight pirate night kind of perfect kind of fitting coming fresh off of an island going full pirate theme tonight."
"They won it. That theme of loneliness is also prominent throughout this entire series."
"The theme this year, you can't deny it, was AI."
"Welcome to Corp's Party: Tortured Souls."
"At its core, Dorohedoro is a story about identity and alienation."
"Throughout the season of autumn and winter, my videos will be honoring the dark and monstrous side of ancient history and mythology."
"JD DIY is amazing but how terrible is their theme"
"What One Piece is really about is personal treasure."
"The theme was great for its consistency the ability to build up a massive Viking Army and it's just so memorable."
"We don't get a lot of lovable aliens from Lego. I love this theme."
"Chichester draws on 'Born Again'’s greatest theme - forgiveness."
"It's also true that he planned to become a devil, justified by other Devils, and this is actually a theme very present in Attack on Titan."
"Welcome back to the channel salute hey, man it's time to get this spooky you already know."
"Space travel and exploration makes for an interesting themed experience."
"That haunting score, unofficially I think like Katniss's theme, just starts playing in the background."
"Tragic Kingdom would take its name from Disneyland."
"Theme makes your campaign feel like your particular campaign and not another campaign you ran."
"A theme of sacrifice should also be woven in there."
"All of my work is about connection and protection."
"It opened up these larger themes to younger people; there was undoubtedly a ton of love poured into this theme."
"I'm wearing this sexy dress tonight, and the theme is pop of red."
"save who you can save can be used almost as a thesis statement for this first season as a whole"
"Plot should explore the theme's question, leading to character growth."
"The power of language is the biggest running thing I think in Grendel."
"It's a very big theme but it's explored in a very contemporary way."
"I really like this round food theme."
"The whole point and purpose of all scripture certainly teaches this central theme of the rebuilding and restoration of all of Israel."
"Joy is not just the most demonstrative theme of The Prayer, I would argue it's the most demonstrative theme of this whole letter."
"Beautiful that they tie into the theme of the record and sort of your progression to this point."
"We're going with like an exotic meat theme for her birthday cake."
"I think this movie is more about mental health."
"The setting is pirate-themed, think sea beasts meets One Piece."
"Peacemaker is a show that has a clear theme and executes it perfectly."
"Thematically it's an album about Legacy."
"Welcome to my channel, where everything is pink and spooky!"
"This movie could very well be about existentialism."
"So what are the four notes that make this theme so utterly terrifying? Let's check it out."
"The topic for the day was taking photos around the school with the theme maple trees."
"Mass death does seem to be a consistent Saturn-Pluto theme."
"The Fiend's entrance theme. This is a friendship that will never ever end."
"It's iconic and it just fits so well. All right, gold dust's theme."
"Nature and magic versus modern technology is a fairly common theme for fantasy movies, and that is integrated as a pretty big part of the plot."
"Hope you like airplanes, your room is decorated in airplanes."
"Waluigi Pinball is just an incredible theme put into a really fun Mario Kart track."
"I thought the best way, the name of my new book is called 'A Return to Ordinary.'"
"This is a theme that they're going to start doing now moving forward with the turtles. Not just their masks are different colors, but they're going to lean into different colors for the grounding palette of each individual character as a turtle. So that's pretty neat."
"Nebula's eventual arc ties into the themes of this movie: learning how to deal with loss and sharing your pain."
"That's the theme of this movie. What he just said, 'You thought I trust you.' That is literally the theme of this movie."
"Music should match the theme to maintain immersion. The wrong playlist can 'peel back the curtain' and break the illusion."
"...there’s this theme of beginning new things."
"The mark of a really good film is that the theme of a film will often be expressed in the opening scenes of a film."
"This movie is all about grief and dealing with grief."
"The theme of Owl House as a whole: finding the strength to question and reassess your core beliefs."
"The precise details aren't supposed to make sense, only its overall theme."
"Khan's theme is just so dangerous, it's so like vicious love it is."
"I feel like the theme of today is simple ingredients because this is really simple to make."
"Love is a common theme in his films."