
Mysticism Quotes

There are 1891 quotes

"The original show carried this topic with a great sense of mysticism and respect. They were alien yet familiar, separate from our world yet also an integral part of it."
"This theory interwoven with the principles of sacred geometry posits that certain numbers and the geometric patterns they represent hold a universal, almost mystical quality observable in nature, ancient architecture, and cosmology."
"With his mystical powers, peace comes into the village."
"Something I didn't even notice before... Shroud marked this world is marked by the shroud. Something fairly bad is going to happen here."
"Everything is interconnected; the Mystics were right, that in a sense, everything is one."
"This is a trend we're seeing in Sony's Marvel titles: Heroes and anti-heroes seeking holistic cures to medical conditions through mystical forces rooted in nature."
"The ancient mystical teachings known as Kabbalah, which for millennia has been unknown, obscure, hidden, secret, has recently become almost a household name, even fashionable."
"The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which the mystic aspires."
"Science is the contemporary language of mysticism."
"The Kabbalah is a science by which that sacred name is learned, and the secret of the Kabbalah is that your own life is the word."
"Entering into these states of trance, these catalytic states of trance beyond time, beyond space with this kind of apparently near-death state, was practiced by the likes of Pythagoras, Parmenides, and Empedocles."
"The neoplatonic tradition was the idea of rationality and the mystical being deeply interpenetrating."
"Love is a mystical feeling, like magic, like a mystery that we can never truly understand."
"The face of truth is hidden by the golden disc of the Sun... let me see the truth which is behind thee."
"Nature is irreducibly mystical; demystifying it can lead us to lose touch with the essence of being."
"To be a mystic, you have to embrace the mystery. To not know is to know."
"If you wish an audience with the Black Gambler, you must dig a shallow hole at your nearest corner. In that hole, bury a single key. That is the ticket to the space between our worlds."
"Glintstone contains residual life and thus the vitality of the stars."
"It's like the universe in a mystical magical ways conspiring to help you to reveal certain opportunities in your material life."
"The mysteries of the universe are far beyond our mental grasp, but with your heart, you can meet and know."
"There's nothing stranger than eating the blood and body of the Incarnate God; you will not find anything which is more mysterious, which is more occult, which is more esoteric."
"To think of some of the keywords of sort of like faith and wanting to import a sort of either mystical or creative, but some sort of need to believe in something like higher or bigger than yourself as being something that can sometimes be useful."
"Every major religion and Mystic tradition says that the truth is hidden inside of paradox."
"Religion, he says, would be a revolution and Alan Watts comes along and says that there's nothing more dangerous to authority than a popular outbreak of mysticism."
"Magical things start to happen. And I have no rational basis for this mystical belief, except that I watch it happen."
"Consciousness is... so mystical but it doesn't worry me because it is what it is."
"The wisdom contained in the Emerald Tablets is the foundation of the ancient Mysteries."
"Alchemy is the perfect blend of chemistry and metaphysical mysticism."
"Indeed, a text it might contain ideas that may very well have inspired much of the early Christian salvation theory and whose mysticism would go on to fuel the rise of the Kabbalah."
"The Zohar is the name in Hebrew and it literally means radiance."
"Alchemy... it's a combination of Science and mysticism."
"The mystic definition of God cannot be given in words; God is everything in ways that language cannot fully capture."
"The mystics' vision of God is contemplation, an experiential knowledge of God that represents a mystical vision."
"Pope Benedict XIV once stated that the exchange of hearts is in fact spiritual and mystical, defying any true physical explanation."
"The wounds of stigmata, Divine visions, prophecy, levitation, and divine ecstasy have all been reported by these followers."
"Only God can perform a true miracle as defined by the mystics."
"The legend of the phoenix is highly symbolic and has its roots in mysticism, which, in antiquity, referred to the belief that spiritual or divine knowledge was accessible directly."
"Sound, light, and frequency: secrets of the universe."
"I think we're feeling it. You know so, and boy, that sounds mystical."
"The Jedi, wisdom keepers of one mind and one spirit, were initiates of the Assyrian Mysteries."
"For Oppenheimer, the study of physics was an entry point into understanding the mystical nature of the universe and existence."
"The Count of Saint Germain is still alive today."
"Aleister Crowley may just be one of the most interesting men who ever lived."
"Modern worship music has been infiltrated by mysticism and New Age witches and such like, and they have carefully crafted an experiential sound so that the experience they create gives you a euphoric high that pulls you away from Bible truth."
"The emerging paradigm is a paradigm of the unity and oneness, of which now our quantum scientists are now echoing what the Mystics have been teaching for thousands of years, that we're all one."
"We will now begin the channeling. Mystic Maya and honored guest, please proceed into the channeling chamber."
"It's a story from Persian Sufi mysticism...a journey to the west' type story where it's a bunch of birds on a quest to reach enlightenment."
"In today's video, we embark on an enlightening journey into the realms of numerology and synchronicities, taking us deep into a mystical world where numbers transcend their basic quantitative roles, emerging as symbols rich with metaphysical significance."
"Magic is the power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces."
"I was beholding a large spiritual being... like a misty cloud that I could see through but yet solid at the same time."
"Alchemy is most famous for the transmutation of metal into gold, but there's a deeper, more profound truth to Alchemy."
"Mars in Pisces people are working with some amount of like God energy."
"I would say it is in one sense mystical and another sense also reasonable and rational."
"It's the mystical whereof we cannot speak; we must remain silent. Consciousness is like gold: everywhere in everything, but it is not an ornament itself."
"Just because you don't know a scientific explanation doesn't mean it's explained by magic."
"Overlying all of this is the most unusual position which he has acquired as a messianic character within Rastafarianism."
"Astrology has a lot of real information to it."
"We're using science as the contemporary language of mysticism. It is science."
"Mysticism is the belief that access to direct divine knowledge is available through surrendering the ego."
"There is this part that is beautiful and mystical."
"Mysticism in general is just so interesting to me."
"The mystical city of Jerusalem: perhaps the most famous city in the history of the world."
"The Book of Soyga is steeped in mysticism and mystery."
"The Finns were the most feared raiding target, not necessarily because of their battle abilities, but because of their magic."
"Love can reverberate through time stronger than the efforts of a cult."
"Atlantis has made its name in media as one of the most mystical and mysterious points for debate."
"He was sometimes known as Der Wunderman, or The Wonder Man, and has been considered a prophet, a charlatan, a healer, a spy, and a visionary."
"Alchemy: a fantastic and intriguing endeavor."
"If you understand the significance and the meaning of 369, you would unlock the keys of the universe."
"There's something emotional and mystical about that figure."
"This grimoire itself has a pretty mysterious lore."
"The true invocation of a magic square's power comes not only from solving it but perhaps mostly from the act itself, which requires the magician to apply intense concentration and carefully direct their focus on the magic square and its contents."
"People have made genuine discoveries about self-understanding and ethical intuitions under the banner of mysticism and spirituality."
"The real thing that's identifying a lot of them is this concept of mysticism, where God is in everybody and God is everywhere."
"Decoding the mystery of dreams is not a mark of the modern day but a practice of thousands of years old."
"It's a very important experience and most of the world's great religions have some sort of mystical core."
"Walking on water: the divine trick revealed."
"Intention might be the most important step into having a mystical experience."
"Here is our Templar. Born under the star of Acheron in the Cult of Sirius."
"The main antagonist in the series was Aku, a mystical deity-like being with magical abilities."
"The Atlantean priests encoded the frequency of our memories in our DNA."
"It's up to us to awaken enough of us... so we can end this inverted matrix, this realm of shadow."
"The warp is a source of near Limitless power for those who can harness it."
"To find the Grail, you must look to the stars."
"As above, so below. As above, so below. This is the secret of the 'Drowned God.'"
"Inside we are manifested sons of God, this is the great mystery."
"A tale of his mystic, almost superhuman powers."
"Secrets and hidden meanings are being unlocked."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"The Emerald Tablet is believed to be the main inspiration for Western alchemy."
"The Emerald Tablets are an ancient artifact encoded with mysterious writings said to elevate the reader's spirituality."
"Unlocking the power and the meaning of the Tree of Life according to the wisdom of Kabbalah."
"This element of planned spontaneity directed as it is by an ostensibly omniscient group must assume for the manipulated a near mystical quality."
"The 12th house, considered a blind spot to the first house, could be your own demons, people sneaking up on you, or situations in the unconscious."
"It may have already been known in some ways but the fact that Goddess statues can sense each other and their condition fascinated me."
"Remember, you'll never know what the dark side is plotting. You can only trust the Force and do the right thing, and the Force will be with you always."
"There's sacred parts of San Diego and especially in Northern California, there's ancient connections to these places and strange things. I think it's an amazing place to be."
"The intrigue and mystery of Lemuria New Atlantis and other lost continents and cities are kept alive by philosophers mystics futurists and the open-minded."
"Humans are Spiritual Beings. It's not the other way around. Every one of us has had that mystical experience."
"Understanding the third eye is basically science."
"This flesh magic is older than us, perhaps older than the world itself."
"The Elder Scrolls simultaneously archive both the past and future events, but not only that, they archive all possible futures and all possible pasts. They are Scrolls of unknown origin, thought to be fragments of creation or of divinity."
"Join us as we explore the Book of Enoch, which reveals shocking mysteries of our history."
"Witchcraft is very nature based, empowering, and mystical."
"Magic is very real indeed and all of us are capable of altering the material world."
"Call upon me, I will show you signs, synchronicities, I will speak to you through numbers, through song lyrics, everything you need."
"Rasputin was actually known for having some kind of mystical healing powers."
"The number nine is God's mathematical footprint, the key to the universe."
"Modern-day witches are hard to categorize. Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Are you a witch?"
"Casting spells is a form of political protest."
"To know thyself is to know God, not the self as in your human identity but the self that is unseen, the invisible self that you walk with." - Unknown
"These stone circles are alive. They're not static. They are working still today."
"Solve the riddle of air and pump the great bellows. Harness the power of fire and use the mystic order."
"It's probably fair to say that almost everyone on the planet has had an experience that could be considered mystical or even divinely inspired."
"The candle is important. It provides contact with the spirit world."
"You are an ancient Egyptian with arcane knowledge."
"The secrets of the universe lie in symbols and decoding."
"Occult knowledge is self-explanatory; it's just having knowledge on all of these types of things."
"Mormont's raven is being skin changed. That one's just true like I don't care what anyone says."
"Trust your intuition because hidden forces are at play."
"There are realms beyond that which the mortal eyes of man can physically see."
"A history book crossed with a transgressive novel in the form of an art book with the aura of an occult text."
"Pisces is our own simultaneous inconceivable union and separation with the source of all things and with everything else in creation."
"Crystal skulls have captured the fascination of people around the world due to their mysterious appearance and the legends associated with them."
"The wind that we hear... connecting the three heavens."
"To the west, we turn. We call to the sombra depths of the dark abyss."
"All new ageism really is is Eastern mysticism repackaged."
"Life is suffering but the moments that are great and that are mystical when we have them we have to appreciate them."
"In the ancient world it was believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during menstruation."
"Speak your truth to the moon, it's always listening."
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight."
"Solomon's power over demonic forces will be found everywhere... cemented Solomon as a mage par excellence."
"Angels do communicate with you through numbers and music and dreams."
"They may have expressed that to you, but that's how the cards signify to me what may be going on."
"Sophia's resplendent form creates a mystical and unique appearance."
"And yet the most confident claims about quantum mechanics seem to be the mystical ones."
"Seven is the number of completion, and it's something that's beyond human interference."
"They genuinely see you as a goddess, into the whole witchy thing."
"The whole SS initiation ceremony at Wewelsburg centered around the recuperation and the regeneration of this lost memory of the blood."
"Productive bees are probably going to be on top of mystical agriculture."
"This one is said to contain spells that are used for summoning over 72 different demons and just to spice it up a little bit, to this day, no one is exactly sure who wrote it, yeah, it's still Anonymous back there pending it up."
"Synology is literally the science of the Shroud of Turin."
"Jedi and Sith used the force through invisible means."
"What would you have done if I told you that the solution to all your problems was a magical black man sitting out on the edge of town?"
"Finding a feather is a sign your guardian angels are by your side."
"At a certain level of development, Mystics create realms of consciousness, while Occultists help individuals at any level of being."
"Quite why these ancient people had such specific beliefs about feathers and the afterlife is unknown."
"Paul reveals a secret, something so esoteric that even he conceals his own identity."
"Paul was a Mystic and it appears that his very Jewish mysticism it changed the world forever."
"The merge between these rays creates the divine marriage or the alchemical merge."
"You are the shining ones sent forth from the holy mind of God, at one with that mind always."
"After the word of doom was uttered, the Solar logos sent out a call and help was evoked."
"This location seems timeless and otherworldly spiritual."
"Many of them are working with Supernatural tools."
"Freedom is the key word, and the flame of freedom is Saint Germain."
"When we look at the mysticism piece and we look at the presence of people like Arthur Young... we have to take on the aspect that this deep state... is deeply steeped in mysticism."
"This is a game of chess being played amongst titans right now."
"Each action, each thought, each breath you and I make is magic."
"Even in his darkest moments, there was still an innocent mysticism in everything he made."
"The moon is a surprise energy; it sheds illusions."
"Something extraordinary is coming your way... you are the High Priestess, ready to receive the unknown."
"Psychic attack is not something to be afraid of. It is not something mystical or supernatural that is beyond our control."
"Believe in magic, experience multiple realities."
"The incorruptibles demonstrate that the spiritual and the physical worlds are intertwined."
"Kashi is not a physical place that you come through taking a train or a flight. Kashi is a space that you enter inside."
"The true 13th sign is that of the 13th Crystal Skull and the 13th tribe of Israel."
"Dali considered himself a religious mystic, reinterpreting Christianity through the lens of modern science."
"Millions of people discovered themselves the uncanny power of the Tarot."
"You have the ability to see in the spirit realm."
"Telepathy, psychic ability, intuition - all traceable to the quantum world."
"In this collection of stories from history whereby special individuals assert predictions with an accuracy across dimensions that simply should not occur you'll begin to ponder these questions just as much as I am."
"Dreams humble us into realizing there's more to life than what meets the eye."
"Drawing down, channeling a higher reality, a higher truth."
"That's the ether symbol. They call it space energy, dark matter energy."
"Ecstatic mystical experiences again and again appear as perhaps the fundamental datum of religion, spirituality, and religious philosophy for millions indeed billions of people around the world."
"MGS2 prophecies the flood of digital information. The game marked the century's turn by Y2K era brand appeals to new age mysticism."
"The prophecy speaks about a new dawn, strongly connected with the will of D."
"Baba Yaga...enigmatic and frequently displays striking ambiguity."
"All the mystics of every nation come to the same realizations."
"Just the sense that you know there's a greater energy at work."
"Awareness seems to be unknown not because it is so mystical, but because it is so close to itself."
"Knowing an entity's true name allows some control or power over them."
"The more you get what it is you're asking for, the more you actually need to be synched into the mystery."
"Everyone really is a scientist, making claims about the world, and everyone is a mystic, seeking happiness."
"The next sorcerer supreme may be in this room."
"I like to use physics to confirm the spiritual and to see how close were the mystics to understanding what scientists are discovering today."
"Dreams never make sense... they come from your soul, your spirit, your creator."
"The search for secret knowledge through supernatural means is undoubtedly a practice as old as mankind itself."
"At the highest vibrations is the level of consciousness sought after by mystics throughout all ages."
"There may be a message waiting for you from spirit today."
"Receive the ancient ring of the Three Torches. Receive its knowledge."
"Your vibration is rising, you're the oracle."
"It doesn't deserve that much power. It is, in a sense, electromagnetic witchcraft and dark magic and dark use of energies, but the light is always a millionfold infinitely greater than the dark."
"Anything not natural opens the door to dark entities."
"Her dark eyes are windows upon an ancient and wicked soul."
"Bringing it back: as above so below, as within so without, as the universe so be."
"The mystic practitioner will always be, in some very serious sense, ahead of the scientist."
"Everything is Spirit but it's at different phases, it's at different modes, and it's these different modes that make us believe in the physicality of our existence."
"High Priestess has a direct connect... She don't talk."
"Use stones known for attracting wealth and prosperity."