
Renovation Quotes

There are 2466 quotes

"In Portugal, it is possible to buy an abandoned ruin like this and turn it into something magical."
"Here's the vision: I'm thinking it's some sort of old factory that's been purchased, renovated, and converted into a single family home."
"We need to build the most epic custom enclosures for each animal inside this old abandoned zoo."
"It's about building, renovating, fixing, changing something in the home. So very cool."
"If you're going to DIY it, buy quality, because 20% of the cost of a renovation is material, the other 80% is labor and taxes."
"Renovate it, remodel it, turn your three to a 400, turn your four to a five, turn your five to an eight. Now's the Time because you can get wholesale pricing on materials."
"Welcome to the newly renovated rooms at the Polynesian Village! Who's excited? I'm excited!"
"Remodeling old homes is kind of job security."
"It's the difference between renovating a house and tearing it down to start over... renovation won't fix foundational rot."
"Before Sylvia's breakfast room was so cluttered you could barely eat a bowl of cornflakes in it. Now she has what she's always wanted."
"Renovate your mind, tear out all of the anxious thoughts."
"Finally, everything is done. Well, except the floor and a few other things, but the walls are white as you can see right now. Bunker is almost ready for action."
"I hate these Flats where people destroy every old thing because they want to have a modern thing."
"House Flipper... simulates flipping a house and selling property for a profit... clean up a space and completely modify it..."
"The paint is peeling, the walls are unkept, but the bones of the house, it was beautiful."
"This house needs to be like bulldozed completely."
"We've got to paint the doors, door hardware, bathroom hardware like towel bars, toilet paper holders, the other towel holders."
"I'm gonna turn my basement into the best room in any house that I've ever been in."
"Renovations can be a really, really good way to spend an insane amount of money that you will never get a return on."
"It's really amazing what you can accomplish when you're this huge... just renovate a house like that."
"Five months later, New Park Street Chapel re-opened, now much brighter and roomier."
"Know your home—understand its functions, weaknesses, and flow. Take time to learn before diving into renovations."
"I saw the potential in it... Ray kind of was like, 'I don't know mom, do you think you can really make that house look good?'"
"I got with him, and he had a studio. That studio got taken down, but we were still using the studio while it was not being renovated no more."
"If you're a fan of ruining the past and hopes of building a brighter featuring there's tons of bright terracotta blocks that you can take out of the structure too."
"We're going to start with this canvas and completely change the whole fit out and feel of the place."
"Converting this Old Stone Barn, we are finally shifting our attention to something cosmetic."
"Just seeing the small section that's finished, I know it's going to be worth it."
"A haunted gel, a historic home, an old building that you might not even consider making into a home, they all need love and restoration."
"This bathroom is done. Actually, finally done. Hold on, we're not done yet."
"Applying a coat of white tub and tile surrounded wonders for that area, and getting rid of the original floors was definitely the right move."
"Knowledge overall that I've learned through this process, I feel like will make me such a stronger homeowner and a renovator going forward."
"Now living in it a few months, was it worth doing this? Or should we have just kept the old one? Ah, no. That was, it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears for sure."
"So you can do your renovation, but what matters most is always family. So keep that first and everything else second."
"While this jazz-inspired decor does Gaston's Legacy proud, there's still so much to be done."
"It's completed earlier this year... and it's turned this boat into something that's virtually brand new."
"Long story short, this place was basically complete, inside and out."
"They've got not just a messy house but underneath that mess is black mold and asbestos in the walls."
"My dream is to have an old house and renovate it."
"You can be the bad [ __ ] but you're renovating castles and growing rutabagas."
"Physically we are ready, physically we are ready... now we're not physically ready."
"It's like renovating an old house and ripping down the drywall only to discover amazing original features that just need exposing."
"It was just like a big 3d block dug those littles like walls and stuff we had them all taken down and the kitchen got built while we're in LA which is pretty cool it might sound a little bit air-cool you because you know at the kitchen."
"Walking into this, we agreed that we didn't want to cut any corners. We want to live here for a long time. So when we do projects, when we renovate, we want to do it right."
"Opening up the header and moving walls back created a more open space."
"Renovating? Choose your flooring wisely! It's the foundation of your home."
"It's amazing to think that because of this YouTube channel, the deck of the hotel will be rebuilt with wood given from a viewer."
"Sometimes we gotta get down to the nitty-gritty, do some demolishing, do some cleanup, it's just what it is."
"This house has got a lot of great details. You've got a lot to work with."
"There's a lot of work that needs to be done, but the bones of the structure are great."
"Laura has taken this building and peeled back its tired skin to reveal a house worth coming home to."
"Laura has not only brought this house back to life, she's completely reimagined it for 21st-century family living."
"One of the great things about this house... nobody had renovated it."
"Nothing like brand new carpet for the foundation of an interior makeover."
"The Cleveland couple's charming old house was no ordinary house."
"The mysteries uncovered by the Holmes renovations surely opened up a world of questions."
"Super plain? First things first, the roof has to go!"
"We're gonna make it a kitchen but I bet you got that now."
"A lot of kitchen renovation videos in our future."
"I get a lot of personal satisfaction from fixing a place up and then handing the keys over to someone who really enjoys it and wants to live there."
"There's something deeply satisfying about taking an old house at the end of its cycle and breathing another 100 years of life into it."
"But honestly, I love it, I love that it brings a uniqueness and a pop of color in that back corner, it's exactly what I wanted from this makeover."
"So the demolition's done and now we got this onion peeled back."
"We have put so, so much work into this house so far, and it's very satisfying to go back and look and see what it looked like before."
"We ripped out the bathroom, that's right, I just demolished the bathroom at my Palm Springs Airbnb to give it an Extreme Makeover."
"This renovation is going to be different from all the other renovations that we've done in the house because me and my dad are gonna do almost all of it by ourselves."
"It's quite an opportunity really, a place that is so abandoned, the chance to bring it back."
"This looks so much better, like I love how open the facade is."
"What was once a prison is now a beautiful place."
"Being able to find some dilapidated and have this vision that no one else around you can see."
"We need to bring some light back into that space and transform it into something wonderful and new."
"We decided to go all in with our 40 year old boat and get a new engine."
"This looks like one of the houses were kept made up really nice renovated painted and turned into a community center."
"When we get back to the US, we're going to be renovating the bus..."
"No matter how many times it changes ownership with the chance of being renovated and improved it might always be known for its horrific past and its hauntings that have lasted hundreds of years."
"Now it's not neglected, it's beautiful, it's polished, so now it's time to protect it."
"I can't believe it's the same house we started with. I'm stunned, it's just amazing."
"Now and then an owner of an old 1960s Cold War era bomb shelter will contact me and ask me to assist them in fixing the bunker up and selling it."
"In October 2018 we moved into this 1960s fixer and it was dark, dated, and just plain ugly in some places, but my wife had some incredible vision for this home."
"They've done an incredible renovation of this place in the last 10 years."
"If you're just joining us, we're right in the middle of replacing some rusty floors."
"We're living in a demolition site for a while."
"This place is going to be worth a lot by the time we're done with it."
"The first thing I wanna mention about this remodel is the house flows now."
"Moving on, our main story tonight concerns home renovations. There are big commitments that always turn out great... unless that is you're on trading spaces, in which case they can turn out like this."
"I kind of can't believe what a transformation this apartment has undergone in just two days. Let's bring them in."
"Paint can honestly solve so many things when it comes to redoing your home especially if you have an older home like I do. It instantly brightens and makes everything feel fresh and new again."
"When you come up the steps, you see the wall for the kitchen. It is beautiful inside."
"House has been reworked, ladies and gentlemen. I think a lot of people have been waiting for this for a long time."
"For you ones that have a home, you'll renovate or do something different to it."
"The transformation of this house is a transformation of her heart."
"Excitement building for the newly remodeled rooms."
"This house has to be gutted, and I'm just going to be really blunt: you have to make a mathematical decision now."
"We can force the property to appreciate through a renovation."
"We've got two identical houses... one is recently renovated and the other has structural damage."
"Converting this general store back into a proper retail space."
"The only thing left in this house that's original is the framing."
"The prospect of renovation and revival brings with them hopes that the city might one day see its former glory as a premier vacation spot fully restored."
"When the huge glass wall is built into the new elevation, that's when this very ordinary ugly house comes to life."
"Many of the Dome supports for constellation Carousel have started to be painted gold."
"This is looking good, not only did I preserve elements of the original home, I created something interesting and unique."
"We're making square footage, baby! We didn't need that stinking wall."
"Incredible job. They've spared no expense on everything and you'll see throughout the tour the attention to detail in retaining the original features but also making it really modern."
"Once everything was grounded, once it's all painted, it's going to look awesome."
"This house just needs to be brought back to life."
"The dining room is no longer anything more than a pile of tiles."
"A couple refurbishing their house was surprised to discover a large sum of money and a treasure hunt inside a 50-year-old safe hidden in the wall."
"By opening them up, making them into usable spaces, that was the goal."
"I guess one of the goals is going to be renovating and making this house a little bit nicer."
"How about time is that we actually show some love to this room"
"We've had the treacle and squidge one for years and I recently, when we redid this room, bought the piglet one."
"Mike Tyson's former house of pain is now a house of God; the new owners removed the tiger cages and transformed the pool into a place of worship."
"We wanted to buy that house, do it up, and sell it. But about six weeks after we'd moved in, we noticed things happening."
"But the blacksmith house has had a complete overhaul."
"Let's take a look at what this kitchen looked like before. There was literally nothing here. We built this all from the ground up."
"I felt good about it it wasn't a rinky dink piece of junk it was like oh we just need to change some things and it'll be looking good you know."
"Builders understand their renovation is often more difficult than construction."
"Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland will be closing in March of 2022 for a reimagining."
"I would love to buy like a beat up ass truck and do it."
"Imagine looking at a beautiful mansion... the very foundation of the mansion was cracked and damaged and you need to rebuild it from the ground up or risk a major collapse one day."
"It's just exciting because we get the beautiful framework of a home that has a lot of history behind it."
"The quicker you get your project done, the less risk you actually have on that deal."
"Many HGTv shows will usually involve the host taking over a mid-century tracked home."
"Probably the best part of a job is when you go through and do so much work that we did on this one, replace so many things that were neglected or whatever else."
"Thank you for the first ever rental redo we will do more."
"When we bought this house it had been abandoned for nearly 20 years."
"We bought this cheap Porsche with serious fire damage, we got it running for just 700b, made it road legal, and then modified it."
"It was remastered into a fantastic enclosed mall in the 70s and transformed into a beautiful space by Wilma Wright in the 90s."
"Wow, does that ever open the place up."
"Renovating, I love it. Love working on things, being busy, using my hands, being creative, solving a problem."
"Now we've been super busy doing all sorts of things to the RV."
"This has been an incredible bathroom transformation start to finish."
"Look for properties that need minor cosmetic renovations; this is where I see all the upside."
"Let's start by adding a wooden floor because it's looking very papery right now."
"Onwards and upwards, you didn't think we were going to stop at just replacing the countertops, now did you?"
"It's just going to give that area a bit of a facelift because it's a really big patio."
"If you have the opportunity to take your time with making over spaces, you can make much more mindful choices."
"It's going to be exciting though, the next few weeks we'll actually be able to do all of the renovations that we didn't get a chance to do in the fall."
"We added the skylights, which was a huge must-have that I wanted for this space to really invite all the natural light in."
"We've been noodling on this for a couple years, and we're ready to start doing some more aggressive renovations."
"My role in the project was everything: owner, architect, designer. I used to call it extreme DIY."
"It was a really nicely remodeled converted Church home."
"I finished the complete bathroom makeover which included installing light fixtures, painting the tub, and of course, lots and lots of plants."
"It's amazing what a difference paint can make."
"The renovation took way longer than I ever expected, but 4 years later, I'm finally ready to reveal it to all of you."
"You don't need to repaint them, you don't need to strip them, you just need to take what's there and build off of it to give you a great looking upgraded paint job."
"Ben and Aaron Napier found purpose in flipping these homes, helping to blend a piece of the past with the present."
"We're basically renovating the car just like you would renovate a house."
"There is something about watching home renovations that is so pleasing on the eye."
"We have completely transformed it from top to bottom."
"This living room has gone through a lot of changes over the last few months."
"Between the new paint and all of the new lighting, this room was already starting to drastically transform."
"What a transformation, my kitchen is seriously gleaming."
"This is what the farmstead looked like when I purchased it in 2009 before me and Yaglu started working on it. It had been abandoned 46 years, and it was unbelievably a project."
"We called it the stair flipping project because the main purpose behind it was to rotate our staircase 180 degrees."
"It's already completely lifted the ceiling up and just feels so much more cohesive."
"This will be a seamless paint job, we won't be able to tell anything's been done."
"Our new house is really big but it needs some work."
"We're going to open it up and make this tiny room feel a lot more spacious."
"I would love to like renovate a few things especially our kitchen because it's so freaking plain."
"The average kitchen remodel in the U.S. ranges from twelve thousand to thirty thousand."
"Pretty much every remodel that I've done seems to go over budget."
"I bought that house with that money you gave me and we renovated it, sold it, that's a family living in there now."
"I'm going to swap the drain tube from this side of the wall mount air handler to this side."
"When you say 'rip it all up,' that means we're just going to start from scratch. It's not going to be like FIFA Ultimate Team."
"Our fireplace is done. I can't wait to show you guys how it looks at the end."
"...he turned the Abbey into an upmarket family home."
"We had old Nino's for 54 years, it was time to freshen it up. I think with this change we can be here for many more years."
"Spurred on by the June 2015 deadline, hardly any part of the site has escaped some form of renovation work."
"The plan is to take this Cottage back restore it to its pretty much its original state."
"All three windows are in, the trim work is done, and it's been raining a ton, and none of them have leaked, so I would say we are fully waterproof at this point."
"Whatever your motivation is, these are the things that really do date a bathroom."
"Switching out the faucet, switching out the handles, switching up the lighting, if you're looking for easy fixes, those are the easy things."
"I feel like if you took the skirts off of these couches and you put some little mid-century modern legs on them, they could actually be pretty cute."
"No wonder they recommend that you don't live in the home when you're doing like a ton of reno."
"Thanks again to Bio Dude for coming out here and totally renovating our tank; it's beautiful and we love it."
"Your money needs to go in the kitchens and baths."
"It's going to look like a new construction home."
"It's a little worse for wear, but with a little TLC, it would be a home they could raise a family in."
"We opened up the living room space and put a retaining wall between the two spaces."
"The worse it looks, the better because then I won't feel guilty demolishing it all."
"We're not done. It'll look good in a couple weeks, just give us some time and we'll show you another tour."
"Now the entire back porch is looking refreshed and ready for spring and summertime."
"This was going to be the big sort of family home, the big final project."
"Over the last 47 days we've really taken this place and turned it into something that was old, dingy, and sort of beat up and we converted it into something that's warm, cushy, and looks really presentable."
"I'm actually converting my garage into a shop, and this is part of that process."
"It's pretty echoey right now but don't worry, we're going to be soundproofing."
"So there's no panels in the room right now."
"Aaron recognizes the value of breathing new life into old structures."
"...the final stage of this process of rejuvenating the teak deck."
"We're taking an abandoned property and we are making something out of it."
"The whole reason we wanted to start this series is because we want to do these fun kind of themed spaces that we couldn't do in a regular, regular old person's living room."
"White paint is such an easy hack to just make a space feel fresh, new, bright, and bigger than it was before."
"So at this point, we're going to be doing some work on the inside of the shed."
"I've continued renovations and I'm almost ready to move into the fully remodeled home."
"...we kind of decided that we can have three maybe four kids fit in this bus if we really uh renovate it good."
"Hope you guys enjoy this part says look at the factor in the room compared to this this was look so just gonna be a unique Silverado nothing in desert best part"
"Every time I do one of these room makeovers, I honestly don't think that it can get any better."
"Replacing lighting fixtures especially if you have something just like super absolutely generic like that."
"Slowly but surely, people are coming around to the idea of renovating old properties rather than just demolishing everything."