
Personal-treat Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I hope this inspired you to pick up a new little self-care item or treat yourself."
"Hot Cheetos are after the fight. Hot Cheetos and some pizza and a nice cold Coke, maybe a nice beer too."
"I treat myself, can't lie. It was my Christmas present to myself."
"Treat yourself guys you've got to treat yourself."
"They make me feel so bougie... they are a little luxury for me."
"Okay, we are halfway done with grocery shopping. Got myself a little pink Drink as a reward."
"It was the biggest spoil we've ever done for ourselves."
"It's Christmas time! I got myself my Christmas sweater."
"It was an early Christmas present to myself."
"I've been on a little bit of a bagel kick... I deserve it today on this fine Sunday."
"Once in a while, we can give ourselves a nice little treat."
"It's nice to treat yourself once in a while, you know what I mean?"
"Maybe it’s not the most practical but it was on sale at the military surplus store so I figured I could treat myself."
"Books that you can buy for your loved ones, books that you can gift to yourselves if you've been particularly good this year."
"You have the luxury to spend a little extra on products that you might like, so I splurge a little every time and buy this."
"It's like giving yourself a present."
"This one's just a treat for myself."
"Perfect gift for friends or family, or you can just get them for yourself."
"I'm low-key making it a tradition for my birthday like I buy myself like a new pair of shoes."
"It's my birthday, I'm getting a caramel frappe."
"That juicy Tanzanite, oh geez, that is stunning, if someone doesn't buy it this week, I'm gonna buy it for myself."
"That's my story for just treating myself to something."
"I'm going to make myself a festive mac and cheese for my dinner."
"I kind of wanted this birthday to feel more like a treat to myself."
"I'm so excited; we picked up ourselves some coffees."
"Those are my well wishes for you, that you just do something nice for yourself this week to treat yourself a little bit, because you deserve it."
"A lovely cheese pizza just for you."
"I'm treating myself, today is a day of treating."
"It's the flowers I buy for myself."
"Treat yourself, so I'm treating myself."
"It's called being sweet to your damn self."
"Go ahead, revamp your underwear drawer. You deserve it."
"I'm still doing keto, and it's kind of a little treat for me."
"It's great because it's kind of like a little gift to yourself."
"I've got a really nice caramel iced coffee in the fridge with my name all over it."
"It's a cigar that's a treat for me."
"Be good to yourself today, do something really special."
"I'm about to make me a cup of coffee because I really, really want some."
"Coming up here is almost like a treat to me."
"I hope you find a way to treat yourself in whatever way it makes your soul sing."
"It's good to treat yourself once in a while."
"You just have to pamper yourself sometimes."
"I'm buying that adorable little gingerbread man for me, it's happening."
"I've made myself an ice gingerbread latte and I am just loving it."
"I picked myself a little Christmas goodie up here from Yankee Candle."
"I got my iPad Mini picked it up from Best Buy, and I went to Target and found a case for it, a pink case that was only 10 bucks. So happy birthday to me."
"Spoiling yourself, giving yourself the love that you deserve."
"Take some time for yourself; don't forget to treat yourself this season."
"I'll get myself one of those really lush coffees from Starbucks, you know, the whipped cream and the sprinkles and all of it, and I'll enjoy it knowing that I didn't spend my money on this."
"I'm pretty happy not only did I get a bunch of really cool autograph stuff... I got a cool little watch here possibly for myself."
"I always like to treat myself to a little mug or something when we go away; it's like a little memory."
"Curated and covetable little luxuries just for you."
"It's my little luxury, it's my little treat."