
Sustainable-living Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"I just can't really think of anything better to invest my money in than to have a sustainable living option next to a relaxing part of nature."
"Thank you for watching this episode of Minecraft Monday. We all appreciate Speedy and we all learned a good lesson about what it's like to appreciate Speedy back."
"Shopping secondhand is one of the most accessible ways to become more sustainable."
"Sustainable cities and buildings can actually increase life quality."
"The way we take power back is by deflating the whole corporate landscape, and we do that by buying less, by sharing more."
"Located in New Mexico's high desert is the complete rethinking of a house. These off-grid buildings are designed to harness heat in the winter and deter it in the summer."
"After traveling around the world full-time for years and then road-tripping down from the US to Costa Rica in our school bus tiny home, we've parked up on a plot of land we bought in an eco-village and are starting the next chapter of our lives learning to consciously live in nature."
"We see ourselves as stewards of this land rather than owners, and we want to learn how we can build, plant, and live in harmony with our surroundings, both with nature and with the local community."
"You cannot make a living on that land if you harm that land. The way you make a living on the land is you keep that Land good so it's good and productive."
"Buy less! Make an effort to mend and preserve the clothes that you have, to refashion them into something new when the fancy takes you."
"Buy what you need when you need it, but be conscious of what you buy and how much you buy."
"They eat food that they grow themselves, so they eat very little, if any, processed foods."
"Sustainable living: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Not only think of the environment, but it saves you Simoleons too."
"Part of what was so awesome about this past year living aboard Freebie was the fact that we basically designed and built an off-the-grid system that functioned independently of fossil fuels and without a generator by ourselves."
"The ability to regrow your own food is going to be important. You can only prep so much food and store so much food."
"And more than anything, I am so excited for the impact that each of you will be creating by purchasing this cleanser to fight climate change and protect forests from deforestation all around the world."
"We've added the ability to... power your house with the power of crickets."
"Despite the cultural attachment to driving, fewer cars on the road will not mean a sacrifice to your quality of life."
"It's where we are going to grow all of the food that will keep us, our wives, and our babies alive."
"It is possible to step away from this consumeristic model and live in a more sustainable, communal, and service-oriented way."
"Time on the land, seeing food come from the land, and deep nature connection was just a part of how I was raised."
"We are an online community of people who are stopping the destruction of the earth via homegrown food."
"We have to change the environment so a sustainable lifestyle, a lifestyle in harmony with nature, is the easiest way to go. And so, not voluntary."
"But, my goal is to make a living on a living planet."
"Shipping containers: the future of affordable, adaptable living."
"The vision is real! 7,600 watts of solar on this RV, holy cow, that is insane!"
"Earthships are not going to be the one perfect solution to solving our climate crisis or housing issues. There is actually no one perfect solution, but I think we can learn a lot from Earthships, and it's a step in the right direction."
"Our mission is to help empower creative people just like you to live a creative life that's sustainable so that you're not starving, you're not living with your parents anymore, you've got your own place."
"Living car free is not for everyone...but I strongly suspect more people can do this than the three or four percent that currently do it."
"Your right to live the rest of your lives on this planet with food to eat and air to breathe and homes to sleep in."
"Let's go build great things and grow abundant nutritive food and raise awesome animals because that's what the future is."
"We eat so pure, you guys follow our channel, we grow 90% of our own food."
"Buying secondhand is not only cheaper, but it's also better for the environment."
"The only way you're going to get political buy-in in the long run for this is if you can show you can live better."
"I hope you enjoyed Rob's epic story I think it's quite inspiring to see what he's been doing over here the fact that he's been feeding himself out of this urban front yard I mean that's kind of unheard of it's not very common to say the least."
"I really want to be more intentional with my food purchases in 2020 because not only do I want to save money but I also want to be more conscious of our environment."
"I try to just buy vintage. I try to buy secondhand."
"The goal should be to lose weight sustainably, not quickly."
"People growing food is a great thing, whether you're in a rural spot like us or you're in the heart of a city."
"Creating a sustainable and compassionate way of eating."
"Life off-grid: making the most of what you have."
"Buy less stuff but buy good stuff that means something to you."
"NASA reached out to me again, interested in growing mycelium for habitats on Mars."
"Living off-grid is a way to go save the planet."
"Conscious consumerism is the move in 2020 or just in life."
"Zero House: a futuristic home that generates its own power, processes its own waste, and collects and stores rainwater."
"I am completely off the grid when it comes to electricity. I haven't had an electrical bill for the past 20-some years."
"Golden eggs fueling modern and comfortable lives sounds much better than telling them that collecting them will spell their Doom."
"He really loves gardening and almost everything he grows outside is edible."
"Follow our journey from the very beginning as we document the whole process of creating an off-grid home."
"Plant fruit, nut trees, and perennial food producing plants."
"His house has a sister which is like a buried think about a medium-sized submarine buried in his backyard just to collect all runoff rainwater all gray water."
"He shows up on his bicycle his home has the collection of the water and the irrigation and the storage tanks and the triple glazed windows with the Argon gas and the R30 insulation blown cellulose into every bay."
"Food is absolutely on that list, so start growing today."
"Life is too short to be worried about what's going to look very on trend in ten years time."
"Running on electricity is much cheaper than gasoline."
"The very first step is to make sure that the person who's qualified our certified master farmer has the ability to live there and do that."
"Gonna add simple living. Gonna add off the grid. Reduce and recycle."
"We need drastic cuts in meat consumption and flying, but we're not asking for individual change."
"Eating like a farmer doesn't have to be this luxurious thing... it can be really accessible and delicious and just make you feel good."
"I hate, I got the beef though, I hunted it, you know."
"A forested patch of eco-land equipped with greenhouses, small buildings, and all the whimsical off-grid contraptions."
"It's not that hard to bring a reusable bag to be honest."
"The only thing that can save places like Borneo... is that we can make the people that live there have a better, more sustainable future."
"I think tiny house living is very important and I think it's a very good workaround for the dire rental situations."
"Tiny house living is just such a weight off of our shoulders."
"I like the idea of getting back to the source of your food."
"I hope it inspires you in 2021 to kind of get into thrifting or do more thrifting."
"Sustainable floating cities are a part of the arsenal of climate adaptation strategies available to us."
"I don't want to make anybody shy away from thrift shopping as an option."
"I want to position myself to do just like my father did, you know set up land start growing food houses and businesses."
"I think if we all want breathable air and drinkable water we need to learn how to live with less."
"I'll be continuing traveling the country educating people and trying to save the planet one compost pile at a time."
"Imagine if you could make a place like this your home, complete with electricity and running water."
"Solar panels on every house could be as common as roofs."
"The family's shared dream is to buy a small homestead with a big garden and keep chickens."
"It's time to leave the fish back in the ocean... life will flourish and our kids will have a great future."
"This is an absolute game changer when it comes to off-grid living."
"This thing is an absolute game changer when it comes to off-grid living."
"Well until Elon takes us to Mars um we that we only have one planet and we all live here so i think it's everybody's responsibility to do what they can for the environment and I know our industry gets held to account for the energy that we use."
"You need a diet and a lifestyle you can do for life."
"Even if it is just grabbing that countertop compost bin, trading it out for some food scraps and really practicing making use of the outputs of your home."
"The earth houses assure that we survive in the world."
"Be self-reliant: grow your own food, find innovative energy solutions."
"For every new piece of clothing you buy, you need to get rid of one you already have."
"Use real plates and silverware over disposable, it's better for the planet and better for your wallet."
"An Earthship it's kind of like a Noah's Ark that he can navigate the earth with ships sailboats are self-sufficient."
"The Serenity 64 does sustainable luxury quite as well."
"There has to be a way that they can find another way to benefit from the landscape and not kill Tigers."
"Buying everything brand new isn't necessary; consider buying used for cost savings."
"Miss McDevitt's built something beautiful. Somehow she talked the ground into giving life again."
"Eat seasonable food and grow your own if you can."
"A global social vaccine will enable a new way of living, a new world indeed that is healthy, just, convivial, and sustainable."
"Here is an island of fearlessness because we know you and your faithfulness."
"We seek to receive and amplify a message of life-sustaining living and habits that Humanity needs to hear today."
"I'm so glad I did that that's the first turkey I've ever shot."
"This is the payoff for all the work that we do we're feeding ourselves from the land."
"Home charging at the moment is the key to making an electric vehicle work."
"Buying no new cars and driving a lot less is probably the most environmentally friendly way forward."
"My vow is to have a very small carbon footprint and live a very simple life."
"Thrifting for the win: a fun, fashionable, and eco-friendly journey!"
"This will, you know, you can go off grid, depending on what batteries you got for who knows how long."
"At home, the cybertruck can power your home for over 3 days with zero noise or emissions."
"I make a new video every week on food scratch not your living in a handmade home."
"Having goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, and rabbits can mean the difference between a fairly good and healthy diet and one that's terribly lacking in protein."
"Survive and thrive in the future with proper prior planning. Go back to homesteading, go back to nature. You become healthier, happier."
"I think there's potential for an integrated home system... that can address power generation, storage, heating, cooling, air filtration, and water purification." - Elon Musk
"Even if tomorrow I decided like hey I'm no longer doing this I would still definitely hands down use a shampoo bar and conditioner bar for the rest of my life."
"Washing your clothes on a low heat or even better, a cold wash will make them last twice as long... drying them on the line if possible will also make the material last longer than if you used a dryer."
"All of our units are designed to be a demonstration of different elements of sustainability and green building."
"It's about using technology to live as much as possible in balance with nature."
"Maybe we should put together a non-profit that is very very simple and very cheap but encourages and helps people set up gardens and mini farms on their property."
"One of the best things you can do for the drain on natural resources is to live closer to the things you do regularly."
"You're gonna build those sustainable habits instead of doing something extremely intense and quick at first."
"As you take care of a garden, there's more of a connection than just eating."
"Simply plugging in at home and charging while I sleep means the day starts with a fully-charged car."
"This toilet tapping into the already existing gray water is like life-changing to me."
"We're a flash in the pan basically. So anyway, I think we want to do everything we can to obviously make life on Earth great and make sure Earth is solid."
"It can cut down on our material throughput at a critical point for the climate."
"Electric cars and solar panels seem like a match made in heaven, free clean power as long as the sun shines."
"Our well-being is intimately tied with the land itself, not just exploiting its resources for survival."
"Now I can't do much about infrastructure, but I've now eliminated all of my direct consumption of fossil fuels and it feels good."
"Learn how to grow your own natural, organic food."
"Everything here is kind of locally sourced but from what I'm seeing here this may be one of the most efficient houses in Missouri being built today."
"We have to have a farm to feed our children."
"Get with a neighbor and maybe you guys can buddy up together and grow food."
"Humans can live on this planet in a way that doesn't destroy it."
"Don't check something away because a button is missing or pockets are coming undone just do what you can and try to fix it up either yourself or get someone else to do it it's a lot cheaper and it's a lot better just for environment and waste wise."
"Elon Musk wants even more than Facebook." - Musk aims for Mars and sustainable living.
"The people here try harder than anyone else to find a balance between striving for a bright future while living within their means."
"The way I see zero waste is when you buy something, can you reuse it?"
"It's really not about a final number, it's just this whole transitionary period of making your life a lot more sustainable and intentional with what you're bringing into your life and what you're supporting with your dollar."
"Eco minimalism, the term that I came up with to describe my lifestyle."
"You don't have to buy a bunch of plastic. You can actually get in there and make memories."
"We're growing food, we're growing freedom, we're knowing where our food comes from."
"Living off-grid, modern homesteading at its finest."
"Turmeric and ginger are two medicinal powerhouses... They grow really well in containers, and that's how I've grown them for the last 3 years."
"It can translate into a livelihood without shedding any of our ethics."
"In every place in your life where you can be a Creator instead of a consumer, do that because that is your freedom, that is your power, that is your resources."
"Horticulture is a stable way for human beings to reside on the planet and make a really good life."
"Cooking, cleaning with organic materials, making what you can, these kind of things allow us to be powerful in our own lives."
"Don't destroy the environment in the first place."
"I love that moodlet because we're really like living off the land girl, we're doing our own thing."
"Let's go grow abundant food, raise wonderful animals, and build great things."
"There's a better way for human beings to live on this planet."
"That's what I like about it, is that it's not, you know, it's not some sort of fix-all diet, it's not some sort of miracle thing, it's a lifestyle change."
"Creating your own garden...is one of the most rebellious things you could do in this society."
"At this point, it's been about a month since we installed our first berm and swale."
"This year we installed this rain tank on top of our property."
"There's opportunity in the danger as the Chinese say, but we need power to do that. You can't grow food indoors without power, and it's not going to work on a solar panel."
"A few more resources give me a greenhouse here that'll fix our food for a minute."
"You've got to find a sustainable eating plan, not a diet for life."
"Fruit trees are true investments and a single 30 fruit tree once planted can reward you and your family for your entire lives."
"Life on a little pretend farm, nothing goes to waste."
"Grow herbs, even in urban spaces, for culinary and medicinal purposes, bringing health and vitality to your kitchen and garden."
"You can love the trees but also use them to make a living."
"We've created this really nice cycle and it's quite fulfilling and it feels really good to be utilizing the garden in this way."
"I would love if we could get to a point where one day, you know, I invite you to my house and as we come in, you know, I'm gonna pause in the doorway and we both look at the wall and I go, 'Whoa, yeah, that's a passive house, right?'"
"Boxable: A modular home called Boxable, a futuristic home."
"We have more than enough to shift our systems of food and our systems of community wellness."
"Decluttering is not bad for the environment, consumerism is."
"Think of it as a lifestyle, you're not just doing this for a quick fix."
"Recycling saves resources, reduces smog, the money part - they pay for bottles."
"You only need a space the size of this room to grow enough fruit and vegetable for yourself for your whole life with an aeroponic garden."
"Patrick's self-built tiny home comes with ample outdoor space, a beautiful vegetable garden, a custom bathtub, and so much more."
"Continue to support those who work to save our planet, continue to spread awareness, continue to live more sustainably, continue to vote for those who care about the environment."
"Buy from a local butcher or farmer... the best is to grow it yourself and it will always taste better."
"I really think we could maybe not even need the heating but for an hour or two a day and I don't think we would need the air conditioning maybe but for a week or two a year."
"Start with growing your own food, take responsibility over that, become your own supply chain."
"Your ideal body lies where it's most sustainable, where you are not restricting yourself."
"It's kind of cool to have a vehicle that or a home that is not reliant on anything else."
"The most sustainable way to shop is to not shop at all."
"The key component is to buy less, use it for longer."
"Living off of your dividend growth portfolio is absolutely possible."
"The least amount of food products you throw away, that's money you're saving."
"You would stop affecting the planet in a negative way by you know killing the animals and eating it you would move on from that."
"Learn how to grow your own food... be more constructive people."
"I really want to encourage people to buy things that last a long time and that serve the planet better."
"If I could live in a healthy planet, I would embrace such a simple fundamental reality without hesitation."
"We want to live in a world where everybody can live, breathe, and sustain in the way that everybody feels happy and content."
"This diet is not another fad diet, it's more of a lifestyle."
"Sustainable living should be about using what you already have, reusing things that come into your life, conserving resources, and using less."
"Stop buying [expletive]. It's the easiest, cheapest way to help the planet."
"Earthships offer comfortable, energy-efficient, and cozy living spaces without relying on public utilities."
"Learning to hunt is just another way for Anna to explore where her food comes from."
"Minimal: How to simplify your life and live sustainably."
"Avoid debt if you can... feel frugal minimalist and very much suggests that you live within your means."
"Designed Clyde to be off-grid for three weeks if we want to."
"Everybody seems to want to grow their own food which is completely understandable."
"Let's do a sustainable mindset change and let's begin applying it one step at a time."
"...our composting toilet we don't need a black water tank so that's been um really good for us."
"The locavore movement is here to stay and it's a big part in helping today's gardeners in growing a greener world."
"Dropping perfectionism allowed me to embrace a more sustainable approach."
"Eating unpackaged and minimally packaged foods reduces waste for future generations."
"Reynolds is pioneering the development of entire subdivisions of eco-friendly homes he calls earth ships."
"Approach secondhand shopping thrifting as you would buying something new."
"Electricity from solar panels atop buildings produce its own food and fresh water and ferry inhabitants between islands on futuristic pod boats."
"When I was young, my old man always told me you have to harvest what you hunt. There's a certain connection you have with the food you eat when you know you were part of the process of how it ended up on your plate."
"Buy less, choose well, and make it last."
"...the idea of transition towns making this transition away from constant growth and the use of fossil fuels to what comes after."