
Editing Quotes

There are 2876 quotes

"When it comes to their content, their content is usually very good. Like the editing is top-notch, everything about their content is perfect, it looks good, it is good, it's edited well."
"Editing is the one part of the process that I find is antientropic."
"Basics of editing: You always start with the audio because you want to match your visuals to the audio, not the other way around."
"Good editing or good CGI is invisible when it is done well."
"That's what editing is all about: finding the balance."
"Adjustment layers allow you to non-destructively change the colors of your photo."
"The reason we love Hitchcock is because he created suspense through edits."
"Editing is much more about feeling than what tool you use to cut and mix your footage."
"You're trying always as an editor to be in parallel or ahead of the audience, slightly ahead, not too far ahead, and never behind. Right, if you're behind, you're dead."
"Split toning is another very big thing, and I would even say one of the top two things you have in Lightroom for sunset pictures."
"I seem to remember very nicely edited as well. Good work Jamie."
"Fantastic work from Jamie, adding that song in as well. I absolutely pissed myself when I first saw that."
"Editing comes down to knowing the software, but more importantly, taking the time to really think about how you want your images to look."
"Mastering contrast in your photography, composition, and editing is going to improve everything."
"As a long-time editor for scripts and novels, I get inordinately excited to take a look under the hood of my favorite stories."
"Being online, you can edit things. If it's a bad video and tanks, that's fine, people forget by the next week. But you can't really do that on stage."
"Our relationships are our stories, and hopefully, we get to write often, and more importantly, we need to edit well."
"I worked really hard on this one. It was about 20 hours of editing and I could have kept going."
"Yes, I'm not a god with editing whizzes, but hopefully, this is digestible."
"I use the crop tool on just about every single one of my images very, very rarely do I ever get the composition right the very first time in camera while on location."
"Allow yourself to write badly. Write a bad, bad, bad first draft and then edit it."
"You have audio editing, special effects, you can do Beauty enhancements, object removal right in the editor."
"That's super convenient if you're just trying to get a bunch of clips into your timeline."
"Keyboard shortcuts always make you edit faster no matter what program that you're in."
"Montages are some of the sweetest, coolest, most satisfying scenes ever."
"Every season of Family Guy leaves a whole lot of content on the cutting room floor."
"Nothing wrong with a super basic simple sentence that you can edit later."
"Too many characters will feel like dead weight."
"Editing is what's really going to crush you and what takes the most time."
"The storytelling in this video is so freaking phenomenal, the editing is phenomenal."
"A good edit will feel right, a bad edit will feel off somehow."
"We try to land somewhere in the middle, favoring the editor side."
"What a treat having someone else to do the editing for you, really."
"Editing is like painting with colors that you made."
"Let's just keep it D for now to delete the text."
"Good planning and smart editing can go a long way."
"There will be a new video tomorrow, when I could be asked to edit it."
"Just take the clause out of the sentence. Is the meaning the same?"
"This cutaway is one of the weirdest edits I have ever seen."
"I'm a Streamy award winning editor. I'll figure it out."
"Our editor has been amazing letting us go wild and push the envelope... in terms of what we can get away with."
"After a little bit of editing magic, the setup is basically complete."
"The way that the clip is edited together makes it seem like everybody is gonna die."
"Save those RAW files for the future so that you have them in case you ever want to go back and start to edit them."
"But more so for me, it's like having the time to do it and having an Editor to handle it."
"If some of your lines sound like they were written by an angsty teenager, it's probably best to scrap those lines."
"Every cutaway from them is way more interesting."
"There isn't one way to do it be fluid be open to improvement be open to new ideas or even suggestions if you have an editor."
"They wish they told you more, it wasn't a true reflection of how they truly feel."
"James Bond books edited to remove racist references."
"The good drama was life with all the dull bits cut out."
"The idea that to edit articles you sit criss-cross and look inside of it to edit verticals is so good."
"And as always, big praise to the editors who spend so many hours making this happen."
"Dual Universe describes itself as a continuous single shard sandbox MMORPG taking place in a vast fully editable sci-fi universe."
"Subscribe to DVSJ on YouTube, all right? Great content and one hell of an editor."
"It was just an absolute treat to see something so well edited."
"If there's ever a moment where I'm even slightly bored, I'm like cut it."
"Negan's introduction was rudely interrupted by the decision to end the scene on a cliffhanger with a bit of sneaky editing."
"Let's do that cold prompter read. I'm gonna replace every word in the opening with just the word fuck over and over again."
"I feel really bad for you, man. You have it so, so rough. Maybe make your life a little easier and hire people to edit your reactions to cut out your dead air and only show the parts that you actually react to."
"It's a really great way to go in and be able to just add and subtract from your selection."
"If any part of your YouTube video bores you, kiss it in the editing booth until it becomes interesting."
"Superimposing: the ability to cut out a subject and place it in a different photo."
"The ones that are dominating now, but Elon is going to make a concerted effort in that space as well."
"The best decision I ever did was get an editor for my second channel."
"Saw The Whale last night editing now. It's Brendan Fraser's best performance."
"No one's body looks like this in real life, and it's all in the editing."
"No one called you. You're getting Kavanaugh soon probably for sure. Wow, whoa, whoa, we'll cut that, okay."
"The main takeaway: condensing characters, streamlining things, taking things out."
"If you can do that on 50 different things, you will edit faster."
"This allows me to be really precise with my edits."
"A slide lets you move a chunk left and right and it doesn't have to be just one clip it could actually be a bunch that you select."
"Editing is undeniably more enjoyable when you have more space to work with."
"Develop custom keyboard shortcuts to edit much faster and more efficiently."
"They always play the clip and you know what they omit... they cut to begin the thing right after that happens."
"Craig's style of editing is very fluid and seamless but also has character in it."
"Hiring a video editor really helped me increase the quality of my videos and avoid burnout."
"Simplicity can be powerful - not every video needs heavy editing."
"This is a fault image but you can add a new map and edit the map."
"Less is definitely more. It's very easy when you learn a new editing technique to just push it way too far."
"You shouldn't be able to see the moves you've made, keep them invisible which means have a light touch."
"Editing to me is maybe the most important part of presenting your work to the audience."
"I don't use any hand cream. I just, I don't know, they're callous and rough and through the magic of editing and color correction we make them look beautiful on the internet."
"Living Season One had a ton covered, a lot of it had to just be cut though."
"Editors do a good job when you don't notice the edits."
"Raw vs. JPEG: one's a baked file, one is raw ingredients."
"The editing should tell me how you are feeling during that night's sleep."
"There is actually so much strategy when it comes to the placement and editing of each machine."
"The real miracle of the writing process happens in editing."
"This person overall is a better editor than I am."
"The flow of the edits, some of these just flowed better."
"I might have to edit out some of these matches here because if he continues and gets to like 120, 140 wins obviously I'm not gonna be able to show every single one of these matches lest it be a two-hour video."
"They were extraordinary writers, they were extraordinary editors."
"This one was a beautiful edit. Giving instructions to Guardiola."
"Edit tight, it's better to have 15 strong images than 20 weaker ones."
"They filmed three hours of us together and they only used about 5 minutes."
"Throw all the ideas on and then edit later on."
"Editing is hard...but it's essential if you want to make it."
"I pretty much instantly noticed that my edits were way cleaner, they seemed faster."
"He straight up fixed the edit issue and was able to edit way way faster."
"Despite being a small update, the video sequence editor has received improvements, enabling better organization and control over edits."
"Levels... the thing I do the most in Photoshop."
"Vibrance... lift and raise some of the colors without going too far."
"The bulk of the jokes are delivered in the editing."
"We can still use the tab key to tab back in and out of edit mode."
"Over the years, Lulu made connections with the community, listing herself as an editor, having worked on let's plays, stream highlights, and even video essays."
"Every cut has to give me another good reason to stay - it has to escalate something."
"Our editor of the show is Josh Murphy, special thanks to Geoffrey Palmer who does all the animations."
"It becomes kill your darlings it becomes I love this scene does it get me to the next scene."
"Good headphones stay good. I edit all these videos with these and they are 35 years old."
"Don't just think chronologically. Play with time in your vlog editing, like Casey Neistat does. It adds a whole new dimension to your storytelling."
"Edit, edit, edit. The best way to get better at editing vlogs is to edit vlogs. You only get good by doing it."
"The Vatican edited the Bible beyond recognition."
"This is without any epatha T so this is the original image."
"Taking things away and editing makes it special."
"It's actually cool, that's another good edit."
"There's less judgment for it to be so edited and face tuned and all perfect."
"I have done the least editing in the last three months of my entire career."
"In a scene like this, it'd probably be about 20 to 30 cuts at the minimum in order to achieve the same feeling of this one take that's happening in the game."
"Yes, you can totally edit the project again." - Confirming the ability to revisit and modify a project.
"Paul wants to take the film down to its bare bones."
"So we have a problem we have a problem with with the fact that in that whole places have been edited in."
"Writing is rewriting. The first draft of anything is shit."
"That cut from the close-up to the wide shot during your fall is some great A."
"Make sure when you're editing, if you're on columns, you'll try to edit something and you won't be able to get into it. It's because of that."
"That makes editing a lot more easier because the degradation for example in the sky is a lot more smoother there's a lot more information in there."
"Great editing makes the film look like it wasn't directed at all."
"The blink human beings blinking is the equivalent of in film cutting from one shot to another that Harriman himself is editing his own movie."
"I've reached the end of a thought and that's a good place to cut."
"Let me know what you guys want to see next and these are a little bit different career sim so definitely edit it a little differently because it's a 50-year span or like you know like a 40-year span."
"The runtime is going to be fluctuating around two hours when we add the credits. And so I don't think it'll get much shorter to be honest. I don't think it'll get much longer either."
"That's it for the masking phase! Now you want to go ahead and save out your mask as an image sequence."
"Every video that I release has to be so perfect so cleanly edited sometimes it's nice just to stop caring just to let it go just let that [ __ ] go just to release some calming content."
"Context is everything, and then edits the context."
"The MiniDisc camcorder offers advanced editing capabilities."
"Collaboration is so important, show a bunch of people your edit to get different eyeballs on it."
"That's a wrap! Imogen has finished all her scenes. The crew's shutting down and footage is being sent to editing."
"If you can't think you can learn from an established editor, a lot of people could probably benefit from getting a professional line editor to do a line edit of a chapter."
"The images that you're seeing on the screen right now were taken with the 1dx mark 3 and edited using fro pack 2."
"Editing is just so much fun because you can shift storylines and push people... it's like puzzling." - Matt
"Just tweak the exposure just a little bit to give me what I want."
"You don't miss out on all this cool stuff. I'll edit up those games to put out over the next week."
"The smoothness of the transitions and the overlay of sound and image is what allows this show to cover so much ground in such a natural feeling way."
"There are so many clear and deliberate editing choices in this film that are precise and necessary without spoiling anything. The entire dreamlike feel of this film is created through the editing process."
"Dog Day Afternoon. Combining a handheld documentary feel, Frank Pierson's superb screenplay, and master level editing by Dede Allen, the film is impeccable in its craft."
"You can instantly make our couple pop off the background that much more."
"Nobody will notice if that's a really good editor has been known apart from the fact that I've just told everyone."
"This movie could be tightened down to three hours and be so much better."
"My editors, the only ones I'll do it anymore - he knows how to both."
"Let's add a little bit more editing, music, and sound effects."
"Now, we see how do we trigger this, how do we edit an element."
"The work that scares people? Often in the rewrite process where you have spit out that first draft."
"Be unique, be a good editor. The universe needs more good editors, god knows."
"Editors like people who can read some instructions and follow them."
"Tweak photo details like highlights and shadows for perfect edits."
"The cinematographer and editor did a really great job."
"Writing our story, we can edit it constantly."
"Once your footage is properly color corrected, you can move on to the second step of how to achieve a cinematic look, which is color grading."
"Editing this video is so weird because I've already moved out, so it doesn't even feel like I ever lived in that room."
"Editing I think of often as more of a dance than anything specifically when you're doing an edit like this."
"So much of editing comes down to... it's how you feel."
"We're getting pretty good at not letting spelling errors slip through."
"Part of how we can find good editing is by looking for meaning in the Edit."
"It's to be patient. You won't be this fast overnight."
"I love both the creative process and the editing process."
"Everything about that has been so much fun for me, I am so glad that we can edit these things."
"Maintaining movement is the first step towards editing at a higher level."
"That's the director's cut I want to say yes don't put the rest of the movie back in just leave me 45 minutes."
"At least it's Molina wait did we just jump cut they'd she took too long to bounce off the wall so they just like cut out seven frames laughs."
"Only make your edits as long as they can be while still keeping the audience engaged."
"Number 9: Ultimate batting practice. The video features some nearly flawless editing, but there are mistakes that signal it is fake."
"Kai shows a real knack for knowing what scenes are superfluous and what aren't."
"I think after this video I'm literally just going to lay on top of my squishmallow stash and edit this video."
"Editing tweets should be a very limited amount of time... tweets show a change log and history."
"Be careful with destructive edits in the file editor."
"If someone's going to take the time to edit surveillance footage, why wouldn't they remove the red box too?"
"Just save it for the drafts, let's start over, let's put it in Grammarly, they have their tone detection which is perfect because you never want to burn a bridge."
"I find Nikon JPEGs phenomenal and often edit my RAW files to match."
"Now what we can do is start really editing this site."
"So what did your photo look like before? And what did it look like after you made changes using the Curves?"
"One of the most common ways that people use the curves is to create an S-curve to either add or remove contrast."
"So if you like to take a lot of pictures with your iPad or you like to take 4k video with it and then edit it straight on your iPad, I think that is a viable option."
"It's much harder to make a bad script work and then clean it up in the editing room."
"Hopefully you know whatever your publishing house is has given you an editor that has some basic understanding of who you are."
"The clone stamp tool basically makes an exact copy of wherever you sample."
"Now, I want to show you how to sample and edit samples."
"I've always gone by the philosophy... that they would get the perfect length movie and then cut 5 minutes; it leaves you wanting more and it leaves you with no extraneous fat or information."
"I enjoy using these psychological editing techniques in my videos."
"I learned how to record, edit, everything myself."
"I absolutely love it. I'm currently sat in it right now editing this video."
"It's cut all of the gaps out so we have a nice tidy streamlined timeline."
"Editing is the most grueling part."
"If you do take time to set in and out points, you can very quickly build an edit."
"Every story is collapsible to some degree. If you can't cut out 10 percent, you're not trying very hard."
"I'm so excited look at me this literally looks like a fan edit."
"Master clip effects can save you tons of time."
"I'm so inspired that I want to edit it right now, feels good to be on here."
"I think their storytelling is great, their video editing is great, their pacing is great."
"A healthy mind is an editing machine."
"Editing is what is going to give your films and your channel its personality and its style."