
Cyberbullying Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Cyber bullying is not just a violation of decency but also a serious crime."
"From online humiliation all the way to lives being ruined, these are the real world victims of internet trolls."
"Fucking how is cyberbullying real? Just close your fucking eyes."
"Why would someone cyberbully a woman who's just trying to share happy videos online?"
"It's not very fun to have millions of people all over the world call you the most vile, horrendous, disgusting, life-ruining words a person can be called."
"If you were getting bullied at school, you went home; it stopped. Now you go home, the cyber bullies just follow you home."
"These are keyboard bullies; they wouldn't say that to you in the elevator."
"The world is changing, and cyberbullying, doxxing, and fake news are going to be coming to an end."
"I am rooted in my faith. So, I give this example. I remember seeing this troll message on my YouTube channel... 'You're an ugly monkey. Go back where you came from.'... my faith was responding, reminding me of what the Bible says, that I am wonderfully and fearfully made."
"I know a lot about what it's like to be the victim of online harassment."
"Sending and spreading hate online isn't the best way to deal with any of this."
"Children bully each other in a playground, they bully each other online; they also form meaningful, lasting friendships, both in the real world and digitally."
"How is cyberbullying real? Just close your eyes, turn off the screen."
"I found out who the Kiwi Farms user was who doxed my mother and sent him a photo with his mother and addressed him by his name, and he deleted his account."
"Bullying, harassing a child online is inexcusably wrong."
"I think I get some negative engagement, Mr. Natalie, all berated her with the same message that she's wrong with the intent of bullying her into changing her mind."
"She started her project called 'Crash Override' to help victims of cyberbullying."
"Trolls have options that can make you look like a desert island and that in itself means they win this entire video."
"The deluge of abusive content targeting Amber Heard is not only failing her and future survivors but also shaping how young people understand domestic violence."
"Online bullying affects those without a platform the most."
"If people give you [ __ ] online, especially if it's just one geezer, do not let it affect you."
"Screw you, I'm just gonna play a game and you know, harassing people is not okay, bullying people is not okay."
"It just felt like that's the crazy thing about online hate is that like almost none of our followers knew what was going on, but it still felt like everyone in the world hated us."
"We want to tell our story in hopes of raising awareness about cyber bullying and how it affects."
"If you have been through cyber bullying or been a victim yourself we really encourage you to share your story because we feel like that is liberating and it's a story that needs to be told."
"It destroyed me because not only was the bullying happening at school, it followed me home."
"80% of kids have mobile phones these days. 57% of those kids who have mobile phones have experienced cyberbullying."
"I would propose the general term online violence."
"Online violence can be as mild as disparaging remarks about your appearance or intelligence."
"If people are gonna come to you online and say mean, hurtful things to you trying to hurt your feelings, trying to upset you... chances are, my friend, the problem is not with you, but it's with them."
"When someone writes something mean, they're telling their story of unhappiness."
"If anyone is online, you're going to get it, and you just have to think if it's talking behind your back, bullying to your face, doing it behind a computer screen—all of that, those people have their own issues."
"I just want you guys to know that it's really serious, you guys can't just like send hordes of hate towards somebody without it having an effect on a person."
"People evolve and learn every single day, and a little 12-year-old girl who posted a TikTok that she did not know any better about should not be killing herself because she's getting some hate online."
"You don't have the right to go online and not get called names, period." - David
"A cautionary tale for parents out there a 13-year-old girl found herself in the middle of a cruel cyber hoax and her parents say it led to their daughter's suicide."
"An Internet hoax and its terrible consequences, the parents of a teenage girl who took her own life in a St. Louis suburb are now going public with her story as a cautionary tale for other parents."
"Megan Meier killed herself after reading the message that she believed came from Josh Josh never existed but Megan believed he was her friend."
"He was swatted by people who wanted him to give up his Twitter handle."
"I just enjoyed playing games. It made me realize how crazy and delusional some people in this world are, and how someone online can completely destroy your life."
"Despite the mockery, Slim Jesus never let the internet bully him out of the rap game."
"Imagine what it would be like to have somebody with such a massive platform make a video pointing at your body and saying, 'I don't want to look like this.' How terrible do you think that would make you feel?"
"You're actually bullying if somebody takes their life because of the words that you're uttering."
"Social media has really become the go-to place for girls and women to be scrutinized, objectified, bullied."
"This case is about cyber bullying, defamation, but I'm coining it cyber bullying because it is cyber bullying."
"You know, we all know about people that hide behind Twitter handles and say some disrespectful things on social media that young kids just shouldn't have to deal with."
"It's simply the systematic destruction of a woman on the internet simply because she chose to be outspoken."
"Cyberbullying and harassment are worse than not helpful; it can cause people real harm."
"Bullying online hits differently - it's not like leaving school and being away from the bullies. 📱😔"
"If someone uses name-calling to bully you on social media and even if a lot of people jump on board with it, that doesn't have to defeat you. It can strengthen you instead."
"Until you've been cyber bullied by Cardi B, I don't want to hear anyone say anything again."
"You start to doubt yourself when you have so many people telling you to kill yourself."
"We can't escape bullying. It is always going to be a thing, whether it's in a virtual world or the real world."
"It's important that more people are aware of cyberbullying."
"I deactivated my Twitter... I couldn't handle... death threats... as a human being who cares to put good out into the world."
"If she's given that space and she says holy [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] sorry... please don't send me death threats..."
"Sulli endured endless amounts of harassment and bullying from her followers online, many of which looked for any opportunity to criticize her for who she is and what she said."
"That story illustrated how a person could be comfortable with themselves but when you deal with internet bullying, it ends up being overwhelming."
"We need to be anti-cyberbullying."
"The extreme social isolation of being hated by a thousand people online at any moment for an opinion... is just as damaging as a punch to the face."
"If I can remove some person with one follower who's saying something nasty about you or me, guess what, I'm deleting it."
"Sometimes on my low days, yeah, it just takes one bad comment for me to be like, okay, I don't even want to go on social media today at all."
"Remember that they're people, not just creators. It's easy to say, 'Wow, okay, I hate them now,' and harass and threaten them when they're just characters on a screen, but that's a real person behind that character."
"Because I think it takes a very special kind of person, it's called a unic, to be able to call someone and Bully them over the phone or through the internet when you don't know who they are."
"How is cyberbullying real? Just walk away from the computer, close your eyes."
"A mother in Michigan was arrested after an investigation revealed she was behind cyberbullying her daughter."
"If you get enough creepy pizza deliveries or even swatting attempts, eventually you’ll want it to stop and may just give in to the bullying. Everyone has a breaking point."
"They have zero skill, zero ability to call you that, and they're hiding behind, you know, in real life, you give your face identity here and stuff. They're just [__] losers behind a keyboard."
"I've been Cyber Bullied too many times today it really is like I I have spent so long with my career as a creator for like the last like 133 years trying desperately to make myself look cool online."
"There will always be mean people who you do not like that will never stop online ever ever ever it will always be the case."
"Everyone is coming for her, saying the most horrible, nasty things."
"If you are one of these big artists and you see these comments and you think 'Jesus Christ, I feel so bad about myself,' I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't feel bad because they're trolls. Sometimes words do hurt."
"He's finally not getting bullied anymore because of the comments online."
"There was like 150 awful, awful comments like 'Is Matt transitioning?' That's... and I inappropriate."
"When you have to go to another app to find someone to bully and harass, it makes you the bottom of the totem pole."
"I just gotta say she's one of the nicest TikTokers I have ever met in my life she's like the sweetest girl and she's getting far too much hate just for the way she wears makeup and she actually wears it like that and I do think people are just jealous obviously"
"This harrowing moment mirrors the real-life events of deceased wrestler Hannah Kimura who took her own life following a bombardment of online abuse."
"To sit on your phone behind a screen and hate on someone who you don't know, a complete stranger, and literally come for them in a way like, it's actually insane."
"No one deserves to be the target of an online hate mob."
"Tanya then messaged me one night telling me to end my own life and that the world would be a much better place without me in it."
"What happens when society meets socially ill rejects, makes fun of them, cyberbullies them, quantum backseats them? You get what you freaking deserve."
"Cyberbullying is a serious thing and mental health is a serious thing too. As black people, we go through enough, so going on someone's page and being disrespectful to anybody is not okay."
"Anyone that says mean stuff about others online is a bully and says more about them than the person they're talking about."
"The internet can be a horrible place full of people that just want to make you feel bad."
"The comments on all of her Instagram photos are absolutely disgusting."
"Cyberbullying deserves to be treated with a great degree of seriousness."
"I believe the great scholar Tyler the Creator put it in the best way. I think, I believe, I believe he said like [ __ ] how the hell is cyberbullying real like [ __ ] just close your eyes."
"...online hate can do this to a person."
"You and all the followers that hate-watch us, all of Ex-Mormon subreddit, all the people that try and go get Mormons fired in their companies, they're cyberbullying believing members of the church."
"...people that make whole ass accounts online just to hate on someone... you're actually insane and obsessed."
"Internet bullying could be a very negative thing. I hope no one encouraged that on you."
"Sometimes we don't realize how much that internet hate can really hurt somebody... and my heart just really went out to this guy."
"I never understood people being cruel online. I really don't get it, saying just nasty, bitter, negative things, just because it's something I wouldn't do."
"They won't let cyber bullying stop a potential candidate."
"I have people make fun of me on the Internet."
"Cyberbullying is repeated behavior that is intended to cause psychological or emotional harm to another person."
"Cyber bullying has become rampant, which has led to more depression."
"Lizzie dedicated her life to speaking out against cyberbullying and negative body image."
"I'm very very proud of The Vow... I've come to understand a lot more about sort of cyber bullying."
"Another example of Sydnor's speech being the better argument is that it highlights the statistics of cyberbullying."
"The whole plot is a commentary on cyberbullying, a big issue in the modern era."
"Cyber bullies strike out because they feel powerless."
"I get a huge amount of mail email from young girls and women who make up the bulk of my readership, who are the target of a very specific kind of online cyberbullying."
"Imagine how successful his career could be if he could chill with the internet bullying."
"People aren't realizing that this is a real person you are messing with. I have friends, I have family, I have a job, I have real things going on."
"Keep on fighting the good fight, Dawn, ignore these idiots of the Internet."
"The Internet loves to make fun of people, judge people based off of their appearance, and you really never know what they're going through."
"I've seen more bullying and harassment on TikTok Live specifically than I ever have on any platform of social media."
"Raina's story is indeed one of the most tragic examples of online trolling going wrong."
"Will Raina ever be able to fully shake off the hate and live a normal life?"
"Another example of Sydney's speech being a better argument is that it highlights the statistics of cyber bullying."
"I'll definitely find out who's behind all of that; cyber bullies must pay."
"If you see any bad comments, block, ignore, and move on."
"If somebody takes the time out of their day to go around the internet to find you and tell you that you're ugly or stupid, think about how sad their life is."
"Trolling needs to be made illegal, it really does, because trolling leads to people getting hurt."
"So, please don't send Todrick or anyone else, mean comments or hate. Because he's still a person at the end of the day and no one deserves that kind of (negative) attention."
"Stop cyberbullying, bro. Why is cyberbullying normalized, bro?"
"We don't have to play Internet bully and go in on the same people over and over."
"You got to think about it, just bullying, right? Any kid would rather get punched in the face than cyberbullied."
"I do what I want, no matter if I get approval or not, y'all ain't gonna cyber bully me into becoming some dude who I'm not."
"People shouldn't harass other people on the internet."
"Enough of the racism and enough of the cyber bullying, shame on you."
"I don't want some like seven-year-old to be scrolling on his phone and to see a video with like 500,000 views and 200 comments of him getting made fun of."
"Cyber bullying is not a victimless crime."
"Telling people to kill themselves over the internet is not acceptable."
"This mob bullying that occurs to people online just has to stop."
"Online trolling is the intentional practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner with no apparent instrumental or helpful purpose."
"Cyberbullying is mocking and insulting others using the internet."
"I don't agree with none of that stuff with cyber bullying and placing people's photos online, that's really some low life stuff I'm not for that and I'm totally against it."
"People who are purposely and intentionally mean online plant seeds of depression, sadness, insecurity, and fear in innocent people."
"Let's not start the cyberbullying, I just arrived."
"Kids have taken their lives because of cyberbullying."
"If you're being bullied online, ignore it, block it, right, and do not respond. You're way better than any person that bullies you."
"Trolling is on the rise with teenagers, and we all need to come together to stop it."
"People don't know you but they feel like they have the right to say horrible things to you, and even though it shouldn't matter, sometimes it still really hurts."
"It's incredibly depressing how hurtful people can be online. These are real people you're talking to."
"Don't feed the trolls means grow strong enough not to be hurt by their words."
"Cyber bullying on any level will not be tolerated."
"Cyberbullying is a huge problem... I think you should call out on it."