
Media Production Quotes

There are 351 quotes

"When it comes to their content, their content is usually very good. Like the editing is top-notch, everything about their content is perfect, it looks good, it is good, it's edited well."
"The producers are creating a narrative; they're creating a show."
"Respect your goddamn sound designers. Sound is arguably the most overlooked part of any piece of media."
"The problem with a dwindling number of large studios capable of juggling the kind of budgets you need for multimedia productions is that there are too few cooks in the kitchen."
"What we do at Freedom Tunes would be literally impossible without computer animation."
"Shout out to the video editors for carrying us once again."
"If you do want to support independent journalism, we would really appreciate it; without you guys, we wouldn't be able to do this show, we wouldn't be able to hire the team that we have."
"I'm gonna start creating content I'm an ID a new show so now I can just show up for the show right now you just show up and do what you're told and you get to go see your life I get it."
"And I realized that it's not having the world's biggest YouTube channel, it's being proud of the projects that I put out and having full say in how I spend my time."
"That is the freakin power again all editable are all live."
"And so I'm online, I'm like, 'Oh cool, like yeah, let me just go make a media kit for Junior real quick, there's gotta be a website that just does this for you,' like of course, duh."
"I think I fall victim to producing so much content that I'm putting too much pressure on myself to make each piece of content really good."
"You refined your craft to just talking to that camera and being able to do it."
"Quality is not about production value. It is about content value."
"Audio is so important. It plays a huge role in telling that story."
"Why not just make your own intellectual property if you want to do something that has nothing to do with what made the original so special?"
"What was really intriguing about it though was that while it was being overseen by Tesla Productions, it was said that the show would be a brand new take on Astro Boy completely different from the shows that had come before it."
"It resonates with me... capturing reality in a box, tweaking it, and then throwing it back out there."
"Basically what happens is the yearbook photographer mentions that he's shooting a commercial for a mattress company and Rachel convinces him to hire them to sing 'Jump' while jumping all over the mattresses. It's a little bit genius."
"Lots of video content coming out and I'm glad that it's not just you know we're not just sitting here doing."
"You don't need corporate backing, you need the backing of your audience."
"It's really the content value that matters so much more than the production value."
"It's the most fun I've had making the show in a very long time, definitely."
"At the end of the day, your content value is more important than your production value."
"When the cameras turn off here and we're done, if we don't instantly go, no, in fact, I'm kind of glad the cameras were off before we start here."
"The brighter and better the reel, the worse the behind the scenes."
"Indigo's been working hard to take our streams and cut them into highlight reels."
"It's all content like it's it's actually very hard to answer the reds are particularly hard to evaluate so obviously we didn't recoup our cost from just that one you're so expensive video not even not even close."
"We're actually providing the black community with a high-quality production."
"They're taking the time they need to include everything from last year instead of cutting off halfway through the last season."
"If I'm not feeling it myself, it doesn't mean that they're not a great guest for somebody's show."
"We succeed or fail on the quality of the content and your desire to hear more of it."
"When companies that produce media say racism bad, I feel included as a non-racist."
"Jim stood firm on the sex and violence title, which seemed to be more funny to him than anyone else."
"I'm a Streamy award winning editor. I'll figure it out."
"I just got so much respect gain so much respect for people who work behind the scenes and make this stuff come to life because our lives was just like framed off us what we seen on tv."
"Just because it's right doesn't mean it looks good. And if it doesn't look good, should it be the final shot? Because at the end of the day, superheroes don't exist, just make something that looks cool and everybody's satisfied."
"To me though, the sheer volume of stuff is indicative of the fact that there is an audience for all this material."
"Never get lazy; good storytelling and fresh ideas are the key to keeping the lights on overtime."
"The intent here is to talk with Craig about where the show came from, why he created it, the experience of making it, and how closely the docudrama tracks real history."
"It's very well produced and so I had the opportunity to host it here on my channel for a couple reasons." - Matt
"Sugar Pine 7 has cultivated a very specific aesthetic that's personal to them. If you are a fan of theirs, you'll find that in spades in 'The Woods'."
"Stan Lee joined together with Avi Arad to start an entirely new entity to produce Spider-Man series under the production name Marvel Films."
"You'll just trust us, but the beauty of the two new ones is they're so naturally funny."
"I mean, everything's different down to the personality, down to how we film, but... I mean, people will... I don't know, I don't want to sound like a jerk."
"Longevity is better than overnight success. Consistent views trump viral videos."
"Aaron, please focus, we've never made it to 5am before on the show at least for future reference."
"That's how you get this insane crisp sort of super sampled look especially with the sharpening filters that we apply on top."
"Thank you for watching another edition of Ariel meets."
"AI cannot replace the work of a television writer because the work of a television writer is not simply to output text even though an ignorant person might think so."
"Human life is nothing but people all the way down and the idea that we're going to automate people... would you want to read or watch media that had no human anywhere in the chain?"
"Rogan's ability to elicit a candid response happens throughout his interview with actress Leah Remini."
"You'll rarely hear Joe Rogan boast unnecessarily about his own successes and you may find, like we did during the making of this video, that he tends to offer a sincere and consistent philosophy when it comes to human interaction."
"A Warhammer series on Amazon is in safe hands."
"Record high-quality lengthy content to position yourself ahead of the competition."
"You have to have experience shooting music videos."
"It's not just about putting out entertainment...it's about putting out ideas."
"It's my channel and I never want to lose grip of that."
"I think more shows should close the story where it needs to be closed."
"Our job is to make it as palatable and entertaining as possible to the gamer."
"They really tried to stay true to what the fans want them to."
"The English dub was one of the first to show that when you have the right people working on the right show at precisely the right time, the end result can turn out great regardless of the circumstances surrounding it."
"They're not making anything new, they're just slicing the meat as thin as they can and they're bleeding the consumers." - Clownfish TV
"What happened to the society and how was it so advanced?"
"Branding... part of the reason why the track was mixed so hot for the television broadcast."
"After 230 years of the Supreme Court being in existence, the fact that not a single black woman has served on the Supreme Court is a failure in the process, not a failure or a lack of qualified black women to serve as Supreme Court justices."
"You know, make sure the sound is good, of course, make sure the video looks good."
"I like to make sure that the videos that are being posted are really good."
"Netflix promotes a culture of binge-watching."
"Netflix released more original content in 2019 than the entire television industry in 2005."
"Guys, this video took me forever to make and there's still more videos of his I really want to cover."
"Congratulations to particularly my production team. It was an amazing job every day on the show. I mean, they made the stuff at the March for Life happen. They're really amazing."
"Everything from the imaging to the branding to the show announcer, I think we introduced some standards on those things that hadn't been around before."
"This is what it takes folks, this is what it takes. You want to see what goes into making a pop culture moment? Here it is."
"When you're in the production world, you want to understand that it costs money to make things, but at the same time, your vision can be sacrificed."
"Unique dog sounds that can't be found in any media library were recorded with the help of River."
"YouTube is hard. Yeah, YouTube is very hard. It's not as easy as some people might think."
"Though he may only be 22, he already has his own production company called Maverick Media."
"If the video is well edited then yeah, it's awesome."
"Netflix has certainly made a name for themselves enough to be trusted with yet another juggernaut of an IP."
"Let's not try and do the next best thing every f*cking time."
"It's either correct and I've explained it twice go back and rewind it I'm not going to dig through this I can't dig through it again in the middle of the show."
"Like is Blair Witch Project quality? Is a Casey Neistat video, like what is subjective quality?"
"More content for the channel is never a bad thing."
"I don't know, I guess part of the message of the video is that we are kind of we are really winging it and running this entire operation, but also I pride myself on the fact that this show is better than it deserves to be."
"Hope your spring training's going well and stay tuned for more via 2 max productions."
"This is one of those moments where I'm glad we don't do a video version of the show."
"There's these background screens that go through months of revisions and notes and changes and conversations just for people to overlook it because they just think it's a background screen."
"This is truly a stunning release; they've absolutely captured the look just like it had walked off-screen from Avengers: Infinity War."
"The joy for me is in the process and in the video."
"These guys have an incredible track record of content that is actually good."
"It's something we can kind of get done, put alongside this series, and then also have recurring revenue."
"You want everybody represented, it feels weird otherwise."
"They're executive producers of the new Schultz special."
"Creating art and creating media is so important."
"Just make sure all of it always plays out in a new way because repetition and feeling still that's a sure one-way ticket to cinematic limbo."
"The function of the video has become a long and unnecessary take down of a microphone."
"We are on set, and we are in a room, but one of the biggest reunions ever has taken place in this room."
"It's gotta be an adventure and it's gotta be something, it's all in part of, if it, if you knew now that everything you've done on that series, if at the beginning on day one somebody said to you this is the task, this is what you're going to do."
"I want to pay for my own TV series, pay for my own films, so I could own it a hundred percent."
"All cartoons had to start from somewhere, whether it's an original idea, adaptation, reboot, and ideas always pitch to a network."
"Hopefully we will continue to do this show in a way that you can't really tell."
"Just getting ready to go to work at post-production in Mexico City."
"Audio is incredibly important, whether you're spending more time in virtual classrooms or meetings, or you want to record your voice for a YouTube video."
"People are freaking out because we're out here filming, isn't that... don't you see the comedy in that? A news company is freaking... people are freaking."
"So, we would love to cover more of these topics and show you more of what happens behind the scenes here at Missouri Star."
"Tim cast IRL is the main show at this point."
"There was a solid agreement that we'd need more content like this in the world."
"Thank you guys for watching. I almost feel like ending the video there."
"In this video we are going to take a look behind the scenes"
"Money is power, and if you have enough money, you can power our show and create it."
"I love by the way that he like puts it to his finger and then he holds for the finger cutting cam to get a shot."
"Stay tuned for the post-show and we have to go. Damn it, post team, we're gonna do the post show."
"I just want them to give me the same respect that they would give any other producer on the show."
"Typically, we would tell you that it's probably your title and thumbnail. They're just not cutting it."
"They're trying to make this a truly authentic world grounded in real African cultures."
"That's my new mission right now is to create a network of independent producers artists video directors editors just whatever it takes."
"At the end of the day, I think it is the very genuine candid passion of the people making a drama that really got leaked through."
"I think that representation matters, and I'm into doing this."
"How can these stories be worthy of being produced to the world?"
"Making videos that people want to watch is the hardest thing about being a YouTuber."
"When you look at someone like Gukesh now at 17 and the rating he's at, I feel like you're going to have kids who are like 14, 15 getting there in the future."
"Our audience is part of TYT. We do this show together. They're not just viewers, they're co-creators." - Unknown Speaker
"Humans have always had this drive to create, to build worlds, whether in text, on screens, or in games."
"This weekly show only exists because of the Patreon support."
"Inventive, a fresh take, treading familiar ground."
"I wish I was home. I'm here from an Eat Pray Love themed kitchen recording a show about the removal of Bob Chapek."
"A pilot is a creator or team's chance to prove that their show, their idea, has potential to become the next big thing."
"Most of them are kind of recycled content but it's pretty okay, I think it's kind of new right?"
"If you can turn one of the animations into a joke then you've legitimately like added to the production value of the show."
"I want to make sure above everything that it is a good video."
"We’re actively taking internal steps to better improve communication with our producers so they can be focused on putting out their great content."
"This might literally be the best thing we can put out."
"Fan service and good content are not mutually exclusive."
"Average content doesn't cut it anymore if you want to stand out."
"I want to know how in the hell they were able to mouth exactly what Luiza says as he was saying it."
"Pikes Peak had a great time today learning about stuff. Thank you so much for watching Donut Media."
"This is so much better, the team has really, really stepped it up. The trailers recently have been so good."
"Are you happy with what you guys put out to the public compared to like the samples?"
"They filmed three hours of us together and they only used about 5 minutes."
"There's nothing scripted Richard, I have yet to see anyone with the production company or the network push a piece of paper or try to tell anyone that they have to say something."
"I give them credit for listening cuz a lot of times movie studios and developers for games and publishers don't listen."
"Otherwise, we'll see you next time on the Build Show."
"Thanks to everybody who works behind the scenes on the team to put the show together so it's available for you whenever you want to watch it."
"You got a great backdrop for us to interview you."
"Challenge accepted. Now all the viewers at home get to witness the misery that is the job of content production."
"Thanks so much for watching, we're Dumb Money, we will see you here tomorrow."
"But at the end of the day, bro, like, we have to [__] with each other to some type, because why are we being on camera with each other, right?"
"Your support means everything. Prayers, sharing the videos, and contributions allow us to continue producing content for the kingdom, fulfilling God's calling."
"The positive to me is that hey, they get to make way more awesome new Avatar stuff."
"The laziness extends to the production. Look at the poor production in certain places."
"We're not going to make it, or it could be dubbed in Chinese, they're taking over at some point."
"It's just the little details that add just that extra layer of polish to the animation."
"Why is this happening as presented by MSNBC, NBC News, produced by the All In team, it features music by Eddie Cooper."
"The 85 South show is a media company that produces across all of the platforms to create without any inhibition."
"Nickelodeon couldn't have chosen a better leader."
"The idea behind of gatos green screen seems fairly obvious it's very effective here."
"Our editor of the show is Josh Murphy, special thanks to Geoffrey Palmer who does all the animations."
"This gives a much more realistic picture of what actually goes on behind the scenes."
"I bet I will have missed something, the curse of recording stuff is searching like this."
"We want to make content that we're proud of."
"Star Giant Productions is not a good editor. They show only the most basic knowledge at best of editing whatsoever."
"Let's make something timeless, let's make something that when people are watching this 15, 20 years from now, it feels as if it might have been made yesterday."
"Your footage is gonna look more professional."
"Every day I don't even put powder on for the show anymore. Like, I used to kind of try. He tells me, 'One take, two.'"
"One thing the second site does brilliantly is background music."
"Invest in good audio, you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't."
"I recommend you, of course, to bring the video."
"Video games go through countless changes during development, just like any piece of media."
"It all makes a lot of sense now with all the drama about Hayden back a few months ago it sounds like they had filmed with him as well as others but they were in the process of cutting those scenes."
"I don't really want it to be fake, I don't want to set up scenarios."
"Thanks for tuning in guys, thanks for being here even if you get me in trouble, or the producers. I'm gonna need another hot pocket."
"The cruelty is the point, granted this is second hand from the producer of the zero collection."
"Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you in the very next video. Bye!"
"Audio syncing up with visual cuts... generally good."
"Audio stuff is really good at smoothing out or distracting the viewer from other stuff that might be jarring or break flow."
"Audio, I would say, is probably more important than the video, the picture itself."
"I'm going to make a show about this, this sounds like a very interesting book."
"Honestly, I'm still really happy with that video."
"I just can't wait to see how they make this work."
"I'm gonna trust them to hopefully produce another great movie for us."
"We don't run ads on the show. I finance the show out of my pocket so I make a deal with you guys."
"I don't know if we're going to show that graphic, but it was pretty hot fire."
"If you make something engaging enough, nobody is going to be thinking about what camera you used."
"It's amazing to see it first of all on a screen all those months ago and then suddenly it's the finished product."
"Last call, last call. Okay, roll in the intro!"
"Conviction in the proper place... Make what you want, make good content, but have conviction."
"We're back on the other side to wrap up hour two here on the Pat McAfee Show."
"Have empathy: don't shoot on the show because people worked on it."
"Cartoon Network didn't want to fund a movie for a show that was no longer airing."
"Production costs for an original IP were high."
"Every streaming service is now also a content producer, in addition to a content provider."
"Your support keeps the show going, that's how we do it here."
"Let me do my intro now, bro. Wait, hold on. Um, key jingle, what is this? Maybach Music. I like this Maybach Music, sweet because it's a Maybach, because I got a Maybach."
"Dave Filoni is just the perfect person to have talking about your prop."
"WWE is planning to film shows in advance over the next few months from a closed set Performance Center."
"Look, Star Wars, I do believe that Kathleen Kennedy has one thing right and I can't believe I'm about to say this: Kathleen Kennedy has this... vision that Star Wars can be for everybody."
"I just keep it real here man. I finance the show myself. I'm an entrepreneur and I don't like being told what to do."
"This was so fantastic and so cool really interesting I think our viewers are going to find this stuff just really moving honestly."
"The Lord of the Rings TV series writers room is reportedly on heavy lockdown to avoid leaks."