
Europe Quotes

There are 1653 quotes

"Putin explains, 'The cooperation with China keeps increasing. The pace at which China's cooperation with Europe is growing is higher and greater than that of the growth of Chinese-Russian cooperation.'"
"Who controls interest rates, who controls monetary policy in Europe, controls the politics of Europe."
"Norway has provided the Europeans with the ability to rely more on the most democratic country in the world for their raw materials and less on their historically large autocratic providers."
"Support for Ukraine is essential if America is to be seen as the safeguard of democracy, economic prosperity, and a safe and secure Europe."
"Europe's Gross National Product dropped nearly fifteen percent in the second quarter of 2020 alone."
"The origins of this dessert are a bit murky, with the Catalan saying their Crema Catalana preceded France's Crème Brûlée."
"It is crucial now that Europe and NATO stand together."
"Europe should work toward becoming a third superpower instead of following the US."
"Change is coming to the European military landscape."
"PortAventura is home to probably one of the best selections of rides there is in Europe."
"For the last 30 years, we've enjoyed more peace across Europe and the entire rest of the world than we have through all of human history."
"During the sixth century, modern Europe is invented and it's invented here, inside Britain."
"Europe is by and large turn their back on the Chinese government."
"At that time, China could have gotten massive control over Europe and honestly, they could have done something very, very scary with that power."
"10 hereditary monarchies survive in Europe today."
"All of this ultimately is connected to the deepening economic problems in Europe, which are of course also connected ultimately to the war in Ukraine."
"The one thing that comes over clearly from all of these moves in Germany and France is that the political class...are not going to change the underlying policies."
"Europe cities remain unmatched to the rest of the world, from the canals of Venice to the ancient city of Athens."
"It's impossible to beat the beauty of Europe cities."
"You might not believe it, but this is about to become the new skyscraper capital of Europe."
"The European continent has made a fuck ton of progress. Your whole history is filled with savage wars and battles and conquests, and it seems like you guys get along a lot better today than you ever have."
"Germany has no right to pursue its national interest at all costs, destroying the rest of Europe, particularly Southern Europe."
"Sales of substitute meat went up 451% in Europe in just four years."
"Europe was Europe, in the kind of platonic essence of Europe-ness. Europe represented human dignity, it represented human rights, it represented the rule of law."
"By 2050, a quarter of people in Europe and North America could be aged over 65."
"There's so much misinformation generally about the immigration situation all over Europe."
"I don't have any problem with going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer seeing the regular parts of the United States."
"Europe built community treatment facilities and they actually treat mental illness and drug addiction at the local level. We planned on doing that here but we never actually did it."
"If you want to see climate change, spend some time in Europe because literally, day over day, you just see some of the craziest weather patterns."
"I had roller-skated across Europe, 3,000 kilometers."
"The faith is Europe, and Europe is the faith."
"Europe's strength is in its diversity...a kind of arrangement that squeezes out all that experimentation, all that differentiation, is never going to work."
"Europe's cannibalism: when we speak of cannibalism, usually people tend to think about exotic and dark places isolated from the rest of the world, but apparently, cannibalism also existed in Europe."
"People of Europe are finally waking up, slowly but surely. There is a new movement going around, mostly the Western European countries."
"By 800, the continent had arguably, for the most part, recovered from the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, with rulers such as Charlemagne ultimately laying the foundations for the medieval European system that would follow."
"For the first time since the fall of Rome, goods and merchants traveled the entirety of Europe once more."
"We're standing to defend Europe against Russia, against Putin. He can't be allowed to win."
"Europe is comprised of many different countries; people in Germany, the United Kingdom, people in France and Spain are all very different."
"Europe is going to become a big issue again."
"This is a battle for the soul of European democracy."
"Europe needs huge amounts of natural gas to function... Europe has had this idea that we can rapidly replace fossil fuels with solar and wind."
"You gotta watch out for European heat, it can really bite you in the ass when it wants to."
"China probably has its single most effective lobbying operation in Brussels than anywhere else in the world."
"The European economy is imploding, and it is the popular discontent that is arising in Europe that is destabilizing the political elites in the west."
"The US is preparing to ship intermediate-range missiles to Europe, after of course the abandonment of the INF treaty in 2019."
"In Europe, if you have a problem with a party, you just go and form another party."
"Recalling Germany's past without leaving out the ugly parts is not is not only necessary for our own sake but also for Europe, a project we share with others."
"The Great Northern War completely changed the balance of power in Europe."
"India’s foreign minister was quite vocal about this when he recently said Europe thinks 'Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but that the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems.'"
"Obviously shopping in Europe is the best, and it's cheaper."
"It has the potential to unleash the most serious conflict seen in Europe since the Second World War."
"There was anti-Semitism in all of Europe in the late 20th and early 21st centuries."
"Far right is moving into Europe's mainstream."
"We're driving across the whole of Europe to take equipment to Ukrainian units fighting on the front line."
"In seeking to redraw the boundaries of Europe through bloodshed, Putin has attacked not only Ukraine but all of us."
"The era of Russian fossil fuel in Europe is coming to an end."
"If FICO is able to assemble a coalition, his policies will be at the forefront in Europe."
"Top economists have dubbed the traditional economic Powerhouse as the sick man of Europe."
"It's really the hour of truth for the awakening of political Europe."
"For many economies and businesses across Europe, the Belt and Road initiative can offer new directions for growth."
"Does Europe's unity have prophetic implications?" - Considering the geopolitical landscape in light of biblical prophecy.
"Europe is literally over a barrel." - Highlighting Europe's energy dependence on Russia.
"Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries in all of Europe."
"Prague is known as the political, cultural, and economic center of Europe."
"Nationalism began to rise throughout Europe, challenging absolute monarchies."
"It's our future. It's Europe that's at stake. It's up to the Europeans to decide." - Emmanuel Macron
"Europe is in an economic recession because of the backlash, the boomerang effect of the sanctions." - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"Tesla casually mentioned that supercharger version 4 has come online in Europe."
"The Polish Army will become the strongest in all of Europe."
"There's an energy shortage in Europe... everything depends on cheap energy but Europe no longer has it."
"Europe does have that scale and economy available to it."
"We seem to be sleepwalking into another conflict in Europe."
"The Europe that took up arms was a very different place."
"Northern Europe is one of the least religious."
"Europe really gets the short end of the stick when it comes to GPUs."
"It was the right thing for America to do to put itself at great risk to rescue all of Europe."
"Monte Quiolino sandskiing: '...the only sandski resort in Europe.'"
"Russia's real goal... is to create failed states on the edges of Europe to create countries that are basically black holes of corruption, arms dealing, and worse."
"I am popular in Europe, thank you very much."
"Europe is not a place, Europe is an idea, Europe is a fantasy."
"Their talent resonated strongly in Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom, where several of their singles enjoyed considerable success."
"Europe is investing in its train system beyond anything I've ever experienced elsewhere in the world."
"I think something we have to be really careful of in Europe in the UK and the world is to not sink into stupid Russophobia."
"He is the outstanding candidate right now across Europe."
"Europe's warm embrace of Ukrainian refugees is dramatically different from the refugee crisis in 2015."
"This is a victory for Ukraine, a victory for all of Europe, a victory that motivates, inspires, and strengthens."
"Unification does not threaten Europe's diversity. In fact, that diversity is both as vivid as ever, and more accessible."
"It's our biggest trading partner... if Europe's on fire they're not prosperous."
"Another radical Islamist terrorist attack in the heart of Europe."
"There is no taking away from them their sense of identity, their sense of needing to live in a democracy, their sense of being European."
"This man's Russia is a threat to European stability of the sort we've not seen since the 1930s."
"Europe is at War. Russia has declared war more or less on all these countries."
"So maybe in our lifetime, we will see the ancient aurochs return to Europe."
"We don't want to live in a world where we have armed invasions grabbing territory in parts of Europe in our own backyard."
"We survived a night that could have stopped the history of Ukraine, the history of Europe."
"Nationalism ignited as Poles, Hungarians, Italians, Germans, Romanians, and many others rode the wave as the news spread that powerful monarchs turned tail and ran from their fancy palaces."
"We will not let President Putin tear down the security architecture that has given Europe peace and stability over many decades."
"Putin has killed the Helsinki Accords and brought war into the heart of Europe."
"To survive and prosper, the Atlantic Alliance needs a European pillar that is politically independent."
"This is a moment for Europe to stand united in the face of Putin's war."
"Poland now often makes it onto lists of best places to live in Europe."
"The Southern Gas Corridor further reduces European reliance on Russian gas."
"Britain has saved the continent from itself for the last 500 years."
"I think Europe is definitely advantaged coming into this."
"Almost exactly a year after Masarik was buried, France, Britain, Italy, and Germany signed the Munich Agreement."
"Dublin, one of the largest cities in Europe around Metro is finally gonna be getting a metro and I think that's kind of cool."
"Europe now faces years of economic and geopolitical crises."
"The world-famous Cliffs of Moher are among Europe's most stunning natural wonders."
"Through his efforts, he accumulated one of the largest libraries in Europe."
"Catastrophic flooding in Belgium and Germany has claimed the lives of at least 120 people."
"The Christmas season in Europe stretches for well over a month, not to maximize shopping days, but to fit in the season's many holy days."
"So there is sometimes a chance that you see the second stage over Europe but not for this one."
"Europe will be there for them, not only in the first days, but also in the weeks and months to come."
"Long live Europe and long live a free and independent Ukraine."
"The Turner Prize is recognized as one of the most prestigious visual art awards in Europe."
"Europe is now full throttle on the EV revolution."
"This is a big moment for Europe too because this is one of their major contributions to the overall Artemis program."
"Rome's simple existence, their conquering of Europe transformed a continent just as much as Europeans conquered the Americas."
"We all like to imagine a Europe where the Roman Empire simply never fell."
"Melania was one of the most successful models… In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common."
"It's pragmatic to speak English in Europe because it's a universally used language."
"Your channel, like, I'll come home and it'll be a rough day..."
"You can't deny that these issues exist and that there's no way to have a peaceful Europe without considering them."
"The war between Ukraine and Russia has touched these two countries as well as the whole of Europe and even the whole world."
"Ukraine succeeding should be the dream of the Europeans."
"Europe just keeps looking like more and more of a mess." (Repeated for emphasis)
"In contrast to the common narrative, the Welsh possessed as much high culture as anywhere else in Europe at the time."
"Romania: discover European budget travel in Transylvania."
"We are talking about huge, huge increases in people's energy bills over in Europe now."
"One of the tactics that President Putin was hoping was going to bring a quick resolution to this war was to threaten to switch off all of the energy supplies to Europe."
"Europe, which would represent the United States' most formidable adversary, relies on Middle East oil for 40-50% of its total annual use."
"I think it has to be a positive moment for Europe because basically Europe is getting a second chance at dealing with what I regard as fascism."
"I think if Ukraine can exist as a state inside a larger Europe, I think integration wins."
"This war is about creating the conditions for establishing a new European security framework."
"To keep the most accurate possible check on weather conditions all over Europe."
"But by then, Europeans had acquired an appetite for goods and merchandise of the Orient."
"A new age is coming in European-African relations."
"Europe could definitely face off the Russians."
"System76 is opening a distribution center in Europe in the coming month."
"Rome, the spiritual centerpiece of Europe, regained its political influence, at least after the 8th century."
"The Cologne Cathedral: largest Gothic church in Northern Europe."
"Europe must be more sensitive to supply chains and energy production."
"Europe is starting to step up and shoulder much more of the burden."
"If Europe can get to herd immunity anywhere near the end of June, that would be absolutely amazing."
"This is a refugee crisis on a scale that we haven't seen in Europe for decades."
"If you had said a year ago that Europe will go from more than 40 percent dependency on Russia for oil and gas to less than a year later zero to fifteen percent dependent, that's extraordinary."
"Europe changed forever without the Napoleonic Wars."
"Our economy is performing significantly better than Europe."
"So much sightseeing greatness awaits discovery in Europe's second-tier cities."
"Europe has now established an international standard for internet privacy."
"The Europeans say it's a right you own your information."
"Rebuilding civilization on this dark continent was a brutal, violent, and painfully slow business that took over 1,000 years."
"When Europe abandons its post, everyone loses. It's beautiful."
"Europe carries a special weight of importance."
"Already Europe would find itself significantly enriched by the state's existence."
"This century, we need a strong European Union that deepens the security and prosperity of this continent."
"You can't just have the deal without Europe."
"We saved Europe. You wouldn't be here right now."
"Europe, start worrying because you may not wake up tomorrow."
"Russia's involved in a huge war with the Europeans, oh my goodness."
"Our bond with Europe is permanent and our respect for the law and the rule of law."
"It's gotta be the best in Europe for dirt jumpers."
"The potential loss of this infrastructure would have a really damaging impact on Europe and its economy."
"Integration is a two-way street; effort has to be made both by migrants in Europe and the states accepting them."
"You watch the things that happen in Europe and even to this day they will still fight for their liberty."
"Europe is facing large amounts of natural gas by pipeline directly from Russia, and it's very difficult to switch off that supply."
"I struggle to see how Europe avoids a recession."
"Niger's mere hint at suspending the tsgp has sent ripples through the European Union."
"The impact upon the Swedish public and the European public was just extraordinary."
"Russia's number one priority: a new European security framework."
"European leaders have succeeded in making immigration one of the dominant political issues of our time. My purpose in writing this book is to urge Europeans to act differently before it is too late."
"A new iron curtain is once again descending upon Europe, and while Latvia this time finds itself on the safe side, it does stand on the front line."
"Venice, more than any other European city, has a seductive charm."
"Europe, which is already financially a juggernaut, will get over that, oh we could be in the EU."
"Never since the barbarian invasions had Europe witnessed such an orgy of brutality and vandalism." - John Julius Norwich
"Amalfi Coast, one of the most beautiful places in all of Europe."
"Europe is prepping itself for an energy crisis."
"This is a dark day for Ukraine and it's a dark day for Europe." - Ian Panel
"I think we've had a very distinctive shift where finally we've got some of maybe Europe's doubters on board with making sure Ukraine wins."
"There's a possibility that Europe and the United Kingdom may be in pretty bad shape."
"Culturally speaking, Europe is relatively diverse, especially when you consider the different languages that are spoken between individual countries."
"The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, decimated the population of Europe during the Middle Ages."
"For the first time in a decade, Europe was at peace."
"Europe needs to learn to stand on its own feet... not just of the US, also independently of Russia and China."
"Whenever I think of European, I think of it, even though I haven't been."
"In truth, the Europeans were very late to the game of global exploration."
"It's all Europe thing, it's a bummer. I'd buy an RS6 dude, that'd be my daily."
"But you talk in English is probably one of the most Polish signals I've seen for the European economy."
"Europe is set to fracture and have a civil war of sorts."
"Call unto me, inhabitants of Europe, call unto me, the Lord, for your answer."
"Victory is not about Ukraine, it's about a new European security framework."
"Europe is the oldest continent and they say it may lose half of its population by the end of the century."
"Germany has kind of been more or less like the America of Europe as far as cryptocurrency adoptions."
"Paris is far from Moscow, but you cannot ignore what is happening in Europe."
"The roads in Europe are well maintained, allowing for smooth traffic flow."
"Lisbon, one of the most beautiful Capitals in all of Europe."
"Europe will regain its rightful place in the world which is as a dysfunctional continent."
"Germany is carrying out the largest antibody testing regime in Europe."
"It struck me like a moment in time where you're saying yourself wow Europe really come on it's come along man."