
Commodification Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"This hypersexualized society we live in today has completely commodified the female body."
"Late-stage capitalism or late capitalism for kind of short is a stage in which capital becomes so dominant that everything is commodified."
"Commodification is the transformation of goods, services, and ideas into objects of trade."
"Commodifying sentient beings turns them into a product."
"Imagine a world where every instinctual need is commodified. You're free to fulfill any simple, complex desire. Sympathy, control, accomplishments - they are all there, just reach out and take it."
"Dead Space: 'It's not just that the flesh is crazy or that the flesh is untrustworthy, it's that the flesh is a commodity and yours is going cheap.'"
"Capitalism is never going to stop... it's going to keep trying to commodify everything."
"As long as we see women as commodities that can be bought and sold, we will pay a price for sex."
"It's morally wrong to commodify a non-human animal... if it's wrong to commodify humans."
"Women are not commodities with values. Men are not commodities with values. People are not commodities with values."
"You enjoy it while it lasts because it won't."
"Sex has turned into a product that is marketed, packed, sold, and shipped."
"Without game critics to think about games as something that are human and metaphorical and contextual, games will just become commodities."
"The aesthetic of justice, as we are asked to accept it, has since been put to work as a very clear entertainment commodity."
"I guess the weirdest thing is how capitalism turns everything into a commodity."
"The attention economy has commoditized attention and built a Marketplace that uses your attention as its currency."
"A prostitute takes sex out of the marriage bed and puts it into the culture, into the marketplace. Well, that's what's happened to America."
"Water should be looked at as a human right and not a commodity."
"Monetizing your children as slaves, putting a dollar value into every minuscule commodity."
"Human beings are not commodities. They are not goods."
"When the most basic elements that sustain life are reduced to a cash product, life has no intrinsic value."
"The reality is that whilst footballers are extremely well paid at least at the very highest level they are still treated as Commodities by the clubs who we somewhat perversely describe as owning them."
"People are the commodity. They are the value."
"Show yourself true love, not the 2010 Instagram commodified self-love."
"Victimhood is commodified now; there's nothing, you must sustain it, you must look like a victim."
"We live in a society where everything's for sale and everybody's for sale."
"We live in a moment, probably the most commodified, commercialized, marketized culture in the history of the world."
"He is the only way I'll do that is if I'm not doing black stuff right."
"He is willing at every turn to commodify his Blackness and weaponize it in service of further white supremacy."
"If Marvel characters were real and owned by an awful, big corporation, and they were commodities and famous on Instagram..."
"They just see you as like a product that you're going to sell and sell and once they take all the life out of you and all the money they've gotten or all the money they can get from you they move on to the next product."
"Dystopia is purchased, it's a commodity bought and sold."
"Art has already been commodified, but instead of the money going to the artist, it's going to Industry Gatekeepers."
"Money doesn't just buy you a better life. It also buys your garbage to be commoditized."
"I do think there is a point here that people do see other people as commodities or objects, in part because of social media."
"We've all become commodified. It's a race to the bottom in a crappy economy. It's a sad comment on hustle culture, you best believe."
"I understand what it's like to have your sexuality commodified, fetishized, and stereotyped."
"Sex as consequence, not cause. The market is really the source of commodification, not the sex, per se."
"Sex has been commodified. We took it out of the bedroom and gave it to multi-billion dollar corporations."
"The whole tone of the letter has changed. In the 20th century, friendship has been much more used in the service of commoditization."
"The commodification of education can really partly be in the spread of Education spread of AG."
"...even aside from Prosperity Gospel, the pursuit of money in itself becomes commodified..."
"Treat these algorithms as commodities so you can choose to use whichever one you want for your particular use case."
"You have to pay to use your own identity. That's a privatization of not just the commons, but of yourself, of the individual."
"Capitalism is now thinking, how can we create a commodity out of this art form?"
"It is this commodification that produces the inauthenticity, the pastiche."
"Children's programming using children inherently commodifies the very audience they are claiming to serve."
"Trauma is glamorized, trauma is worth money, but it's worth money 'cause it's an experience that other people don't have. So it's not a commodity."
"As feminism has become more indisputably mainstream, it’s been increasingly commodified and watered down, to the point where one can brand themselves as a feminist without really thinking about what that means, or meaning anything by it."
"You are just the product to them."
"Our trauma has become the most profitable thing in America. Just want y'all to sit with that."
"I felt like a piece of property. It's a strange feeling to know that somebody paid money for you."
"It's only certain kind of girls that can do it, somebody that can like shut themself off and put a price on their own body."
"The commodification, the spectacle serves the purpose of isolating individuals away from their direct connection with themselves, with their own humanity, with others, other individuals, and with nature."
"The spectacle is the stage at which the commodity has succeeded in totally colonizing social life. Commodification is not only visible; we no longer see anything else. The world we see is the world of the commodity."
"Even friends become marks targets for commodification."
"All of us, because of our pop culture, we're in fact being commodified."
"Humanity became possessed by materialism and by an extreme commodification of life, resulting in a superficial collectivized world ruled by a totalizing system of control."
"we've reached a point at which we are literally turning killing you into a product where we are commodifying the last moments that you can have no matter how filled with struggle they might be uh in order to make a make a quick buck."
"...there was a place in him, in his wife, and in their bodies and their souls and their spirits that could not be commodified, that could not be sold."
"They have managed to gentrify water."
"We are image bearers, daughters of God, not commodities to be sold."
"I feel like a lot of times when you see that children are profitable, they become less of your kids and more of a product."
"Mermaids have commodified Mako Island as their own real estate."
"In a capitalist society, art will end up trying to remove the message, just to reproduce it and sell it back to you."
"Technology is not built to serve and be designed for us but is designed to actually just commoditize us further and further."
"The better you can specify what you want, the more it commoditizes it and it makes it to where a multitude of suppliers might be able to make it."
"Our YouTubers themselves a standalone complex? Am I participating in the standardization of cultural production as necessitated by the mass commodification of culture?"
"The money system is completely enmeshed in the domination of nature, turning more and more of nature into products, into commodities."
"Music is art first and foremost, but in the music industry, the artist is also commodified into a business."
"The dehumanization of human beings through commodification—using, misusing, and abusing human beings for purposes other than their own development as human beings—converts them into livestock, inventory, it is madness."
"Art when it is a commodity that only exists for brownie points for rich people... then it is worthless to real human beings."
"We cannot treat each other like commodities."
"Dear Evan Hansen is about how grief can be turned into a commodity, not about being found."
"The commodification of black rage is a story as old as this country, frankly."
"The question of the woman as spectacle, and even the male as spectacle in our increasingly commodified society, is still an issue."
"It's so weird, this dehumanization of people, to just turn human people into a commodity that we own."
"The water belongs to the earth; you can't just sell water."
"I simply wish to live and engage in meaningful projects without having to constantly find ways to commodify my mind."