
Global Economy Quotes

There are 411 quotes

"The post-World War II economic order, the system that guaranteed prosperity in the West for more than 80 years, is coming apart very fast, and along with it, the dominance of the US dollar."
"A contraction in international trade would be expected to reduce global growth and global GDP."
"China's contribution to global economic growth is greater than the combined contributions of the Americas, Europe, and Japan, making it a leading engine for economic growth."
"The 62 wealthiest human beings in the world—their combined wealth equals the accumulated wealth of one half the human population living on Earth."
"When the U.S. does well, the world does well, and U.S. demand is going to help prop everybody else up."
"The entire world economy is on extremely shaky footing."
"The lower Global oil prices are, the less money Russia has to continue funding its war in Ukraine."
"A conflict over Taiwan would actually trigger a global economic shock with the potential to completely disrupt the worldwide economy as we know it."
"Our focus is right now on making sure we support citizens and stabilize the global economy the best way we can."
"The balance tipped in the year 2000 when the Institute for Policy Studies in the U.S. reported that of the hundred largest economies in the world, 51 were corporations and 49 were national economies."
"Global economic interdependence has led, on average, to longer, healthier, more prosperous lives for humans."
"China has lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty and do you know that China is now the second largest economy in the world?"
"If the entire world adopts the same money, then you've got growth pegged to the productivity of civilization."
"For the global economy to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide or CO₂ emissions, electricity, primarily from renewables, as well as hydrogen and biofuels are expected to be important in the future energy system."
"This isn't just about creating a rival passage; it's about envisioning the future of global trade."
"The entire world that we know today exists based on an inflationary system."
"Being the 'world's factory' is a great gig when you have willing and able customers. But customers aren’t always able."
"Global macro really had no impact on blockchain. The reality is the worlds are now all interdependent and global macro is going to have a huge impact on blockchain." - Dan Morehead
"The richest 1% of the world's population controls 40% of the world's wealth."
"The distribution has since changed, shifting to the right, implying a general increase in global incomes and this was accompanied by a thickening in the middle of the income distribution."
"Unfortunately for the global economy, what's going on in China isn't going to be contained to the Chinese economy."
"The consequences of a debt ratings downgrade extend far beyond mere numbers and figures; they shape perceptions, influence investor behavior, and have the potential to reshape the global economic landscape."
"The overall summary of today's video is that the increase in the price of oil is bad news for the global economy."
"The biggest impacts that the pandemic has had is on the global economy."
"These are some of the poorest people in the world, and they're completely invisible in the global supply chain."
"In our lifetimes, the dominant story of economic explosion has been that of China."
"The world is currently about 350 percent debt to GDP, which is the highest ever recorded in the world."
"The situation is going to get much dicier. We heard this from the IMF: the worst is yet to come for the global economy and the global financial system."
"The economies of the Middle East matter more to the world today than they have for most of the last half-millennia, largely because of oil."
"We are in an extraordinarily complex world right now, where we're seeing supply shocks that we haven't seen since possibly World War II, or certainly since the 1970s."
"The COVID-19 pandemic has been very damaging to the world economy."
"It's remarkable, it's breathtaking, Raoul, that we have turned off the global economy."
"China's economy today, when you measure its GDP at purchasing power parity, is around 19% of the entire global economy, that is larger than the U.S. economy, which is only around 15%."
"And so, should we not care about others? That is not really, I think, the right, morally not right, as well as, from the interests of the global economy, it is not also right."
"A very strong dollar implies for many of them very tight global financial conditions."
"International trade was closer to 20 percent of the global economy by the early 1910s, and by the mid-1970s it was about 30 percent. Today it is around 60."
"Changes in house prices affect the health of the banking system and, when they collapse, the impact can be felt globally."
"I think that we're heading into a global economic contraction."
"Nationalism is vilified globally, not because it's inherently bad, but because it challenges the move towards a global economy."
"Globalization has transformed how we produce, trade, and interact, creating a more interconnected world."
"I think it's a bit of a scary time for the global economy."
"For everybody's sake, and the sake of the global economy, we really need a conclusion to this war."
"Mexico has surpassed China as America's top trading partner, signaling a changing dynamic within the global economy."
"The pandemic showed many multinational companies just how much they depend on Chinese manufacturing."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world with assets pushing 10 trillion dollars, more than double the GDP of Germany, the fourth largest economy in the world."
"This shows that the global economy is starting to Creak."
"We are experiencing a reset of global capitalism."
"In a globalised economy where no country is an island, where no nation can truly prosper without full engagement with global markets and diplomacy, it is likely that engagement brings considerable value to counterbalance the expenditure on it."
"Cities are critically important to the global economy and to progress."
"I look for a gradual decentralization of how global payment networks work."
"In this video, I want to peek under the hood of the endlessly complex and fascinating global economy, to show you just how deeply connected we've all become and how those connections are being cut and weaponized."
"China's economy growing is a good thing for the world."
"It is the Chinese, Indians, Russians, the Persian Gulf States, they are the people who produce and make things and who sell real goods and trade them with each other."
"If money is global, it becomes easier to move."
"Could the country become a viable alternative to China for major Global Industries?"
"The global economy's biggest challenge is dealing with the massive and exponentially increasing pile of debt."
"The nation that leads the clean energy economy will lead the global economy."
"So we're already in a recession in the US we're already in a deep recession in the Eurozone."
"Total Global output is significantly higher now than it was before the pandemic started."
"A scenario for D dollarization... the destiny of civilization is all about that."
"Global markets made a breakthrough today as investors bet on a rapid recovery from the virus-induced recession."
"We're watching in real-time an unraveling of the global economy."
"The United States is the largest, most powerful economy on earth, and having a more orderly World Order, of which we are the head, is a good thing for the United States."
"The consequences of Ukraine and Russia's wheat being blocked off from the global market will be profound."
"This will continue into 2024 and that's why the World Bank is saying that we're going to see The Slowdown going into that year as well."
"A further fragmentation of the global economy could lead to higher costs and slower recovery."
"If China does indeed reopen the way that it's planning to, it's going to stimulate material parts of the global economy."
"The president is disappointed by the short-sighted decision OPEC+ made to cut production quotas while the global economy is dealing with the continued negative impact of Putin's invasion of Ukraine."
"China is the second largest economy in the world at the moment."
"The pace of change, the rise of the BRICS, the collapse of the dollar, the rise of China, the outcome so far of the Ukraine war - these are powerful messages and measures of a fast-changing global economy."
"The collapse of the dollar will affect every person in the world."
"The global economy is growing and developing countries are more and more on the precipice of having explosive economic growth."
"China's transformation in trade partnerships is reshaping global economic dynamics."
"Forget stagflation and global recession is now almost inevitable as the war in Ukraine adds to skyrocketing food and energy costs."
"There will be a Tipping Point where all the countries in the world say we don't need the dollar and this will be a disaster for the American economy."
"Corporate losses would be in the vicinity of in the US about four trillion dollars globally probably about 12 trillion... yes trillion with the tea."
"A new global economic order could potentially emerge out of Bricks commitment."
"A delicate balance, especially when you have a global economy still powered largely by fossil fuels."
"We live in a global economy, and it's important that we continue to grow our relationships around the world."
"The tide is turning... US dollar will not go on as the world's reserve currency for very much longer."
"If there has been one significant change in the global economy over the last several years, it has been the gradual erosion of belief in the US Dollar's indefinite Supremacy."
"The economic damage comes right as the global economy is dealing with..."
"China's economy has grown faster than that of any other major country"
"The economy is not open... we're all basically interconnected."
"Physical gold, physical silver is used in every single sector of the global economy."
"If we do have this Global recession and if it is worse than we're expecting... then it could mean really bad news for corporates and households and countries."
"The engine for the world's growth has been vastly increased international trade."
"Kanzak's combined GDP would make it the world's third-largest economy."
"By 2023 I think the world is going to be in a really difficult Finance situation."
"Part of the debate is going to be about the richer part of the world paying the poorer part of the world."
"Capital knows no borders; they'll make more money leaning towards China or America."
"There has to be a solution i believe for liquidity of the world they need another asset that they can call money and that's why i believe xrp will be deemed and designated a currency."
"BlackRock is so influential that its assets under management are larger than the GDP of almost every country in the world."
"Dollar dominance in question as Saudi Arabia considers yuan."
"China is slowly losing its position as the world's manufacturing powerhouse."
"SpaceX has made a huge contribution to the global economy."
"The world wants dollars a hundred times more than it wants any of these other currencies."
"Our food prices aren't just impacted by what's happening here in the United States or in your country. It's impacted by events that happen all over the world."
"China's state capitalism... is writing the rules of how countries and companies compete in the global economy."
"Global inflation will mean more than just paying a dollar 10 for the same goods that you paid a dollar for just a few months before."
"Expect staple food items to cost more across the board and around the world."
"Global remote work opportunity by 2025, online talent platforms could add 2.7 trillion dollars to global GDP."
"We're moving into a digital global format." - Crypto Stash
"We are entering a phase where the US will not be the biggest economy in the world."
"So yeah, so that's what's happening right now on a global macro scale."
"It's all the money because what we're really talking about with this idea of the internet of value is creating a single global payment network that connects literally everyone."
"I literally made my daily average wage in my country in three seconds."
"Millions of people have entered the cryptocurrency space, changing the structure of the world economy."
"English is an international business language. If you want to make money on the internet, you have to understand English."
"A more expensive world erodes demand, slows production, and scales back operations."
"China has not only surpassed the US, but also now accounts for roughly 18% of world GDP."
"America's share of global wealth is shrinking."
"Small businesses occupy greater than 95% of the global economy... and yet often when we talk emergent technology... we're talking about what impact that has on the corporate world..."
"XRP represents a world change for the entire global economy."
"I don't think this idea that some people have that we're a decade away from this happening is the case it's we're on the cost of major problems in the Western Financial system all the time now"
"A global pandemic has shown us in no uncertain terms how important supply chain is..."
"Smith said that certain nations are inherently better at producing certain Goods and rather than nations trying to make everything themselves they should instead specialize and trade with each other."
"The dangers for global markets and your retirement accounts as most people lose almost everything during an economic reset."
"These types of movements are so widespread and so organic in the world economy."
"Payments are eating the world. Payments burn over five and a half billion dollars a day globally in fees. That's over two trillion dollars."
"For those of you who have been at least watching 10 minutes of any type of traditional financial news, you will see the world is not doing very well."
"A massive tsunami of debt has engulfed the planet."
"The consequence of oil prices hitting $200 per barrel... bad for the world economy."
"You've established an economy in every country and brought order to the world."
"The covid crisis woke us all up to the fact that our economy and the globalized economy was so heavily focused on a single supply chain."
"Projections indicate bricks could account for nearly 50% of global GDP by 2050."
"Just as the American economy is recovering, it is in all of our interest to have the global economy begin to cover recovery as well."
"There are real real issues there, there are millions of Americans who are suffering they think because of our trade policies a bunch of us haven't done a very good job explaining why the wonders of the world economy help any of them."
"The world is shifting away from dollar hegemony. Countries want more options, they do not want to live exclusively underneath the United States."
"Before the CCP virus pandemic, the global supply chain discussion was purely about economics. Four months into the pandemic, the same discussion now points to only one thing: national security."
"Bitcoin is now the eighth largest currency in the world."
"We have the strongest performing economy in the world."
"The interconnected nature of the global supply chain and just in time manufacturing mean that a lot of important products used in manufacturing around the world may be in short supply for a while."
"Bloomberg senior strategist calls bitcoin a global reserve asset on the path to a hundred thousand dollars."
"The G7 is worried that an outright ban on Russian oil would affect global prices."
"This new 11-member bricks will control it will include six of the top 10 oil exporting countries in the world and 80 percent of global oil production."
"In a world where supply chains are shifting, Morocco is intriguing."
"The whole world is interconnected so if we see a contraction in GDP in one country it will have a knock-on impact to every other country in the world."
"Threats to international freedom of navigation require an international solution. The world economy depends on the free flow of Commerce."
"Global economy, let's figure out how we can collaborate and work together."
"Moving forward, these things are going to happen. These negative aspects of what's going on are going to happen throughout the global economy."
"Not having open borders is holding the world back from being economically prosperous."
"A major war would be very, very bad news for the global economy."
"This potentially could be really damaging to the global economy because if we see companies having to stop production putting people out of work, they're not getting paid, that will accelerate the slowdown and will accelerate the recession."
"Economies are individual islands, but the truth is, they are interconnected."
"Even Paul Krugman has to admit that these economies are closer together."
"If you destroy its manufacturing capabilities in the high-tech industry then you destroy the world economy."
"World trade continues to slide as recovery sputters."
"I don't care what it is you do, whatever job you have, you're basically selling your services to the world."
"Bitcoin could one day replace the world's Reserve currency."
"Global economy will never fully recover... we have a major economic crisis in the world."
"China would have a hand in just over 40 percent of the global gross domestic product."
"The entire world's economy is affected as this silver just explodes over the Americas, crosses the Pacific, crosses into Europe, and there's an enormous burst of prosperity."
"Blockchain and crypto will democratize access to the global economy, enabling billions of people who don't have bank accounts to participate."
"AI will change the global economy, and the country with the best AI systems will be able to grow tremendously from it."
"I think it is something that everybody in the world should be rooting for, China should be rooting for Shanghai to recover as quick as possible."
"China is the second largest economy in the world, contributing around 18.5 percent of total Global GDP."
"What is your current assessment of the global economy in financial markets? I think we've hit some of a pivot point."
"I became successful when I understood Global liquidity."
"U.S. will be ranked third economically after China and India."
"For the time being it's important that we build secure global money."
"The recent stresses on global supply lines may be enough to lead to the end of globalization."
"What consequences does this all have to the World’s economy?"
"I do believe Bitcoin has a good chance of being kind of a top three Reserve currency of the world you know that could be the dollar and then the digital one and then Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is going to Nestle itself on the asset side of the global balance sheet it's going to continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger and this is our Trojan Horse."
"Decentralization is actually the key for us as humans to start living in a new concept of democracy in global economy, enabling trusted transactions and helping us make more accurate decisions."
"Governments really care are they going to stop it can they ban it at that point no but they care because it becomes a global asset class that matters."
"China's success means a doubling of people living in high-income economies - a great leap forward for humanity."
"None of us has ever lived in a world where the largest economy is governed by authoritarians, but it seems like that's where we're headed."
"The world is economically collapsing and spleen too never seen this before ever."
"Energy efficiency across the global economy continued to improve."
"For all you guys across the world, the greatest transfer of wealth is happening right now."
"The world economy could take many months if not years to heal."
"The corporation is bigger than the government. Of the 100 largest economies on earth now, 51 are corporations."
"China remains an ever-expanding powerhouse moving at an impressive pace."
"We're moving from nation-states or moving from siloed economies into economies that are deeply interconnected and intrinsically transnational."
"Wars and melting ice aside, new international trade routes are healthy, and overall a net gain in the long term for the global economy and international cooperation as a whole."
"Everything has become a global economy in a lot of ways."
"The global debt bubble is at its peak and it's becoming apparent that we're at the end."
"Together we can ensure that more of our children get the education that prepares them for the global economy."
"When the percentage of global debt denominated in dollars starts going down, that's when you know the dollar is losing its world reserve currency status."
"The global economy is as shaky as it's been in a long time."
"Is this all part of a great reset plan? Is this all part of a global plan to try to destroy the currency, abolish private property, and reset the entire global economy?"
"People don't realize India is the seventh largest economy."
"I make very few predictions on this channel but one thing I will predict and that is in 5 10 15 years we will be using far fewer dollars in the global economy than we are right now."
"Letting the global economy slow to a halt puts lives at risk."
"Global damages from cybercrime are projected to be 7 trillion dollars in 2022 alone, making it the third largest economy on Earth behind the United States and China."
"We are in a very, very precarious place. Nobody is immune."
"XRP is setting up to be a world reserve currency that's as liquid as a G10 currency, ready to run serious portions of the Internet of Value."
"China plays an extremely important role in the global economy." - Carlos Martinez
"The global economic landscape right now is experiencing a significant shift."
"The best hope for human progress remains open markets combined with democracy and human rights."
"Bitcoin will be the currency of choice... it's frictionless open transparent global."
"There's a need in the world for more store of value instruments as an investor."
"It'd be very, very similar because the economy is so balanced in 2020 now."
"The circulatory system of the global economy is at risk."
"Having an external source of currency that can be used by everyone is an interesting, globally Democratic idea potentially."
"The BRICS Nations all the way down to 2028, they will actually accelerate over the GDP of the G7. This is pretty significant because all this was again projected by the IMF."
"The knock-on impact of all of these sanctions is that it's going to put a lot of pressure on the global economy."
"2001 was a turning point... legitimated this much more sweeping militarization of the global economy."