
US Dollar Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The post-World War II economic order, the system that guaranteed prosperity in the West for more than 80 years, is coming apart very fast, and along with it, the dominance of the US dollar."
"Sitting there wondering if your US dollar is going to be able to provide for your family the way that it used to a couple of years ago... this would be devastating."
"The US dollar has three superpowers: trust for trade, power to buy oil, and lastly, it has all the excess Forex reserves invested in its own economy with 7 trillion dollars in bonds."
"Gold, I believe, has struggled a bit, but keep in mind, this is as much or more a US dollar story as it is a gold story."
"The US dollar has stood on its own ground, meaning the source of the value of the dollar comes from a combination of trust, military prowess, property rights, etc."
"The US dollar is here for a while... I think dollar dominance will continue for some time."
"The US dollar will not be the reserve currency."
"The worst place to be right now is the U.S. dollar."
"The collapse of the dollar will affect every person in the world."
"The US dollar is skyrocketing, exporting massive amounts of deflation."
"The U.S dollar plays an important role in maintaining U.S economic hegemony."
"The tide is turning... US dollar will not go on as the world's reserve currency for very much longer."
"If there has been one significant change in the global economy over the last several years, it has been the gradual erosion of belief in the US Dollar's indefinite Supremacy."
"None of them have survived none of them have lasted more than 100 150 years or so I'm delighted that the US dollar has been on top for many decades but history would indicate that it's going to come to an end."
"If the world gave up use of the dollar, the American trade deficit would immediately contract."
"The potential for the beginning of the end of the US dollar."
"They're going to be in a different position and that puts the US dollar at risk."
"The US dollar will lose its stature as the reserve currency in the future."
"The US dollar is in a hyperinflationary collapse right now against Bitcoin."
"I think the U.S dollar is about as doomed as it was in the late 60s."
"The US dollar is slipping as the reserve currency."
"I do think there's a risk here. I do think this could be a big competitor to the US dollar in the future."
"The US dollar will continue to go down which means cocoa prices will continue to go higher."
"Every person in this audience under 45 years old, you better start to look for another store of value than the US dollar."
"It's time to take action. Losing the standard of the US dollar could be our greatest defeat."
"The US dollar is the widely accepted and really the only serious candidate for the world's principal Reserve currency."
"This is the end of the U.S. dollar, I do believe. It's still going to be there just like the British pound is still there but it's not going to be the global reserve currency."
"The U.S. dollar is suffering a stunning collapse."
"If you want to use the US dollar now it's legal tender, you can pay your taxes in it, you can use it for contracts, do whatever you want to."
"Incredibly insane to think that within the next two years we could see a decoupling already from the US dollar around the world."
"Saudi Arabia's Finance Minister confirmed publicly that it is considering selling its oil in other currencies rather than the US dollar."
"The US dollar is the strongest currency in the world."
"US dollar has broken out and closed above"
"The US dollar and the US Empire based on the dominance of the US dollar is anything but invincible."
"Throughout our lifetime, the dominance of the US dollar was unquestioned, but that may be changing."
"The biggest threat to the future of the United States dollar is the US government itself."
"Mixing high debt with high inflation could very quickly result in a crisis for the US dollar."
"It's time to take action; please don't say I didn't warn you about the US dollar."
"Despite all the rhetoric, there is still an incredible amount of demand for US Dollars around the world."
"The dollar is the single most important variable when you're constructing a portfolio."
"The US dollar... It's backed by a universal understanding that America has a competitive market economy as well as an independent Central Bank, as well as independent courts."
"As we speak, the US dollar has reigned supreme all over the world for our entire lifetimes."
"The US dollar is powerful and stable because the US government is powerful and stable."
"The U.S. dollar remains by far the most dominant currency."
"The Lion's Share of international trade invoices, the denomination of asset classes, and FX volumes is mostly in US Dollars."
"Most transactions involve US dollars on one side; the US dollar is a vehicle currency."
"The strength of the U.S. dollar is a key predictor of world aggregate trade volume and consumer and producer price inflation."
"The importance of the role of the US dollar as a reserve currency."
"The US dollar is the world's international currency used by countries all across the planet."
"For the US dollar, I've been very, very positive on it recently."
"About 90 percent of world trade goods and services are paid for in dollars."
"60 percent of the world's monetary reserves are in US Dollars."
"The dollar has risen pretty healthfully."