
Jesus Quotes

There are 5007 quotes

"Turn to Jesus because he's the only one who can deliver you."
"You get to draw near to Jesus because of Jesus. No mediator needed."
"Everything Satan has ever told God about you is the absolute truth... His accusations are true; they just can't stick because of what Jesus has done."
"Jesus didn't teach hate; he humbly loved his neighbor."
"No, in those moments you're going to want a strong Savior with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. I'm talking about a savage Jesus."
"Jesus came as a humble, lowly servant to other human beings."
"Jesus died and resurrected so that we may be restored to the presence of God."
"Jesus said no. Jesus said for me to tell you no."
"Jesus was known as a friend of sinners. He loved tax collectors and prostitutes."
"It's time to let signs have their place. They illustrate scripture all the while pointing to Jesus, the Son of God."
"It all comes down to Jesus...his life, his doctrines, his ontology."
"All true ministry is an overflow of that love for Jesus."
"Christianity became the religion about Jesus rather than the religion of Jesus."
"For most Jews, the idea of Jesus as Messiah was crazy because he was just the opposite of what a Messiah is supposed to be."
"The end of the world for the Egyptians would be Jesus not rising again."
"Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them, Peace be unto you."
"Allah has promised in the Quran which is being fulfilled: 'I'm going to raise those who follow you, O Jesus, high above those who disbelieve until the Day of Judgment.'"
"Say yes to Jesus, and you're going to see a transformation in your life."
"Anything that you know about the nature of God that's not seen in the person of Jesus is an inferior truth."
"Jesus was willing to sacrifice everything for us. Now, there they are showing a willingness to sacrifice...to sacrifice these things for Jesus in return."
"May you have the Blessed assurance that there is a new beginning in Jesus."
"He who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. His name is Jesus."
"Everybody talking about Jesus doesn't have the ability to discern the Jesus of their conversation."
"Part of the reason is because the lamb in prophecy must be unblemished, and to have a broken bone would mean he was not unblemished. So, Jesus fulfilled this prophecy."
"Jesus did not die on the cross, according to Islam."
"Who is Jesus? Did he die on the cross? Did he claim to be God?"
"And Jesus' response is not, 'Hey, I'm just talking figuratively,' that's not his response. He says, 'I tell you the truth. Before Abraham was born, I am.'"
"So here's Jesus doing something that only God can do, and he's giving courage to the disciples by saying the words 'I am.'"
"There is no greater privilege than knowing Jesus."
"We teach believers how to go to Jesus in them and that's the secret."
"When you call on the name of Jesus, miracles can happen."
"Can you take somebody through the Old Testament without touching the new and demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah?"
"Truth has to be centered in Jesus; you can only share the truth in Jesus."
"In an exorcism, Jesus is not a bystander; he's the main actor."
"When you begin to encounter a love like no other, the love of Jesus is unfailing, it is relentless."
"Encounters and experiences in God's presence are wonderful, but... Jesus and Jesus alone must be the object of our affection."
"The agenda here today is to restore a biblical and truly historical view of Jesus, the real Jesus."
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."
"Most of the early life of Jesus remains a mystery, but now, for the first time, archaeology is providing a clearer picture."
"We have so much more evidence than most people realize for the existence of Jesus and for the authenticity of the Gospels as a whole."
"It's just amazing, I think, the amount of historical, archaeological attestation to Jesus and the writings about him in the Gospels."
"Jesus wasn't just celebrating a meal; he was fulfilling the Passover as the Lamb of God."
"Now Dr. Hairfield has much knowledge to share, but for today, he will tell us his experience reading 2,000-year-old Buddhist scrolls about the life of Jesus."
"What draws people is the magnetic personality of Jesus that continues thousands of years on to have such a draw for men and women."
"For all the interest in archaeology, we can't lose sight of the intriguing man of Galilee who's made such an impact on the world."
"With these words, Jesus began the most famous sermon in history somewhere in this region."
"I felt the personality of Jesus... Jesus is here."
"Whenever you encounter Jesus, you can't stay the same again."
"Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." - Jesus
"It just goes to show how much of an impact Jesus had on those who weren't even thinking of following him or even knew who he was."
"Authority is greater than power. Though Satan may have some power in this world, Jesus gave us authority over his kingdom."
"Jesus called out the toxic religious and political systems, led the protest against the walls that divide us, and broke the chains that held women in bondage."
"The focus appears to be on Jesus's Humanity most non-believers do not have any issues with the humanity of Jesus Christ."
"Keep your eyes on Jesus; He's still perfect, utterly, beautifully, wonderfully, sinlessly perfect."
"The importance of Jesus' resurrection is this: Jesus was making some very radical claims while he was on earth."
"What Christians want to say is to look at Jesus is to come up with the fundamental clue or understanding of what it is that drives and grounds and brings to fruition the universe as we know it, that's what it means to say Jesus is God."
"A good case can be made historically for Jesus' resurrection."
"Maybe the wisdom of Jesus still has a place in today's culture—you know, love your neighbor as yourself."
"The peace that goes beyond all understanding comes from Jesus."
"The issue is Jesus or self, which one is it? Which one do you want to choose?"
"It was not possible for death to hold Jesus."
"Faith in Jesus involves faith that he's the one doing it, not you."
"The greatest gift he'll ever get is Jesus himself."
"Jesus claimed to be the decisive self-revelation of God and I believe that we have good reasons to believe that those claims were true."
"Jesus starts with being God, then He goes to being our Savior, then a man, then a friend, then our spouse for all eternity."
"I love Jesus, He helps me, He helps us; that's all I got for you."
"We worship the same God that Jesus worshiped."
"And you will know Jesus, and Jesus will set you free."
"In the Bible, the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell the story of Jesus's Temptation in the Wilderness."
"The general consensus is that Jesus was both fully God and fully man."
"The Holy Eucharist, Jesus present among us, is the trump card we have."
"Jesus comes into the world to set the captives free."
"Jesus sees the money changers in the temple, he overturns their tables and drives them out."
"Jesus is called a carpenter... but the word actually is 'Tecton' which means sort of artisan or a builder."
"Jesus's job leads him to where the work is, and his ideas and philosophy begin to develop with huge consequences."
"Jesus says to his followers, 'If you follow me, do it like you were plowing in the field: just go straight after me.'"
"Jesus is looking everywhere for sinners to repent, and I guess that includes tax collectors."
"The Bible doesn't describe Jesus physically and all the evidence we do have today indicates that he probably looked very different from how he has long been portrayed."
"Paul's total focus is on Jesus' death and resurrection."
"What if it were possible to have a conversation with Jesus and ask him anything you could think of?"
"Jesus is beautiful and accounts for all the things that you thought were beautiful, even when you were ignoring the source of the beauty."
"All of that has really blossomed because of Jesus, who is the foundation."
"During his lifetime, Jesus himself didn't call himself God and didn't consider himself God, and none of his disciples had any inkling at all that he was God."
"Jesus is the Passover lamb; His blood covers our house, and God's judgment passes over us."
"Jesus is the high priest who entered into the holy place once for all and lives forever to make intercession for us."
"I want my DNA to look like Jesus. When someone has an encounter with me, I want them to feel like they had an encounter with Jesus."
"When Jesus came, he gave overwhelming evidence that he was the Messiah."
"It's God's great passionate quest for us that's what's really interesting in the story of Jesus."
"I believe the words that Jesus spoke to the disciples many years ago are still as relevant today as they were back then."
"Jesus came to set us free... He came to bring liberty to the captive."
"The first commission which Jesus told the disciples: cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers."
"High waves start to break into the boat, and it's beginning to fill with water, and in all of this panic and commotion, someone wakes up Jesus, and we hear his voice saying: Peace, be still."
"Jesus Christ is referred to as the Good Shepherd in Psalm 23, and here in John 10 verse 27, he says that his sheep hear his voice."
"With Jesus, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is unchanging, solid, and consistent."
"He was not killed, he was not crucified. Before they can get hold of him and kill him and crucify him, God protected Jesus and uplifted Jesus to Himself."
"It's always amazing to see what the Old Testament writings say about the coming Messiah King and what he's supposed to do and how Jesus fulfilled these things."
"Gnostic texts such as the First Apocalypse of James were likely banned because of their different understanding of Jesus's importance."
"The father has sent his son to be the savior of the world."
"The Quran restores the original monotheistic message of Jesus, who is not part of a trinity but rather a human messenger and the Messiah."
"Jesus never said, 'Follow my disciples;' He said, 'Follow me.'"
"Christianity is all about Jesus. It isn't Jesus so that we can have something else, a nice system of how to live; it's we have Jesus, and because we have Jesus, then all the other things make sense."
"Jesus said, 'God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son.'"
"Jesus said to governor Pontius Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world. That's where the wall between church and state has its origin."
"We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith."
"They came to believe that if Jesus had been raised from the dead."
"The law of one was manifested in the name Jesus and is signified in the Christ consciousness."
"I found myself praying for these beloved ones in Nasuka, the same prayer that Jesus prayed for his people before he left the earth in John 17."
"Jesus loved us with everything, pouring out His very life for us."
"Jesus never wrote a word, but he gave us the mass."
"There are good evidences in the New Testament for the person of Jesus of Nazareth as God's decisive self-revelation."
"The Old Testament doesn't make sense without Jesus."
"Jesus died on the cross for sins, rose from the dead, and claimed to be the Divine Son of God."
"Jesus is saying there is worth in you, and you will be with me today in paradise."
"Jesus loves us. More importantly, he loves you."
"Jesus cared about helping the less fortunate."
"Only Jesus can truly heal us inside and out."
"None of it matters if you don't have Jesus he's the whole point he's the backbone of this whole operation."
"Jesus doesn't get rid of the Sabbath if that was the case then in Luke chapter 4 verse 16 why would he while he's here keep a day when he is the day."
"The hope is in Jesus because ultimately he wins."
"Yeshua Jesus, our Messiah, as the ultimate wisdom and authority of God."
"Jesus is starting up the kingdom here on earth."
"Your light has come. Jesus is the light that enlightens every person that comes into the world."
"Jesus constantly confronts and tries to correct false expectations about the Messiah."
"Did Jesus teach reincarnation? The answer is yes."
"Even with unbelief mixed in with belief, Jesus still heals."
"Remember, God wants you well and Jesus is your healer."
"Jesus said, 'I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.'"
"If you're thirsty, come unto Jesus and drink."
"The fact of Jesus being the Eucharist... outweighs so much of the esoteric things."
"Jesus came to break those yokes and set people free."
"But I mean the truth is a person. It's Jesus Christ. That's right. That's right."
"The blood that Jesus shed for me... it will never lose its power."
"What did Jesus do? Jesus came back to destroy the works of the devil."
"Jesus said, 'I didn't come back and suffer for all that for people to live on the fence.'"
"Every Sabbath is a reminder that God can recreate in us the image of Jesus."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder of the rest we can experience in Jesus."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder that Jesus is our soon-coming king."
"Jesus demonstrated true humility... by washing his disciples' feet." - Jesus' demonstration of humility.
"Jesus came the first time to become our savior and he's coming the second time to become our king."
"Every stop in this journey, there's only one conductor, and that's not me. One conductor, and Jesus is He!"
"You cannot obey Jesus without obeying the apostles."
"When Jesus raises the dead, spiritually or physically, it testifies to His ability to save."
"Jesus is the way the life and the truth he is the path to God he is the one who offers us eternal salvation and paradise with him."
"Preach Jesus... because of Jesus it's how we're gonna get through this, how we're gonna heal this and mend this."
"Salvation is found in no one else but Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is the only way to heaven. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the father but by me - Jesus."
"You can take the whole world but give me Jesus."
"This is not the Jesus that maybe you've been told about."
"Perhaps Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... as the DNA results suggest."
"The vast majority of historians the world over of all backgrounds are of the opinion that at least we can all agree that Jesus of Nazareth did in fact exist."
"Most historians also go further in relatively comfortable saying Jesus was probably baptized by John the Baptist that he definitely gathered disciples to spread his particular message."
"By 12 years old, Jesus was as biblically literate as the thought leaders at that time."
"In Jesus, God became kin to us, experiencing everything, paying the ransom price to buy us back from bondage."
"Jesus meeting her where she was at, saying, 'That's not for you, I'm calling you by name, you are mine.'"
"Let's get that straight, the hope will be in Jesus."
"Jesus was looking forward to celebrating with you."
"The only thing that we can bring Jesus is what he has already brought us."
"If we know anything about Jesus, it's that he was anti-wealth."
"If you want more of God, you got to have more of Jesus; if you want more of Jesus, you got to have more of the Holy Spirit."
"The purpose of Jesus coming to Earth was the restoration of a kingdom."
"Jesus came as a king, not to establish a religion."
"He purposefully positioned himself in the light of Jesus in opposition to the staid, formulaic, and hypocritical Pharisees of mainstream religion."
"Jesus is the great equalizer and he steps out and everything changes."
"That was the first time I've ever looked at Jesus as the answer."
"Whatever else may be said of Christianity it is at least fairly agreed on either side both by friends and foes that this great religion took its rise around the personality of a certain particular Galilean teacher by the name of Jesus."
"He claimed to be equal with God in nature, works, power, authority, and honor."
"It wasn't only that He had broken their Sabbath, but that He called God His own Father and even made Himself equal with God."
"Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless it is something He sees the Father doing."
"The greatest Miracle of all: Jesus, the Lamb of God, dying for the sin of the world."
"Jesus said, 'I'm the resurrection and the life.'"
"Jesus had more women followers than he had men."
"Jesus experienced one of his most lonely moments."
"Jesus is after just one thing, he longs for you to give him your heart and enter into a relationship with him."
"Inviting Jesus into your life will change everything."
"Love like Jesus, love with all your heart and soul, with your eyes love everything you see, with your heart love everyone in front of you and everyone around the world."
"There's no question that Jesus changed history."
"Jesus strategically came to all nations to make us one in him."
"Jesus was not afraid of anyone or anything because he was perfected in Father's love."
"He always loves his son in his sacred Humanity for 33 years but never was that sacred Humanity so lovable as when he was hanging on the cross."
"We've got examples of Jesus' perfection and the clearest one is the way he has all this power and only uses it for others, unmatched in all history and literature."
"Jesus was prophesied in the beginning of the Bible."
"Wouldn't it be great if the state acknowledged the lordship of Jesus."
"Jesus wants to train you with his authority, Kingdom thinking, Kingdom living, and Kingdom operating."
"Jesus knew what it meant to experience pain, shame, and rejection."
"Jesus is unique in both his person and his purpose."
"God wants me to tell you that he is revealing himself, Jesus is revealing himself, the Holy Spirit is revealing the Father and the Son."
"Jesus came on a rescue mission to save us from sin."
"Join us in our pursuit of the ultimate King, Jesus."
"Since I met Jesus, my only desire was to please Jesus."
"Jesus just simply said this he said I am alive forevermore."
"Jesus is the law and the prophets, he is the word, the word is him."
"The New Testament authors come out of the gate swinging to set Jesus as the Son of God as a category entirely of its own."
"They're putting Jesus in a category completely of his own as a son."
"We don't believe Jesus was killed, he was taken up and he will come back."
"There is no middle ground when it comes to Jesus."
"The very beginning with shepherds, they're counting, they would stack rocks."
"Mary's encounter with the resurrected Jesus highlights the deep love that Jesus has for us."
"She recognized how great the sacrifice was and thought, you know what, I could pour some cheap perfume, but I'm gonna give the best I have to Jesus."
"Jesus was the only one that had a different narrative... everything else said, 'This is what you need to do to get to God,' with Jesus it was, 'This is what God did to get to you.'"
"Jesus was absolutely believer and had will have his place in paradise."