
Deliverance Quotes

There are 2152 quotes

"Turn to Jesus because he's the only one who can deliver you."
"If there is anybody here tonight who needs to be born again but is held back by some satanic pressure or a spirit of fear, in your name, Lord Jesus, we loose them now."
"You don't get deliverance without discipline."
"The anointing is what links Jesus the man to the divine, enabling him to destroy the works of the devil."
"There is power in the name of Jesus. There is healing in the name of Jesus. There is deliverance in the name of Jesus."
"Deliverance isn't just walking out of something; it's walking into something else."
"I have been delivered from the penalty of sin. I am being delivered from the habit of sin. I shall be delivered from the presence of sin."
"True deliverance is when one is brought to a place of true repentance and where one surrenders to the Holy Spirit his or her life."
"Be encouraged in your deliverance; don't surrender it, stay there."
"Before the outpouring, there must be a deliverance that takes place so that the heavens can release the purity of what God wants to do without any hindrance."
"There's fire for deliverance, there's fire for restoration, there is fire for mental disorders to be broken this very day."
"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered."
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord brings him out of them all."
"You are a sovereign God who has charge over my life and you are a God who is faithful to deliver those who trust you."
"The blood of Jesus cleanses you and delivers you."
"You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand delivers me."
"In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus teaches us that sometimes God delivers us from anguish, and sometimes God delivers us through anguish."
"The word that the Lord had put in my heart to share with you is truly a word that brought deliverance in my life."
"For your name's sake, Lord, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble."
"Easter is so much about deliverance, which all of us want right now, and it's so much about hope and it's so much about coming out of Darkness."
"Trust the God who is with you and see the deliverance you're longing to take place."
"God uses a frustrated man to be the one who would ultimately bring deliverance."
"Deliverance is the only thing that pretty much confronts the demonic agenda."
"You're an invader, you're a trespasser, and you stand between God's people and their deliverance. Come out, Pharaoh, all the way, go to the pit, all your minions with you, come on out in the name of Jesus."
"Beyond the door there is freedom, new power, and deliverance in Christ."
"There's never any Deliverance without forgiveness."
"Be patient, wait upon Yehovah to deliver you."
"Deliverance would be pointless if Christians can't have demons."
"I declare complete deliverance right now in the name of Jesus. Demonic assignments are canceled, for the light of God shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not."
"Deliverance is such a good perk... it's so underused."
"It does not matter what kind of situation you are in, God can deliver you."
"He was trying to deliver them from yesterday because He has a different tomorrow."
"Jesus can set you free from any temptation or addiction."
"I declare a massive deliverance right now taking place in their houses."
"If you want deliverance, you have to come to the Deliverer. There's no alternative."
"There is no sin that God's grace cannot deliver us from by his grace and through his power."
"We come against every lying spirit in the name of Jesus."
"Bondages that were on people for decades fall off within seconds when the anointing of the Holy Ghost begins to move."
"You're free from this thing, in Jesus' name."
"Christians need deliverance from strongholds which are rooted in deception, unbelievers sometimes need deliverance by way of exorcism because of demonic possession."
"Christians don't need exorcism, but they do need deliverance from strongholds which comes by truth."
"The God who we serve is able to deliver us, but even if He does not."
"I bind every satanic attack over your life, your purpose, your destiny, pornography, anything that is holding, suicide, oppression, depression, I break it."
"The anointing that breaks yokes, elevates us."
"Sanity came to the insane when Jesus overruled the demonic and addressed the spiritual cause, not merely the physical symptoms."
"Deliver us from Evil, oh God, protect our house from the violent man, the bloodthirsty man, the corrupt man."
"He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the perilous pestilence. Every trap of the enemy is broken in Jesus' name."
"Those evil powers are broken right now by the blood of Jesus..."
"Are you asking for God to bring deliverance to you?"
"Rehab and counseling cannot deliver you from everything; some things need true deliverance."
"Some spirits only go out by prayer and fasting; it's your authority as a believer."
"Complete deliverance requires faith and fasting."
"God saved you, but there was going to be some deliverance that needed to take place in your life and some healing."
"When somebody gets delivered they not only get delivered but they become a deliverer."
"There's no yoke that Satan has put on you or your family that's gonna be on it 21 days from now in Jesus' name."
"He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine."
"You gotta give all praise to the Most High when he's delivering us."
"I had an interesting Deliverance... demons were giving him heart attack symptoms."
"We're not just praying for deliverance from the giants we're facing, we're praying for deliverance from the grasshoppers in our head."
"However bad things get, there will be deliverance... it comes when God chooses that moment."
"Jesus delivers us from bondage to sin, and if we truly know Him and truly walk with Him, we will experience freedom."
"It may look hopeless now but have faith that Jesus Christ delivers."
"God can bring deliverance, healing, and restoration."
"Prayer and fasting bring deliverance and break bondages."
"Blessed are the poor who are pure in heart, whose hearts are broken, whose spirits are contrite for they shall see the kingdom of god coming in power and great glory unto their deliverance."
"God being so merciful still delivers some people."
"I prophesy today in the name of Jesus Christ that no longer will your miracle be held, no longer will your breakthrough be blocked by demonic powers."
"Your greatest deliverance is not that you entered and came out unscathed, but that you escaped and are whole."
"Allow God to heal you right now and the demons will leave, never to return."
"Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we speak complete deliverance to this man of God."
"Total healing and restoration with everything that went on and lithium deliverance right now for you that you are free indeed."
"This is your night for breakthrough and deliverance."
"Deliverance is a byproduct of being a genuine Christian."
"Receive the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your body 100% and you be totally completely delivered healed and set free for the glory of Jesus."
"The life of the believer is meant to be one of Victory. Deliverance is yours today, and the truth will set you free."
"Truly, this is a deliverance book that you must have."
"Get in your word, there's life, there's power, there's deliverance."
"Separate yourself from the stuff if you want real deliverance."
"Deliverance never happened in no other name than the name of Jesus."
"I terminate every satanic contract, every illegal contract in the name of Jesus, I terminate it, I destroy it, I burn it by fire, I'm burning it by fire, I'm pouring it by fire."
"Let every idol, every demonic power associated with the enemy be terminated."
"Tonight, let there be a supernatural termination of every satanic contract."
"Deliver me in thy righteousness and cause me to escape. Escape what? The plantation, because that's what we on, brothers and sisters."
"God sets people free, and we believe there will be more areas that need to be set free."
"The power of God within you can remove demonic activities."
"Expect serious incredible astounding amazing miracles and deliverance and vindication during the time of this Passover."
"In the name of Jesus, that devil's gotta go."
"Overcoming evil, it's about demons and deliverance!"
"I am saved, I'm healed, delivered, and set free."
"Holy Ghost fire, burn from the top of my head to the sole of my feet immediately and deliver me from all forms of sicknesses."
"You're a faithful God ever ready to deliver your children from the hands of the wicked."
"True deliverance is total dependence on the Holy Spirit to reveal the root of a problem."
"I want you guys to do deliverance... it makes it easier. Mike, I know you must be tired, bro. You've been casting down demons for hours in Jamaica."
"I came from a place steeped in sin, a place of addiction, and God reached down and said I can deliver you."
"Just receive the salvation of the Lord, just receive deliverance."
"I've delivered my soul, I'm free now. I can sleep. I'm thankful to God for his calling on my life."
"Just know that God has prepared a way for our deliverance and that way has a name and we know him Jesus Christ."
"This is the season laid before you to come out from that captivity, to grab hold of Deliverance set before you."
"You want to pray against any spirits of pride any spirits of stubbornness any spirits of disobedience."
"True deliverance, true freedom. Any chains holding you down are destroyed. So break that cycle, choose God."
"We're just jumping into this... but I believe tonight in Jesus' name that there is freedom, breakthrough, deliverance."
"You can't focus on Deliverance and not focus on Jesus because it's literally what he does."
"Blessed be the Lord who has not given us as prey to their teeth. Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the Fowler. The snare is broken and we have escaped."
"Break every shackle and chain, Lord, that's trying to destroy me."
"I won't be intimidated... This is your deliverance day."
"He sets me free! He has delivered you from the powers of Darkness."
"Demons do not come out because you renounce. Guys, please hear me. What I'm going to say, demons come out in the name of Jesus."
"It's not the renouncing that drives the demons out, it's the authority of Christ, it's the Spirit of God. Jesus cast out demons by the finger of God."
"He's going to open up that trap, he's going to deliver you from it."
"Father, we just pray right now for your hand, for your power to bring deliverance over our sister right now."
"If you are incapable of doing that, you need deliverance."
"Deliverance is a simple term, to be delivered means to be set free."
"Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered."
"The Lord has used him to touch kings, drive out demons, and pioneer Deliverance."
"The next phase for the Deliverance movement is tackling generational curses."
"There are times that God is using you to bring deliverance."
"Thank you so much for your ministry. You've helped me in my walk with God and even allowed me to meet some people that's helped me greatly get delivered."
"I would definitely say you know if there's if you need deliverance which it sounds like you probably do."
"God wants to free people, God wants to deliver people."
"The blood of Jesus is going to bring forth a breakthrough, deliverance in your life today."
"Let today be the day of healing and deliverance."
"Jesus came to set the captives free, to preach deliverance to the captives."
"God can deliver me God can set me free I don't have to be an unbeliever even a Christian can get free praise the Lord."
"I am the same God in the Bible that delivered so many and set the captives free."
"The fire shall consume you and she's made free in the name of Jesus."
"I've seen guy after guy come to me and say dude I need help with this and we've seen them get delivered that Spirit cast out"
"Deliver me from all my troubles, Lord, protect me from all evil for the rest of my life."
"All great moments of deliverances in the Bible came at strenuous times."
"The anointing in you will destroy all the yolks of the evil ones upon your shoulders in the name of Jesus."
"You are free indeed from all forms of attacks and manipulations of the devil and his cohorts in Jesus' name."
"I command every unclean spirit of infirmity and sickness to leave this person in the name of Jesus." - I command every spirit of affliction, torment, and premature death to leave this person right now in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"He addressed a very specific spirit, saying, 'You spirit of seizing and violence, you come out.'"
"Submit to God, resist the enemy, and he'll flee."
"There is going to be a mass deliverance taking place right now."
"Successful deliverance will bring glory to Jesus."
"Do you have to be willing to participate in deliverance? I believe yes but there are cases where deliverance can happen by force."
"We break every spell, every curse. I come against now somebody watching dealing with witchcraft. We break the power of witchcraft in Jesus' name."
"The good news is that Jesus shed His blood to protect and deliver us."
"Don't be afraid. The enemy will try to make you apprehensive or have anxiety or fear of demons or fear retaliation. But if you press through and pray and seek God, God will deliver you."
"But when the Lord delivers, there is a rescue, there is a redemption, and there is going to be a never again anointing."
"I rebuke the spirit of heaviness off of you. I break that harassing, demonic, suicidal spirit off right now."
"Deliverance is still available, time has not run out yet."
"In the O Lord do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness."
"Let evil yolks be broken in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus."
"He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."
"This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles."
"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears."
"You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance."
"Demons are not removed by discipline, they are removed by the name of Jesus."
"Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent His angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches."
"Life is spiritual; dance is a strange mystery of deliverance."
"Sing unto the Lord, praise ye the Lord, for he has delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers."
"Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord, for he has delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers."
"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
"The same God that delivered me from weed, that healed me from years of molestation, that healed me from years of physical, mental, verbal, and physical abuse."
"You are delivered from the traumas of the past, amen."
"He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from all their troubles."
"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty from the demonic."
"Deliver us from evil: for Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever."
"Redemption is the act of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil."
"Knowledge is power. Every knowledge is power. True Deliverance starts with your soul."
"No one will give you deliverance except God."
"You're the shield to protect me, You're my deliverer in every single battle of life."
"The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead."
"I remember by a mighty hand you set me free."
"Lord Jesus, I call upon your name; you are my deliverer."
"The Deliverance of man is already paid for, by the blood of Jesus."
"God will deliver you from whatever you need delivered from."
"A cry is the signal to God that I'm ready to be delivered."
"Sometimes the things that irritate us carry our deliverance."
"They cried out to the Lord in their trouble. He delivered them out of their distresses."
"God has the power to bring supernatural deliverance and restoration from any negative situations."
"Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod."
"The God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty's hand."
"Jesus was able to save; that's right, salvation or to be saved means to be delivered."
"Sozo, which you will know as saved, healed, and delivered... it is an ongoing tense. I everyday am saved, and healed, and delivered."
"I've come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians"
"For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling."
"Surely, he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler."
"You need to let the Holy Spirit come upon you like her and you need to you need to allow yourself to be free from what you're from what you're dealing with because I I come to drive out the devil not to talk to him."
"Jesus Christ didn't tolerate the devil and there's some some of you have been holding on to a lot of things for a long time and it's just time to be healed it's it's time to to let the Lord uh drive out the enemy and set you free."
"Our deliverance will come because of the hearts of God's people."
"He who did it, I have broken the bonds of the and I have delivered them out of the hand of those that serve themselves of them."
"Faith will bring forth deliverance."
"Deliverance is not a substitute for a life of prayer and fasting."
"The Lord will deliver us in our time of trouble."
"I stand on the Integrity of the word of God and I say that all demonic influence around you and your family you are ending right now in Jesus name."
"The Lord will deliver you from all the evil ones."
"I pray a breaking off of every assignment of Darkness any chain any bondage any habit that's not of God that you would sever it and set them free"
"Jesus Christ is my protector, my deliverer from all evil and harm."
"You know when God has delivered you from something you know you know when God has saved you from something you know you know."
"Deliverance comes from within, from repenting from your sins, getting on your knees, and praying."
"Through your knowledge, I am delivered."
"Deliverance brings freedom and joy."
"May you be delivered from a fool's death. May your life be different, your level be different, in the name of Jesus."
"We choose to turn our attention to you and our focus to you. You're our hope, you're our foundation, you're our strong tower, you're our deliverer."
"Christians don't need demons expelled, they need lies exposed."
"Certain spirits and certain things cannot be cast out just by praying, but they need prayer and fasting."
"He delivered me from my strong enemy, for they were too mighty for me."
"Grant Victory to your servant and to this Afflicted mother who has been praying for her child's deliverance from drugs alcohol and addiction set free Lord This Woman's child and Grant victory in the name of Jesus."