
Vladimir Putin Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"We are not encouraging you to agree with what Putin may say in this interview, but we are urging you to watch it. You should know as much as you can, and then, like a free citizen and not a slave, you can decide for yourself."
"This hideous and barbaric action of Vladimir Putin must end in failure."
"Alexi himself had said... he would never see freedom... as long as Vladimir Putin was in power."
"Even if he was being put in the harshest of conditions... he still bothered Vladimir Putin."
"[Alexi's death] puts a question mark over [Putin's ability to continue his actions without international repercussions]."
"Putin was delivering on growth, and he was delivering on the economic promise in his first two terms."
"The consequences of Putin's actions will be felt throughout the world for years and I fear for decades to come."
"Politically, this would not be a good move for Putin."
"Putin is a really, really bad person, and that's basically all you need to know."
"Putin is indeed in a stronger position than he has ever been."
"One man chose this war, one man is directing this war, one man is responsible for this war, and that's Vladimir Putin."
"We are seeing President Putin improvising, adapting, and we're having to respond and adapt."
"Russia and specifically Vladimir Putin are capable of backing down and of rational behavior."
"It was Putin's fault that the negotiations failed."
"Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, regarded by many as the most powerful man in the world, serving as the president of Russia since 2012."
"Vladimir Putin knows that we are in serious trouble."
"There is very little time left for Vladimir Putin to lose power."
"Putin's the number one world leader right now."
"The Alpha's definitely Putin for obvious reasons."
"Putin looked confident, poised, and in command of his historical facts."
"We learned today that Vladimir Putin murdered the main opposition leader."
"At some point the West is going to have to stop Mr Putin."
"Now Vladimir Putin, who many have called a modern day Adolf Hitler, is dead."
"Isn't it incredible... Vladimir Putin warrants issued by the international criminal court and we're preparing for the indictment of Donald Trump in the United States."
"Vladimir Putin's presidential car has several seriously cool bells and whistles."
"Putin is a rational actor; he's demonstrated that."
"What's the best way to stop Putin from invading Ukraine?"
"Furthermore, the thing that Vladimir Putin fears the most is really not the Ukraine, it's democracy."
"Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, also seems to know this."
"The fact that President Putin was directly involved and directly ordered this, no big decisions are made in Russia anyway without Putin, and all that was laid out."
"Donald Trump has known from the start of his presidency that Vladimir Putin ordered the attack on our election."
"The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin. That's a big deal."
"And the money wasn't for the presidential administration of Russia or the Russian government. That 50 was going straight to the Vladimir Putin golden toilet fund."
"When Putin wants to travel on the ground, it's rumored that he is the owner of 700 cars."
"Mr. Putin has played the world democracies and free markets like a fiddle."
"Putin man bad... Putin is bad... he's an irredeemable piece of [ __ ]."
"I think Putin's been waiting for this. Motive and opportunity."
"Like a frog unable to perceive the slowly but steady rising temperatures of the water it found itself immersed in, Putin's strategy to wait and see foundered during those dual debacles in sore need of new conscripts."
"Putin has never been stronger than he is today."
"Putin is capable of devastation on a terrible, terrible scale."
"Putin's miscalculated in the past; he has shown a level of ruthlessness beyond that which any other leader on earth is capable of at the moment."
"Putin is operating according to a set of criteria totally detached from those which you or I would consider to be reasonable or rational."
"By his own lights, what he's doing is pursuing a conflict which he believes he has to win."
"Vladimir Putin is a guilty man and should be charged as soon as possible in The Hague."
"Putin is doing everything he can to do just that."
"Putin will only pursue peace if it's threatened with losing ground again or by internal instability."
"So many extraordinary things have happened over the past month or so, but one of them is we are sharing our intel information, and now Vladimir Putin has to wake up in the West and read how ignorant he is about what's going on in his own war."
"It's very troubling that you've got Vladimir Putin now not only marching into Ukraine and smashing up a democracy there and destabilizing elections around the world but actually putting nuclear technology into space."
"They actually thanked me for meeting with President Putin."
"It seems like they're trying to get the whole world's support to just get rid of Putin."
"Putin steps up his anti-west rhetoric in a speech that many experts are calling historic."
"Vladimir Putin a virtual political unknown three months ago now clearly in charge of Russia."
"Vladimir Putin is not a modern political leader. The guy has invaded two separate countries in the last decade."
"I don't buy the argument that Putin's got a screw loose."
"Putin is smart. There's no way you get on the top, be a leader of a big country for 30 years if you're not smart."
"It's easy to think that Vladimir Putin is just this big bad dictator who's existed forever ruling Russia but no."
"This will become one of the hardest periods in Vladimir Putin’s entire life, and that’s saying something."
"Information is key, and Putin has been excellent at manipulating it."