
Societal Stability Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"By regulating the narrative and limiting the dissemination of information, governments aim to uphold social stability, safeguard national security concerns, maintain diplomatic ties, protect economic interests, and uphold their authority and credibility."
"The way that you avoid people fighting in the streets is to have them feel that their fights can be resolved by the courts."
"Justice is the cornerstone of societal stability and the resolution of disputes within societies or nations."
"This isn't an argument towards what's good or bad...This is an issue of Public Health and what is required to keep society with some form of stability."
"A civilization with low impulse or low responsibility individuals can't have nice things at the end of the day."
"We need to figure out how to avoid an anarchic society... we need to do all this in a span of a couple decades."
"The government is like fire; if you don't have it, you freeze to death, but if it gets out of control, it burns everything around it."
"Atheism more often arises in stable, prosperous societies where people don't feel they need religion to get by."
"I really believe that if there is to be a future for the country, it lies in there is going to have to be a liberal part of the country that stands up on its hind legs and says, 'I would rather associate with these people I disagree with about nearly everything when it comes to policy than you people with whom I agree with on policy about a lot of things but you guys want to tear down the entire system.'"
"The West would need to have a religious revival or its entire society would fall apart."
"We believe that societies are more stable and just when they recognize the inherent dignity of every human being."
"The greatest utopia is that things can go on just the way they are."
"The communities of care that are already emerging... have the power to knit together people into a stable and secure society."
"If you don't give the young man a place in the village, they will burn it down to feel its warmth."
"To all of you who are afraid, there is plenty to be afraid of all the time, but we got this. We can do it. We don't have to let things deteriorate into violence and sectarian squabbling. We don't have to burn down the institutions."
"You want a country to last, you have to live and let live."
"In a society where you leverage yourself very far over an entropic abyss without land on the other side, it's relatively clear that your cantilever is at some point going to break down."
"What they don't realize is that without something at the center of conservatism, civilization collapses."
"Let's stop pretending that secession is even a thing that could possibly happen. It won't, it just won't."
"Democracy will only thrive when there's Justice."
"What does that mean? What does that portend for the future of a stable society if you have two parties of the elites and no mass popular expression?"
"Accountability is not just a buzzword, it's the only way forward to avoid a complete collapse in the Public's trust and faith in our essential institutions."
"The whole goal of civilization has always been Comfort, convenience, safety... Once that model and that Paradigm starts to shake and break down..."
"These three pillars working together offer stability and create a system that takes care of the average person."
"If everybody sank into nihilism, then human society would collapse. So you've got to aim at something, sort yourself out, stand up straight, clean your room, and all that entails."
"The dissolution of the family is the dissolution of the entire society."
"Basic aspects of the constitution should not be abandoned."
"Civil stability doesn't matter until the day that it does."
"We have to be about law and order, otherwise you're going to see your cities burn."
"A population that is experiencing consistent growth will be seeing their quality of life improve year over year and will naturally be less inclined to rock the boat that is ferrying them to prosperity."
"If governments consistently fail... to deliver better living standards... the thing can get very fragile."
"Every single thing people can chip away at when it comes to our individuality of freedom is one less thing we have in our toolbox for when things fall apart."
"Conservatives what do they conserve uh order that's kind of the point not always not perfectly the idea of a conservative is that they're saying this is what works we survive let's keep doing these things let's not do that thing."
"There are only nine meals between Mankind and Anarchy."
"We need sanity, we need respect for our institutions."
"We're more likely to break up than see civil war."
"A multi-racial country can only survive if it self-consciously de-emphasizes race."
"Don't hasten the day. Enjoy rule of law. Protect it, and don't seek violence."
"There is nothing holding our culture together and so it will break apart."
"We can't allow our society to collapse over this."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association... without free speech, freedom dies."
"It's so it comes down to the basic things again: roof over your head, food on your table, opportunities for our kids, and health care for our families."
"Hoping to try and make America normal again today and throughout the week."
"No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes."
"I genuinely just want to advocate for a stable and healthy democracy."
"To hesitate in the slightest before this threat will see us cast into anarchy."
"I just think we should not assume that Civilization is robust."
"The return of the king in English thought is the return of normality, the return of stability, the return of justice."
"If people have education, if they have health care, if they have jobs and are happy to live here, they're not going to want to go anywhere else."
"Security always comes before prosperity because you can't have prosperity without security."
"Reopening schools is going to stabilize our society. I think it's the number one most important thing we can do to stabilize our society from top to bottom."
"If there are still 10 people who are willing to tell the truth, then all hell will not break loose."
"The only way to lose in the United States will be if we tear it down from the inside."
"It is our job to usher in an era of normalcy."
"Our economy is so great, so great, that you have to have a law against evicting people, and not a law, you have to have a temporary mandate against evicting people because if you evict people, the society would... well, then it'll just fall apart."
"People seek out prototypical leaders to reduce uncertainty... and seek stability where they can find it."
"I think it's going to lead to our ruin as a country if we don't have some law and order again." - Dave Anthony
"Understanding population demographics is key to stability."
"The family was always seen as the bedrock of social stability."
"We have to come together as one nation, or we will cease to be a nation."
"You cannot have a system run by those willing to engage in violence. That is the beginning of the end."
"Recognize these foundations, agree upon them, and everything is not an existential crisis."
"And the concern that I have is what if the breakage that we need to worry about is not a financial one, what if it's a societal one?"
"There's a paradox of intolerance... If you're tolerant of the intolerant, your society is going to fail."
"Let peace reign... we can't afford for Lagos to be on fire." - Call for peace and order
"Democracy and freedom are hard to come by. We mustn't allow cognitive warfare to tear apart Taiwanese society."
"We need to stop the risk of civil war and deeply fragmented societies."
"The Integrity of our justice system hangs in the balance."
"The ruling class knows how wobbly this tower has become."
"The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony."
"The basic framework remains fear of rival political majorities."
"Every society is three missed meals away from chaos."
"If there are no standards, nothing works, everything falls apart."
"Unless unity and order are kept even above liberty, if necessary, if there is a clash, we're in danger."
"Pure meritocracy is not especially conservative... they provide stability, they encourage affection for institutions."
"A nation has to have a sense of national unity in order to survive."
"The goal of an election is to convince the losers that they lost and to participate."
"I hate revolutions cuz they never improve anyone's life and Hungary again is a model for how you can preserve your dignity you can have a pro-human society without anybody without screaming and without blowing up what you already have it's awesome."
"Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty."
"When you erode justice and the rule of law, the entire system starts to fall apart."
"Order does come back quicker than you think it will come back."
"To achieve long-term stability, we need both peace and prosperity."
"As long as we're playing within the rules of capital, even if we achieve those things, they will never be stable or safe."
"Crime will contribute to weakening... the rule of law is an absolute necessity."
"Civilization is just several meals away from ending. If people are hungry, then things can change quite drastically."
"Is this next couple of years going to be utter chaos yes could it you know devolve into into something worse yes is it going to be the end of our country I don't believe so."
"It's more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed people."
"What an amazing world where the power is in the consumer."
"What happens when you get rid of the circus and there ain't enough bread?"
"Inclusion is a national security imperative..."
"States which have good social cohesion and their fiscal house in order are the most likely to weather the storm."
"Democracy can be destroyed if there is no discipline."
"The principles of God's law passed down from generation to generation bring peace and prosperity to our lives."
"We need a strong middle class this stuff is happening."
"The corrective we need is not to tear everything down; we need institutions we can trust."
"Don't forget all the people who said Trump was going to destroy the world and we're still here and everything's fine."
"You want to live in a country where there's rule of law, peace, and a police force."
"Technology can only stave off the inevitable, and if there isn't an equal amount of belief serving as a bedrock for civilization, argues Tob, they will be washed away by the current of time."
"Every society is three meals away from chaos."
"This is a war against the pillars of civilization."
"Environmental change plays a huge role in the stability of societies."
"If you have rule of law, you have prosperity because it unleashes the potential of a society."
"Without slaves, we will be overtaken by the dragon of chaos."
"We preserved our society through all these troubles."
"Fear God, love your fellow man, value life, and for goodness sake, stop trying to fundamentally change America."
"Freedom of speech is like a table, weaken one, weaken all."
"Human beings require certainty, and if you take that communicative functionality out of language, then language becomes worthless."
"In a healthy system, you can have wild dissent and it's not threatening. In an unhealthy system, the dissent becomes much more dangerous."
"Society wouldn't survive in our current structure if everyone became completely apathetic."
"An educated public is the keystone to our arc of government."
"Families are good, the normative family, the mother and father sticking together for the sake of the children is the only basis for a safe and functioning Society."
"Within 20 years, almost everyone agreed that his policies had saved Athens from a violent revolution. There's lessons in history, ladies and gentlemen."
"We can handle a war, a disaster, internal conflict, but not having the truth? That's something we can't handle."
"Now, being a grown-ass man, you know, I kind of like having an established society where you can go to the grocery store and buy food without having to run into a band of killers."
"Education is very important because that's what avoids the chaos."
"Chances are it's not going to be full-blown Mad Max... there is still going to be some measure of a legal system that remains."
"Democracy is like a pressure relief valve. If you shut that off, the pressure doesn't go away, it just breaks out elsewhere."
"People are not going to commit acts of violence because of Joker."
"What matters is that we have systems and institutions in place that allow for the continued differentiation of the body politic."
"You can't live in a society where you start denying gravity. Buildings, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly."
"True peace cannot be established until there is justice."
"The royal family in Great Britain is currently a pillar of Western civilization."
"Civilization rests on a series of successful conversations."
"Thank God we still have a rule of law in this country."
"Join the fight against the destabilization of our very civilization."
"If we don't have respect for the law, that's the true threat to democracy."
"The future of Liberty and the prospects for a sustainable social order... civilization."
"No society is more than three missed meals away from chaos."
"The moral structures of the Ten Commandments provide the grounding for a social fabric."
"If that foundation continues to crumble, the society on top of it's gonna crumble along with it."
"Every society rests in the last person on the recognition of common principles and common ideals, and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members, it must inevitably fall to pieces."
"You can build the coolest, most fancy liberal democracy in the universe, but unless you're willing to defend it against attacks, like, it doesn't mean anything because it can always be dismantled given enough time."
"Every society rests on the recognition of common principles and common ideals, and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members, it must inevitably fall to pieces."
"If the political order breaks down, political violence will be justified to preserve the order."
"Society cannot exist in a state of constant war; peace is required for true change and evolution."
"If participants in an economy are not guaranteed some level of stability in their day-to-day lives and if they don't have confidence in the systems that make up that economy, well then you don't really have an economy at all."
"Can a Western Society survive when people want to destroy it?"
"If you destroy the family, law and order, and education, there is nothing else you can do that will make up for it."
"Public order is integral to ensuring democracy prospers."
"Death Stranding is a system for societal sanity, designed around teaching players the social contract."
"Freedom of speech is actually the fundamental method by which our societies manage to maintain the stability that they do maintain."
"A male priesthood actually is a preventative against that kind of a collapse, it holds together the distinctives that are necessary within the very operation of the world within the operation of society."
"People always need something to believe in; if they don't, they fall apart pretty rapidly."
"Humans have built institutions... and if we stop maintaining these institutions, then war and plague and famine will come back in an even worse form than ever before."
"Remove fathers, and watch society crumble."
"The entire problem of collapse has perhaps been falsely conceived by popular writers like Jared Diamond, but also many archaeologists. Collapse tends to imply that ancient states were relatively stable and well-governed, with leaders who understood their societies."
"Love of God is obviously important for Spinoza but from the point of view of the stability of society, it's the command to love your neighbor as yourself that's really central."
"How can a decent Society remain stable in a world dominated by greed, anxiety, and self-interest?"
"If you couldn't expect most people to tell the truth most of the time, society would collapse."
"Maybe I have too much faith in humanity, but I'd like to think that people aren't going to become quite that unhinged within like a week or so."
"If they cannot resolve this contradiction, China will flame out."
"The family nuclear unit is able to keep our society together."
"Our society has been built over these years and it's running pretty smoothly."
"Only through a strong civic constraint, legal and civic... can you create a long-term stable society."
"If everybody was doing that to each other, you could never have any sort of stable society like we do today."
"Investments in youth entrepreneurship and education are some of our best antidotes that we have to that kind of disorder."
"Marriage is about providing stability to society."
"If massive technology disruption does not create stable societies where most people's lives are getting better, then you've got to bridge the two."
"The purpose of the family is to secure society."
"Media is a very important thing in stabilizing democracy."
"Relationships help make the world safe."
"Democracy is a necessary condition for holding diversities together."