
Bitcoin Quotes

There are 4173 quotes

"Based on my research, I think it's very likely that Bitcoin is going to break its all-time high soon."
"I believe Bitcoin will personally hit a new all-time high right around April 1st."
"A $100,000 Bitcoin by the end of this year really isn't off the table."
"People tend to overestimate the initial impact of the US Bitcoin ETF and in the long term, people tend to underestimate the impact of Bitcoin."
"The demand for Bitcoin is becoming insatiable."
"The most important result of this is the ETFs themselves represent regulatory clarity for Bitcoin as the institutional-grade crypto asset."
"Bitcoin adoption is being driven by the progressive global loss of confidence in fiat currencies."
"Now, after Bitcoin, you have for the first time in human history the ability to buy not a barrel of oil but Bitcoin, and you put it on your phone."
"When you lose faith in the bank, the currency, and the government, the answer is you can trust Bitcoin because you can custody your own asset."
"The strongest money in the world is Bitcoin because Bitcoin is absolutely capped at 21 million; it is global money."
"Bitcoin is a bank in cyberspace, run by incorruptible software."
"Bitcoin is good money; Bitcoin is good for the world; Bitcoin is global freedom."
"Bitcoin is the one asset in the world that no one can control."
"Bitcoin used to be considered...as a currency. They're not thinking that way anymore. They're looking at it as a property."
"You want to own bitcoin as property, and that's where I think we're going."
"Anytime people say, 'Oh, I know the ceiling on the price of bitcoin,' they have no idea. It could go anywhere."
"Bitcoin... takes the forces of nature... and spits out the greatest form of order that we as human beings use in the social realm, which is money."
"Bitcoin sanctifying the sovereignty of the individual is actually tilting individuals towards doing something good rather than something bad."
"Bitcoin is a phenomenon that I'm very interested in but know very little about."
"Bitcoin allows you to own something in an extreme form of ownership that is not represented in any other domain of life."
"Bitcoin's radical transparency and distribution defy central authority, offering a unique trust mechanism in the digital realm."
"This opportunity right now, over the next 5-10 years, is exceptionally good in Bitcoin, on a risk-reward basis the best it's ever been."
"Bitcoin is actually the next generation of money."
"Bitcoin overall, actually has that potential to operate on a network effect as well."
"If he is saying 'We are at war against Bitcoin,' then I would say to him, 'No sir, you have lost the war against Bitcoin a long time ago.'"
"There will never be more than 21 million Bitcoin."
"At the bottom of Bitcoin, I've found life, liberty, property right - it's what Western civilization is based on."
"El Salvador became the first in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender."
"Bitcoin was created by someone who goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto."
"There's a lot of tech use in blockchain. There's a lot of power behind Bitcoin. There's a lot of power behind the technology behind Ethereum."
"There's a limited supply of Bitcoin in the world... once 21 million Bitcoins are created, you cannot create or print any more Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin itself has a limited supply, there is a 21 million cap of bitcoin, which means it's deflationary."
"If you believe in the value of Bitcoin, it's another way for you to save money and actually get a return on your money."
"Bitcoin is digital property. We are sucking the monetary energy out of houses, bars of gold, silver, bonds, stocks, and collectibles."
"Bitcoin is the Apex property of the human race. There's nothing better, everything else is riskier."
"I think Bitcoin is the Apex property, so it's definitely the safest lease impaired property."
"My primary investment would be Bitcoin because it has the potential to go up by a factor of a hundred."
"Bitcoin doesn't need to do anything other than just stay secure with integrity."
"Bitcoin has the least risk of any crypto by an order of magnitude... it's the least ambitious."
"Digital property, Bitcoin is electric money, and figure out how to roll it out to billions and billions of people."
"Bitcoin, you could just give property to five billion people."
"If Apple and Google roll out Bitcoin on their devices, that will be the single most important signal that we could have."
"Since we know it's volatile, you just need to take at least a four-year time frame and ideally a 10-year time frame."
"The real power of bitcoin is bitcoin is digital energy and until you figure it out, you're missing the fundamental insight."
"Every successful investment idea in the 21st century was a digital transformation. Bitcoin is the digital transformation of property, gold, and energy."
"Bitcoin frees us from all of that and... it's really primed for the digital expansion of the internet."
"Bitcoin is the apex property of the human race. There is no property invented in the history of mankind that is better than Bitcoin. Not land, not gold, not silver, not stocks, not bonds, not the giant stone coin of the Yap people, not NFTs, not art, not baseball cards. Nothing."
"There were two assets that significantly beat the balance sheet and are above 2008, and that's Bitcoin and the NASDAQ."
"If there's a limited supply of Bitcoin, more people are buying in, the value goes up."
"Bitcoin is a time machine. It is a perpetual machine that just stamps out blocks one after the other that are irreversible and over time, with each block that occurs without any downtime, with the reliability that it shows, it gains value from its time and its history in the market."
"Bitcoin changes the equation... it's a technological construct that has ubiquitous global scarcity."
"Bitcoin fixes that. Bitcoin allows you to just exit the system."
"Once you exit that system, you become relentlessly optimistic."
"Bitcoin is absolutely scarce, so it's better than gold in that respect."
"Bitcoin isn't volatile; it's actually just reflecting the chaos in the fiat currency market."
"The U.S. dollar in the fiat money world is in a hyperinflationary collapse right now against Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is not the bubble, Tim. It's the pin."
"Bitcoin is the best asymmetric opportunity that I've seen in 30 plus years of managing risk."
"I've maybe seen three asymmetric opportunities in my lifetime; I missed one, I got one, now I have Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin solves my biggest concern with the world, which is fiat money."
"Bitcoin is rat poison because what's the rat? Fiat currency is the rat, and Bitcoin is the rat poison."
"Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer currency...it's how we can send money over the Internet without having a middleman."
"Bitcoin is a constructive story about destroying the old."
"Bitcoin fixes that; Bitcoin fixes everything."
"I saw Bitcoin really early on and got wildly excited about it."
"The Bitcoin community is one of the best communities to take on the future."
"If you hold it long enough, [Bitcoin] does extremely well; it does better than the FED balance sheet, better than any other asset in existence."
"Bitcoiners are wildly optimistic because they believe that you can monetize a completely new system from scratch."
"The significance of Bitcoin is it's a technology for you to avoid becoming impoverished."
"If you're on the Bitcoin standard, nobody could print more Bitcoin and deprive you of your monetary energy."
"Bitcoin, all it needs to do to succeed is exactly what it's been doing flawlessly for 13 years, it just needs to continue to exist."
"There's no truthful barometer for the debasement of fiat currency; Bitcoin is like an irrepressible barometer."
"Bitcoin is re-instituting skin in the game for everyone in the world."
"Bitcoin is here to stay because it's indestructible. It's been through ups and downs, it's crashed, governments tried to stop it."
"I've never felt stronger about the need and the use case for Bitcoin for fighting tyranny and our only real option for freedom."
"Bitcoin's second greatest achievement is offering a Lifeboat out of a system that's designed to collapse."
"Bitcoin loves a crisis; it's built for a crisis. It was given birth to because of the global financial crisis."
"Bitcoin's most convicted long-term holders are still holding, even though they are at unrealized profit levels that usually occur at the cycle's peak."
"If you're going to debase my currency, I'm going to buy a currency that by definition cannot be debased."
"Bitcoin is the freest of all the markets in terms of lack of manipulation."
"The long-term holders are hitting all-time highs; few are selling, although some of the short-term holders are selling as well."
"Bitcoin became a legitimate asset class for money runners."
"At the end of the day, Bitcoin is objectively the world's best money due to its superior monetary properties."
"Don't bet against Bitcoin. If you want to lose money really, really fast, the fastest way to do so is to short Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is just getting bigger and stronger and no one is stopping it."
"The idea that bitcoin should be an inflation hedge stems from its fixed supply."
"Bitcoin is the only system that, for me, it brings fairness and equity to the world."
"Bitcoin solves climate change... because it forces technology to do its job and save you time and reduce prices."
"Bitcoin... allows for an equitable world. It allows for prices to fall. You're not wasting your time on this treadmill."
"Bitcoin fell to prices not seen since 400 p.m. yesterday."
"Bitcoin is at $61,000, actually it's higher than it was at 4:00 yesterday."
"If we get close to 58 to 60k, that's where you buy with both hands."
"If you have the fundamental belief that Bitcoin will become the global currency of the world, then one Bitcoin will make you more wealthy than a lot of the millionaires that are around today."
"Bitcoin is the great equalizer of society, taking away power from the bureaucrats and the government."
"We're seeing Bitcoin sitting at 35 a six about right now, still rising."
"The world's largest pension fund is exploring Bitcoin as an investment."
"Bitcoin was a billion-dollar network a decade ago and now it's a trillion-dollar network."
"Bitcoin is kind of in a league of its own. It is this decentralized thing; it's the most secure and also I think that there's like the least amount of [__] which I think is a really key piece to this."
"I'm the man of the people. I'm the Bitcoiner of the people. I'm in solidarity with you."
"When Bitcoin dropped from twenty thousand to three thousand, eighty-five percent of people who had held it at twenty thousand didn't sell."
"The most important thing behind Bitcoin is not the currency. The key factor is the blockchain."
"Bitcoin is open source; you can do whatever you want with it."
"The beauty of Bitcoin is it's easily transferable, it's anonymous, and by 2140 there's going to be 21 million and that's the cap."
"The promise of Bitcoin is that you're directly sending this currency to another person, and then the Bitcoin network performs the function that normally PayPal or bank or your credit card company would perform."
"Bitcoin is going to change the world. It's changing the world already."
"Bitcoin can't really be co-opted. The fact that it's decentralized means no one can control it, no matter who they are or how much money they have."
"Bitcoin is not neutral. You cannot remove the political component that Satoshi implanted in Bitcoin from Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is like a report card on how the government's doing."
"Bitcoin has the only thing that actually matters in this entire game. In order to have a non-state currency, you need full decentralization. If you do not have decentralization, you will fail."
"Bitcoin is the strongest computing network in the world. There's no computer or computer network in the world stronger than Bitcoin. It has the best cyber defense."
"It's been doing exactly what it said it would do, what Satoshi said it would do, perfectly for 13 years."
"I feel a great deal of peace of mind holding the most certain asset the world's ever had amid conditions of the greatest uncertainty."
"Bitcoin is fundamentally a humanitarian movement exposing the greatest con in human history: central banking."
"Bitcoin liberates us from the systemic, uninsurable theft perpetrated by central banking."
"Hyperbitcoinization is a virtuous cycle from Bitcoin's perspective."
"Do you see a point where we no longer denominate Bitcoin in dollars, where Bitcoin's value is relative to itself, and things are ultimately denominated in Bitcoin? Absolutely."
"Learning about what Bitcoin is forced me to become a better person, forced me to educate myself, forced me to read between the lines."
"My mission is not to get people to buy Bitcoin, it's to get people to think critically about what is happening."
"Bitcoin is being self-sovereign, it is being free. It's taking responsibility for your actions and just not following the herd."
"Bitcoin's the most popular investment asset in the history of the world."
"Bitcoin is a money virus nobody's ever defended anything successfully; there is only attack and attack and attack some more."
"Buy Bitcoin, fine, but you have to own gold as your insurance."
"What's genius about Bitcoin is it's its own sovereign. It's apolitical."
"Bitcoin is the first of its kind; it's not perfect, but it shows you that there is a new technological revolution like the printing press that is here right now."
"Bitcoin's the most efficient monetary system we've yet to implement successfully."
"At the age of 12, he bought bitcoins using a one thousand dollar gift from his grandmother; by the time he reached 18, they were worth 1 million dollars."
"Bitcoin should soon become an essential part of any portfolio... for investors like you and I and for large institutions like hedge funds."
"A 5% allocation to Bitcoin would have boosted the cumulative return of the traditional portfolio by 65% since 2014."
"This is why Bitcoin was born. It was the first form of money that removes the need for a central authority."
"The Bitcoin Farm...it would take just under 90 days at the moment with current bitcoin prices to pay itself off."
"Bitcoin recently surpassed $10,000 per coin, a very big mental number."
"By the block reward having taking place...Bitcoin would then increase in price."
"Satoshi Nakamoto created the world's first blockchain and then used it to create the world's first decentralized currency, Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is free market money that runs on the internet and isn't controlled by a political entity or central bank."
"Bitcoin's going to be the next global reserve currency, and every single person in the industry is completely underestimating this thing."
"Bitcoin is not only the hardest, soundest money we've ever seen in the world, but I think that it is the absolute apex predator in financial markets."
"Bitcoin is going to outperform gold... I could see gold at 4,000 so that's a double, but if gold's at 4,000, Bitcoin is probably somewhere between 300 and 500,000."
"For me, Bitcoin is much bigger than gold. Bitcoin is an entire network."
"Gold is important as a store of value and a hedge against fiat. Bitcoin is bigger than that."
"Bitcoin is a path-dependent, one-time invention; its critical breakthrough is the discovery of absolute scarcity, a monetary property never before and never again achievable by mankind."
"The reason why big boys like Paul Tudor Jones and Druckenmiller... are buying Bitcoin is because they see it as a better version of gold."
"Bitcoin has compounded like 200% annually for a decade. There's nothing in the traditional world that's doing that."
"With an absolutely fixed supply, Bitcoin will restore the clarity of these economic price signals that are so critical to proper capital allocation, risk assessment, and entrepreneurial coordination across space-time."
"Money's like economic water, and when it comes to price signals, fiat currency is inscrutably murky...Bitcoin is the opposite; it is crystal clear."
"Bitcoin is the most credible monetary policy in human history, now competing the least trustworthy monetary policies in human history."
"Bitcoin is changing the global economy in a profound way that we're all waking up to right now."
"Bitcoin is very native to the Millennials and Gen Z; they relate to it a lot easier than they do gold."
"Bitcoin is on a journey to a much higher price and changing the global economy in a profound way."
"Bitcoin is a runaway freight train... it's beyond the reach of any centralized group, authority, or assemblage of money or technology to stop."
"The beauty of Bitcoin: you're basically a VC investor in the future of money."
"People are turning to cryptocurrency as a safe haven, especially Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is here to stay, and a big part of that reason is because of renewable energy."
"Bitcoin is accelerating the efficiency and making those renewable energy sources better and cheaper over time because there is so much demand from the world of crypto to adopt these renewable energy sources."
"Bitcoin is like literally having a Swiss bank account in your pocket."
"If Bitcoin can become a global reserve currency 3.0, Bitcoin will easily go to a million dollars plus."
"Bitcoin is a million times better than gold."
"Bitcoin has no head, there's no call center, there's no CEO, nobody controlling it."
"I put just about all of my liquid net worth at that time into Bitcoin and Bitcoin startups and just plowed every last bit of everything, time, energy, and money, that I could."
"This money you can send and receive with anyone anywhere in the world instantly, basically for free. No one can freeze your account, nobody can block it, nobody can control it in any way."
"That's been the goal for me, and that was absolutely without any doubt the goal of the early bitcoin community, was building the tools for people to be able to buy and sell anything with anyone anywhere in the world and not need permission."
"El Salvador adopts Bitcoin as legal tender and explores federal Bitcoin mining powered by volcanoes."
"Bitcoin -- and the digital currency revolution it has started -- is best demonstrated and experienced, than explained."
"Forget everything you think you know about Bitcoin. Forget everything you've heard about blockchains. Let's start from basics."
"Bitcoin isn't just money. The blockchain isn't a system of currency. It is a platform of trust."
"Bitcoin is the first system of money that is not controlled by any [single] entity, that is completely decentralized."
"Bitcoin is the largest cryptographic deployment in the world, the largest public key infrastructure in the world, the largest security honeypot in the world and it is not secure because it doesn't get attacked. It is secure because it generates immunity by being attacked all the time."
"It is a gift to the entire world. It represents the sixth greatest innovation in money, the most ancient technology of our civilization."
"Bitcoin's a little high right now, but if you get into it, I feel like Bitcoin's gonna go up to like a hundred thousand. So I just feel like it can get to the next level easy."
"Bitcoin was invented so you wouldn't have to custody, you could do self-custody, self-sovereignty."
"Bitcoin solves the problem of preserving value in a world where fiat currencies lose purchasing power over time."
"Bitcoin is not a Ponzi scheme; it's not a pyramid scheme."
"Bitcoin is more fundamental as a store of value than as a medium of exchange."
"It's impossible for any government to shut down Bitcoin."
"Historically, every time Bitcoin makes a fresh new all-time high, the market tends to see some short-term volatility and even sharp corrections."
"The uncensorability of Bitcoin is why I got into it."
"Bitcoin is money that moves at the speed of information, which is really, really nice for a lot of things."
"Because of the math behind Bitcoin, there can never be more than 21 million bitcoins, and that means that there's a fixed supply."
"Bitcoin set to replace gold says Bloomberg strategist on Bretton Woods 50th Anniversary."
"Bitcoin is just the first use case of blockchain technology."
"There's been many efforts, they've all died until Bitcoin to crack that riddle that we talked about, peer-to-peer money without a central authority."
"Everything in Bitcoin, everything in Ethereum has key pairs, public key and private key, a digital signature."
"Bitcoin is a fairly unique project in how it has this kind of mythical, quasi-god-like founder who just kind of popped in, did the thing, and disappeared."
"Bitcoin is a system that is made out of a network protocol, some core cryptographic functions, and a set of game theoretical equilibrium systems that dynamically adjust."
"Bitcoin fits into the history of money because, like fiat currencies and like gold, it doesn't necessarily have any inherent monetary value, but it's a societal set of norms that people are accepting it as having value."
"Bitcoin will win because there is no competition in money, and Bitcoin is the best money currently available."
"I can send a billion dollars of Bitcoin anywhere in the world without anyone knowing about it."
"The use of Bitcoin is particularly vital in the developing world where billions of people are without basic banking services."
"The reason that I think Bitcoin is not going to go away is because people are actually using it."
"It's just really staggering to put things into perspective how small Bitcoin is on the grand scheme of things."
"A reliable e-cash, a method whereby on the Internet you can transfer funds from A to B without A knowing B or B knowing A."
"Bitcoin provides monetary sovereignty outside the control of government policy."
"Bitcoin is the most superior monetary technology that has ever existed."
"Bitcoin has perfected all of the properties or services we seek in money."
"Everything in the world has always been relatively scarce... but with Bitcoin, we have perfected that property of scarcity."
"Bitcoin causes government to shrink over time dramatically."
"Bitcoin is a peaceful protest, frankly, against this economic tyranny that we've come to see in government."
"We're all George, so I'm back and I'm here to give the latest update on the Ukraine crisis and to give some hope for Bitcoin holders."
"Bitcoin is the best asset to hold, especially with what's going on right now."
"Bitcoin is closing in on a trillion dollar market cap."
"You can think of Bitcoin like being able to send a gold coin as easily as you send an email."