
Financial Optimism Quotes

There are 417 quotes

"A $100,000 Bitcoin by the end of this year really isn't off the table."
"Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways."
"Money is always going to come one way or the other."
"Every bear market in the history of the United States has led to a bull market."
"Here's to you having the greatest financial year of your life."
"Recession is not for people who are coming up to worry about. If anything, you should be pumped up about a recession if you are broke right now."
"When you start seeing the number 777 in that sequence, that means more money is coming to you."
"It looks like the dust has really settled from what was a crazy, crazy market dip, and it looks like the market is set for a full recovery."
"Green is good, and every green day is a good day."
"I still believe we'll at least hit that 100k."
"Last week I was very bullish going into the weekend and it turned out to be quite good."
"This economy is one that keeps surprising to the upside strictly because of how strong income is."
"When Bitcoin finally bounces, the alts are going to bounce tremendously well."
"All right, on sale! Innovation is on sale, and oh, by the way, the bull market has broadened out. It has now embraced value and more cyclical stocks."
"I'm a long-term dollar bull and when it breaks over 103, maybe, Brent, you and I will have a milkshake party."
"That's one of the most bullish signals you can possibly see in all of cryptocurrency."
"In my opinion, it'd be a nice buying opportunity."
"Bitcoin could very well be a mid-cycle correction, setting up for a rally not only back to the all-time highs at 65k but also possibly towards six-digit territory."
"This is the time where the real money is made when it is darkest and when things are the lowest."
"Your angels want you guys to know that you can't go after that goal that dream money is on the way and if you guys kind of get out of the victim consciousness just a little bit you'll see how much you're winning with this Empress energy."
"It's truly a good Friday. Your portfolio will rise again. It needs to be resurrected."
"There will be another great opportunity for an expansion in a multi-year bull market."
"You truly are headed towards financial abundance."
"I think we could easily like minimum I think we're going to do a 6x."
"Timing is everything. I personally believe that we are the very beginning stages of the last part of this bull market."
"Being long equities makes sense. Being long innovation makes sense."
"We will not miss this bull run and when this settlement and/or case ends, all hell will break loose in our favor."
"Your financial situation is going to improve."
"Bitcoin is over 48,000; we're going straight to 50. From 50, we'll go to 63..."
"It's going up forever Laura I'm not sure if you know what that means but that's the famous Michael Saylor talking to Laura Shin okay it's going higher because it is the best store of value and hard asset in a world where fiat currency is debasing."
"Historically, a market like this, that's a bull run that the world's never seen before."
"Money grows on trees, there's no great depression."
"Snapchat comes in with a better than expected forecast."
"Bitcoin will still be a hundred thousand dollars this year. I'm still 100%. We are just stocking up."
"Life-changing money is to Just Keep On Believing in where this is heading."
"Your money's gonna [ __ ] get you're gonna get a ton of money soon somehow some way something about to make the big bucks."
"When one of them pumps, all of them are going to pump. They're all going to get stupid valuations. So it's just like throw it on the table."
"I am fairly gosh darn certain that we have seen the local bottom for now."
"Hold it, okay? We're gonna eventually go back up."
"An abundance of money coming in for you in the next 30 days."
"Our properties are performing above expectations, and we anticipate significant debt reduction."
"I want to lift up everyone's spirits and remind us of the good times we had together during that crazy period where it seemed like you could just throw a dart at the board and make money."
"If Tesla is going to $7,000 in the next four years, buying at $800 is kind of a steal."
"Some of these will do a hundred x possibly in the next year alone."
"Sideways is good. We've made higher highs, we've made higher lows, and we are looking really, really good."
"Investors are starting to buy stocks in anticipation of a recovery in earnings."
"The market just consolidates sideways and that's actually net bullish."
"It's actually a time to have your eyes light up and think wow, thank you for giving me another opportunity to buy at ten thousand dollars."
"Your financial situation of the past does not have to be your financial situation of the future."
"We're making money again; this feels pretty good."
"Grace yourself for a windfall of cash this week."
"Every single time so far it's gone back up after dipping every single time without exception."
"If you were smart enough to buy in when it was down, it's probably gonna keep going up."
"Money is going to be on the up and up for you."
"We're already making money too that's the cool thing."
"When you know what you hold and you have the cash to spend, red days become your favorite days."
"Wow, what a move. What a move, this is such a bullish signal."
"I am long the S&P... at least over the next few months."
"We're about to see a bull market that no one's ever seen before."
"I think both of them could do a 10x from here that would not be unreasonable."
"Hang on, it's October, Bitcoin is ready to explode."
"Three most bullish months of any year: October, November, December."
"I know I'll make my hundred dollars back and then some on this pile here."
"It's just so nice to get one of these green days on the market."
"Cut through the BS and see through people's lies."
"Financial blessings and abundance are coming your way."
"You're moving right into abundance with your finances and with love."
"Just because you get a car note doesn't mean you're going to be in debt forever."
"There's a lot of money coming, an end of a matter and a beginning of a new matter, there is abundance coming to you."
"Crypto has always returned from every crash it's ever had."
"Long-term holder net positions are continuing to increase, suggesting bullish sentiment."
"I think there's a really decent chance this one will outperform SPY."
"We're never going below $6,000 again, my friends. These degenerates wrecked, decimated, plunged into the crypto abyss."
"The pinnacle: money's coming your way, the wheel is turning in your favor."
"It's never going to drop in value, this thing is A1 and it's only going to go up."
"Bitcoin is going to 500,000, a million dollars."
"All the marbles are in play... we could be looking at a situation where we see massive green candles."
"This is the greatest wealth opportunity of our entire lives, probably multiple lives, probably hundreds of years."
"Your money is going in the right direction, with a raise or promotion on the way."
"I truly believe these companies will trounce the S P 500 over the next 10 years."
"XRP to the moon, baby, that's what we're gonna do."
"We're always a day or two away from a massive rally."
"This bull market is going to be the craziest of our lives."
"Do not fear, you're going to transform your whole financial situation."
"We may see a rebound here which we expect, you can expect Bitcoin to do four times as well and that's why I think we're still going above a hundred thousand dollars this year."
"Upstart, literally going to the freaking moon."
"Bitcoin is tremendous cuz it ain't never finished."
"Those crazy people that said their projections of 50 to even 100 billion in the future were not that crazy."
"We're about to see financial blessings that we can't even comprehend."
"We're in a V-shaped recovery, it's a super V."
"Unexpected money is coming to your home today. Accept this as true with me, and in a few hours, you will be smiling and sharing this great news with your loved ones filled with joy and happiness."
"Expect a significant increase in your funds and financial relief."
"Xiaomi has the best 200 phone and the best 400 phone in the game, period."
"Your financial situation is about to improve in a very nice way."
"It's been bullish ever since, pretty much, but we just had a big development."
"Money looks fantastic, your money is going to continue to improve."
"Every single time this happens, it's more bullish than bearish..."
"This next year is going to be a really good year... at least financially."
"Your transformation card this year is the end of financial worries."
"It's entirely possible this could be the beginning of the longest bull market run we have ever seen."
"Gold, I'm still a huge bull on... big money's buying gold, that means it's going up." - Gareth Soloway
"Bitcoin explodes upwards passionately rejecting the bears and printing a course to new all-time highs."
"The moment we break through these highs is when we start the big acceleration."
"The landscape has changed. I'm more bullish. I think the government's going to adopt it as the primary currency."
"You're gonna have more than enough by the end of this month."
"No more financial issues to whoever this message is for, trust me."
"This is a great buying opportunity for T Fuel."
"Most of the technical analysis is bullish on bitcoin."
"I personally think it looks a lot more bullish than it does bearish right now."
"This month can be very positive in terms of career growth and financial gains."
"If we continue up, we hit this 90,000... That's a hundred thousand right around the corner."
"I just don't see too much downside with today's price."
"You're gonna start flowing to exactly where you need to be."
"I see massive upside and such low downside at these prices. The risk reward ratio is absolutely massive."
"Max and Stacy predict that prosperity will pour."
"XRP is the best investment in the crypto space."
"I'm confident that this will continue to trend up over time."
"This county is gonna be insane for us in terms of making money."
"Higher lows and now we're really seeing a pump."
"Exciting career and money breakthroughs look for the fullness of that around October 2nd where you're going to go whoa, that's what that's about, I'm so excited."
"Expect positive financial change in your life."
"This is a hundred and twelve percent 112 percent of upside."
"For Ethereum, the number I'm looking at, I don't think there's any way Ethereum does not go over fifteen thousand dollars in the cycle."
"I see $500,000 for one bitcoin in five years, totally doable."
"Historically, a very bullish sign and it means no more downside from here at the very least you would agree with that."
"It's a wild, crazy time where it looks like things are going well if you don't understand what's happening."
"Equity in Hertz Global Holdings previously dismissed as worthless as the company declared bankruptcy in late May was bid up dramatically up 77 percent and up 825 percent since its lows."
"That is a good sign, means momentum's coming to the upside."
"The next 12 weeks will be extremely bullish... at least."
"You'll be satisfied with what comes towards you in the future financially wise."
"A gigantic price increase is just a matter of time."
"I remain optimistic for the future prospects of both gold and bitcoin."
"AMC and GME to the moon, Ryan Cohen can now put my plan into play." 🌕
"I think bitcoin will make it easily to 300k next market cycle."
"The news is as it has been for the last couple of weeks that the cryptocurrency Market looks ripping roaring and ready to go to move up a lot higher."
"When markets are bad, that's when we leak our best alpha."
"Bitcoin will hit a million dollars sooner than people realize."
"I wouldn't worry about that. Crypto will be fine."
"Don't feel bad about not putting more in, just be happy about the gains you made."
"You can definitely just sit on that knowing that in I think in the next year or two that we're going to see massive appreciation for Ethereum."
"I'm feeling real bullish about you, little bro."
"Total financial abundance is what I'd say to you, love it."
"There's always a bull market somewhere and I promise to help you find it."
"It's definitely the odds are way more bullish than they are bearish."
"They're bullish on it because we see the pattern of higher lows."
"If you are looking for good news today on the numbers, this is good news."
"I hardly consider that to be stagnant. Last seven days, it's up 31%."
"Your finances looking good... a lot of good stuff happening."
"Remember how down you felt at the time? Bitcoin has climbed nearly ten thousand dollars since then."
"But the reality is that all of this is actually insanely bullish for Bitcoin."
"I think we could head up to 80k pretty soon."
"You add all that up, and I just I remain I see no reason to not remain bullish on gold and silver going forward."
"You're definitely looking at the next three months being a bit of a thrival in your finances."
"Massive upside potential in the stock price."
"The reality is that I'm looking for the potential for this next year or so to be incredibly bullish for the alts."
"Be optimistic about your love life or finances because I see financial gifts are coming towards you."
"Some are very promising, but literally I can't find better assets with least amount of risk and most upside than the ones I'm in."
"There's no doubt that yeah we could have another bottom but that one bottom is in and the question is do you want to leave those types of gains on the table so what I do believe."
"I'm not giving up on it. I think there's legitimate cause to believe that there's a squeeze potential here."
"If you don't see bitcoin as bullish, then you haven't been paying attention."
"We're setting up such an important time right over here as we're about to enter the rip your face off parabolic move."
"Even if it goes to $10, it changes our lives, right?"
"All coins are looking really, really nice recently."
"Even if it takes weeks or months for the rally to resume, that's fine."
"Bitcoin will never go to zero." - Kevin O'Leary
"The writing is on the wall, bitcoin has a very bright future."
"Over the next 10 years, over the long term, the stock market's going to go up."
"Congratulations to all those holders. XRP is pretty bullish. We've got a technical score of 88.3 and the price is sitting at a dollar 19."
"Bitcoin is exceeding all expectations, surpassing all expectations."
"I think the economy is going to bring people together."
"We're on our way and just like Kathy Woods said she thinks that bitcoin will be well over 100k once we hit a billion wallets."
"I think I will 2x my money in the stock over the next 24 months maybe even sooner."
"I bet we can make some good money and these are cool."
"You've made it through all seven baby steps, and cue the Disney music right, it's time for dreams come true, pixie dust, let's go."
"I'm thankful that we're actually getting to do these things because I think it's one of the biggest, best asymmetrical bets that you can place."
"Financially, you're looking like it's going to be on the uprise."
"Double-digit correction means double-digit gains."
"You buy the dips, you dollar cost average and you huddle you hold until life-changing wealth comes at you."
"Plenty of buying opportunities in my opinion."
"When you do what you love, the money will follow."
"Financial Service Experts are confident the digital asset industry will bounce back quickly." - Amy Oldenburg, Morgan Stanley
"This is one of the best weeks in the stock market."
"Here's your case for a 65% move to the upside."
"Let's ride this, Paul. We're going to a dollar, bro, we're going to a dollar."
"A dollar is not the end, it's just the beginning."
"The market always goes on sale... Don't be discouraged because something's at an all-time high."
"Ripple's repurchase of its private shares has some crypto investors feeling bullish about the company's ability to prevail in the SEC case and then IPO possibly this year."
"I think it could be the best earnings ever for Tesla."
"So many people are very bullish on ethereum and where it's going."
"Thought Tesla was a money printing machine today? Just wait till Q4. It's going to blow everyone away."
"There are plenty of signs that the U.S economy is genuinely strong right now."
"Tesla's gonna continue to drive this up, you know, we're gonna probably get another quarter next quarter, you know, maybe above a dollar again."
"Q3 is shaping up to just be like a ridiculous quarter, this quarter is already a ridiculous quarter but definitely looking ahead there's a lot, as I said before, to be excited about."
"Even if we go back down to those levels we can bounce back off of them just like we did in 2019 just like we did in 2020."
"Account took three trades today my account is up by nine point five percent oh beautiful very nice"
"Gold stocks are gonna kill it, in my opinion. I think we can see not only 10 baggers but 20 and 50 baggers maybe more, especially in the Junior space."
"XRP will reach all-time highs and beyond in my opinion and the sky truly is the limit."
"You're gonna see money this month... it's gonna be a game-changer not only in your bank account but also within yourself."
"Having a look at Bitcoin - short term could be a little bit crazy, long term to the moon."
"This is the start of a new bull market... not really any other way to deny it at this stage."