
Government Efficiency Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"People should expect us to make government work for them."
"This is what happens when you elect people to Congress who are not there to make government work."
"We have a machine that works really, really well. It's a brilliant system of government. We just need to get rid of the gunk that's stuck in it."
"We have done a job the likes of which nobody has ever done. The mobilization, getting of equipment, all of the things we've done, nobody's ever done a job like this."
"Bureaucracy is the enemy and my goal would be to diminish it, not elevate it."
"Government is so bureaucratic and slow that a lot of help doesn't get where it needs to quickly."
"It's always a nice surprise hearing that your government's law enforcement is not only doing its job but also doing it in a highly effective and innovative way."
"We just passed 100 million shots twice as fast as the White House said we would."
"It was freaking genius because no matter how sclerotic the U.S federal government is."
"The introduction of faceless assessment and appeal, thereby imparting greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability."
"The government becoming the decider of where the resources go tends to be the least efficient."
"We need to get Washington starting to work more like our best-run cities and towns rather than the other way around."
"I have some very good news we sent out 80 million deposits and less than 1% had even little problems."
"There should be nothing more bipartisan than ensuring American tax dollars aren't stolen by fraudsters."
"The best government is local, local solutions to local problems."
"If the government picked up their pace a little bit and actually did something good with the taxes that they were taking from us..."
"I'm sorry, I just can't get on board with you guys who think that this is super slow and neglectful. To me, this looks extremely aggressive."
"It's important that Americans can see that government can get stuff done, and it's not going to be perfect."
"A unified government would be enormously superior."
"If you have a government staffed by remarkably good minds, taking advantage of world-class infrastructure, I would say the possibility of maintaining good growth is there."
"We're removing unnecessary barriers and delays, not by cutting corners but by marshaling the full power of the federal government."
"Shows you what the government can do when they actually want to..."
"We're cutting the federal permitting timeline for a major project from up to 20 years or more down to two years or less."
"They're supposed to make hard decisions. They're not supposed to read a bill that's 500 pages long in two hours and vote on it and not ever even read it or look at it."
"Don't just focus on the size of government, focus on is it focused on the future or not."
"Nothing is more powerful than the government at its best, also nothing is more useless and inefficient."
"This is an example of when the U.S. government functions properly, maybe something good can actually happen from it."
"The silver lining during the '19 has been the federal government and local governments are recognizing the urgency and efficiency in delivering direct resources to struggling Americans." - Representative Omar
"I'm all about lowering corruption, and getting our government just functioning for regular hard-working Texas families again."
"We need a CEO in the White House to get this done."
"Nick Ferrari thinks people are stuck in Sudan because 'a few civil servants can't take the odd hard word without having to race off to The Priory and have a lie down in a darkened room.'"
"Your life's gonna suck if you're waiting on Washington to fix your life. It's like asking the DMV to be efficient."
"The real best government is the one you don't even notice is working."
"The Supreme Court is very unhappy that the government delays acting on its recommendation."
"I want to streamline programs that are duplicative and redundant."
"The correct way to raise government revenue is the one that delivers equity and efficiency."
"I believe known in big government for big government's sake. What I believe in is effective government."
"The most efficient governments are governments that where there's no corruption, they're forward-leaning, they're data-driven, and they focus on measured outcomes."
"I think AI is going to transform education, the bureaucracy, I think government's going to be better served and do a better job because they can use AI."
"Citizens... are demanding a more efficient and effective government."
"It's not the most efficient to have a republic, but it is one of the more stable systems."
"It should be as easy to deal with the Commonwealth government as it is to buy something on eBay or Amazon."
"The American Technology Council is dedicated to modernizing the federal government's information technology so that it works more efficiently and effectively for everyone."
"...we needed to reinforce the Machinery at the center of government in order to deal with a crisis of this scale and speed."