
Energy Alignment Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Spirituality is when I align myself with the energy in the earth... and also align myself with the energy in the universe."
"When you're the vibrational match between your energy and some potential, now you are going to begin to collapse time and space."
"There's no such thing as a coincidence, we are energetically aligned."
"The more I attune my energy with appreciation, the more the universe will deliver."
"When there's a vibrational match between your energy and that potential that exists in the quantum field, it's going to find you."
"You are a highly intuitive being; when the energy is aligned, the action path will become clear."
"We're transforming ourselves so that we can bring in the correct energy."
"Nobody can make their way into your life unless they vibrate at the same frequency that you do."
"Music is energy, you know saying you got to align your energy correctly and right with god you know you don't want to be listening to this crap."
"You don't have to create it. It's about energetically tuning to it."
"Your energy is now supported and protected more than ever before."
"Our personal vibration, a distinct energy signature, is shaped and reshaped by our daily experiences, thoughts, and actions. This vibrational state, when nurtured, aligns us with frequencies of joy, love, and peace."
"Energy seeks its own kind; positivity attracts positive manifestations."
"You're gonna be in this energy of trusting the divine."
"So yeah, this relationship is moving toward a sacred union, so maybe there won't be a lot of steps in the physical, but maybe there will be some like spiritual energy freeing up to start moving you guys, aligning you guys in that direction."
"Alignment of energetic bodies is crucial for manifestation."
"Know your worth. Look for your energetic match."
"Our energy is speaking to our twin flame and saying, 'I am ready to reconnect with you' because sometimes even if we are saying with our words 'I'm ready for my twin flame to come back,' energy does not lie."
"The fact that you're watching me watch this video means we're all energetically aligned."
"Step into an energy alignment, and watch for signs."
"Your love is within you. What you are seeking is seeking you, and at the same energetic vibration."
"Keep that in mind: the best advice does your mind and what your mind wants align with your energy and what your energy needs not desires because when we get lost into desires we create an illusion."
"A woman who is Happy is a woman who is in her feminine energy."
"You have to match the energy of what you want to get it."
"There's encouragement here so stay stay aware of where these two energies are connecting."
"We need to look at our life from all angles and see what is in alignment, what feels like, 'Yes, this is my same similar energy.'"
"Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn: determined energy."
"The right person will come to you when you are in the right energy."
"You aligned yourself or something here and you're in this real high vibration energy."
"Slowly but surely, I've been avoiding someone or something; it's just not in my vibrational resonance anymore."
"We can not only survive but really thrive in these new energies of the earth through tuning different parts of our brain and our energetic systems in our body to live in harmony with the new electromagnetics that are present."
"Give it some time, Leo, give it a little bit more time to get that kazimi energy connecting the dots for you around the 17th."
"Trust your intuition that you are identifying someone who is vibing at your frequency."
"Relax into your situation, embody the energy you seek."
"The universe has been nudging you to take time out, shed, release, cleanse, realign your own energy, and get step back up into a position of your own empowerment."
"Clean your space, align your energy – preparation for attraction."
"Surround myself with like-minded energies and people."
"They're going to accidentally or just unknowingly start gravitating towards your vibration."
"This is the key to literally magnetizing your energy for these romantic soul connections."
"Being with this person helps you align all of your energy centers in the most perfect way because they see you on such a deep heart level and you two connect on such an open and deep heart level that you are able to truly align your energy in a way that you haven't previously."
"You overcome some of these blocks and you become a magnet for abundance because your own energy is now aligned."
"That's, for me, that was my awakening. Like, just wanting to connect, wanting to have a spiritual connection, wanting to know what it feels like, when, what it is to align with that energy."
"Be open but specific in your vision board, focusing on what resonates with your soul and energy."
"I really trust where the universe is bringing me because although my life isn't exactly the way I envisioned it to be...I feel good about it and I no longer want to accept anything other than someone that matches my energy."
"Everything in the physical world, including all your desires, has specific frequencies you can tap into."
"You're matching the energy of the best things that you want to manifest in your life."
"Match the energy of what you want."
"Stay focused and align with that energy."
"Focus your energy on ensuring that you are aligned with the vibration of what it is that you desire."
"Divine timing is all about the energy being just right."
"We've got to change with that energy or we end up in towers and things like that."
"The body's energy field becomes aligned with its environment, which makes it easier for a person's consciousness to merge with the surroundings."
"You have been really wanting to manifest in your life some loving and lovely connecting energy that is very aligned with yours."