
Market Impact Quotes

There are 862 quotes

"The Bitcoin halving is going to be the biggest event that we've seen in crypto all year long."
"The Fed's actions led the market to historic highs, but some within the central bank believe that this bond buying program needs to end. The sooner, the better."
"This vehicle is 40 to 90 grand. That's about the range of a normal pickup truck. This is the first electric truck that has really penetrated the actual kind of normal space."
"Final Fantasy managed to sell through its entire initial shipment, a testament to the intrigue and excitement surrounding its launch."
"Games don't exist in a vacuum; they're made and then released into the wild to fend for themselves, and the climate they're sent into impacts the game's success just as much as the game's design does."
"There were five-hundred apps available at launch that were downloaded a combined ten million times in just three days."
"If you build a quarter of a million houses a year, there's more houses, less scarcity, the price of them comes down."
"Don't buy these fucking things. Don't be the reason they make more."
"Cryptocurrency executive order sent bitcoin prices surging 13 almost instantaneously."
"You're disrupting the market in a very positive way."
"Bitcoin is braced for a huge 6 billion price earthquake this week."
"GME and roaring kitty changed the world by accident."
"This is very important because these three things affect massive moves in the marketplace."
"Change the entire marketplace for the middleweight sport by category."
"There's no way in hell that anybody is ever going to be able to import a cell phone screen to be able to repair a device ever again except for Samsung and Apple, that's the world that we're heading to here."
"This incredible earnings report caused the stock to surge 18."
"Well, that's blown up because now pre-orders are off the charts. It's going to be a... you know, it's blown up in these people's faces."
"If Apple announced that they bought Bitcoin and they're holding it on their balance sheet, that would be huge. That would be way bigger than what we experienced yesterday with the fake news of Walmart and Litecoin."
"Fortnite didn't even create the battle pass, but they definitely popularized it and made so much Goddamn money that it actually killed off loot boxes."
"What started as a project in late 2007, mere months after the extraordinarily expensive $600 on-contract iPhone had launched, wasn't a threat."
"His popularity took off around the year 2014, and nowadays, the brand carrying his name has a special place in people's minds."
"Critical mass adoption, man, that's when it's going to get really interesting fast."
"I think this is great, and I think this could really... put the nail in the coffin of a Federal Reserve taper."
"This is a potentially game-changing product, one whose importance is likely going to be lost on the enthusiast base but that is going to be embraced by a new listener and a new generation to come."
"The continuing with the hawkish pace that they've got right now will literally drive the stock market to zero."
"Taco Bell is the Golden Goose that's carrying the American market."
"The iPad was in another league in terms of refinement and innovation."
"You can't deny the bitcoin having; it still has a massive effect on the price."
"Starship will pretty quickly eclipse and get all customers that would have been flying Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy missions."
"What we are seeing is a major shift...I wonder if after everyone saw a 30% sales drop from Bud Light for doing this two things happened."
"Suddenly, farmers who were broke had loads of cash, and they were incentivized to produce as much milk as possible because they knew the government would buy it from them."
"In a nutshell Tesla has killed General Motors and we're now witnessing them breathe their final breath."
"Except for Theta, which Theta pumped really hard after we announced we're working with them."
"Red Dead was only out for nine days but yeah, just like Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty is still crushing it."
"With its unique visuals and gameplay, it presented this untapped Market that being what we knocked up as mascot horror."
"It's legitimacy. A huge an EpiPen of legitimacy to crypto."
"A Bitcoin ETF could drive Bitcoin to $100,000."
"The gas War [...] have not only sent gas prices soaring, they've also shaken the very foundations of the market."
"We are turning the world on its ear and letting people know that bare-knuckle is not only here to stay but we are making noise."
"With one single tweet, 365 billion dollars was lost from the entire cryptocurrency market."
"China's latest property crisis is threatening to spill over into the broader economy, worrying investors and causing a broad Market sell-off."
"So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, AMD is really shaking up the market with these new Ryzen 3 processors and the accompanying B550 chipset. It's an exciting time for budget PC builders and gamers alike."
"I think we sold a million copies the first month."
"Crypto is a [__] black hole that is going to absorb every Market in the world."
"Yeah, it seems like it's just part of the Switch effect. Just games Nintendo releases on the Switch, even if they released them last gen, just do well."
"Coinbase reveals dogecoin bombshell as bitcoin and crypto price fears grip the market."
"Tesla sold four gigabyte hours worth of energy storage products... more than 15 percent of the 25 gigawatt-hour global market."
"We gotta get a major coin burn like 300 billion in coin burn."
"Elon has got the power to move, right? He does."
"6 million players is huge, absolutely gigantic."
"You have made the difference, you have influenced the marketplace, you have decided that the quality and the variety of picks needed to be improved."
"This is gonna be a massive haul for the holiday season."
"Apple said that they earn 59.7 billion versus 52.3 billion. They crushed it in every single category."
"The IBM PC was an instant hit, gushed over for its perfect balance of Technology, build quality, and price."
"Tech stocks saved the markets again, lifting the main indexes more than one percent."
"Is the having already priced in I don't think the market has conceptualized what effect a 50% decrease in newly minted Bitcoin will have considering the wildly increasing demand for Bitcoin."
"A small company that shipped games via shareware could get its software onto more computers than the thousand-pound gorilla that was Windows."
"One of the most impressive stories in market history."
"Bitcoin as a macro asset class benefits when the Federal Reserve is keeping policy accommodative."
"Who would have thought, this game's really taking everybody by surprise."
"Stimulus checks getting put into the market? That is such a good thing for the economy."
"The Honda CRV is very, very important to Honda because Honda sells more SI rvs in the United States than all of BMW put together."
"Collectively, these seven companies added $5.1 trillion in market cap just in 2023."
"Disney Plus attracted 10 million subscribers on its first day."
"The brand new M1 MacBook Air, the best laptop released in 2020."
"That's why, and just let's talk Bitcoin, I believe... if there's a trillion dollars worth of buying, if we could provide two things to the institutional buyer."
"The unexpectedly low prices prompted people to call Xiaomi's founder and chairman Le Jun the God of Thunder, sparking a wave of consumer enthusiasm in China."
"IBM brought something really important to the market."
"All the things that you value in life are getting eroded because the market does not care about them."
"We have been given one of the most unique opportunities ever for a small group of retail traders to actually affect incredibly positive change for the entire Wall Street system."
"Bruno Fernandes' value at the moment is probably 100 million."
"This Battery Technology from catl changes the game."
"Ampere really blew away almost everything that came before it... the price of the 3080 TI spiked."
"ETF in the bull and bear market would not have the same effect that it would have in a bull market."
"Lord of the Rings also single-handedly proves the viability of selling adults fantasy."
"Just a little mention of a chip shortage is all it took to take a four percent after-hour gain and turn it into a point seven percent gain."
"The fact is that would be just 1.4 of the world's total oil demand... oil investors aren't losing sleep over it yet."
"Real-time worlds succeeded in spades upon crackdown's 2007 release on Xbox 360, managing to carve out a unique space in a market that had slowly become inundated with Grand Theft Auto lookalikes."
"You know if we look at Ethereum where we look at Solana, you can look at either of them when NFTs are doing well the price of the project tends to do well as well it gets a bump."
"The R5 launch was bigger than any other launch in the past four years."
"Used car prices leap on U.S. economic recovery."
"The effect of these Tesla price cuts has been huge."
"Once NFTs show that there's product market fit and there's real revenues to be made, I think it was pretty obvious for everyone in gaming, in entertainment, and like content creation that that's a place to build your next business."
"There's a significant chance that the performance model 3 coming will be a game-changer."
"If something happening behind the scenes right now in the world of crypto comes true, it could be the biggest story we've ever seen in crypto."
"I think it's gonna be one of the most rigorously...tested and one of the most solid cryptocurrency projects that is doing what it's doing in the market right now."
"So, what are the implications of this? Can this drive Bitcoin up tremendously afterward? Sure it can because it makes Bitcoin better and more useful and cheaper."
"That's where we're at. Please ask him if he thinks Libra is a threat to projects like Ripple who are not building an ecosystem."
"UNI token surges 50% in one week, becomes the first DeFi token in crypto's top ten."
"It's really betting on top of betting right i mean it's it's."
"New Horizons would go on to absolutely blow all of the other games out of the water, selling over 31 million copies."
"If the stock price reached 175, this investment firm would go bankrupt, they would be worth zero dollars, they would be destroyed, billions of dollars gone, like that."
"Good exclusive games and deals are what's going to matter the most."
"PT managed to overshadow nearly every big-name release last year."
"If Microsoft acquires Activision Blizzard, it gets the best-selling game of the year every year." - Ryan McCaffrey
"Recently, when President Trump implicated violent video games in mass shootings, shares of major video game companies fell sharply."
"I think this is going to have huge ramifications for the NFT marketplace space in the future."
"If everyone who's working on NFTs can deliver something meaningful beyond just price spikes, I think the conversation will start to change dramatically."
"But wait, is that... is that Fractal? Oh my gosh, our beacon of hope Fractal launched their torrent case last week to rave reviews."
"Console exclusives are what makes the world go around."
"Creating a big ecosystem with a company that has already existed previously, this is why Engine is the biggest gaming altcoin in the space right now."
"Imagine if tether disappeared... that would be very, very good for the rest of the system."
"Terra votes to burn $4.5 billion in tokens, leading to price fluctuation."
"The Shiba Inu token and ShibaSwap, along with other tokens in the Shiba ecosystem like the Leash token and the Bone token, have absolutely exploded."
"As Kathy just mentioned, institutional investors could lead bitcoin to go as high as $500,000, and guess who's the beneficiary? Coinbase."
"If Satoshi came back from a paradise island... it would cause a bit of a dip."
"Telling the truth... but because it [ __ ] with the betting markets, it's bad, it's real bad."
"In 42 days that will be 28 times the daily Supply absorbed by one ETF if this does not horrify you I don't know what will."
"Tesla's breaking the mold... like what happened with the iPhone."
"The PS3 almost single-handedly made Blu-ray a success."
"Bitcoin's eating the world right now. It's the supermassive black hole that outperforms everything."
"Inflation hasn't come crashing down... it will be extremely positive for the equity markets."
"If the price is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, it's going to just destroy Intel."
"I think once we get that crypto clarity I think a lot of this is going to change."
"Isn't this just gonna make the home affordability problem worse?"
"The better the reviews, the more we trust a business."
"China's answer to Uber is making a big impression in the U.S. market."
"Imagine if you had partners that were airdropping value, including yourself, to your customers." - "Every mobile device maker in the world has to be shaking in their boots right now."
"Justin Sun leaves Tron. Wow, I mean, this is gigantic. That's sending shockwaves through crypto."
"Bitcoin's decline is bad for the S&P 500. When Bitcoin goes down, so does the S&P 500."
"The console that single-handedly changed the perception of video games in the US, reignited the market, and made a lot of money all while introducing the world to New Brand characters like Mario and Luigi."
"It's going to raise the perceived value of the dollar."
"By the end of 2015, Fire Emblem Fates was one of the highest selling games in Japan for the year."
"I'm kind of curious if that's gonna benefit it in any way are they gonna push it harder is it gonna cement it as being like okay this is legit it's gonna stick around for a long time because the cosign is a pretty big deal."
"Passive investing could change the market structure."
"They lost four billion dollars in market cap."
"Final Fantasy 16 is the fastest-selling PlayStation 5 exclusive ever, meaning no cross-gen, just PlayStation 5."
"Tether is backed by fraud... when that finally collapses, we're going to feel a shock wave in the crypto market."
"It's extremely decisive for entire crypto markets, all confluent with what's happening here."
"This card is faster and cheaper, which is exactly what we need to see in the market right now."
"Getting the stimulus deal done before the holidays is extremely important for the market."
"This new car's astonishing selling price makes its own legend as the most expensive new car of all time."
"Almost immediately the 1897 was a runaway success."
"I think a lot of people are going to quit flesh and blood over the changes a lot of people have lost all the faith in the game and I do think many stores are going to drop the product."
"The iPod team met their deadline, shipping the first iPod in November 2001 and revolutionizing not only the MP3 player market, but the entire portable media player industry."
"The MGB GT was an instant hit among critics and buyers."
"The car was seen as an excellent retelling of the MGB formula."
"If ripple's successful... it gives them certainty."
"If those are never released... how much damage does that do to the crypto space as a whole?"
"This could be the first Chromebook that causes the general consumer to actually perk up and take notice."
"If this case does end, it would bring life back into altcoins for a period of time."
"Necropotence has gotten very, very high, it's about 40 bucks now, this card used to be like five dollars. We just need to reprint it."
"A crypto etf is exactly the kind of mass market catalyst that we need to push crypto to the next level."
"At present, no other automaker or insurer can even collect this data so for now, Tesla Insurance has no competition which means lower premiums for customers and higher margins for Tesla."
"The Dreamcast was so ahead of its time... it really should have done a lot better in sales."
"The numbers are gargantuan for this company."
"The game managed to sell more than 11 million copies in its first day and 29 million six weeks after launch."
"Bringing a huge amount of attention to Tesla's brand."
"I think the FED is absolutely going to break this economy."
"Jay Powell doesn't care about your retirement account, he wants it to come down. He doesn't care about the value of your home, he wants it to come down."
"They are building the next Minecraft, next Roblox for younger kids, and they are crushing it."
"So, this IPo values Rivian at about 100 billion dollars, making it the eighth most valuable auto company in the world."
"Cryptocurrencies may or may not persevere in the long run, but they are bringing transformative changes to money and finance."
"They just came through and just started selling copies all over the place."
"Many that did survive the German handling would then be destroyed post-war as part of destroying German inventory, which kind of fits with what we see in the current market."
"They really saw the Jordan brand become a luxury brand in the United States."
"Those who control AI and really can develop it and put it in a lot of different products are going to absolutely crush the market."
"The innovation's been absolutely phenomenal... I've never seen a food or drink company innovating this fast before."
"It nearly brought the entire economy to its knees."
"I think scalpers suck, as someone who likes sneakers, it sucks for me monthly."
"For me, it's the personality of the CEO, the structure of the company, and the problem they solve in the marketplace."
"Xbox Game Pass is so good... it has actually stolen one of your exclusives."
"The way this film was put out and promoted - they knew they had liquid gold."
"The Project Q is gonna have an eight inch, 1080p, 60 frames per second LCD screen, which is pretty big."
"Remnant 2 just made the strongest case for PS5 Pro."
"From a consumer standpoint, currently there won't likely be a huge impact."
"Jio's launch offer shook the entire industry to the core."
"Bitcoin is the supernova that's sucking in everything else around it."
"Ripple to launch US stable coin... this just gave the US government something that they need so desperately."
"The regulatory changes have created a black market."
"The Quest 2 has outsold the Xbox series X and S put together."
"Bitcoin tumbled as much as 17% amid news that El Salvador's cryptocurrency rollout was faltering. Really? That's why the largest digital token fell to 43,050."
"Every institutional dollar pushing in now is going to be much higher than it was last year."
"The big story is wow this thing is genuinely different."
"It's a pretty big difference, it means that the product is working and customers are responding to it."
"Tesla bot will be and may always be the largest market in the world by far."
"Any big name institution that gets into bitcoin, that's all we need. That's just a little bit of gas on this already fire."
"Best-selling Switch game in Japan in the first week."
"You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube; it's out. You can't kill Bitcoin, and the more you try, the more popular you make it."
"How big of a deal is Grand Theft Auto opening day sales? Surpassed $800 million."
"When Coinbase jumps in this NFT game, I think it's going to be absolutely huge."
"A channel can make a company. It can put it on the map."
"Overall, I think bitcoin is going to take off as soon as a few companies from the S&P 500 admit publicly that they've converted part of their cash reserves into bitcoin."
"Are the Koreans about to completely shake up the affordable long-range EV segment? That's what we're here to find out."
"Hyundai's done a really good job of making this vehicle stand out in a great way."
"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is currently in the top five best-selling games of all time. Think about that."
"Sales for the Xbox series X went up like 1 900 or something like that after the star field uh announcement."
"This really is the first no compromises mid-size hybrid sedan that we've ever seen in America."
"Tesla's winning there as well; the Model 3 and the Model Y success in China has been a driving factor."
"Bitcoin hitting a one trillion dollar market cap alone is just insane."
"It's easy to project that it's a double-digit number, so I think it immediately shoots up to ten dollars, potentially twenty dollars."
"The Mark III is easily the most innovative and exciting thing that's been released over the course of the year."
"Crypto is really getting put on the map this time."
"Analysts are already predicting a billion dollars in the first week of sales."
"The game was loved, it was reviewed well, they expected 300,000 sales of the game they got as of the current year 12 million sales."
"This thing is massively successful... it could very well be the largest MMO in the western market."
"The 5950x made major inroads here to top these charts and that in all seriousness is a total change from the last generation."
"Travis Scott sneaker hype was at a next level because when these were releasing, it was just like bots destroying everything."
"You have to appreciate how significant this Cube was back in the day."
"The frenetic rally in Tesla has also buoyed money management groups such as Cathy Wood's ARK Invest and Bailey Gifford."