
Market Prediction Quotes

There are 990 quotes

"I believe this crypto bull run will be the biggest we've ever seen."
"Based on my research, I think it's very likely that Bitcoin is going to break its all-time high soon."
"I believe Bitcoin will personally hit a new all-time high right around April 1st."
"A $100,000 Bitcoin by the end of this year really isn't off the table."
"Gold and silver to hit new nominal and real all-time highs before this is over."
"Fenty Skin is going to kill it, it's going to be so successful, it's going to explode on the market."
"Michael Burry made billions not once, not twice, but three times."
"One of the key reasons why Burry has been able to predict market crashes is because of the predictability of human nature."
"We are going to see the craziest run ever and I've never been more bullish."
"When it comes to investing, the four most dangerous words in investments are 'this time it's different.'"
"This was a decade ago, and it wasn't just that this was the most compelling vehicle, it was obvious to anyone who paid attention to the data, the battery costs were declining predictably over time."
"In 2030, Tesla will sell approximately 17 million vehicles. That would represent 24.3 percent of entire global auto sales."
"The investor said if his team sells merch worth another 6.5 billion Dogecoin, the token price could hit one dollar."
"We're going to have to deleverage it in the next few years, and it's going to be short, sharp, and massive."
"Technical analysis is the study of historic price movements in order to make accurate decisions of what the market may do next."
"In a market like Austin, I think the end game is going to be a 35% decline from peak to trough."
"I'm so excited to see that the market is playing out exactly as I have been predicting."
"When we know we're close to the top of this bull market is when Ethereum goes straight from where it is now to ten thousand dollars in three weeks."
"Crypto is not going anywhere and will emerge stronger than ever after this bear market."
"Technical analysis is a method of looking back at a chart at price behavior on a chart to help us predict what may happen in the future."
"There's no way ethereum's under 10,000 by the end of this year."
"ETH should be priced at about $7,500 to $10,000."
"Once you understand why I knew Ethereum would surge and was buying back in March when everyone else is selling instead of being manipulated by whales out of your Ethereum, you can trade in the same patterns as the whales."
"Bitcoin is going to subsume the entire gold market cap once it hits $10 trillion."
"I think Salana becomes the number three chain in this cycle."
"Even that two million dollar two-bedroom apartment sounds crazy until ten years from now when it's worth four million dollars."
"Bitcoin is getting ready to rip...I think we're going to see that Bitcoin dominance tick back over 50 in the next month."
"The real money in investing is made by those who perceive what the markets are likely to do tomorrow and then position themselves today to profit from that future action."
"Bitcoin should get back on track towards a hundred thousand dollars."
"I do think we will see a hundred thousand before we see twenty thousand for sure."
"Master trend and structure, and your ability to accurately make market predictions will increase by 10."
"I think an expectation of seeing a 10x move from the prior peak in 2017 seems like the most accurate prediction."
"Markets are predictable cycles but with that being said we're 11 years into a bull market and typically we have pretty major setbacks every 7 years so we are well overdue."
"Ethereum is about to moon, Ethereum is about to moon, do not sleep on it."
"Fed funds futures begin pricing in earlier tightening."
"That's when we're going to really see the parabolic explosion in ADA's price."
"Prices are going to go back up. They may be two years. I know you don't want to hear that, but that's fact."
"In theory, we're expecting price to make a higher high..."
"There's going to come a day where the majority of the people...are going to find out that silver is more rare than gold."
"Prices will have to come down substantially in the future."
"We still think that high quality bonds are a good trade over the next six months or so."
"Let's see what the stock markets do, but until then I'm seeing 53k."
"The idea is to reach $1 to $1.5 per token by Q1 of next year."
"When Bitcoin finally bounces, the alts are going to bounce tremendously well."
"This is going to be the biggest crash, the biggest downturn of your lifetime."
"Eventually, everyone's going to say, give me the real gold."
"We must stay humble. We know this is going to come to an end. We're going to go through a severe correction, and we have to just keep our heads down, focused on our research, to keep our conviction and drive our strategies forward."
"Bitcoin is going to go higher despite what may happen day to day."
"If this breaks 30 bucks, it's gonna get nasty."
"Some Bitcoin analysts say that we could hit a high of $120,000 in the fourth quarter fueled by the potential adoption of larger companies like Amazon or Google."
"I think that if GM does end up dumping Nikola, I think this stock plummets like you have not seen before."
"This is why it is almost impossible to try to predict the market because sometimes it's irrational."
"The next bear market will be the worst of all time. It'll be the greatest buying opportunity for crypto assets in history."
"Ethereum has got such a great chance to pass bitcoin in my mind."
"There will be another parabolic mania phase."
"I do believe we will see 100k bitcoin before all of this is said and done."
"Tesla's will become a commodity, I promise you that, I promise you."
"Love them or hate them, NFTs are probably here to stay."
"It's an extremely powerful way of trading, a powerful way to predict what the market's likely to do next."
"Cryptocurrency is an asset class that I think is going to outperform."
"This sets up silver for a rally from this ridiculous $22.295 level."
"I have a 66% chance of knowing which direction the market will go."
"XRP breakout between July and December forecasts 31x surge to $15."
"If the dollar crashes, we can't import anything because we can't afford it."
"Bitcoin could very well be a mid-cycle correction, setting up for a rally not only back to the all-time highs at 65k but also possibly towards six-digit territory."
"Ultimately the market will correct itself just based on valuations and fundamentals."
"It's very likely that we'll see some upwards pricing pressure on Bitcoin post-halving."
"We're very close to breaking the downside where I think we'll start to see big institutions start to be okay, you know, we're in a bear market."
"This idea that there's not going to be a bear market is the most dangerous thing in crypto."
"Institutional involvement could increase the price of Bitcoin to 200,000 if they want to minimize volatility, to 500,000 if they want to maximize their sharp ratios."
"U.S home prices could plunge 20% by next summer."
"Best case scenario, if Polka Dot hits 200-300, is it unrealistic that the bridge underneath could hit 750 million?"
"Bitcoin bull run won't end anytime soon. Its whale buying hints at a new 52k floor."
"The value of High Street's gonna absolutely shoot... It's gonna be like, give, take my money."
"We are about to head into one of the largest bull markets in crypto in history."
"If you think about it, guys, right now we could be at BTC new low for the next SP Market. That's correct, the next SP Market, if we have one, could be like 80k for bottom."
"Ether prize will continue to soar, albeit in smaller daily increments to reach new several new all-time highs."
"If the VIX closes the week with a positive impression in the MACD, that usually means the pop is indeed coming."
"Price predictions as a whole are a fool's errand."
"Bitcoin might dip to 25k, but I do hope it stays in the 30 to 40k range because that would be extremely good for alt season."
"Bitcoin is over 48,000; we're going straight to 50. From 50, we'll go to 63..."
"I would put most of my money on YouTube being the front runner."
"Bitcoin to the moon, $50,000, $100,000 Bitcoin."
"I think you're going to find that value will be perceived in a generation that's growing up with NFTs in a way that you couldn't even forecast."
"Triple-digit silver is absolutely in the cards."
"I think commodities will go very wild... maybe crude oil goes first to 50 but then in 24 I expect it to trade at 200."
"As interest rates rise, we expect risk on assets to fall which means we expect crypto markets to fall."
"I think crypto really kind of gets ahead of a lot of these moves."
"The narratives that we've been seeing about bitcoin, I think they're probably coming to ethereum hard in the next two weeks."
"I think we're going to see ethereum get crushed in the short term, that's kind of what I think."
"Whatever reversal we got would not go down all that far."
"Fundamentally I know this market's going to blow up at any point in the next week. I do know that. I'm definitely very, very, very sure."
"The market for AI in finance is expected to grow from 1.3 billion last year to seven point four billion in 2022."
"The market's going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening."
"This is going to be one of the most certain 10-20-50X investments anyone could get into."
"All the Wall Street analysts did not believe that solar was going to ever stand on its own without subsidies."
"Cardano NFTs and Cardano DeFi, I told you guys for a year Cardano DeFi is going to be huge."
"I think Bitcoin could flip gold itself, you know?"
"It does feel as if there's a sea change on the horizon here and that Cardano is not only going to start shipping but that the projects and ecosystems that will be built over there are set to have Solana-like, Polkadot-like gains."
"75 80,000 Bitcoin that would be a new alltime high that's pretty spectacular."
"Altcoins are about to move like never seen before."
"I do believe gold will over the next two to three years offer a tremendous alternative."
"A $10 Cardano is possible if Ethereum gets past $10,000."
"The most bullish case for XRP by the end of the year, I think $30."
"In this investor's opinion, Tesla is going to take an outsized share of the world's energy generation, storage, and supply."
"If Tesla is going to $7,000 in the next four years, buying at $800 is kind of a steal."
"We're at the beginning stages of a commodity super cycle."
"I expect Bitcoin to put in a bottom probably around mid-year... although the bull market will take years to develop."
"Everything comes back to if Bitcoin is going to go down to 12 or 9,000, it's hard to imagine a scenario where at least Ethereum doesn't decline somewhat, right?"
"Litecoin creators brother expects a bear Market to be over certainly by 2025."
"Since these consoles are still so new there really won't be any kind of sales or discounts in the foreseeable future."
"Once this recession hits which we haven't dealt with before in crypto... that is going to end all the bullish action for bitcoin."
"The sentiment is that there's going to be a bull market in q4."
"I still believe that we will see new all-time highs across many altcoins and blue chip coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum before the close of 2021."
"Bitcoin's consolidation is normal. Analysts set 80,000 bitcoin price target."
"A hundred thousand dollar bitcoin is very possible by end of year."
"Some of these will do a hundred x possibly in the next year alone."
"Far more money has been lost by investors trying to anticipate Corrections then lost in the corrections themselves."
"Cryptocurrency is about to pop, it's gonna be on a very good upline for the next week or two, it's gonna drop in the next two weeks and by the end of the year it's going to be through the moon."
"Nearly 70 percent of passenger vehicles sold in the U.S could be electric by 2023."
"There's a lot of narrative setups that are happening right now that point to more inflation coming down the pike."
"For every single person out there that says to themselves I'm going to wait until the market goes down 80 percent, you're gonna wait until you're dead because it ain't gonna happen."
"Do you think we will be able to buy the real estate dip soon within a couple of years due to the circumstances?"
"The dips are being bought. We need to break the $30,500 level and then it's free sailing up until about $45,000."
"In order for me to believe a new all-time high could come for Bitcoin, my mandatory requirement is that I would want to see a new all-time high in the stock market."
"What if trading was a video game and there was a cheat code for this game that would help you predict exactly where markets are going to go with a high degree of accuracy?"
"A five-figure ethereum is theoretically on the cards."
"Tesla could be a two trillion dollar company in just one or two years."
"Avalanche is set to explode... typically when something like this happens we make another push towards the upside."
"Once we break all-time high of 2.50 cents... this could go to 350 and even five dollars."
"So we're in following dominoes, it's not over, it'll get a lot worse."
"I'm seeing Theta make its way between five to eight dollars at the next push of this next little cycle output side."
"It's the Phantom developer conference next week, and the Phantom price is gonna fly."
"Most people don't invest in the long term; they're just trying to bet on what the market's going to do."
"It's going to set bitcoin on a volatile path."
"Until we start seeing some level of sustainable economic growth within these networks I don't know if we're gonna see BTC be the big cheese going forward."
"Once the W formation is confirmed, you usually come up towards where those Highs are."
"Bitcoin rejected sharply from 40k, it's 30k retest coming."
"I think we're in extremely late innings here, and I think we're gonna probably see something systemic, a systemic break somewhere here maybe within the next two or three months."
"Bitcoin could eventually reach a price tag of six figures."
"2022 has not been an amazing year for investors, but of course markets do have to go down every once in a while, hopefully 2023 will be a much better year."
"You're going to see in my opinion a lot of home builders making massive massive deals next year."
"NFTs will dump 99%, I'm almost sure of that."
"Buying Tesla stock today at around 260 dollars a share? I genuinely believe it's heading to 2500 a share."
"Chainlink will be at least a trillion dollar market cap."
"If Bitcoin moves 400%, Solana will probably go 1,000% if not more."
"Ethereum has a solid chance to pass Bitcoin in this bull market."
"I think that Ethereum flips Bitcoin, and I think it happens before March 2022."
"If Bitcoin goes 2x, it's really reasonable for Ethereum or Cardano or Binance Coin to go 3x or 4x."
"I think Cardano for sure is gonna hit, I would say ten dollars, but really, I think it could be as high as twelve to fifteen dollars by end of this year."
"Hang on, it's October, Bitcoin is ready to explode."
"Meta just came back into 150... I'm out because we could go all the way to 149."
"Bitcoin will be considered as the biggest and the most liquid single asset in the world."
"Bitcoin might reach 110,000 per BTC by August 2021."
"Every recession is different... it's really hard to read the tea leaves in this market."
"Rural land is the only safe investment right now. Gold and silver will fall, buy land."
"There's going to be a massive contraction in the automotive market."
"As soon as I log off, probably within the next couple of hours, maybe Bitcoin breaks above all-time highs."
"This number is only going to get close to the edge when bitcoin goes parabolic."
"This is when shift corrects. This is an easy three-bagger."
"Eventually Bitcoin is going to get a retrace, we're never going to go just straight down."
"Bottoms are very much kind of like mystical in that sense, they're really unknowable."
"Never trust anyone when they tell you they know where the price is going because they don't."
"Cardano could be ready to retest all-time highs."
"The reason stocks keep making new all-time highs? While most financial analysts keep predicting a crash, it isn't in the data."
"For the last five years, if this Market ever corrects, we get into bear Market, I'm just gonna back up the track."
"It's almost a trillion dollars by itself, and it will be here pretty soon, I believe."
"The point is bitcoin is heading to 40 thousand dollars in my opinion."
"The blow-off phase we think is over. We think now it's just a matter of do you remember Pac-Man?"
"So if I were to guess where the market cap will be in say five years... I think it could more than double if not triple."
"Trying to predict the market is really a waste... over the long term, the upside is more than the downside."
"The next week moving into this weekend might not be incredibly bullish but I do think we have something big on the horizon." - Jeb
"If this starts to happen here, realistically there's not going to be much Doge entries after that for a while."
"I think over the week we're going to see a massive move... seeing a nice 20-30% pump to the upside."
"I think it's going to be a slow grower. Up to, you know, that 20, maybe pull back somewhere around that 23 mark."
"That's what I'm looking for to see if it's squeeze potential and if it gets above 20."
"We're never going below $6,000 again, my friends. These degenerates wrecked, decimated, plunged into the crypto abyss."
"Fear and greed index, prepare for a liquidation wick at any point."
"Mark my words... we're going to see Wall Street consistently increasing their delivery and earnings estimates for Tesla month after month."
"Is this a bottom in the stock market? Is this the bottom for cryptocurrencies?"
"Crypto is still a much ‘wilder West’ than any other asset class where you can trade on some exchanges for up to 50-100X leverage." - Vijay Ayyar
"I think a ten thousand dollar ether is just going to happen at some point."
"XRP is setting up similar to what we typically see in setups before they end up taking off."
"It would be probably most unlikely to then come down to this level only to break down lower because then you're talking massive you're talking about erasing seven years worth of price action for Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin to me is definitely here to stay and I see a really good future for bitcoin."
"I truly believe these companies will trounce the S P 500 over the next 10 years."
"If we hit 100k we'll retrace to 50k worst case scenario maybe 60k."
"Cryptocurrencies will come to bad endings, and it draws in a lot of charlatans."
"This financial stability report was so interesting to me and we need to dig into it for one thing they are predicting a severe drop."
"Bitcoin must hold this level... risk falling to 10K."
"There will be a bear market and history has shown that bear market will be very bad."
"Elon got back to him and said, 'To be frank, there's always some chance that Cybertruck will flop because it's so unlike anything else.'"
"We'll reveal our number one movie stock pick that we think investors have overlooked."
"You do have to factor in some sort of risk that the reopening will be delayed until spring or summer of 2022."
"Tesla is going to capture 25% of the total vehicle market in five years, and we think electric will be nearly half of total vehicles sold."
"We still need these stories, they're wonderful richly suggestive tales about how the world works and what we are as human beings."
"I've always said that the spiking dollar sets up the falling dollar, right? So my thesis on the dollar getting higher is really one of supply and demand on the dollar."
"The future is unknown, however, there is a very easy path for Bitcoin to get to a hundred thousand."
"The prices will come down. It sucks that they're high, there's not a lot we can do about it for now."
"These markets are not random and you can predict them, you can see them, you can anticipate them."