
Religious Practice Quotes

There are 1911 quotes

"The more we resemble Rahma (mercy) to everything and everyone around us, the closer we become to exemplifying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam in our own lives."
"You can't get Christianity right if you're getting faith wrong."
"If you accept Islam, you can start praying immediately, because you just put this in front of you and it shows you the movement, it shows you the transliteration of what to say."
"Pray the Rosary every day. You're not on the team if you don't."
"Tranquility means peace with reality; it means that the individual accepts without question the true teachings of his religion, whatever it may be, and lives it without restriction or compromise."
"The problem in our world today is we have raised a generation of people who know church but they don't know God."
"Forcing someone to pray doesn't make them a believer."
"Being thankful to Allah is one of the most important manifestations of appreciating Allah's blessings on us."
"Paul Draper... says that as an agnostic... it is 'rationally required for me to engage in religious activity'... This may actually lead to a relationship with God even if it doesn't lead to belief in God."
"Jesus not only encourages praying for the world in general but praying specifically for the people in the world that are so anti-gospel that they're actually persecuting you."
"The practice of remembrance of Allah fills your heart with positive light."
"The challenge for us is to really kind of maintain, to the best of our ability, taqwa of Allah."
"The true celebration of the Prophet SAW is by following his message."
"Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee."
"True prayer in the Spirit begins in union with God."
"To pray in the Spirit is to pray in Him, to pray through His power, with His guidance, under His direction, by His will."
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
"The gospel church has made it a lot about doing, and I'm sorry. We've made it about how many scriptures you know and how long you can pray for, but God wants you to do those things just because He wants to be with you."
"Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth."
"And of course, I've done a series on the virtues of the Hijjah before, but this will be a very in-depth and practical way to approach these 10 days, insha'Allah, with a game plan for us to really get close to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and make the most of the barakah, the blessings, of these 10 days."
"I cannot deny Holy Communion to any of the faithful solely on grounds, for example, that the person wishes to kneel."
"The true Church of Jesus Christ is believing in Him, is repenting of sin, is growing in holiness and love. It is not self-absorbed or seeking self-fulfillment."
"The priest does not say 'The body of Christ' as he places the host on your tongue but says 'May the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul onto everlasting life. Amen.'"
"Salutations to her on this occasion when we are beginning the worship of the divine mother."
"Following the sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in all that we do."
"It is to Allah and Allah alone we turn, and it is to Him that we bow our heads in prostration."
"I'm trained to be a skeptic. The church says that I need to reach moral certitude, meaning beyond any doubt, that the person in front of me is truly dealing with the demonic."
"It's about rededication to God and the mitzvot."
"Holy Spirit, I just give you my care right now. Lord, you're so good, and you're God."
"Did you steal our spoon last year? No, I put it inside your Bible."
"The most important sunnah of all for the month of Ramadan is to recite the whole Quran from cover to cover."
"If someone issues a public prophecy with specific details and dates that can be easily proved or disproved, and that word does not come to pass as prophesied, the one who delivered the word must be willing to take full responsibility, demonstrating genuine contrition before God and people."
"If every professing believer in America lived the Sermon on the Mount for 24 hours, we would turn this country around."
"Before you tell me about your religion, show it to me in how you treat other people."
"In the Jewish faith, the most important ritual of all is the Sabbath, a day of rest and spiritual enrichment when all else is set aside."
"The Latin Mass does have more built-in reverence into it and that reverence spills over into the congregation."
"It's powerful that before the mass begins, we laypeople see the priest confessing his sins aloud in front of the congregation."
"Whoever protects his five prayers... he has a guarantee from Allah that he shall be entered into Jannah."
"Discipleship, I believe, is something that is best had in community."
"The more religious you become, the more of service you should be. You should do the groceries even more, you should mow the lawn before they ask you, you should vacuum the house, you should buy your mother flowers spontaneously."
"Can I just say if Jesus felt the need to pray when He lived on Earth, maybe we should pray also."
"Among the penitents acts, contrition occupies first place."
"Hijab is a promise between you and God, a more difficult level of faith, but the struggle is part of the devotion."
"Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops, and priests."
"You have to ingest holiness to conquer sin; it's not the other way around."
"Remembering Allah is not just saying clichéd things... if you didn't reflect upon them, then that's not dhikr. That's just good review."
"How much of this word are you implementing? Did you do the last thing that God may have revealed for you to do?"
"It's a show-and-tell gospel. You preach the kingdom and heal the sick or you heal the sick and then share the kingdom."
"The religions that last are the ones that use ritual, moral, and theological codes to benefit the individual practitioners as well as their communities."
"More prayer, more power. If you want more power, pray more."
"You must pray with the priority of spiritual intimacy."
"This is the month of Ramadan, O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order for you to reach God-consciousness."
"Anything can become legalistic if we think that fasting increases our worth to God."
"If you want to escape the flames of hell and have your sins washed away to be right with God, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Let's try our level best to read the Quran as much as we really can during Ramadan."
"Muslims get a shout out for absolutely doing that better than Christians are doing it right now."
"The life of a disciple is the same daily decision: pick up your cross and follow me."
"We ask Allah to make it easy for us this year to catch Laylatul Qadr."
"Prayer according to scripture is his strategy to keep your faith alive."
"Let a man examine himself... for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily... shall be guilty."
"Those people who fear Allah... when they're touched by the whispering of the Shaitaan, they remember Allah."
"I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all of those who shall recite the rosary."
"The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God."
"The Latin Mass takes pressure off the priest. He just follows the book, like a waiter at a fine restaurant, and that makes life easier for him."
"True Christians would be recognized by loving others as Jesus did."
"We have to remember that the characteristic of Christians that Jesus and John and the apostles say is our love towards one another and sometimes I don't think that we're very good at that."
"I think we're Muslim, we can pray off and come back."
"It's waking up to a brand new mindset, a total and joyful dependence on the Holy Spirit."
"Christianity isn't always about being nice. Politeness is not the same as kindness."
"Faith is an act, it's a manifestation, it's Jesus manifesting His ministry through you."
"There is one prescription for a demon: you drive it out through the name of Jesus, that's it."
"The Bible was written to be read at the mass."
"Jesus never wrote a word, but he gave us the mass."
"The supernatural is not an event for us, it's a lifestyle."
"Every day, speak God's promise over your family."
"Receive your healing, I said receive your healing, receive it by faith, receive it by faith, exercise your faith, receive it!"
"We have to start fresh, we have to start keeping God's Commandments in sincerity and Truth."
"The true work of the Spirit has nothing to do with what those men do."
"Confession is something that we're called to, it's something good but it's also something to be wise about with who to confess to."
"The rosary is almost all scripture, yeah. It's almost every single word is right out of the Bible."
"Imagine if the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) had to make that dua. What about us? We need to make it more on a regular basis."
"When we know not how to pray, we pray in the Spirit."
"This one prostration that you find too difficult frees you from a thousand frustrations."
"A prominent imam participating in a pagan ritual, like it just boggles my mind that any Muslim would take their deen from someone like this."
"The only response for all Catholics concerned is... to pray much, especially the rosary..."
"Do you wish to get to God? Take his way, so quiet, so easy."
"Scientology considers homes a suppressive person which is an enemy and that is a true statement."
"If your religion makes you an [expletive], you're doing it wrong."
"The purpose of prayer is not to give orders to God, the purpose of prayer is to get orders from God."
"Praise is so powerful that when you engage in it, you get to have a conversation with God Almighty."
"So when we go, we are leaving our bad habits there. What is more significant than pelting a Shaitaan is to remove the devil from within and leaving there."
"The parameter prayer is to create a parameter around yourself to keep yourself protected..."
"Do you pray the rosary every day? Pray the rosary every day or you're not on the team."
"Ramadan is a school, a training program... when you graduate from these modules... you graduate from this school as a different person."
"The whole reason that you fast Ramadan... is to become more obedient to Allah... to have sincerity... to follow the Sunnah of the messenger."
"Practicing the presence of God is important throughout the day."
"Maintain a constant ongoing discussion with God."
"That's how God established it in the temple and that's how it is used today."
"Your success this year will be in your applying the bible not just knowing the bible."
"The making and use of religious icons and statues is biblical. Know your bible."
"Iman is action-based faith, a submission to Allah's will."
"If I don't read my Bible daily and if I don't fill my mind with that then I know that I'll be less positive."
"We pray directly to the Creator, without any mediator."
"Godly fasting leads to godly living; legalist fasting leads to loose living."
"Fasting does not make you better than others, it makes you better than you."
"Seeing with the eyes of the spirit involves having spiritual discernment."
"Walking with God implies that we make progress or advances in our spiritual life."
"Hari Krishna food means that you take your food and before you eat it you offer it to God."
"Fasting and prayer will affect this natural form of unbelief."
"The Quran is to be recited, memorized, read over and over again, recited out of your mouth, out of your heart, off your tongue. It is not to be limited to that book."
"You cannot be a true believer and neglect prayer."
"We need to stop taking the bait and worship in spirit and in truth."
"We must go by Yahuwah's calendar as he described in the scriptures."
"I may not pray for very long but I don't go very long without praying."
"Pray in tongues, you're going to notice changes... inner strength, inner peace, inner Joy."
"Let's watch and pray... let's keep looking up."
"Get baptized as soon as possible. Maybe stream it for your husband so you can celebrate together."
"He instructed me to repeat all the seven Psalms of David."
"The greatest weapon we can use to face the enemy is prayer."
"The ultimate sense of repentance is to turn towards God."
"This is a faith-filled stance, this is non-violent resistance."
"You're going to be conformed to the world unless you actively pursue obedience to Christ."
"Protect your prayer life at all costs and by any means."
"Take a lesson from Joseph Smith who pursued all sorts of avenues of learning but he went and asked God if you want to learn about the things of God ask God and do it his way not your way."
"Let's build our community together inshallah so that we can all be, you know, try to be good Muslims, righteous Muslims."
"All you who believe, seek assistance through Salah."
"If you seek out God and everything not in these phony churches but just you know seeking God like Christ said."
"The ultimate pleasure that you can find is when you know the discipline and the delight of worshiping God in spirit and in truth."
"It's not gonna matter what your external religious affiliation was; it's about the actions that come from love."
"You plead the blood of Jesus over every room, every corner, and you plead the blood over every person in your home."
"Before you anoint the final door, command every evil spirit to leave your home."
"The code to the presence of God is thank you."
"It's not about playing church, it's about believing in Jesus."
"Our role is to bring the music, the lore, the worship, and the culture of heaven into the earth."
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
"This is not like the other cycles, this is a huge moment for bitcoin."
"Worship God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
"Consume the whole Word. Pray for discernment, for guidance, for understanding… and most importantly, a truly personal relationship with the Most High God that is founded upon the principles of a creator who never changes with the current trends."
"You gotta submit and repair. It's this honor that first lady see for whatever reason only church girls do this."
"Let the dunya be a means to the akhirah. You use the actions of the dunya to make sure that it solidifies or helps you in remembering the akhirah."
"You said if we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive us."
"When the Quran is recited, listen to it and be silent that you may receive mercy."
"The Quran is there now for blessings, for Tajweed, for memorization, for recitation."
"Islam and Dean and Dunya do not have to clash... there is a balance."
"Prophecy should encourage us to love follow and serve God."
"Please exert compassion, not make offerings to God through suffering and death."
"Find a time in your day where you can give to Allah's book."
"If you're gonna protest, you know what you're protesting or who you're protesting for."
"The umah has become a umah that values rituals over the substance of Islam."
"The lay faithful need to make it known... that they see this as problematic and unjust."
"Prayer is not an option thing for us believers, it is a command."
"Every day I have to pray and rededicate myself to y'all that he keeps me and that his will be done in my life."
"Start the takbirat after every salah from tomorrow."
"Witchcraft is a practice. Wiccans call themselves witches and they practice witchcraft within their religion. All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccan."
"Don't pray against the person, you come against them. Expose them. Once you shut down the altars, they're powerless."
"If not a single solitary person joined the church if not one joined the church I would still say do it."
"Keep together what God has joined together. Do not sever the Sabbath from the sanctuary."
"Christians don't decide how Christian they are going to be when they disagree with another person."
"The oil is for you to be the church, not just to have church."
"Jesus taught the disciples how to pray and what to pray. He teaches us how to pray."
"Come home, know your place as a child of God, approach His throne in faith."
"Jesus said a temple for Israel will be operating in Jerusalem when the tribulation starts."
"What are you attempting to do right now without the intermediate agency of the Holy Spirit?"
"Praise gets us out but worship brings us in..."
"Through the dhikr of Allah do the hearts find tranquility."
"The struggle in the Christian life is to surrender habits to Christ."
"Exorcisms are taken seriously by the church and aren’t just something undertaken by lunatics suffering from meth psychosis."
"Every moment of Our Lives as Believers is an ongoing continuous Perpetual conversation with god that is called prayer."
"You gotta be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ to get your sins washed away."
"Your confidence is in knowing Him." - Emphasizing relationship over doctrine
"What is it to be an Orthodox Christian? It means to die daily, to live a life of repentance."
"It's not just a nice practice, but it's forming your body and your life to the life of the church."
"If you are attempting to crush private religious practice that has no impact on public policy because you don't like that religious practice, you are a bigot and you're a tyrant."
"The readings at Mass are for the education of the people present, but their primary end is an oblation, a sacrifice."
"Establish Salah amongst yourselves because if three people live in a town and they don't establish the Salah amongst themselves, then Shaytan will take control of them."
"Don't lose hope. Amen. Don't lose the discipline of the daily engagement with prayer."
"Let's say the prayer again, maybe it'll actually give us a sign."
"Scientology's rules are the reason Tom Cruise disconnected from his daughter."
"Father, I pray for their seer anointing to be open, the anointing of the seer to be released and imparted in Jesus Name."
"I dare you to just fix your attention on loving God with all of your heart with all of your soul and all of your mind and watch everything else take care of itself."
"When you pray, say our father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name."
"There is a realm of Revelation that opens up through extended times of praying in tongues."
"I would rather that all of these churches kind of set aside the supernatural stuff right if they could just do the community service stuff and put the supernatural things away that would be awesome."
"We can all walk in the spirit and that power gives you Authority."
"Most of the apparitions ask for a shrine to be built... people come and kneel before Mary... trying to curry Mary's favor."
"We prove God's will, we don't find God's Will."
"You don't need man's permission to make disciples, to share the gospel with the world around you."
"Step your game up in the way that you read the Bible, in the way that you worship, and in the way that you live."
"The escape is not running off and hiding somewhere. The escape is getting into the Word of God and in personal fellowship with Christ all day long."
"Build a family altar... Everything we do for God is intentional."
"The people you see most anointed of God are the ones who spend the most time with him in the secret place."
"You come out of that secret place carrying an atmosphere with you."
"Amen, he ain't get saved until he repented of his sins, that's right, and got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"If you don't do it like the Bible, you're not in the church."
"Please don't judge us Adventists as legalists because we keep the Sabbath day."
"Prayer is communing with God and conversating with him."
"Every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself."
"Prayer is so valuable, it's the most important thing we can do."
"Release your captors, let them go by the power of God."
"Your soul is saved in real space, loving your spouse, loving your parents, loving your neighbor, loving your children, loving your God by being in His presence and in their presence."