
Government Control Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"By regulating the narrative and limiting the dissemination of information, governments aim to uphold social stability, safeguard national security concerns, maintain diplomatic ties, protect economic interests, and uphold their authority and credibility."
"Under Xi Jinping, China has built up a massive surveillance state unprecedented, that gives the government control and the ability to monitor the entire population."
"Central Bank digital currencies are about government sanctions, surveillance, and control."
"When the government is controlling your games and your media to the point where they don't allow anything other than their exact message to come through, you know you're not living in a free society."
"This new system gives people a civilization score which ranks them into different levels and this level is then used by the government to judge who gets priority or who should be subjected to restrictions or punishments."
"Never give too much control to the government."
"The scale of the censorship is overall relatively small, but Modi's government has been criticized for bringing in new laws to regulate social media and for being increasingly quick to censor media it doesn't agree with."
"What happens if the government and the corporation can not just anticipate the will and desire of the voters and customers but also manipulate and control them?"
"Once you let the government decide what's good for you, where does it stop?"
"A government that tells you you can't buy the stove you want or drive the car you want is a government of tyranny."
"The government doesn’t want its citizens using these sites. If they did, democracy would be just around the corner."
"Most of those views got hammered out by the beginning of the fourth century."
"If the Chinese government says from now on you must do this, people have to do it; you can't write your congressman and say 'I don't like that'."
"If the answer is more government control, we part ways."
"Get ready for more lockdowns, vaccine passports, mandatory contact tracing, and quarantine zones imposed on us by elites sitting in Geneva with the U.S government left neutered, unable to save us from this medical tyranny."
"So if we go to a digital currency what that means is that then the central bankers and the government and the establishment will be able to determine if you can pay your bills if you can travel if you can have money to put gas in your car to go."
"The only tolerable digital currency to a government with strong capital controls is their own CBDC."
"When governments are closing down bank accounts of people that are donating to a protest that is a conspiracy theory."
"I think within another couple of decades all currencies are gonna be beyond the control of governments."
"If you see the letter CGTN, know that it's [ __ ] it absolutely is from the Chinese government."
"They'll decide which businesses can exist and which will be outlawed."
"In every other country, war brings more government control. In America, it brings more freedom."
"Trudeau says the state now owns your kids, not the parents."
"The real key change here is that the Democrats have taken over the Senate and they now have the House, the Senate, and the presidency."
"Socialism is about the government being in charge of everything. That demands total conformity."
"They want to maximize the framework and the technologies created for COVID to cement their control."
"We have the power to do this and send the middle finger to the Chinese government and any government that thinks that they can destroy our financial freedom and crypto. We will not allow it to happen."
"Schools like a way for the government to have more control over people as well and the knowledge that they have."
"You take away people's lives, livelihoods, freedoms, you lock them up, you lock them down, you mask them up, you alienate them from friends and family, from their religious institutions..."
"Bill c-11 is basically written in a way that allows the government to interfere with the promulgation of any information that they deem unacceptable for any reason."
"Cryptocurrency has definitely been the dangerous to the control of the state in the world."
"Words are powerful... but we should never ever let the government or anyone control what information we have access to."
"If you could read minds the government would have huge tools of potential control."
"You don't need George Orwell to tell you that some governments can be hell-bent on controlling everything you think and do."
"So if you ever see any Chinese content that is on YouTube with a good following, yeah, it is run by a state-run Chinese government propaganda arm, yes, simple as that."
"When you have an authoritarian government that dictates what companies can do... that's ultimate censorship."
"Finance is very important. If you do not have custodianship over your own money and you have to jump through legal hoops to do things, that is a way for the government to control you."
"If our family structure is lost in the Next Generation what do we have left or just a bunch of listless individuals living our lives out virtually behind a computer screen and following the orders of the government?"
"Banning divorce means that when you decide to get married you are you are not allowed by the government to leave your significant other in any situation."
"We're supposed to care now because we have been trained by the media and by our government that the government can stop this thing."
"Things are not under control as much as the Chinese government tries its absolute best to push the propaganda narrative that zero COVID is working."
"Xi Jinping tried to control the private economy by ordering all private businesses to establish their own party branch."
"The government turned the cell phones into social control tools."
"A dumbing down of society so everyone's sort of mediocre. That leaves them dependent on government because they can't excel."
"China is now like a big prison. Now they treat all Chinese people as criminals. Their power is not overseen, and the absence of democracy makes every person a slave."
"It's about complete Absolute Total State control."
"This exemption could give the government alarming control over online interactions with little transparency."
"Under the National Security Law, Beijing punishes what it broadly defines as sedition, secession, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces."
"Trudeau wants to have the power to regulate not only what you say online but what content you consume online."
"Xi Jinping wants private enterprises to do what the CCP says."
"Does anyone really want to live under a regime where their social media feed is essentially curated by government or multinational corporate interests that stand to profit?"
"If the government can deny you the right to an abortion, is there any reason they couldn't also force you to have an abortion?"
"It's never been like this before. I don't remember the government forcing people to do certain things like this."
"I mean just look at how the Chinese government is tightening the screws on surveillance."
"It's control as you saw in Canada with Bitcoin if Trudeau can turn that off for a bunch of truckers or turn off their checking accounts imagine how much easier that's going to be with Central Bank digital currencies."
"The government should not have the power to dictate your love life."
"Communism is when the government completely controls culture and economy."
"The proposals would see government control over the appointment of Judges including the Supreme Court while restricting the Court's rights to veto legislation or rule against the government."
"It's insane to me that the government would be like no you're not allowed to spend your money on that."
"The government shouldn't have the right to round people up and bring them to camps."
"The CCP instructed its local governments to ban all unofficial religious faiths and secret societies."
"The government cannot allow our movement to be successful because they literally make more money, they have more power, more dominance and control when we are weaker."
"Joy boy's dangerous ideas about freedom and equality had to be completely erased from the pages of history in order to preserve the world government's very existence."
"This is not simply a story from our history, this is a story we live inside of today."
"They're making sure that everywhere they have people that are committed to helping the government grow power. They don't want individualism. They want us to simply get in line."
"It's a similar pattern that we see government trying to control people through the institutions that they trust."
"In Washington is corruption. It is giant corporations that have taken our government and that are holding it by the throat." - Elizabeth Warren
"The fact that Steve's relationship to power is unique is why the brand of Captain America can't simply be taken by the government and handed to someone else."
"Once you start empowering governments to decide what is sufficiently hateful, it's inevitably going to expand beyond what you think and ultimately will be used against ideas that you like."
"Governments will enforce rules in a way that they simply cannot do with cash."
"I think the government needs to [ __ ] take over more industries."
"Government's desire to control us and to lie to make its case is the real emergency."
"We don't want the government to take over and then actually just cause the matrix where then we're all just plugged in and it's a simulated no no no running your year dangerous territory."
"The government is going to seize a woman's body and say, 'You are not allowed to do what you want.'"
"If you let the government dictate what goes into your body for a paycheck, you are easily manipulated."
"Governments will find ways to censor people."
"California ultimately is going to a system where their idea would be the state would have complete control over all business and they're just doing it indirectly."
"If the government owns your body and can dictate your medical choices, what do you own?"
"We have to have a government that is controlled by the people and limited."
"The government can't control the phenomenon. They can only control the narrative."
"...weaken our borders, and replace your freedom with government controls."
"Your freedom then is no longer a right, your freedom is a privilege that is granted to you by the government."
"If they had their druthers, they'd have a central committee... that would determine how much beef you should eat, how much AC you should be allowed to use, how far you should be allowed to drive and in what kind of car."
"Better wake up the very last thing any country in the world needs is a government in control of food production and Supply because if you control food you can control everything."
"What's the value of being able to teleport gold anywhere in the world anytime and have a government not have a saying in that?"
"We should vote for people who won't allow government authoritarianism."
"In the world that we live in now, there's a lot of oppressive governments who are trying to keep information from flowing out."
"It's government intrusion, but you don't think the government telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her body isn't government intrusion?"
"When they're shutting down bank accounts, freezing your banks, do you realize how dangerous and dark things are getting?"
"The state is completely willing to use food as a weapon."
"They should not be controlling things. The American people should be."
"When a government watches you 24 hours a day, you cannot use the word 'liberty'. This is the relationship between a master and a slave."
"Registration is the first step to confiscation and confiscation is the first step to them having complete control over the citizenry in every way."
"Any government that wants to take away your weapons of war plans to wage war on you."
"Bitcoin is a form of money that takes the clearance of payment outside the control of government."
"You do not defy the state. The state controls you. You belong to the state."
"We are the ones that provide consent... they're not supposed to tell us what to do."
"The government has gone to extreme measures to make sure no one can see what's going on inside Area 51."
"The purpose of arresting Julian Assange is to send a message... if we the people allow the government to control us through fear, we are no longer free. We are no longer America."
"You cannot have stronger and stronger government and be free."
"Socialism embodies to the fullest extent the idea of government stretching down into even the most minute decisions of every individual."
"Absolutely insane and police state... is becoming increasingly totalitarian."
"Trudeau and the Liberals will not raise any alarms as long as they are the ones in control and making use of the AI technology."
"It has effectively seized all the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent."
"How much power do you want to give your governments in controlling what can and cannot be said?"
"Expect higher taxes and more government control."
"That would be and there's a place where it turns over, it becomes totally socialistic because it controls every single thing."
"Purchasing alcoholic beverages in Finland is strongly regulated with time restrictions."
"It's really about government control versus freedom, and I choose freedom."
"The government shouldn't have the ability to edit your wealth or to see every single transaction."
"It's not about protecting people...it's about the control."
"States have the right to govern themselves. Do you want the federal government to control absolutely everything?"
"The Fed shouldn't have these powers. So this is a step in the right direction of limiting the Fed's power."
"This is for your security, this is for your safety, and whenever you hear this, you know that's code for just please allow us to take away more of your personal liberty."
"When the government can mandate a medical procedure that you do not want, there is no freedom in America."
"If the state can tell you that you can't have an abortion, that same state can tell you that you must have an abortion. They have control over the whole thing."
"Literal 1984. What the []. Massive infringements on American freedoms. Really [] stupid, horrible. How the [__] is this happening?"
"Why is our government so intensely worried and believe they have total control of Ukraine?"
"But there's still that scary part about how they could come in and get rid of it and regulate regulate it out of existence."
"Socialism itself means that the government controls companies by one form or another."
"After being caught trying to defect, Chapman's life was basically in the hands of the government, who could have easily put him in prison, so Chapman agreed to become a government informant."
"Governments are all about control... When there is a lot of debt issued, a lot of money printing, etc., it raises all assets up."
"This bill can effectively ban anything the government deems inappropriate extremely quickly without warning."
"The media controls the government because the public is stupid but really is just misinformed."
"If the government has to grant you a license in order to use a right it basically nullifies that right and it now becomes a privilege."
"Politics dropping the pretense... an instrument of force that rules over its subjugated people."
"Joe Biden doesn't care about keeping kids safe... it's always about government exercising control over their citizens."
"I think we have entered a phase where we're taking away the control from governments."
"US House Leader Nancy Pelosi says it's not encouraging that scientists need White House approval to speak on coronavirus."
"China broke the mold... they're the world's first total surveillance state on their own people."
"Environmentalism is the only ideology I know of that goes even more beyond that. It gives the government power over your very genes, over what you get to breathe out."
"Fascism is private ownership but total government control and regulation."
"This technology part earlier today because and this is one major reason why so many governments want to control role and if I may use the word censor the internet is because it is so tremendously empowering."
"Imagine if the government forced you to go to a summer camp to play Old Maid, but if you lose, you get injected with chemicals and taken to prison. That's a horrifying reality."
"Guns are the ultimate check on government overreach."
"If you're using a custodial platform, that's exactly what governments want because they can control everybody on that platform."
"The government should not be able to control things that it calls disinformation or misinformation."
"In the Chinese social credit system, because it's a cashless society and everything is done... if the government wants to, it can make it impossible for you to buy or sell."
"It's a free country until the masks enslave us and the government's drugs in the drinking water make us all mindless zombies."
"The future of Dark Knight Strikes Again is a full-on police state, with the government controlling every element of the population."
"There are times in a person's life where I don't control them and I don't want the government to control people."
"Money is like this huge problem and Bitcoin is a very helpful tool for a lot of them."
"How would you like to have your intimate life surveilled and policed by the state?"
"It's not about a sig or a ruger or a this AR or an AK, whatever, it's about being able to protect yourself in your home from the government in some type of civil war that they foresee."
"Government control of money leads to devaluation."
"The biggest obstacle to it is going to be government because government doesn't like competition."
"If gold is the money well then nobody controls that nobody you know you own gold you owned it it's yours no other government can take it away from you exactly."
"I'm a huge advocate of just individuality and I don't like having the government have the ability to just ban any app."
"Putting AI in the hands of governments and centralized entities is probably more dangerous than putting money into the hands of government and centralized entities."
"The failed coup is history, yet the Erdogan government continues to police what citizens see, hear, or read."
"The lack of financial education in our schools has resulted in millions of free people who are willing to let the government take more control over their lives."
"When government can simply flip a switch to block all your transactions, it controls your entire life."
"The hijab has become a symbol of the government and its ability to control people."