
Cosmology Quotes

There are 3934 quotes

"The universe is not founded in any direction... it would necessarily have a limit somewhere. But clearly, a thing cannot have a limit unless there is something outside to limit it... through the universe, there is no end."
"James Webb is really designed to look back in time where we can see the first galaxy starting to be formed."
"It is not so much that you are in the cosmos, as that the whole cosmos is in you."
"I believe matter begets life, life becomes single cells, single cells become strings, strings fork, strings interlace, mosaics form, and inevitably mycelial-like networks will form throughout the Universe."
"A personal creator of the universe exists, who is uncaused, beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and unimaginably powerful."
"The cosmos wasn't perfect, it was the creation or emanation of an ultimately good beneficent being, and it was created specifically with human beings' flourishing in mind."
"It could be that when it comes to the Big Bang, the sentence actually doesn't mean anything. It could be that the Big Bang was the place where time itself started."
"Allegedly the echo from The Big Bang itself is centered around 963 Hertz, known as the frequency of the Gods."
"We looked into the very early Universe for the first time and had no idea what we were going to find. It turns out we found something so unexpected it actually creates problems for science."
"If A of T is an expanding function of time, that's called an expanding universe."
"The only time Israel will no longer exist is when the sun, the moon, and the stars will no longer be there."
"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
"The universe witnessed a stunning cosmic expansion before the Big Bang, doubling in size at least 80 times in a fraction of a second."
"It's hard to ignore the obviously existing void; the fabric of space-time itself manifested and expanded simultaneously in all directions."
"The universe has continued to expand; more solar systems and galaxies are formed, and way more stars have been created."
"The universe wasn't the only one that popped into existence during the Big Bang."
"The universe could be repeating itself over and over again from The Big Bang to the Big Crunch."
"The only potential evidence of a universal collision that we've ever discovered is in the form of a cold spot in our universe."
"The universe had a beginning, and if there's a beginning, there must be a Beginner."
"Is the turning point now come when we must completely change our view of the cosmos and our own existence?"
"New World Views will come; nobody knows at the present time when we will learn how our universe really was created."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation is literally the afterglow of the Big Bang."
"The universe on the very largest scale almost looks as simple as an elementary particle."
"Astronomers now find they painted themselves into a corner because they have proven by their own methods that the world began abruptly in an act of creation."
"The eternal inflation theory... I think if correctly understood, it would be infinite in both directions."
"If there is a physically inexplicable coincidence of the fundamental constants of nature, this constitutes a phenomenon which very naturally invites explanation in terms of a cosmic scale designer."
"Tell me how the universe came into existence from nothing and by nothing, ex nihilo. I want to know."
"The remarkable thing...is that when the data finally came in and was carefully analyzed, they got kind of the shock of a lifetime that the rate of expansion was not slowing down, the rate of expansion was speeding up."
"Studying the physical universe, in particular cosmology or astronomy, is certainly a way of getting closer to understanding God."
"Regions of the universe where gas clouds become so cold that atoms come together and make molecules, and molecules come together and make dust... this dust ultimately makes planets and life."
"Advances in astronomy and cosmology have established that the material universe had a definite beginning in time and space, suggesting a cause beyond the physical or material universe."
"The universe is just one thing; it's right there in the name. 'Uni' is one; 'verse' is turning. We have this one turning thing we call the universe, and it's just one mathematical object."
"Everything that begins to exist must have a cause; the universe began to exist; therefore, the universe must have a cause."
"Maybe this landscape of different possible ways to get down from ten dimensions to four dimensions all take place somewhere out there in some large cosmological multiverse."
"The cosmic egg...is a wonderful creation mythology."
"Every atom in your body... was created inside of a star."
"The larger picture of the universe and the connectiveness of all things."
"You are simply a continuation of these elements: everything is in you, so you can talk to them, and you know that you are the world, you are the cosmos."
"Accelerated expansion of the universe completely unexpected."
"This dark energy is the thing we really have to understand."
"The observable universe is estimated to be a mind-boggling 93 billion light years in diameter."
"The universe is still expanding... but within pockets in space, there are local motions where galaxies come together."
"The reason the universe was created is because of the Big Bang."
"The universe has not been here eternally; it's not eternal and self-existent but rather it had a beginning."
"The universe is not slowing down... the universe accelerates."
"The most probable universe is flat. That's all it takes."
"The universe has turned out to be surprisingly simple."
"The evidence supporting the big bang cosmological model is overwhelming, and anyone who says otherwise objectively has no idea what they are talking about."
"Our best idea for what dark matter might be is that it's some kind of subatomic particle."
"Either the astrophysics we have today is wrong, or perhaps the cosmology is not completely right."
"Dark matter certainly exists, or as certain as you can be in an experimental science like cosmology."
"The science of cosmology is new, or at least what we know about it is very new. It really dates to well after Hubble."
"The universe is suffused with these relic photons from the Big Bang that we call the cosmic microwave background."
"The universe right now, 14 billion years after the Big Bang, is much lumpier than it was in the very early universe."
"The detection of the cosmic microwave background radiation in the 1960s, I think, kind of transformed the field from being one that was full of speculation."
"The future of the study of our universe, the future of cosmology, is very exciting because we have plenty of wonderful mysteries to pursue."
"Let me ask you a question: Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered how the universe works, how does it operate, what truly happened at its creation, and when will it die?"
"Cosmology is that subset of astronomy that deals with the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole."
"Astronomy sells, and in particular, cosmology sells...these are, as I say, the grandest questions."
"The universe may be the ultimate free lunch; its total energy is zero. It's a flux, it came out of nothing, but fortunately for us, there's a positive component to the energy."
"The remarkable thing is, when we see some degree of order today, it actually is a remnant of the extraordinary order that for whatever reason was in place at the time of the Big Bang."
"All right, I am not going to tell you the entire history of cosmology; we're going to get straight to the point. The point is the expanding universe and the geometry of the expanding universe."
"The universe was expanding but that the pull of gravity was pulling things back together and therefore decelerating it. We now know that that's not the case, and the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate."
"If the laws of nature change in a way that makes that helps us explicate where they come from, it must be before the Big Bang. There must have been a world before the Big Bang and the Big Bang must have been an event which changed the world, not the beginning of the world."
"If the strength of the Big Bang had differed at one part in 10 to the 60th power, the universe just would not exist the way that it does right now."
"Now here's the exotic model that I put forward a few years ago, which I call conformal cyclic cosmology."
"The Big Bang...confirms that [the universe began to exist]."
"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. The atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust."
"The universe was vastly smaller than we ever would have thought in the context of conventional cosmology, and that means that before inflation, there's plenty of time for the universe to smooth out."
"Every moment around us there is a world that we did not create that's been there for 13.8 billion years...and you realize I'm not doing any of this...so why exactly am I the one that's in charge of what's unfolding in front of me?"
"Quantum theory has this wonderful property of stretching these tiny quantum fluctuations from very small scales to bring them up to macroscopic and cosmological scales."
"God upholds the world and carries the universe along to its intended destination."
"We're one step closer to perhaps resolving the crisis in cosmology."
"The death and end of a previous universe could have laid the very foundation that created our own."
"The universe itself began from a singularity, which is a single unimaginably dense and hot point."
"Penrose's theory basically states that our current universe did not simply emanate from nothing but was, in fact, the product of a dead past universe."
"The universe doesn't exist in multiple dimensions all at once but instead exists in phases, with the death of one phase giving rise to the birth of the next."
"Penrose's conformal cyclic cosmology theory remains highly debatable in the science community."
"The singularity that resulted in the Big Bang existed in nothing but contained everything."
"Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang."
"The universe is running out of energy. If it was eternal, it would have run out of energy a long time ago."
"We measured the oldest light in the universe... we took the baby picture of the universe."
"The fun thing was that we had all assumed ever since the time of Hubble and Einstein that the universe would be slowing down... but the surprise was that instead of slowing down, it was actually speeding up."
"Dark energy might be the force pushing the universe and making it expand faster."
"A civilization is also a cosmology; it's your idea of where you are in the universe."
"In the beginning, there was only darkness, an endless expanse of emptiness that stretched beyond the infinite. And then, suddenly, there was everything."
"This universe, which earth is a part of, was designed as a 360 degree mirror hologram."
"The carbon and nitrogen in your body were made in stars that died."
"We can put all this physics together and we can chart out what we think of as the history of the universe."
"Eventually, there will just be one star left, and it will basically get to the end of its life...and it fades into the darkness."
"The other infinity that we've got is the infinite time ahead, and we want to know whether or not that is the true end of the universe."
"The physical world is said to have an underlying foundation or substratum, a fundamental reality that’s the very fabric of existence out of which the universe is woven."
"The best solution on the market to why the cosmological constant is small is the anthropic principle."
"It's an exciting prospect to truly change the way that we think about cosmology at a fundamental level."
"If you're actually interested in how the universe works and some simple things that truth seekers are interested in, then I think you'll like this video."
"The universe is flying apart and is everything will be gone. It's better, it makes the fact that you and I are here chatting so much more amazing to me."
"In the beginning, there was nothing: the universe was formless, void, and in chaotic darkness."
"We're entering a golden age of astronomy and cosmology."
"The theory of the Big Bang is a very solid theory."
"Dark Energy we don't really understand what it is, but it's a negative repulsing effect that pushes galaxies away from each other."
"The universe could end up tearing itself apart in a big rip."
"The universe wouldn't rip apart but would become dark, cold, and lifeless if dark energy turns out to be constant."
"The universe appears to be exquisitely designed for the emergence of life."
"Dark energy is this invisible force that is everywhere in the universe and is partially responsible for speeding up the expansion of said universe."
"If there were multiple or infinite universes, there would be enough chances that one or more are bound to have the necessary things to create life."
"Parallel universes may exist... there's a good chance they exist."
"Scientists have determined that the universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old."
"So why is the universe the way it is, how did life begin, and how might it end? Many of us have asked these questions at some point."
"I believe in the existence of an uncaused cause of the universe and everything that exists, which is intelligent and all-powerful."
"The question of how to fit together our understanding of gravity, space, time, and cosmology with quantum physics is central to modern physics."
"Galaxies are so incredibly massive that they can attract one another from millions of light years across space, sometimes getting close enough to collide, producing new, larger galaxies."
"The universe is expanding... the distance between two objects at fixed coordinates gets bigger because the metric is expanding in the spatial directions."
"The notion that we occupy neither a central nor privileged position in the universe is called the Copernican principle."
"Our planet and our universe must have at least one non-typical quality - they must have been able to produce us."
"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark... there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves."
"The universe is the ultimate free lunch, but on investigation, it turns out tax and tip are not included."
"The universe could have been ugly, messy, random, but it's gorgeous."
"Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Big Bang was not an explosion, but the rapid expansion of space and time in all directions."
"The universe is expanding and some of the edges of the visible universe are slowly disappearing from our view."
"Our current understanding of the universe is a little bit too primitive. We assume that it was isotropic, it was same everywhere, but it seems to be a lot different, actually a lot different."
"The early universe itself is once again a lot more mysterious than we initially thought."
"Multiple universes are just as tenable, according to the math, as zero universes."
"If you're thinking cosmologically, multiple universes is a tenable interpretation."
"The big bang theory suggests that the universe has been expanding from a finite beginning point where not only matter and energy but time and space itself began."
"We are living inside a giant black hole which has a horizon."
"Our search for life in the universe is not really a search for life itself, but rather the marks, the scars that life imprints upon the cosmos."
"It's about understanding the real origins of the universe, probably the biggest question you could ever hope to answer."
"Simply put, it will help us understand how the universe works."
"The CMBR serves as the strongest experimental verification of the Big Bang Theory so far."
"The universe began...in this awesome expansion and explosion of space and time and energy."
"Dark energy, which we've only discovered in the last decade and which dominates the universe, is significantly more enigmatic."
"Dark energy is the term given to a mysterious unknown portion of the universe's energy not classifiable as matter, radiation, or dark matter, which is attributed to the accelerating expansion of space."
"We are on a path toward a spaceless, timeless, non-material, incredibly powerful, exceedingly wise mind as the best explanation for the beginning of the universe."
"The universe continues to expand, and isn't showing any signs of collapsing."
"Our universe has zero spin, zero charge, zero mass energy. Our universe came out of nothing."
"The universe is actually expanding. So not only is it vast, but in fact, the space itself is getting bigger every single day."
"The Big Bang and the cycle of expansion and contraction could be the giant heartbeat of God."
"96% of the universe is either in the form of dark matter or dark energy, which is just a fancy way of saying there's some physical phenomena that we don't understand."
"All of this that you are perceiving is one universe; like this, there are infinite universes."
"We also see supermassive black holes in very distant galaxies where the light has taken so long to get to us that we're seeing them when the universe was only 700 million years old."
"We used to think Earth was special and unique. It wasn't. We have one universe... Why should there only be one? Be open to the possibility."
"The universe is expanding. What is it expanding into? Well, the universe by definition is all the things. It's everything."
"Our universe has no boundary, it has no edge, it has no beginning or end in space, and there is nothing outside of it."
"Gravity seems so familiar and so everyday, and yet it's this incredibly esoteric abstract subject that has shaped the way we view the universe on the largest scales."
"Thanks to these gravitational waves, we can finally explore mysteries of cosmology in a completely new way."
"End of the universe: Thus will end our universe, not with a bang but with a whimper. No amount of struggle could beat the laws of physics."
"The most straightforward interpretation of the data and the mathematics suggests that the universe may continue to expand forever. Forever is a kind of funny concept... an idea where time wouldn't literally end, but enroute to that eternity, everything that we know about will end."
"The unlikeliness of our existence, cosmologically, individually, genetically... is so vast."
"If there's an energy suffusing space uniformly, it gives rise to repulsive gravity, repulsive gravity to push everything apart."
"God is the best explanation for the origin of the universe."
"God is the best explanation of the fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life."
"The universe is more like a great thought than a great machine."
"Gravity is losing its grip to an unseen force called dark energy."
"Sacred geometry literally means the sacred measure of the Earth."
"The reigning theory is that it all began in a sudden expansion of space... the big bang."
"The first cause argument says that a being greater and more complex than the Universe, what we call God, caused this Big Bang and set the creation of the world into motion."
"Domain walls...cosmic strings, monopoles...are all examples of topological defects in cosmology."
"Unanswered questions about dark matter and the early universe unsettle our understanding."
"Logically speaking, with infinite stars, infinite planets, infinite universes, you will also have infinite possibilities."
"Infinity evoked the formless chaos from which the world was thought to have emerged."
"This discovery was groundbreaking because prior to this scientists believed that the gravity of matter would end up at least slowing the expansion of the universe."
"The energy released was greater than all the lights being given out by all the stars in the universe. The wave rippled through space at the speed of light."
"Gravity sculpts the universe, warps space and time; it's a fundamental force of nature."
"If you’re alive, hearing this now, then in my opinion you’ve a better than 50/50 chance of having your name remembered and recorded until long after this bright star we live around burns out."
"Understanding the relationship between black holes and star creation deepens our knowledge of the universe."
"I believe that we're living in a multi-dimensional universe and there's at least 11 Dimensions."
"It's pretty safe to say that we have no idea what a black hole is, what's going on inside or if it's something else completely."
"Understanding how the early universe was born, especially right after the big bang, it's pretty cool. That's 13.8 billion years ago. Yeah, we're basically, we made a time machine."
"In terms of the universe, if we were to gain knowledge of, like, what dark energy is, and how it works, we may alter the current narrative of how it will continue to evolve."
"The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy."
"So this very important fact that the universe is expanding today means that as we go backwards into the past, all of the pictures that we saw going backwards into the past, the universe was not only younger but it was also smaller as well."
"As far as we can tell, the greatest structures in the universe today originated as star clusters, evolved into galaxies, formed clusters of galaxies, and ultimately coalesced into superclusters of galaxies."
"Everything we know represents just five percent of the universe."
"The universe seems to be perfectly made for us."
"The twin discoveries of dark matter and dark energy have thrown cosmology into turmoil."
"Will we ever find it you have to accept the evidence and if it turns out that I wasted my life working on the wrong hypothesis is so be it what I really want to know is what is the universe made of."
"Dark energy is now the dominant property of space."
"There should be many more earth-sun systems than the numbers of grains of sand on all beaches on earth."
"What do you think about the origin of the universe? Let's hear your thoughts in the comments section below."
"The universe is exponentially increasing with time, accelerating due to dark energy."
"All the other galaxies of the universe will have passed out of view because they will be so far away that they will be traveling at more than the speed of light."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation is the historic relic of the high-energy photons at the very beginning of time."
"These three forces we think then there may be the possibility that they unify at some early epoch in the history of the universe."
"Scientists want to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang here on Earth, aiming to reveal extreme properties of the early universe."
"The universe itself has no center and everything within it is actually moving away from everything else."
"All the matter in the universe was drawn into this little tiny dot and it's spun faster and faster."
"Isn't it far more special from ours perspective to value truth investigation and discovery about the real facts of our universe?"
"Everything came from not even Lawrence Krauss Krauss in his book a universe from nothing."
"We are the original people of the universe inside."
"In principle, you can see the birth of the universe."
"The universe has not always existed, it had a definite beginning."
"But essentially they all boil down to two main overarching types of multiverses."
"That's the weird thing, is like when you think of space and time, like the reason we have multiverses..."
"Studying Supernova is not only about understanding the spectacular events but also about understanding our place in the universe"
"Talking about what happened before the Big Bang is like talking about what is north of the North Pole; it's a nonsensical idea."
"Dark energy is the term given to the invisible force that is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe."
"We start in a little tiny region of that graph and everything we know follows from that."
"The information contained in the pre-inflationary universe didn't have to travel the speed of light. It traveled at the speed of inflation."
"The discovery of the Big Bang was one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time."
"We're a part of the universe, and when we ask about the origin and evolution of the universe itself, we're really asking questions about the origin and evolution of ourselves."