
Cyclical Patterns Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"You really need to understand history because history has a tendency to repeat itself."
"Evolving the Past - We are on Spin Cycle, with Past Energies and Storylines Showing up Globally and Personally."
"History actually repeats itself...because human stupidity never changes."
"Looking back over the last 500 years of history, we can see this cycle that empires go through."
"It's like a cycle where violence begets violence and nothing ever really changes."
"We look to history to give us guidance to the future. We remember the past so that we are not doomed to repeat it. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes."
"In a lot of ways, we have life imitating art, imitating life, imitating art. It's a never-ending cycle."
"We human beings are cyclical creatures, so you know we all have the same life cycle, very similar cycles in our lives."
"Humans keep doing the same crap over and over again and I'm here for it."
"They build you up to just knock you down. I think that's the machine of Hollywood that we all see a pattern with all these people."
"Everything in life is cyclical. Music is cyclic. We have to go somewhere, there's tension and then there's release."
"History has certain patterns, doesn't mean that good things are going to come of those patterns right away."
"We were built to fall apart then fall back together."
"The Internet really does expose a lot of very cyclical human behaviors."
"Everything in the universe is cyclical. Life follows a pattern of growth, decline, and then growth again."
"Life is cyclical. Death is temporary, paving the way for the continuation of another life."
"Everything is cyclical. Understand history, and you'll understand the present."
"It's always gonna be this up and down. It's always gonna be this on and off."
"Everything moves in cycles... stock market cycles... economic cycles."
"The cycle ends here, we must be better than this, come back to the beginning."
"The pendulum is swinging, you know. It always has to come back to the center."
"The three simple steps: the rise, the top, and the decline."
"The mysterious artifacts confirm ancient legends and stories which describe human history not as linear but cyclic."
"If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it."
"History doesn't repeat itself but it sure as hell Rhymes."
"Until we come to understand the actions of the people who set off the chain reaction, we're doomed to perpetuate it until oblivion..."
"I like the whole history repeat stuff. I love everything about it."
"History doesn't usually repeat itself but it often rhymes."
"It seems to be the defining pattern of your history fall then rise again I wonder of this points to an underlying weakness or an underlying strength."
"Those who do not learn from their past are doomed to repeat it."
"There's a disruption to like the Kuiper belt or the Torrid meteor shower comes through on this cyclical basis every 13,000 years."
"I've lived long enough to know that [ __ ] does always come around."
"The market moves three steps forward two steps back."
"The Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic nature of the universe."
"Mark Twain is often quoted as saying history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme."
"Until you break that denial, you're stuck in a cycle that gets exponentially harder to escape."
"The story isn't over. You're going to keep going around in circles unless you show up different."
"Everything is just one big circle and it all makes sense at the end."
"History does repeat itself with different characters."
"One of the things I was talking about in this has to do with completing the past unless you complete the past we will continue to repeat the past which keeps that karma going."
"I have basically zero doubt that that's the same cycle we will see again this time."
"I believe we come and we boom and we come back together boom."
"Remember patterns tend to repeat themselves."
"Mars at the heart of the Sun, which is a once every two year thing; that’s like one day every two years, and it overlaps almost perfectly with the new Moon in Libra."
"The cycles repeat themselves, the patterns repeat themselves."
"It sounds like a very isolated person who fell into the Trap the cyclical trap of I want to break out of this cycle."
"The ocean always puts you back on the beach."
"A seasonal pattern or seasonality... has regular peaks and troughs."
"There's an ebb and flow to everything."
"Everything goes back here, everything goes back there, everything because that's a great piece of art that describes cyclical trauma."
"History, while it does not repeat itself, it does rhyme."
"Life is a series of loops and circles and roundabouts."
"It's funny how things are cyclical in that way."
"Everything always comes back around."
"Men learn from history is that one never learns from history."
"I think there's a circular nature to history."
"I'm a student of history, sir. The world moves in a circle like a roulette wheel."
"History being cyclical, a snake eating its tail."
"Moral panics tend to have a circular nature."
"Goods are not only commodity but also human nature and periodicity."