
Industry Strategy Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"If we're looking at Microsoft specifically, the closer alignment they have with PC in terms of features...that's actually of massive benefit to Microsoft."
"The best thing you can do in this industry is to be independent, have your own leverage."
"Fox's bid to extend their lease on the license for the fantastic four is even a running joke in Arrested Development."
"Every single big name in this industry has some sort of offer that is fueling the fact that they have a personal brand around them."
"While it doesn't look like we're getting many groundbreaking brand new titles, January is the month Sony finally makes a strong step into the PC market."
"It's about making something that people want to play."
"Investing into areas not necessarily their forte: the cautionary tale of Crytek."
"The most exciting part about this: they pawned off the remake so they can focus on a bigger game."
"I think we're gonna see content droughts. Yeah, that's a double-edged sword."
"I thought this would make over a billion, dude, my enthusiasm level for this movie has just gone through the roof!"
"We need to do the 2021 version of what Scooter Braun does for Ariana or Bieber."
"Sony is actually going back to The Well of the PlayStation 4."
"If I see an artist and I feel like he next and we about to get some money off this sh*t, then we gonna have that paperwork ready for him."
"Patience is the game in this industry. The more patient you are, the more rewards you get."
"The label knows what they're doing and they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't benefit the bottom line."
"The most important word in Hollywood is 'no'."
"Netflix aren't giving up though in addition to cracking down on password sharing Netflix are betting big on video games."
"It's a fluid situation, a lot of studios that have experimented with day and date say that they're doing it only in sort of pandemic times."
"I don't think anybody can look at this and deny that PlayStation knows what the hell they're doing when it comes to getting people excited, man. First the DualSense, now this."
"It was never Blender's mission to beat Adobe, maybe that was the mistake."
"I think it's pretty clear that it started out as a smaller spin-off like Blood Dragon would have been and then they just thought, 'Lol, nope, we can spin this up into a full $60 game.'"
"Exclusive content was most likely one of the main factors responsible for positioning PlayStation as a leader in the world console market... Microsoft has no issue with that."
"Different is better than better. Look at everybody in your industry and see what are the things that you do need to hold on to, but then what are the things that you can be different to set yourself apart."
"Investment in exclusive content has always been very important for the competitive dynamics in the console segment."
"It shows that in the right hands, 32 megabits could give you damn near a Sega CD-like experience, making you wonder, did Sega pursue the right path?"
"Elon said if you're trying to compete with us you're gonna have to spend billions more because we have the data and you don't."
"It's the clarity from Microsoft versus the sort of vagueness a bit from Sony... that's all gonna change as time goes on I'm sure."
"If you remove artistic integrity from this situation, it's a win-win for everyone. A remake is a win-win for the developers because they already have a built-in fan base."
"They doubled down on single-player big-budget experiences and it paid off greatly for them."
"It's just easier for us to invest in the team and game more deeply this way." - Herman Hulst
"AMD focuses a little more on scaling up, like look, if we use chiplets, we can just literally make epic the equivalent of a 1,000 millimeter square die."
"Before all the gameplay reveals, Microsoft made sure to let us know that every first-party title is available through the Xbox Game Pass."
"Apple just had one goal that they're going for."
"It's not about stopping everyone from playing every video game. It's about giving each ecosystem its own identity."
"Bethesda understands the potential of Game Pass." - Xbox.com
"When it finally made its way onto VOD even more so, so I'm not expecting a huge opening weekend. The test is going to be if it can stick around until award season."
"As an advocate for EV adoption, I do think that dropping the proprietary Tesla connector is the right move for the company and its future."
"Sony's leasing the car right now, Microsoft's going out and just buying the fleet." - Ryan McCaffrey
"I think you should be focusing on building a fanbase, not worried about getting to an executive." - Scooter Braun
"So yeah maybe Universal can get one or two new projects done because they reached a secret agreement with the wga but it would eventually fall apart."
"As long as these actors want to keep collaborating with Ryan Murphy... it's a no brainer."
"You want to pick an industry where things get cheaper to buy the bigger you get."
"If Halo Infinite's a platform, we got Forza as a platform."
"This is a really good move. If Sony can crack this, it could open the gates for other lesser-known comic book characters."
"If you want to have franchises, you've got to start with great originals."
"That's the way to do it every single artist in the world should build leverage."
"The only way forward for Intel is to copy AMD and offer platform longevity for at least three if not four generations."
"Sony wants to push the agenda of hybrid VR titles, trying to get every developer on board."
"Honestly, honestly, I'll let you in on a secret. Don't tell anybody I said this, but we figured out how to just eat so much money. Uh, Hollywood in the internet like we're just running with it."
"If Universal wants to build a universe that's fine, they can do that, but if no one had done it before, I could get these kind of stops and starts."
"Microsoft's decision to make a strong push into PC gaming is clearly paying off."
"Final Fantasy 16 may end up replacing Forspoken as Forspoken may end up getting delayed into 2023."
"If we start getting more picky about the freight we choose to haul capacity won't matter as much anymore."
"Having a good social media presence is only a small part of what we do."
"The K-pop industry kind of has us right where they want us."
"Hollywood has been wrong about what will destroy them, and every time a supposed threat came about, when trying to take them down didn't work, they inevitably turned to the most obvious and logical solution: join forces."
"Hollywood's streaming-first strategy has primed the property for renaissance."
"Both Crunchyroll and Funimation have found ways to work within the anime industry."